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Golden Temple to provide 1 lakh meals daily for Kashmir : Punjabiyan di shaan vakhri

Firstly, Gurudwaras don't serve Non-Veg and secondly do u really think someone who is hungry would really care about religious sensitivities?

No need to give lectures to muslims about their religion. Second why should kashmiris take food prepared by a sikh religious organization, they can get ten times more food from pakistan if occupying indian army leaves kashmir.
They will eat roti/ bread while throwing the meat away.

Interesting thing is that now indian hindus will teach us about what muslims should eat in sensitive situations, the world is really near to an end :lol:
Unfortunately, post Zia's extremist doctrine, a lot of misguided Pakistanis do. And that's what makes them do things normal people dont. Including asking such questions in a thread about one community helping another one in need.

You know nothing... You are not an expert.... Your opinions mean nothing. Stop making a fool of yourself. The string of your posts on this thread is an exhibition of stupidity, ignorance, mixed with a good deal of rabidity.
I concur I'm debating with a ignorant who don't know an iota about muslim eating habits and how much they are sensitive about halal/haram meat. Everyone would restrain itself from eating if it's not a matter of life and death. Get back to me when you learn a few things about it from an indian muslim. Until then, don't quote me.
Hey.....Kashmiris have nothing to worry about haram/halal food.....because the food provided by Golden Temple is PURE VEG.
so no need to worry.
I hope now your worries about the muslim eating habits are vanished.
I concur I'm debating with a ignorant who don't know an iota about muslim eating habits and how much they are sensitive about halal/haram meat. Everyone would restrain itself from eating if it's not a matter of life and death. Get back to me when you learn a few things about it from an indian muslim. Until then, don't quote me.
Yes. I dont know an iota about Muslim eating habits and neither am I debating those. Just commenting on the idiocity of questioning the halalness(word is as stupid as the question) of the vegetarian food being sent as relief to the millions stranded due to floods.

And yes, it seems I am clueless about the Muslim food habits since I was under the impression that halal angle only applies to meat.
I can love the primate family which includes humans, monkey, chimps all together. I can go one step even farther to state that I love mamalian family because we all belong to mamalian family, there is no ending in being all inclusive one has to stop at one point to define one's actual identity. On a side note are you marvi sirmed I noticed some of your vocabulary matches with her vocabulary.

No one can define anyone's identity, and definitely not someone who is being overtly pretentious on the internet.
Golden Temple is helping people in need who have been stranded for days and without food or water.
You have never been struck by such an unfortunate event so don't condescend; you don't know what happens when your blood sugar drops and you are dehydrating in a 1m squared area on your roof in the rain for days.
So when the food does come, the survivors won't care if the langar is of Sikhism or Sufism, they'll just be thankful.
So stop trolling and get out.

@Chak Bamu please ban this fool
No one can define anyone's identity, and definitely not someone who is being overtly pretentious on the internet.
Golden Temple is helping people in need who have been stranded for days and without food or water.
You have never been struck by such an unfortunate event so don't condescend; you don't know what happens when your blood sugar drops and you are dehydrating in a 1m squared area on your roof in the rain for days.
So when the food does come, the survivors won't care if the langar is of Sikhism or Sufism, they'll just be thankful.
So stop trolling and get out.
I really don't understand what the eff people can find issue with in this gesture of humanity I honestly didn't think people could be this small, ignorant and pathetic enough to attack this gesture.

Sikhs do nothing but to copycat islamic sufi culture of middle east and central asia. The whole concept of "Langar" (distribution of free food at sufi shrines) was developed by muslim sufi orders of middle east, iran and central asia and was brought from there to pakistan and neighboring areas of india over the centuries. These sikhs are following our islamic rituals without having any deep knowledge of the origin of these rituals.
Sikhism has traits from many world religions considering it is the youngest world religion- we don't try to hide away from this but take pride in it.

Does that detract from what Sikhs do? Does that mean Sikhs should stop providing free food to anyone who comes into their Gurdwaras regardless of caste,colour or religion?
For all those worried about Haram / Halal issue and application to Muslims:

1. These issues are important, but can be disregarded to save one's life.
2. Expecting respect for these issues is not too much to ask.
3. I know people who willingly accept malnutrition rather than disrespecting the bounds set by religion. Therefore this can not be disregarded as a non-issue.
4. Kudos to Sikh community for doing a good service for fellow-humans. There are lessons in this to be learned by *some* Muslims who love to think of them above other people. No Arrogant SOB ever convinced another to become like him. That is why it was mostly Sufis who brought Islam to people around the world.

In these times of dire need for any kind of help, wonder if there is any more noble act than feeding the hungry.

There are lessons in this to be learned by *some* Muslims who love to think of them above other people.
There is a lesson for everyone irrespective of his/her faith. Sewa or service to mankind is service to Almighty.
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In these times of dire need for any kind of help, wonder if there is any more noble act than feeding the hungry.

The image in the post is a little demeaning. If it were me, I would be offering food, not handing it down. It is important to preserve the dignity of people who find themselves in a position where they have to accept help instead of giving it. Helping people in times of natural calamity is a privilege.
The image in the post is a little demeaning. If it were me, I would be offering food, not handing it down. It is important to preserve the dignity of people who find themselves in a positions where they have to accept help instead of giving it.
Please don't take it in that way. In langars at Gurudwaras, people sit down and are being served by volunteers. To accept the food in that manner is showing gratitude to one who is serving and respect to the food.

Helping people in times of natural calamity is a privilege.

As my late mother taught, If one gets to serve a needy, think yourself as a privileged one as God chose to help the person through you.
How is flood situation at other side of the border ? I am not hearing about it ..hopefully all is well

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