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Goldman Sachs downgrades India, says rupee can hit 65 to dollar

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Yes we do have a manned Space progfram under development.Pathetic troll,do Pakistan oops South Korea have an SLV??

First, India need to get its GLSV MKIII working first. Than it can worry about sending man to space. If GLSV MKIII launch fails, than it will set back Indian space ambition by a long time. In another word, forget about sending man to space by 2020.
The real growth of GDP must be accompanied by the natural & real appreciation of the underlying currency to make a healthy sense. The newest textbook example is China/Yuan.

Otherwise, the “growth” of GDP is a scam, a trap. A textbook example is India/Rupee.

The reason for that is simple:

When a country, such as China, grows healthily, it produces better quality AND more quantity goods/services are so hughly competitive in the international market that others fight to import. Hence it exports more and better goods/services, under the mechanism its currency becomes intrinsically stronger. As a country it likely will become a creditor and as an individual an average Joes becomes richer. This is the natural healthy growth process of how Britain, USA, Japan, Germany and more recently China etc did it. This is how Western Europe and “Asian Tigers” did it. The hallmark of each of these success stories has been a naturally strong currency. At their height, Pound, USD, Yen, D-Mark and increasingly Yuan were/are so strong that have been taken as major reserve currencies around the world.

On the other hand, it’s rather easy to identity scammers such as India. Ask yourself who the heck wants Rupee?

The main reason is that India produces goods/services which quality are so low that few countries are interested in – basically it produces sh!t. Hence it tries to export mainly sh!t, and of course basic raw materials fresh out of the earth.

“High” GDP growth on paper is easy for India, because it fcukes like crazy having one of the highest birth rates on earth, hence to feed runaway population growth india will grow more rice, which was invented by the Chinese btw and passed on to India through SE Asia, and it will grow more tea – again invented by the Chinese and passed on to India thru SE Asia together with its mandarin pronunciation “Cha”, and it will do more fishing using ancient “spider-net”– a simple tool invented by the ancient Chinese and passed on to India thru AS Asia (yes, Indians’IQ were and still are not even sufficient enough to create their own humble daily fishnet...and they want to go to mars, oke, that's another story)… all these help a high GDP growth on paper… but the low quality process is undesirable.

That’s why despite a look-good GDP growth on paper, in total contrary to China, India has both double account deficits, apart from double digit inflation on virtually all levels. That’s why there is no hope for the forseeable future and its collapsed economy is acutely and fairly reflected through its collapsed currency – Rupee in the int’l market. Singing "China doom"all you want, but it can;t hide the truth of Chinese Yuan FOREX rated in internatinal mkt for the last 2 decades - the true strengh of Chinese economy when asking people put money where their mouths are. That’s real reason why as a GDP growth India is a scam, as a country India is royally fcuked, and as people Indians are THE single largest hungry group on the face of earth which leaves the most hungry ones of Sub-Saraha Africa in remotely second position - all facts! Now tell me about mars...?

In the India 2030 video, a rupee note can exchange for stacks of British pound. And the white waiters only accept rupee for tips. And the taxi drivers only take rupee. Maybe someone should show the currency traders, and economist and Goldman Sachs that video clip.

In the mean time, guess who is going to win the election in India base on India's exaggerated economic growth. The Indian politicians invoke policies base on election cycles. Instead of doing what is best for its people.
The real growth of GDP must be accompanied by the natural & real appreciation of the underlying currency to make a healthy sense. The newest textbook example is China/Yuan.

Otherwise, the “growth” of GDP is a scam, a trap. A textbook example is India/Rupee.

The reason for that is simple:

When a country, such as China, grows healthily, it produces better quality AND more quantity goods/services are so hughly competitive in the international market that others fight to import. Hence it exports more and better goods/services, under the mechanism its currency becomes intrinsically stronger. As a country it likely will become a creditor and as an individual an average Joes becomes richer. This is the natural healthy growth process of how Britain, USA, Japan, Germany and more recently China etc did it. This is how Western Europe and “Asian Tigers” did it. The hallmark of each of these success stories has been a naturally strong currency. At their height, Pound, USD, Yen, D-Mark and increasingly Yuan were/are so strong that have been taken as major reserve currencies around the world.

On the other hand, it’s rather easy to identity scammers such as India. Ask yourself who the heck wants Rupee?

The main reason is that India produces goods/services which quality are so low that few countries are interested in – basically it produces sh!t. Hence it tries to export mainly sh!t, and of course basic raw materials fresh out of the earth.

“High” GDP growth on paper is easy for India, because it fcukes like crazy having one of the highest birth rates on earth, hence to feed runaway population growth india will grow more rice, which was invented by the Chinese btw and passed on to India through SE Asia, and it will grow more tea – again invented by the Chinese and passed on to India thru SE Asia together with its mandarin pronunciation “Cha”, and it will do more fishing using ancient “spider-net”– a simple tool invented by the ancient Chinese and passed on to India thru AS Asia (yes, Indians’IQ were and still are not even sufficient enough to create their own humble daily fishnet...and they want to go to mars, oke, that's another story)… all these help a high GDP growth on paper… but the low quality process is undesirable.

That’s why despite a look-good GDP growth on paper, in total contrary to China, India has both double account deficits, apart from double digit inflation on virtually all levels. That’s why there is no hope for the forseeable future and its collapsed economy is acutely and fairly reflected through its collapsed currency – Rupee in the int’l market. Singing "China doom"all you want, but it can;t hide the truth of Chinese Yuan FOREX rated in internatinal mkt for the last 2 decades - the true strengh of Chinese economy when asking people put money where their mouths are. That’s real reason why as a GDP growth India is a scam, as a country India is royally fcuked, and as people Indians are THE single largest hungry group on the face of earth which leaves the most hungry ones of Sub-Saraha Africa in remotely second position - all facts! Now tell me about mars...?

This is some what funny and pitiful comment coming from a chinese, You people have changed the whole meaning of "GDP".
You people fake every thing and how dare you scrutinize India GDP :).

China's GDP is "man-made," unreliable: top leader

China's GDP is man-made, unreliable: top leader | Reuters

Read from your own leader :lol:


close to one trillion is inflated in one year, this is close to 20 percent of your GDP?

And here you are with your attempts :).

The real GDP, economic and social welfare stats of Chinese are not known to the world and the all the stats.... I repeat all the stats coming out of China are manipulated to save CCP from common chinese citizen.

India have uplifted millions from the poverty and since we are a democracy transparency is there, where as chinese are known as slaves of CCP and they will come on forums boasting the cooked up stats online and earn their cents.

Regarding Chinese bubble and the present condition the below links are self explanatory.

Job cuts happening in China:

One-Third of China Shipyards Face Closure as Orders Slump

One-Third of China Shipyards Face Closure as Orders Slump - Bloomberg

China Rongsheng Halts Share Trading After Report of 8,000 Job Cuts

China Rongsheng Halts Share Trading After Report of 8,000 Job Cuts | gCaptain

Report: IBM may cut 500 jobs in China

Report: IBM may cut 500 jobs in China - UPI.com

Motorola job cuts spark ire in China
Motorola job cuts spark ire in China - News - BCBCD-The window of China

Sany job cuts signal Chinese slowdown
Sany job cuts signal Chinese slowdown - FT.com

Chinese build ports, airports, ghost malls , ghost cities and Ghost factories and add those figures to GDP rate and boast them selves

Ghost Cities

A video which explains about chinese concrete jungles near to Shangai and other remote areas, fact is 700 million people in China are less than 2 million perday and they cannot spend on these appartments and malls.
They built these concrete facilities and showed them as GDP growth rate and now waiting for some one to fill those places. which is not going to happen for years to come, going by the present chinese economy status.

Chinese ghost cities further hit by slowing economy - Australia Network News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Ghost malls:

World's biggest mall a China 'ghost town'

World's biggest mall a China 'ghost town' - CNN.com

First, India need to get its GLSV MKIII working first. Than it can worry about sending man to space. If GLSV MKIII launch fails, than it will set back Indian space ambition by a long time. In another word, forget about sending man to space by 2020.

At first try to learn the spelling,it is GSLV-Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle ,and an ordinary GSLV is enough to send 2 men to space,But ISRO want to send a much larger Orbiter,with three men crew and a week long mission,So we are doing that on GSLV Mk3,We would try to develop the orbiter by then,If you doesnt know the Payload of Gslv mk3 in 2014 is a prototype Orbiter for Indian Human Spaceflight program...
This is some what funny and pitiful comment coming from a chinese, You people have changed the whole meaning of "GDP".
You people fake every thing and how dare you scrutinize India GDP :).

China's GDP is "man-made," unreliable: top leader

China's GDP is man-made, unreliable: top leader | Reuters

Read from your own leader :lol:


close to one trillion is inflated in one year, this is close to 20 percent of your GDP?

And here you are with your attempts :).

The real GDP, economic and social welfare stats of Chinese are not known to the world and the all the stats.... I repeat all the stats coming out of China are manipulated to save CCP from common chinese citizen.

India have uplifted millions from the poverty and since we are a democracy transparency is there, where as chinese are known as slaves of CCP and they will come on forums boasting the cooked up stats online and earn their cents.

Regarding Chinese bubble and the present condition the below links are self explanatory.

Job cuts happening in China:

One-Third of China Shipyards Face Closure as Orders Slump

One-Third of China Shipyards Face Closure as Orders Slump - Bloomberg

China Rongsheng Halts Share Trading After Report of 8,000 Job Cuts

China Rongsheng Halts Share Trading After Report of 8,000 Job Cuts | gCaptain

Report: IBM may cut 500 jobs in China

Report: IBM may cut 500 jobs in China - UPI.com

Motorola job cuts spark ire in China
Motorola job cuts spark ire in China - News - BCBCD-The window of China

Sany job cuts signal Chinese slowdown
Sany job cuts signal Chinese slowdown - FT.com

Chinese build ports, airports, ghost malls , ghost cities and Ghost factories and add those figures to GDP rate and boast them selves

Ghost Cities

A video which explains about chinese concrete jungles near to Shangai and other remote areas, fact is 700 million people in China are less than 2 million perday and they cannot spend on these appartments and malls.
They built these concrete facilities and showed them as GDP growth rate and now waiting for some one to fill those places. which is not going to happen for years to come, going by the present chinese economy status.

Chinese ghost cities further hit by slowing economy - Australia Network News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Ghost malls:

World's biggest mall a China 'ghost town'

World's biggest mall a China 'ghost town' - CNN.com


The difference between India and China is that Chinese currency is appreciating and India currency is depreciating. So the articles you post are subjective. What counts is the currency trader's view of the currency. And their view of Indian currency is atrocious, to say the least.

At first try to learn the spelling,it is GSLV-Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle ,and an ordinary GSLV is enough to send 2 men to space,But ISRO want to send a much larger Orbiter,with three men crew and a week long mission,So we are doing that on GSLV Mk3,We would try to develop the orbiter by then,If you doesnt know the Payload of Gslv mk3 in 2014 is a prototype Orbiter for Indian Human Spaceflight program...

First, don't fail this month's launch. Otherwise, its back to the drawing board. This booster had been failing continuously.

How come whenever a thread with topic "Indian economy" comes, all Indians get their *** handed to them in debates? :lol:

Because people quote facts?
First, don't fail this month's launch. Otherwise, its back to the drawing board. This booster had been failing continuously.

Atleast understand difference between GSLV and GSLV mk3..:omghaha:
In the India 2030 video, a rupee note can exchange for stacks of British pound. And the white waiters only accept rupee for tips. And the taxi drivers only take rupee. Maybe someone should show the currency traders, and economist and Goldman Sachs that video clip.

Rupee is doomed.. All indians should start buying gold before that is doomed as well too... go indians go... your govt is begging you to buy gold to stop currency falling... LOL.. does any respectable govt asks its abroad citizens that? :omghaha:
Atleast understand difference between GSLV and GSLV mk3..:omghaha:

gslv mkiii is a redesign of the previous fail project. if this test fails, would you change your name to gslv mkIV?
Chinese factories are running low and some are even ghost factories which never operated to the full capacity:

Official data to signal more pain for Chinese factories

Official data to signal more pain for Chinese factories - CNBC

Sluggish demand hits Chinese factories, HSBC PMI hits 47.7 in July
Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Chinese stocks:

China Stocks World’s Worst Losing $748 Billion on Slump

China Stocks World’s Worst Losing $748 Billion on Slump @ Forex Factory

Demand slump hits China's factories

Demand slump hits China's factories | BevanCo

All in all, we are fed up with the chinese fake stats and CCP propaganda all these years, that bubble is about to burst and trigger an economic slow down that will be there for years to come to china.

The factories have done their damage to climate and the concrete jungles they have built have inflated their economy. If at this juncture if CCP fails to uplift the economy by hook or crook then China is in danger. People will go against CCP.
Rupee is doomed.. All indians should start buying gold before that is doomed as well too... go indians go... your govt is begging you to buy gold to stop currency falling... LOL.. does any respectable govt asks its abroad citizens that? :omghaha:

I know. If individuals have such ability, than Indian economy is in shambles. That is why no one need to predict about the collapse of Indian economy.
The difference between India and China is that Chinese currency is appreciating and India currency is depreciating. So the articles you post are subjective. What counts is the currency trader's view of the currency. And their view of Indian currency is atrocious, to say the least.

I have explained earlier that devaluing India currency will make our local market more preferable, than going for exports.
gslv mkiii is a redesign of the previous fail project. if this test fails, would you change your name to gslv mkIV?

Pathetic Idiot,atleast learn to use wikipedia:omghaha:

The rocket is the technological successor to the GSLV, however is not derived from its predecessor.

Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mk III - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And yes there is a gslv mk4,an upgraded GSLV mk3 with 2 more boosters and a semi cryogenic engine

Rupee is doomed.. All indians should start buying gold before that is doomed as well too... go indians go... your govt is begging you to buy gold to stop currency falling... LOL.. does any respectable govt asks its abroad citizens that? :omghaha:

But surely nothing can rival Pakistani Rupee

I have explained earlier that devaluing India currency will make our local market more preferable, than going for exports.

India is not devaluing its currency. Its the trader and investors do not have confidence in Indian economy. Trade is just a side affect of it. But I can guarantee you that India will not benefit from inflation will eat up the difference in currency. India need to revamp its economy.

Indians going bonkers with humiliation on this thread :omghaha:

Indians are not getting humiliated. They just have hard time accepting facts. But can you blame them, they need to brag away the reality.
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