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Govt approves construction of 7 stealth frigates, 6 nuclear-powered submarines

Once all these done fleet would look something like this:
3 Aircraft Carriers.
4 LPDs.
14 AESA stealth warships( Project 15A+15B+17A).
12 other stealth warships all with Brahmos ( not counting oldies as they will retire by then).
6 SSNs.
12-15 SSKs( majority equipped with AIP).
3 SSBN + other follow on Arihant class( number is not specified.
12 ASW corvettes ( Kamorta+ follow on kamorta as planned).
16 light ASW corvettes( 700 ton class).
6 Missile vessels ( 2000 ton class corvette).
Number of missile boats( number is not specified).

This with number of other auxiliary vessels like tankers and all.

I believe if we start inducting indigenous SSKs, the number of SSKs will be higher, near 20. As 12 will be brand new (Scorpene +P75), and 5-6 Kilo Class.
I believe if we start inducting indigenous SSKs, the number of SSKs will be higher, near 20. As 12 will be brand new (Scorpene +P75), and 5-6 Kilo Class.
Thats right but I think we should wait till they declare indigenous SSK program. Also I believe that number of SSNs may eventually increase and go upto 9-10 as also stated in one previous report few months back.
I always envied those Russian nuclear powered destroyers, is Modi listening. :D
You mean those Kirov type cruisers? I guess conventional AESA warships are enough to fulfil our requirements in near future
Thats right but I think we should wait till they declare indigenous SSK program. Also I believe that number of SSNs may eventually increase and go upto 9-10 as also stated in one previous report few months back.

For absolute denial of ocean routes for our adversaries at moment of crisis, we need around 20 SSNs and 6 SSBNs to deter our adversaries from making any stupid moves.
The New 6 SSN's are going to carry Brahmos too ........ which means it will be the same design as Arihant and so will be 6000 tons or more.

I suspect the new project 17A might carry Nirbhay missiles along with Brahmos, and Barak-1 and Barak-8 for protection. Considering the Indian Navy projects always had tonnage creep, this new Frigate should around 7000 tons fully loaded.
Let us be realistic here...... All most all our shipyards are running on capacity, how are they planning to complete this one on time?????

There should be plan to increase the capacity,hope they are working on it......
What happened to our LPD purchase?any update?
Ha ha ha !!! in one stroke MODIJI has turned around underwater capabilities, for the sake of our nation these Submarine must come on time then no one will dare to do any mischief in Indian Ocean.
@sancho any thought

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