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Government of Pakistan should declare a Jihad on the terrorists

declaring jihad on terrorists will create lots of confusion in the general public mind as to who is the real terrorists, remember terrorists can show themselves as good people where as they are not, this situation will result in the killings of lots of innocent people in our Nation, thus this situation will get out of control very soon and the concerned authorities will not be able to handle it anymore, thus in the end this decision will push Pakistan in a state of civil war.:angry::crazy:

And believe me Pakistan is nothing like any other country in this world we are a nuclear power and have lot of modern weapons and loads of members of the general public poses weapons, these are some good weapons not just ak's, and we will not like to see people roaming our streets and holding weapons, this cannot be allowed in any case, and should be avoided at all costs.:what:

Declaring Jihad does not mean we start arming civilians and send them Taliban hunting.
It means to attribute our Army's fight as a Jihad against terrorism.
Our Army is being bombarded by TTP propaganda and retarded Mullahs as waging the war of US on its innocent civilians and sadly many people are confused as to who is right and who is wrong.
This move should be aimed to counter this false propaganda and take them on the one ground where no one has assaulted them yet.
Its not like we are starting a witch hunt; we all know the TTP leaders and their reps. The target is not hiding all the time but is holding territory and terrorizing all and sundry on a daily basis!

Already TTP are going everywhere with all guns blazing and bombings in every city so how much worse it can get?

Isn't it odd that always it is the members of Jirgas, Law enforcement agencies, armed forces, political reps and their supporters etc who are targeted by the suicide bombers whom the propaganda claims are not Taliban; but the victims are always people who are in direct conflict with TTP!
For gods sake even funerals are being bombed by them.

If we do not believe in our cause then it is a lost cause.
Declaring Jihad does not mean we start arming civilians and send them Taliban hunting.
It means to attribute our Army's fight as a Jihad against terrorism.
Our Army is being bombarded by TTP propaganda and retarded Mullahs as waging the war of US on its innocent civilians and sadly many people are confused as to who is right and who is wrong.
This move should be aimed to counter this false propaganda and take them on the one ground where no one has assaulted them yet.
Its not like we are starting a witch hunt; we all know the TTP leaders and their reps. The target is not hiding all the time but is holding territory and terrorizing all and sundry on a daily basis!

Already TTP are going everywhere with all guns blazing and bombings in every city so how much worse it can get?

Isn't it odd that always it is the members of Jirgas, Law enforcement agencies, armed forces, political reps and their supporters etc who are targeted by the suicide bombers whom the propaganda claims are not Taliban; but the victims are always people who are in direct conflict with TTP!
For gods sake even funerals are being bombed by them.

If we do not believe in our cause then it is a lost cause.

Jihad has a very wide spectrum, TTP are few in number i donot think it would be feasible to ask the army to get rid of them, instead intelligence agencies should be used to first collect information and then pass it on to the concerned authorities who will take action but wut really should be done in my view is this:

"Kill their commanders the rest of them will fall apart and without any orders from their commanders targetting them will be easy":tsk:
There are other agencies in the world that think they are the best, yet they have failled to find Bin ladden for the last 8 years.

The argument that the ISI can't find and "neutralize" Baitullah Mehsud in Pakistan IS NO DIFFERENT THAN the CIA inability to find bin Laden is hogwash. If the CIA had full access to Pakistan, as does the ISI, the CIA would have found bin Laden years ago, IF he is still alive. The ISI supposedly has excellent links and understanding of the movements in FATA. Mehsud gives telephone interviews! It is pure incompetence, or it is willful obfuscation, that the intelligence services of Pakistan have not located Mehsud by now.
The argument that the ISI can't find and "neutralize" Baitullah Mehsud in Pakistan IS NO DIFFERENT THAN the CIA inability to find bin Laden is hogwash. If the CIA had full access to Pakistan, as does the ISI, the CIA would have found bin Laden years ago, IF he is still alive. The ISI supposedly has excellent links and understanding of the movements in FATA. Mehsud gives telephone interviews! It is pure incompetence, or it is willful obfuscation, that the intelligence services of Pakistan have not located Mehsud by now.

TruthSeeker, do not read too much into the excellent links of ISI.
As any agency would do the same, ISI has tried to plant men in these areas and in these organizations.
However it is always a double edged weapon and does not guarantee a solution to every problem.
Mehsud needs to be taken out soon and both Pakistan and USA should realize it by now.
Of course onus lies on Pakistani agencies since it is our security which is completely threatened by Mehsud and his flunkies.

USA has torn many a lives asunder in pursuit of Bin Laden so failure to capture him cannot simply be pinned on Pakistan alone.

It is a big question mark as to how much USA had access to in terms of Intel gathering in Pakistan, i can safely say that it was not a case of USA having zero intelligence assets in Pakistan. After all USA has the finest intelligence gathering agencies and is operating through some bases in Pakistan.

No denying the fact that it is Pakistan's job to hunt and eliminate Mehsud on priority.
well..this is an excellent suggestion and if implemented can have some good results .

having said this , I will like to point out the incapability of GOP to provide security and to fight against Taliban. The real problem here is homegrown support to the terrorist in Pakistan. With kind of support the Taliban receives from locals and few people from state agencies like ISI , Pakistan can not win the war .

One of major thing we forget here is that Taliban is an Ideology and it cant be put to an end just by killing people . If you want to call for jihad , call it against the ideology of Taliban. If moderate muslims in pakistan are empowered then only can we won "war against terror".
I dont know about jihad but i do know its time to kick some A$$ and kill these bastards there is not time to waste as every day the clock is ticking time to take care of business ASAP time to clean up the nasty trash from the country ..
Thanks for writing this thread and the support of your arguement proves that majority of the people are sane at this forum.

Here are some comments that I would like to make after seeing some responses.

1. GoP can't close the border alone because it is not only financial but also an issue tied to the drug trade. Closing the border means that drug trade will also be impacted which is not acceptable to very powerful drug lords.

2. CIA has other plans for Pakistan so there will be no support from the US to close the border or to capture Mehsood. There is no proof that Mehsood is hiding in Pakistan. He could be in Afghanistan.

The big question is, how many of us are taking action?
Pakistan Army's entire ideology is based on Jihad. Visit any Infantry barracks, you'd see Quranic verses written on them. Visit any Armored vehicle or tanks,You'd see versed written in there control panels. Helicopter cockpits or fighter cockpits, all have surah's and quranic verses in them. Why is that? It's because our forces are spiritual too along with being deadly. We have the right to declare Jihad on these taliban ****heads more than anyone else in the world. So please dont judge our country and its forces. Im thinking youve lived all your life in states and have never visited pakistan or understood the backbone of our forces. Its Islam!!

" So please dont judge our country and its forces. Im thinking youve lived all your life in states and have never visited pakistan or understood the backbone of our forces. Its Islam!!"

Excuse me!

For your information I am from and have lived in Pakistan and traveled to various cities.

Second of all, I am not "judging our country and it's forces" they way you infer, it's the illegitimate and incompetent Government of ours who I said have no moral authority and legal authority to be declaring a Jihaad, the party in charge today are filled with people who are not dedicated Musulman's but westernized individuals and some who are alcoholics...Hardly Muslims...So these people in our Government, you know, the people who make the decisions, cannot declare a true and legitimate Jihaad in accordance with Islamic practice.

Now the Pakistani Army sure can declare a Jihaad, in fact Allah would encourage Muslims to declare a Jihaad and shed their blood and embrace Shahadat...I know about the Quranic verses our soldiers have in their barracks...This is why I refer to the PA as the Mujahideen quite often.

If the PA is going to declare a Jihaad they must get an official fatwa and have the support of prominent Islamic scholars and Imams, to give some legal clarification and approval, no big deal.

But don't tell me Zardari and his PPP can declare a Jihaad...!

Another thing Tomb, don't insult my intelligence understand.

I have emphasized in many posts about the need for GOP to make a very organized and comprehensive attack on the terrorists in all forms possible.
I think it is high time that we take a much more direct approach to the problem.

I believe it is time that GOP should declare a Jihad on the terrorists and openly announce it!
I want to see a telecast presentation by our government exposing the facts of the organized massacre carried out by TTP and their associated groups and leaders. They should be declared heretics, anti Muslim, evil and sowers of death and destruction.
Fatwa should be taken by well known and courageous Ulema from across the world and Imam Kaaba should be asked to give his consent as well.
This shall do much to damage the TTP propaganda of following Islam.

We should be told what the government intends to do and to what extend will it go to save people from these terrorists.
In return government should tell people to keep faith and help government in all ways possible.

This is needed to make all Pakistanis realize the trouble we are in and what we need to do and at the same time stir some emotions and instill some backbone into the masses and agencies alike.

An open WAR needs to be declared on TTP (and all terrorists) because regardless of any peace agreement their barbarism is not being curtailed.

Our cause shall be just and the protection of innocents is the best form of Jihad in Islam!

On top of this some basic things come to my mind.

1) Press should be firmly warned not to air/print such terrorist organizations interviews etc. This is causing nothing but confidence surge in the terrorists.
Utterly pathetic thing being done by our media.

2) Emergency AT cells should be created and an emergency number given to people to call in case of any suspicion or terrorist activity. Top agencies and personnel should head the cells and react to every call while keeping tab on the caller as well.

3) To support the AT cells, rapid response forces should be present in all the troubled, sensitive and threatened areas with minimum time to deployment and helicopter support.

Do let me know what you guys think as i have been dwelling on these lines since months and getting quite frustrated at our Government's meek stance and almost apologetic statements in face of TTP's false religious propaganda.

good idea but it won't happen with this government
it will only happen with a non-corrupt one [basically when the army takes over]

Muslims and people reading history should ask this question to themselves----what if this insurgency had taken place at the time of Caliph UMAR---what would have happened---we do know the answer----every male would have have been executed and some of the female leaders as well---and the rest of them expelled to far away places.

How about this same incidence during the Abassid calip rule---possibly every single member male---female--adult or younger people---executed---put to sword---the place brought down to rubble and all mention of it wiped off---.

How about the same incidence at the time of the Great Hajaj bin Yousuf---the mullahs would have been wetting their pants and dare not dream of such a thing---

How about at the time of mughal empire in hindustan---all the adult males would have been severly tortured---mutilated---their bodies chopped up in pieces and hung on public display----the woman and younger students all of them would be slaughtered as well---the seminary raised to the ground---any body having a soft spot for the radicals would also be executed---.

How about at the time of Amir Abdur Rahman of afghanistan----most of the adult would be killed---all the younger members boys girls and women would be executed---all the senior members and surviving leadership---would be put up in steel wiremesh cages---hung on public displays---till they died and the carcass and bones left in the hanging cages for public display..

Thsi insurrection should have been ruthlessly suppressed and an example made out of it right from the word go----pakistan has paid a very heavy price for not doing what a nation was supposed to do.

How about this incidence happening in the U S of A---like David Koresh---possibly the complex lit on fire and all inside charred to death---any men women and children taken into police custody and passed through psychiatric evaluation.

Muslims and people reading history should ask this question to themselves----what if this insurgency had taken place at the time of Caliph UMAR---what would have happened---we do know the answer----every male would have have been executed and some of the female leaders as well---and the rest of them expelled to far away places.

How about this same incidence during the Abassid calip rule---possibly every single member male---female--adult or younger people---executed---put to sword---the place brought down to rubble and all mention of it wiped off---.

How about the same incidence at the time of the Great Hajaj bin Yousuf---the mullahs would have been wetting their pants and dare not dream of such a thing---

How about at the time of mughal empire in hindustan---all the adult males would have been severly tortured---mutilated---their bodies chopped up in pieces and hung on public display----the woman and younger students all of them would be slaughtered as well---the seminary raised to the ground---any body having a soft spot for the radicals would also be executed---.

How about at the time of Amir Abdur Rahman of afghanistan----most of the adult would be killed---all the younger members boys girls and women would be executed---all the senior members and surviving leadership---would be put up in steel wiremesh cages---hung on public displays---till they died and the carcass and bones left in the hanging cages for public display..

Thsi insurrection should have been ruthlessly suppressed and an example made out of it right from the word go----pakistan has paid a very heavy price for not doing what a nation was supposed to do.

How about this incidence happening in the U S of A---like David Koresh---possibly the complex lit on fire and all inside charred to death---any men women and children taken into police custody and passed through psychiatric evaluation.

You have hit it right on the spot, MastanKhan

Throughout Muslim history we find examples of the state punishing such miscreants with most severe punishment.
Even in Islamic law (as per actual practice in the past) the severest punishment was deemed necessary for rebels/miscreants who create rift in the function of the state and try to terrorize and establish a pernicious hold on the society.

Regarding the counter argument about how pious a government needs to be in order to declare Jihad then according to my understanding most of the Muslim governments were also not as pious/pure as the early caliphs and even the early caliphs had some political opponents within their peers.
However the anti state elements were neither tolerated by the citizens nor by the governments.

What i am trying to say is that i fully understand our government's corruption but in this case we should be focusing on the cause and not who is in the government.

If we as a people today are not as pious as our forefathers, it does not mean we cannot pursue a noble struggle.
All Green,

You are correct---the govt and govt emmissary has nothing to do with being pious. It is an elected govt of the islamic republic of pakistan and even if it was not---didnot make any difference either. It is a historical fact of muslim history that anarchist have been put to sword regardless of who they are, what they support, by the existing govt functionary.
at least i 'ill be dam ready for the job(JIHAD against talibans)!:angry::smokin:
lets teach them a lesson!:sniper:
any one else? want to join action?:azn:;):pakistan:
at least i 'ill be dam ready for the job(JIHAD against talibans)!:angry::smokin:
lets teach them a lesson!:sniper:
any one else? want to join action?:azn:;):pakistan:

You are the man, batmannow.
Spirit and backbone needs to be instilled in the masses to face this threat.
We should do a Jihad on India, we never had any problems like today before India made its prescence in Afghanistan.

Anyone can tell me where was suicide bombings in Pakistan before India made its prescence in Afghanistan.

Pakistan was in a much better state before India came rushing into Afghanistan.

We should do a Jihad on India and anyone else who dreams about breaking Pakistan.

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