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Gorshkov to be handed over to India by Dec '12

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No it will come up with CADS-N-1 Kashtan CIWS

That was for sure, I know it will come with Kashtan CIWS, but I was talking about the air defence SAMs it will feature.
why?????? don't you read the post i quoted....?
yes I read, to answer your concerns I will have to give you the budget of Indian state for FY2010 for what I will go off topic here.

I am not even sure that you will be even up for it. If you are up for a brain storming analysis on what we spend of defence and what we spend on poor and stuff, you need to come to that thread...

Makes sense? if it still doesnt makes sense then read teh bold part in your post.

ya you can afford because you are investing almost 90 percent of your huge economy into defence, leaving 70 percent of your population bleow poverty line.

Tells me whats your outlook level.
Yes i do what India have in carrier battle group :rofl: few ships equipped with Baraks and Russian SAM and their range is not more than 50km
whereas C-802A range is 180km and harpoon range is also 150km+ and both these missiles are highly accurate.

No honey it will equip with Brahmos supersonic cruise missile escorting by Like shivalik class FFG & Delhi or Kolkata Class destroyer also K-152 & Arihant (ATV) Nuk. Submarine which equip with K-15 750 km and Agni - III(3500km) SLBM. :pdf:
Yes South Asia is poor...
25% Indians, 24% Pakistanis, 36% Bangladeshis and 23% Sri Lankans live under poverty line according to CIA Factbook. But what is the need of bringing it up in each and every thread?

ask yourself...you people also bring Pakistan financial limitations in defence expenditure in every thread...though this is not that powerful factor.....
India invested nearly 3 billion$ (not included2-3 billion$ mig-29k deal) on AC which can carry only 12-16 fighter jets. :rofl:

If i have com i will definitely take risk with 10-12 fighters to destroy this white elephant.

1 JF-17 with EW pods.
2 mirages with Harpoons
2 JF-17 with C-802A
5 jets for escort and to engage Mig-29Ks.

history lessons for you..........

pakistan tried to take down india's carrier in 71 with its(only) american submarine.....look up what happened ....the submarine still lies in indian waters......


you plan to engage an aircraft carrier with 12 aircrafts......

1)the carrier itself has 16 mig 29k's.....
2)second-the carrier is gonna be guarded by other ships which will have air defences.....
3) you must be foolish to think that india would use the carrier for pakistan coz-you share boundries with us....
4)pakistan does not have a naval aviation wing(fighter aircrafts)....so you should remember that your airforce would be short of aircraft to meet the su30mki,mirages(more advanced ones than yours),jaguar,mrca aircrafts.......

so i do believe you should consider everything else into consideration before just getting excited and posting your wishful scenarios
yes I read, to answer your concerns I will have to give you the budget of Indian state for FY2010 for what I will go off topic here.

I am not even sure that you will be even up for it. If you are up for a brain storming analysis on what we spend of defence and what we spend on poor and stuff, you need to come to that thread...

Makes sense? if it still doesnt makes sense then read teh bold part in your post.

Tells me whats your outlook level.

lolzzzzzzzzzzz nice for you people to think that we are purchasing something hahahaha...in reality some poor children start crying and start asking for putting pressure on the countries from which Pak is going to purchase defence equipments...

As far as you defence budget is concerned...seriously if you ask any economist then he would only say misallocation of money....bcz india is to big and one of the world largest population bearing country...which spends 90 pc on defence and remaining on all other things.

sorry to go off topic..
ya you can afford because you are investing almost 90 percent of your huge economy into defence.

Yes i do what India have in carrier battle group few ships equipped with Baraks and Russian SAM and their range is not more than 50km
whereas C-802A range is 180km and harpoon range is also 150km+ and both these missiles are highly accurate.

Yes i do what India have in carrier battle group :rofl: few ships equipped with Baraks and Russian SAM and their range is not more than 50km
whereas C-802A range is 180km and harpoon range is also 150km+ and both these missiles are highly accurate.
Heard of ship-launched BrahMos? 290 Km. Have you heard of something called Carrier battle group or CBG? Here, for your general information:

Carrier battle group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Haven't you heard one liners are not allowed in PDF? Go read the rules. Post reported.

you must also read them first...as trolling is also not allowed....

Gorshkov will come with Barak-1 ADS , and there will be no PDS (like Kashtan-M) till 2017 .
Reason is due to failure of CIWS Kashtan that was initially offered (Missile engagement & auto tracking by CIWS radar failed ).

Russians offered improved kashtan-M , but commercial negotiations were never done for this new system . So when it comes up for a upgrade in 2017 , when Barak-2 VLS will replace barak-1 . We would also install Kashtan-M .

And frankly
With Shitil-1/Buk on Krivak3
2 x A630 + Barak-1 complex on Shivalik
2+2 A630 + Barak-1 on kolkata .

Do we need point PDS protection for Gorky , i say get barak-MR . that's it done

whereas C-802A range is 180km and harpoon range is also 150km+ and both these missiles are highly accurate.

rather than posting rubbish .....first go and read some thing about missile defense systems on indian navy ships.....
lolzzzzzzzzzzz nice for you people to think that we are purchasing something hahahaha...in reality some poor children start crying and start asking for putting pressure on the countries from which Pak is going to purchase defence equipments...

As far as you defence budget is concerned...seriously if you ask any economist then he would only say misallocation of money....bcz india is to big and one of the world largest population bearing country...which spends 90 pc on defence and remaining on all other things.

sorry to go off topic..
I have nothing to say...

Keep consulting with the economists who say its a misallocation.
may be you can consult with them for your economy, who knows you can see some result.
Guys, we've ordered a totla of 45 MiG-29Ks from RAC while the Vikramaditya can hold only 16 fighters. Are you sure its that low because Carriers haveinner berths for storing fighters in two groups.

I also read somewhere that it can hold 30 fighters. Please clarify.
Guys, we've ordered a totla of 45 MiG-29Ks from RAC while the Vikramaditya can hold only 16 fighters. Are you sure its that low because Carriers haveinner berths for storing fighters in two groups.

I also read somewhere that it can hold 30 fighters. Please clarify.

other then 16 will be use for shoe base operation and yes it can hold 30 plane. 16 a/c, and rest ASW & utility helicopter and some
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