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Global Firepower - 2014 Ranks


Look dude, please don't do that... Really, there is no need to discuss 4. Germany 8. China

I can accept that if you start to produce military staff you can produce far better staffs then China but Chinese Army can clearly beat you NOW !

Needless to extend the discussion...


Look dude, please don't do that... Really, there is no need to discuss 4. Germany 8. China

I can accept that if you start to produce military staff you can produce far better staffs then China but Chinese Army can clearly beat you NOW !

Needless to extend the discussion...


Mate, i think both you and Bismarck has point.

Currently China can not project it's power overseas. Not with their one and only Carrier Battle Group.


And i don't know if it surprises you but we can pretty much kick Chinese CBG as well.

But Bismarck is evaluating Chinese military power from his POV. If Germany had been a neighbor of China. Than Chinese would face-roll German forces.

If we evaluate both countries military power independently, i would say China has the upper hand with a land slide.
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If we evaluate both countries military power independently, i would say China has the upper hand with a land slide.

Sinan, i am trying to tell him this thing you say, from the beginning...
i think tis is tottally they rank countries on numbers. they should be comparing it with the area or population density. Its common sense bigger the country the more the population and manpower available
Turkey will be building there LHD. Just a Model of the LHD of turkey would be building


They would build a new styled Frigate ( Looks like a Destroyer) The TF-2000

And they would be building TF 100 Frigate


5th Generation Stealth Jet by 2023 Turkey would be building this.

Turkey would be buying 100 F35A +16 F35B


  • tf-2000.jpg
    60.7 KB · Views: 50
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Turkey won't have 5th gen by 2023. The F-35 is not even fully operational while so many countries work on it. We will have descent 4th gen jet at best.
Mate, i think both you and Bismarck has point.

Currently China can not project it's power overseas. Not with their one and only Carrier Battle Group.


And i don't know if it surprises you but we can pretty much kick Chinese CBG as well.

But Bismarck is evaluating Chinese military power from his POV. If Germany had been a neighbor of China. Than Chinese would face-roll German forces.

If we evaluate both countries military power independently, i would say China has the upper hand with a land slide.

Brother, @Bismark has a shit assessment, leave the NATO and other group, and think scenario like one o one, because here we doing ranking.

The Germany not going to survive a day if a war broke out with China, or I say with India too. You cant a survive a whole overwhelming firepower with your limited more technological firepower. Germany cant even going to survive first-strike of ICBMs. They lost all technologies in that.

And on other note, if the China is not have a blue water navy, then sorry the Germans too dont have it. And there most advanced Diesel electric submarine not going to survive the attack from vintage nuclear submarine.

The technological advancement has its limitation, technological advancement play roles when you are 3 VS 2 or 4 VS 2, but not when 10 VS 1.

Here, we talking about China VS USA, USA vs Russia, India VS China, with all nuclear firepower. And still thinking of Germany, please we have to understand Europe supremacy over world is long gone.

Even I can say Germany cant even defeat Pakistan or Iran, leave alone China.
Brother, @Bismark has a shit assessment, leave the NATO and other group, and think scenario like one o one, because here we doing ranking.

The Germany not going to survive a day if a war broke out with China, or I say with India too. You cant a survive a whole overwhelming firepower with your limited more technological firepower. Germany cant even going to survive first-strike of ICBMs. They lost all technologies in that.

And on other note, if the China is not have a blue water navy, then sorry the Germans too dont have it. And there most advanced Diesel electric submarine not going to survive the attack from vintage nuclear submarine.

The technological advancement has its limitation, technological advancement play roles when you are 3 VS 2 or 4 VS 2, but not when 10 VS 1.

Here, we talking about China VS USA, USA vs Russia, India VS China, with all nuclear firepower. And still thinking of Germany, please we have to understand Europe supremacy over world is long gone.

Even I can say Germany cant even defeat Pakistan or Iran, leave alone China.

This limited more technology firepower keeps the Arabs up for years to attack little Israel. The limited technology brings Turkish Anka, MilGem, Cirit, SOM, T129, Altay to move. We have enough capacity to survive Chinese ICBM with our MEADS system. Yes, we don't have a blue navy. Yet. But if it comes to a war we can easily build ICBM, nuk-subs or a blue water navy. We have many restrictions because of WW2. Without these, we can build all stuffs which is needed to beat India or China easily.

Btw, to build a nuke is not a big deal. We talk about a 70 years old tech!!!!! But you are right ist not only technology. We have better trained/equipped soldiers. A better command structure. Better traines officer corps. I can give you the best MBT in the world. If you don't want to use right, you will lost in a battle. Their is nothing that you can oppose against us, except the man power. But that's not a enough to win a war.

Turkey will be building there LHD. Just a Model of the LHD of turkey would be building View attachment 33234

View attachment 33236
They would build a new styled Frigate ( Looks like a Destroyer) The TF-2000

And they would be building TF 100 Frigate

View attachment 33237
5th Generation Stealth Jet by 2023 Turkey would be building this.

Turkey would be buying 100 F35A +16 F35B

What @cabatli_53 want you to say is...

First picture is a Spain one. Second a German one and third a S. Korea one.
This limited more technology firepower keeps the Arabs up for years to attack little Israel. The limited technology brings Turkish Anka, MilGem, Cirit, SOM, T129, Altay to move. We have enough capacity to survive Chinese ICBM with our MEADS system. Yes, we don't have a blue navy. Yet. But if it comes to a war we can easily build ICBM, nuk-subs or a blue water navy. We have many restrictions because of WW2. Without these, we can build all stuffs which is needed to beat India or China easily.

Btw, to build a nuke is not a big deal. We talk about a 70 years old tech!!!!! But you are right ist not only technology. We have better trained/equipped soldiers. A better command structure. Better traines officer corps. I can give you the best MBT in the world. If you don't want to use right, you will lost in a battle. Their is nothing that you can oppose against us, except the man power. But that's not a enough to win a war.

What @cabatli_53 want you to say is...

First picture is a Spain one. Second a German one and third a S. Korea one.

Really, your reply showing your Nationalism, but not Realism. I always say, optimism is good, but not too much. If I am not wrong, MEADS are extended version of Patriot missile, bro, that designed for air-defence and for TBM and SRBM, but it cant intercept a RV which coming from Mach 34-36.

That not its work, you require a whole new ABM system.

And on other note, still you undervaluing the technological success of India and China. Yes you can develop ICBMs and Nukes, but not that simple as you thinking. ICBMs require whole technological achievement in rocket science, and I afraid you dont have that, even I say there is no German contribution in Ariane program besides funding, the whole Ariane program is technological successor from France even. So sorry bro, I have to say Germany dont have technology for ICBM, if Germany cant access the development of Ariane program.

Still, I say, you are too much undervaluing, the Nuclear Submarine is not diesel, you require whole new bunch of technologies, the Russian and American or even Chinese not come with there nuke submarine in one day, they working on it from many decades now. Creating a nuke submarine is one thing, and operationalizing in open water is other.

You cant become blue-water navy in one day, it requires time,and sometimes many decades. So, dont, dont overvalue your countries capabilities.
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LOL! They put Israel at 11 to make it look weaker and under threat when we all know they're in the top 6. :lol:
Limited Resources and Man power limits Israeli Military Ranking.
Israel's IDF is indeed a potent force that is self sufficient in self defence needs but Against US Russia China Britan France Germany India Turkey Japan South Korea? Israel Population , Industrial base and Economic resources are no match which are main factors for any Military Strength.
And Turkey is part of the west not threat.
Just want to add, that Germany allready invaded China in the past @Bismarck.

I think Bismarck is right and it is know that strategic companies like KMW have spare factories in case there is war.
@Bismarck when does Germany's WW2 restrictions expire?

I don't know, but we have our own restriction.


We spend only 1.2 percent of our GDP for defense. What could we do if we double the budget to 2.4 percent (which is not high compared with other nations)? The best example is Israel. A little country with a little population, but with an huge and advantage defense industry.
I don't know, but we have our own restriction.


We spend only 1.2 percent of our GDP for defense. What could we do if we double the budget to 2.4 percent (which is not high compared with other nations)? The best example is Israel. A little country with a little population, but with an huge and advantage defense industry.

You know, Indian budget 1.7% of GDP, whats the point it?
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