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Government of Pakistan should declare a Jihad on the terrorists

^ US never interfered in Pakistan-India wars before, why would it now?

The only solution is for the Government of Pakistan to declare a Jihad on India, get the Muslims united to kick India out of Afghanistan for good then we'll see if there are any more suicide bombing in Pakistan.

Before India set foot in Afghanistan there was not a single case of suicide bombing inside Pakistan.
^ US never interfered in Pakistan-India wars before, why would it now?

The only solution is for the Government of Pakistan to declare a Jihad on India, get the Muslims united to kick India out of Afghanistan for good then we'll see if there are any more suicide bombing in Pakistan.

Before India set foot in Afghanistan there was not a single case of suicide bombing inside Pakistan.

Agreed, Omar don't bother with him, he is clearly high on something and cannot differentiate fact from fantasy.
Editorial: Counter-terrorism in a divided land

The suicide-bomber who killed eight Frontier Constabulary men on Margalla Road in Islamabad two days ago was successful because the man appointed as guard in the camp thought he could leave his post during meals. In 2008, the truck that blew up the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad had taken the heavily guarded “high-security” Margalla Road because the security force stationed there thought it could leave its positions to break the Ramadan fast. In both cases the force knew that an attack was imminent.

The state can multiply the police force manifold but unless the quality of its recruits is raised, counter-terrorism strategy will be a failure. Pakistan can get any amount of money if it wants to raise the quality of its security forces through better salaries and higher educational qualification. In Lahore at Manawan the police recruits said that they were not even properly fed during training. Only an educated and “rational” security person will know that he can’t leave his post during meals and that his religion allows him relaxation of namaz and fasting during a life-and-death emergency.

Today the fact is that Baitullah Mehsud can attack a Friday congregation in a mosque and still be trusted as a “good Muslim” by sections of the population and media but the security forces cannot be relied upon to prevent their faith from becoming an impediment in the fight against terrorism. When Baitullah Mehsud says he has not done a certain act of terrorism, he is believed, adding to the deception and savagery of the violence done in the name of Islam. The latest proof of his strategy of false propaganda came when he claimed the killing of 13 innocent people at a New York immigration centre this week. The killer was in fact a Vietnamese.

It has been observed in the wake of 9/11 that Muslim terrorists find it easier and strategically useful to attack and kill Muslims. Mounting a terrorist attack in the US after 2001 and in the UK after 2005 has been difficult. Attempts made by Al Qaeda since then have been unsuccessful although the terrorists succeeded in coming to Pakistan and taking their training and indoctrination here. Killing Muslims in Muslim lands produces sympathy rather than fear and loathing. Fundamentally it is public fear and loathing which leads to better counter-terrorism efforts. This has been proved by unsuccessful Al Qaeda attempts in the US, Europe and Russia.

As terror becomes widespread in Pakistan — another incident happened Saturday when some JUI activists closed down a dancing event in Larkana, and on Sunday morning at an Imam Bargah in Chakwal — sympathy for the terrorists has arisen in Lahore instead of declining. Sympathetic terrorist incidents aimed at closing down theatres and music shops have increased. The video showing the lashing of a 17-year-old girl has united civil society but divided the media and the intelligentsia. At least two leading journalists of a major newspaper group have illustrated the dilemma of a nation trapped in terrorism it can’t clearly define in moral terms.

Reacting to the Pakistan-wide condemnation of the Swat Taliban, the chief reporter of the said group warned that the nation was “thinking like America” and referred to Sura Nisa to prove that the whipping punishment meted out in Swat was right. By ignoring the question of “authority” — a fundamental condition under Islam — he asked the nation to accept the legal status of whoever it was who ordered the whipping. Another TV anchor who does a popular “monologue” programme pointed out that the Swat whipping had brought the “humanist-Islamic” divide in Pakistan. A pro-Taliban leader in Swat also said on TV that the “roshan khayal” (enlightened) elements of the country were aligned with America and their NGOs were leading the assault against Islamic values.

Despite the nation-wide condemnation, the whipping incident is gradually becoming victim of the national division over terrorism. Are we being killed because we are fighting America’s war; or are we dying because the terrorists want to take over the country? The media is heavily tilted along with the opposition politicians in favour of the first cause. Civil society is being heavily influenced by the TV channels and is becoming vulnerable to the rhetoric of retired army officers who say terrorism can’t be fought and the correct policy is to fight the Americans out of Afghanistan instead of fighting Al Qaeda and the Taliban out of Pakistan.

Terrorism has to be fought, if not as terrorism than as a law and order problem. If the state wants to survive it must raise a strong security force that will face the terrorists and lay down the law. *

Second Editorial: Uniting to kill Baitullah Mehsud

According to a reported intelligence source, “Pakistan and the US have agreed to stage a joint operation to kill local Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud”. The effort will include intelligence from Pakistan about Mehsud’s movements, with the aim of guiding a missile attack from an American drone. It is said that it took Pakistan time to persuade Washington to target Mehsud and abandon its earlier drone policy of not attacking elements who are not directly involved in raids across the Durand Line.

The Americans have likely agreed to cooperate on Mehsud after twice ignoring precise triangulation of Mehsud’s movement by Pakistan. The earlier American policy of letting Mehsud wreak havoc in Pakistan was flawed. His men literally drove NATO supply logistics out of Pakistan by attacking the truck convoys outside Peshawar. His men also spread from Khyber to Orakzai to Kurram and were able to increase Mehsud’s capacity to challenge America in Afghanistan and, finally, inside the United States. He is in his early 30s and dangerous precisely because he has acquired power without the maturity to use it judiciously. Before he goes down, he is bound to do a lot of damage to both Pakistan and America.

What Baitullah Mehsud is doing together with his master organisation Al Qaeda is global terrorism. If he is killing Pakistanis today, tomorrow he will be killing others all over the world. Pakistan can tackle him but lacks the technological capacity and funds to prepare itself for the job. It is joined with the advanced nations of the world in the fight against global terror, more or less like it is united with the world against such endemic diseases as polio and smallpox. Had Pakistan refused to join the world against the latter two diseases, a large percentage of its population would have died by now. *

I have a suggestion that may severely limit and maybe even eliminate the main weapon of Suicide Bombing used by the terrorists against Pakistan.

All suicide bombers are motivated by two things, either a close tragedy like killing of the immediate family in an act of war or for the sake of money that is given to their surviving heirs after they blow themselves up at the designated mark. If the suicide bomber is identified, his or her entire remaining adult family members (mother, father, sister, brothers etc) should be picked up by the government authorities and then incarcerated in the severest possible manner including death by hanging for the males etc. This will to the least make the personal cost of committing such an act above and beyond ones own personal twisted beliefs. The cost of committing the act of suicide bombing should be made so high that even the most dedicated should think 1000 times before they commit to such a heinous crime.

I most certainly realize that the above is a cruel, dispeakable act of barbarism on part of the state in normal times. But unfortunately we are not living in normal times and sometimes to remove a growing cancer that threatens your life, you have to cut off the limb that is infected!
^ US never interfered in Pakistan-India wars before, why would it now?

The only solution is for the Government of Pakistan to declare a Jihad on India, get the Muslims united to kick India out of Afghanistan for good then we'll see if there are any more suicide bombing in Pakistan.

Before India set foot in Afghanistan there was not a single case of suicide bombing inside Pakistan.

And why does India need to be in Afghanistan to be able to initiate suicide bombings in Pakistan? If RAW is as good as you guys think, they should be able to do the same thing from India also. For me, RAW is very inefficient, compared to what it should be.

And what is all this religious fanaticism about uniting muslims against India? You still fail to understand that your religious fanaticism has led you to the grave mess that you are in.

Gen Zia Ul Haq legacy lives on!!!!
It is high time for the formation of a CLASSIFIED, TOP SECRET and ELITE highly armed and mobile unit with state of the art capabilities for surveillance and counter surveillance and which should consist of retired and/ or serving officers from the ranks of Pakistan Special Forces units from all three defense services. The single aim of this unit should be to pre-empt and neutralize any terrorist or threat that is aimed at the disruption of normal life and towards causing physical harm to the general public at large. This organization has to be a top classified unit with having access to all the GoP assets (military and paramilitary) and its members should not only be ghosts but it should report to a singular office of the Prime Minister or President of Pakistan.
It is high time for the formation of a CLASSIFIED, TOP SECRET and ELITE highly armed and mobile unit with state of the art capabilities for surveillance and counter surveillance and which should consist of retired and/ or serving officers from the ranks of Pakistan Special Forces units from all three defense services. The single aim of this unit should be to pre-empt and neutralize any terrorist or threat -
Yeah, it might work militarily, but if you only concentrate on that without providing new ideas about what Pakistan is, these troops will create a resentful populace, yes? Whether they succeed or fail, the PM or prez will certainly be blamed. And how long do figures with public hatred focused upon them live in today's Pakistan?

There's gotta be some reason for Pakistan other than armed force. There has to be moral authority. The Taliban can claim it by imposing sharia as their great cause. What has the GoP got in comparison?
Yeah, it might work militarily, but if you only concentrate on that without providing new ideas about what Pakistan is, these troops will create a resentful populace, yes? Whether they succeed or fail, the PM or prez will certainly be blamed. And how long do figures with public hatred focused upon them live in today's Pakistan?

There's gotta be some reason for Pakistan other than armed force. There has to be moral authority. The Taliban can claim it by imposing sharia as their great cause. What has the GoP got in comparison?

The Taliban have proven that political solution is not a suitable option to them. And besides, if we allow them political growth, we will face further danger of population alienation in the areas where they are. Simply put, you do not allow a cancer (Taliban) to grow hoping your anti-bodies (Political Solution) will eventually destroy them the natural way! To remove a cancer you have to take drastic measures even if that means severing the cancerous area from the body! The suggested elite unit will serve as the tool for such a crucial operation.

The 'moral authority' for Pakistanis (more powerful than the touted Sharia) is the constant damage being done to our peaceful social fabric by the suicide bomber menace created by the Taliban!! The Taliban have shown to only believe in the language of violence and extremism, we need to speak the same dialect in order to get the message across once and for all!
The 'moral authority' for Pakistanis (more powerful than the touted Sharia) is the constant damage being done to our peaceful social fabric by the suicide bomber menace created by the Taliban!!
So do you agree with Aggy that letting the Taliban misrule Swat is an essential step towards getting the GoP loved by comparison? That's pretty sick, and it may be effective, but it assumes people won't seek out independence and new alliances as an alternative. That, after all, is what Bangladesh did under pressure in 1971.

Why should the same mistake be repeated? Is there no other choice?
So do you agree with Aggy that letting the Taliban misrule Swat is an essential step towards getting the GoP loved by comparison? That's pretty sick, and it may be effective, but it assumes people won't seek out independence and new alliances as an alternative. That, after all, is what Bangladesh did under pressure in 1971.

Why should the same mistake be repeated? Is there no other choice?

The dynamics of separation of East Pakistan is not applicable in this situation! The two are absolutely separate scenarios with not necessarily the same solutions!

Avoid the historical analogy and deal with the question at face value if that's more comfortable-

"So do you agree with Aggy that letting the Taliban misrule Swat is an essential step towards getting the GoP loved by comparison? That's pretty sick, and it may be effective, but it assumes people won't seek out independence and new alliances as an alternative."

Ask yourself if Swatis aren't developing a new learned behavior. To whom over time will these people give their allegiance? The state?

The GoP and P.A. have abandoned them. Perhaps you're satisfied that no young teen girl was whipped. I understand she's recanted her story. On pain of what, of course, is certainly yet to be known as is how such a story came to past involving her at all.

Still, is it upon this event that we need to judge SWAT? Not at all for those who've watched this tragedy unfold-most of all, the Swati who've drawn their own conclusions.

Surrender to the new sheriffs in town or die.

Simple, clear, swift justice-just the thing for the Swatis. They're so much happier now.

Meanwhile, the roadmap to the rest is now clear. If state authority can be eroded and dissolved in SWAT, it can continue elsewhere...and shall.

Its time for us to protect our interests only, I think we don’t need to be involved in anther conflict. We must convince USA to stop Indian terrorism and divide Afghanistan. Pushtun areas should be governed by Pakistan and rest of the areas can be independent or controlled by Iran else we are in a position to threaten US that if we stop their logistics they will be dead meat.

Pakistan has to emerge as a power with considerable influence in south Asia. With friends like Bangladesh and Srilanka we can form a south Asian block to improve cooperation and ensure security to our people.
The Quran says.

And what has come over you that you fight not in the cause of Allah, and for those weak, ill-treated and oppressed among men, women, and children whose cry is: “Our Lord! Rescue us from this town of oppressors, and raise for us from You one who will protect, and raise for us from You one who will help.” [You should know that] those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve, fight in the cause of Satan. So fight against the friends of Satan. Ever feeble indeed is the plot of Satan. (4:75-6)

It is clear that Jihad should be waged against the oppressors to rescue the oppressed and to root out injustice and oppression.
Being the oppressors the TTP are siding with Satan against Allah's creations and even if these terrorists claim to be Muslim, being oppressors they are the devil's own.
Dont use relegion to fight relegious extremism, it would one day turn around at you. Use statehood to fight these guys, fight for Pakistan.
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