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It is mostly because of you guys. The general attitude of Persians here is overally very negative and direspecting. When you talk in that way, there will be of course people who will respond. First you have to respect, then except to be respected. This is after all not an Iranian forum where you guys always do these things while receiving no responses, neither allow it.

You yourself were crying some days ago that Era was praising Turkey. You have no right to talk like that.

If Persians here want a Iranian mod that will protect them while they freely say whatever they want, then I must say that this is not a good idea.

The biggest troll of them all shows up

First of all stfu with all that nonsense. TabrizAzeri is someone else's proxy account not a seperate user (you know who it's). And everything was started by you and Ottoman Turk. Heck, the rest of the Turks here aren't even that bad. You and that *** clown OT started all this bull ****. How many troll threads have you posted?

And nobody gives two stinking farts about what a fascist grey wolf thinks.
You constantly say things like "animal kurds" and use similar adjectives for Armenians.

People like you are the reason why there is so much hatred here.
One thing an Iranian mod should definitely do:

Keep an eye on TuranKhan, Atawolf and ASQ-1918. If they start trolling again in the Iranian section, or open all kinds of useless topics about Azeris, they should be banned. Zero tolerance policy.
The biggest troll of them all shows up

First of all stfu with all that nonsense. TabrizAzeri is someone else's proxy account not a seperate user (you know who it's). And everything was started by you and Ottoman Turk. Heck, the rest of the Turks here aren't even that bad. You and that *** clown OT started all this bull ****. How many troll threads have you posted?

And nobody gives two stinking farts about what a fascist grey wolf thinks.
You constantly say things like "animal kurds" and use similar adjectives for Armenians.

People like you are the reason why there is so much hatred here.

I would not bother any of you if you did not bother to insult us, or post BS about us. The issue of ethnic Azeri Turks, their rights are not avoidable but there is not much sense to try to discuss this issue with you people anyway as it is in fact equivalent of discussing with a block of wall, so I would rather not bother.

Maybe you can't see but as I said, the general attitude of Persians here is very disrespecting, when you act like that, you must except responses in the same manner.

BTW, you guys are also extremely racist against Turks (including us) and even more to Arabs. This racism actually is a part of the Persian culture. Degenotary terms such as "Torke Khar" is a basic example, a term that all Persians has at least once used in their life. You don't have the right to accuse others of "racism".
BTW, you guys are also extremely racist, specially against Arabs.

Should I go through all your 'Iranians are gypsies' posts? Should I? I have spotted at least a dozens of insulting posts from your side towards Iranians. If there is one man on this forum who is uncivilized, unrespectful and racist, its you. Did you forget this topic for instance?


You came trolling, called that Iranian wrestler a gypsy, etc. You are just one big troll. No respect for you. You should be dealt with.
Sometimes I may get angry, and that is just that, I don't really mean it. On the other hand, racism is part of the Persian culture unfortunately.



Good question, maybe himself?
Good question, maybe himself?

I really have no idea, almost every Iranian here has the potential. While if a similar Turkish account shows up, everyone know who that is.
Sometimes I may get angry, and that is just that. But racism is part of the Persian culture unfortunately.

Angry because an Iranian wrestler won gold? Why did you came to that topic, called that guy an gypsy, etc? Why even bothering?

Wait, let me go through your racist posts:

''Abii, the Fars gypsy, how many times are you going to repeat it while you receive your response all the time. These people are only from little border towns, and they go to Iran because its much cheaper there with Azerbaijan's currency. If you were not the Fars gypsy which you are, you would read what you post more correctly, as it exactly notes it in that article.''


''If someone wonders why I hate these gypsies, it is enough to look at examples in this forum, including this user "twilight".


''You Persians and other Iranians are bunch of gypsies.

To write animal Kurds and Azerbaijani Turks in one sentence and talking about "Iranic" BS is just disgusting. Yes your kin are cultureless monkey Kurds. Go and be proud of your animal brothers, but don't even fcking talk about us you moron.''


''This is our history, Karabakh and not only Karabakh but whole of Armenia is our traditional lands, you are bunch of gypsies that always was on run from other lands.''


Should I continue?

You talking about racism? Get the phuck out of here, dude. You are the biggest racist and pig on this forum.
All of that is only angry moment responses against trolling of Persian members here, unlike you people, we don't say "donkey Turk" or "lizard Arab" in our culture.

If it is about finding examples, then you can also find plenty, I bet much more of Persian members here, and including you yourself.

Anyway, this is not the subject, the subject is the wrong and disrespectful attitude of Persians that creates such atmosphere.

I really have no idea, almost every Iranian here has the potential. While if a similar Turkish account shows up, everyone know who that is.

Well, even that guy is irrelevant. Many of other Persian members here does not lag behind that guy. IranZamin was crying here a while ago about why some other Iranian member here was supposedly praising Turkey. These guys are just full of hate.
All of that is only angry moment responses against trolling of Persian members here..

Angry moments? Are you some kind of bipolar idiot? Nobody was trolling in those topics. You came, for instance, out of the blue in that Iranian Olympic topic, making all kinds of unsportsmanlike posts, calling Iranian sportsmen gypsies, etc. There was no justification from your side to do that.

You are racist, and a lowlife thug. Calling Kurds and Iranians animals is disgusting.
How funny to be accused of that by one of the biggest racists on this forum, as I said you can find plenty of your own examples. And even now you continue to be offensive and rude.

Anyway, lets not divert from the topic.
How funny to be accused of that by one of the biggest racists on this forum, as I said you can find plenty of your own examples. And even now you continue to be offensive and rude.

Anyway, lets not divert from the topic.

The difference between me and you is that you come to this topic, acting with a moral high ground, calling us racist, why you are the biggest racist around here. You called Kurds non-human animals.

Like I said before: STFO.

And many more Turkish members have these racist tendencies:


It is amazing how nationalist these gypsies are. Being treated like animals, yet still dare to speak about 'civilization'.

Like i said before, history is all good but it is time for you come back to reality, sometimes...


Ahahah, nothing like a jealous gypsy with inferiortiy complex...



hahah , iranians are famous for being hairy and look like gypsy in the world



''Where is here? Kurds were living in Persian land not in Byzantine land you Iranian half-breed. Try to read a book. Kurdish identity has first formed in 13th century. Before that god knows who they were, Arab, Persian, Gypsy, God knows.''


I could go one for ages. I rest my case.
You are presenting those as if they've been said out of blue, without a reason. I'm strongly behind my words, next time giving lectures about civilization and accusing others with being barbarians or stealing history, at least live in a civilized country where people can enjoy at least, a little bit freedom.

Btw, who is Tabriz Azari? I'm really wondering...
How many times have you called Iranians gypsies TurAr? With or without a justification; you can't deny that its hypocrite that some members call us racists, while on both sides such things have been said.

An Iranian mod is needed so things can be cooled down on this forum, and Iranians and Turks begin to speak to each other in a civilized manner.
How many times have you called Iranians gypsies TurAr? With or without a justification; you can't deny that its hypocrite that some members call us racists, while on both sides such things have been said.

An Iranian mod is needed so things can be cooled down on this forum, and Iranians and Turks begin to speak to each other in a civilized manner.

Less than some of you've called us as Mongol. But i don't take it as an insult, it doesn't bother me. Being a gypsy shouldn't bother you as well. It is not an insult nor it is a racist.
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