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Goldman Sachs downgrades India, says rupee can hit 65 to dollar

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What a load of $hit,

First read the post what I have written, You leader and PM of China spokeh that GDP is not the measure and Chinese GDP figures are cooked up. Check that ....:lol:

Second regarding the GDP figures western economies who are in the mess also support the cooked up stats since they also have to show their people about trade.

Regarding Ghost towns as shown in the video there are Ghost towns and there are chinese 700 million who earn under 2 $ per day, it will take atleast a decade to fill those apartments and shopping complexes and by that time lot of changes will occur and the investments CCP is showing as gdp growth is a pure fake.

I have given the links which proves my claims and stop your nonsense.
Your arguments are retarded, acutely reflecting your Indian ultra low IQ, because you can't think.

You take "news" from the western mainstream political media for granted: they know the likes such as you can't think.

The western media have done this for decades to bash China for political purpose.

Compared to the width and depth faking of India's GDP, China's can be considered as a textbook rigurous example.

Will the western mainstream media care about India's faking of GDP? Not a chance, for i) India GDP is too irrelevantly small to be on anyone's radar, ii)they won't bash sub-sahara-like India,for the fear of being taken as "racist", iii) India is a cheap and dirty cannon fodder of the West in their efforts to go against their biggest competitor China, so why bother slam their own biiitch?

The "China fake GDP" news is in direct contradiction with srong annual growth of FDI in China, and real life financial data from Fortune 500 companies operating in China.

In a nutshell, China, as well as the US or Germany or UK, could fake some data, say inflating by 1& or so, yet not much. Why? because unlike you indians, the executives of Fortune 55 multinationals just like we high IQ people know how to verify the authecity of the ANY data, inflated or not, by looking at indirect but closely-related "un-fakeables" :

1. how much can you fake electricity, meat, vege, steel, etc raw materials consumption growth per cap? China could, but it has to fake as well the data of all the companies that it deals with located in US, Brasil, Australia, Japan... all the way to Europe. :omghaha:

2. how much can you fake white goods growth consumption per cap?

3. how much can you fake luxuary good consumption growth per cap?

4. how much can you fake chinese annual int'l tourist consumption growth per cap?

5. how much can you fake all the hard infras annual growth in the country?

... high speed rails, bridges, roads, airports, schools, hosoitals, stadiums, countless skyscraperse, etc... the anual growth of all these is tangible, and people can see and touch, unless you retard think they are all made by paper.

one step back, can you even fake the "ghost towns"? they are real things, not made by paper either.:hitwall:

6. how the heck can you fake China's annual imports growth?

7.how much can you fake the data of china's 3 trillion FOREX reserve annual growth data for 1Q, 2Q, 3Q, and 4Q? unless you retard fancy that all the money involved are fake, and China's major trading partners such as EU, US, Japan etc are all faking their data together to make a case?

8, how much can you fake the data of consumption growth per cap in China of vitually ANY big ticket goods /serives you can name of, being auto sales, int'l ship building volumn, computer sales, smart phone sales, telecom equips sales, green tech sales, motocycle sales, etc. etc. that can be verified to the last nail from real data in the Fortune 500 boardrooms?? unless China can convince the world to fake all data together?!


"un-fakebles" commecial data are endless. World's No2 economu can fake data in theory, but the scope is very very limited. Long before the politically-charged semi-economically-illiterate journos from places such as CNN could wake up to write a bash piece on China, World Bank, the UN, IMF, etc. countless independet int'l finanical institutions operating in China and/or depend the major part of their biz on China would have already raised the issue. where are they?

Of course low IQ trolls such as you can't figure out the "puzzles" of western mainstream media propaganda hit pieces, until intelligent people, by which I mean people like myself of course, spoon-feed you kind of retards one by one for entertainment :rofl:

All these major consumption volumn in China btw are usually at about 10 friggin times that of India, if not more. And you low IQ liar even have gal bullsh!tting that "India has more consumption than China". Go find a psychologist specialised on day time illusions due to low IQ or hunger or both, you piece of work need help!
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