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Glad to see Saudi govt. has finally taken my advice

@Irfan Baloch
Sir would you like to comment on this
I did. its a difference of opinion. looking at it from sectarian angle is just one aspect and open to debate but thats not it.
the house of Saud is seriously threatened and the King is being proactive now.

as a Pakistani, we should do what is good for us and ensure that our contribution is not wasted in o some Arab/ Persian centuries old animosity. look what Afghans did to us. but if we antagonize the Persians then we are in for something 1000 times worse. YES we might destroy them militarily but one thing is for sure, we will never defeat their nationalism and as long as Persians are there in any corner of this world... they will fight us for centuries to come. and this is to put mildly.

since you drummed me into a discussion I was trying to avoid. all I can say is we will give India yet another country to setup camps to slash us. for the sake of the 34 countries in this Holy alliance, I pray that the goals re not petty and centered around setting some personal scores of Saudis.
The funding would have provided pakistan with a force of at east 10oK---150K troops base in GCC----with 5 to 8 armor divisions as part a a quick strike force----about a 150 strike aircraft----5---8 sqdrn's of gunship helicopters----a navy consisting of F22 type and 054 type frigates---basically a total battle group----a complete strike force----stationed in the arena for quick deployment----.

All this was discussed amongst the Alama in private when the war started in Al-Shaam. It was on the same lines as what you say, create a new corps Arabia mechanized. The troops would be different, not the secularists/liberals, only namazi Sunni. This force would include fighters planes, gunships, transport planes and ballestic missiles with nukes. Huge bases dispersed through the Kingsdom. The complete command under Pakistan. Pakistan doesn't get involved in internal arrest of GCC, only external. The Arabs pay the bill.

But here is the problem with what you said some time ago; you want us Pakistanis to swear allegiance to the flag. That is a big, no, no for the madaris people!

What a shameful comment---was Hajjaj Bin Yousuf involved in a begani shadi---or was Tariq Bin Ziyyad----or any other place that the muslims went to free people of the rule of tyrrany----.

Sometimes I feel that the tes-ticles of the young pakistani men were chopped off by their parents at a very young age.

You don't have any desire of conquest----conquering other nations or states to wave the pakistani flag on another nation----or increase your sphere of influence----.

If you don't have that desire---then how are you going to grow as a nation---as a people----.

We already know that they cannot handle isis----so what is the big deal---. If your older brothers calls you for help---are you going to smack him on his face and tell him go scr-ew yourself.
I am confused. Please explain it to me, are you saying war is the only way forward.
When 1971 india took advantage where are these Saudizzz
When Kargil who support us
When Taliban kill our children where are these saudizz
Instead off they support wahabi bros to kill Pakistani shias our minorities ?
wrong Question.

NO one
NO one will come for our help. the 6th fleet never came to help us either. it is us.. only us that will help us.
Saduis, Turks, Chinese or Americans have no obligations towards us. we dont have anything like NATO so its unfair to put Saudis on the spot.

I must say, before and after when we went Nuclear, it was Saudis and Iranians that stood with us while we were receiving condemnations and sanctions.. Saudis came for help.. again they were not obliged to do so. so credit should be given where it is due
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Exactly, Saudi Arabia has always helped us in the past. They currently fund our nuclear programs, they gave us free oil to Pakistan in all major wars against India - Indonesia, Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia gave us 6 naval vessels, guns and ammunition and significant financial support during 1965 war ALONE. Jordan and Saudi Arabia reinforced main Pakistan with F-102s and F-86s during 1971 war - these are just some examples of their help.
Most of your comment is wrong especially about nukes. It is you Pakistanis who are protecting saudis for 30 years.

In any case, A proven fact is: any cooperation with Saudis will result more bleeding, civil conflicts and extremism in your country which will lag ur country.
When 1971 india took advantage where are these Saudizzz
When Kargil who support us
When Taliban kill our children where are these saudizz
Instead off they support wahabi bros to kill Pakistani shias our minorities ?


You need to learn and understand that 1971---whatever happened was right----one brother did not want to live with the other brother---they were 1000 miles apart.

The reason they had joined hands was achieved---so staying together did not make any sense----. The primary goal was already achieved---so what was the big deal.

When you have 150 K troops deployed in the region----change in your influence also has a multiplier effect.

You stay in one place---you will become stagnant----so---you have to expand----. The saudis and the emiratis and qataris gave your their dominions to provide security----so if you had read some works of history----you would not be asking me what happens after 10---15---20 years of your military providing security.

Plus---you have a large number of men who are un-employed----what were you planning to do with them.

The british---the french--the dutch the spaniards---the portugese all sent their men out to find new places for trade and resource----. It brought in money at first---a lots of money---and then the conquests came in afterwards---but the primary goal was never conquest----it was just to have sources of income for the men coming out of the 100 years war and prior.
India has a very large no of muslim population than other muslim nations after indonesia.. would the kingdom approve the India's entry into these league??:p:D
Exactly, Saudi Arabia has always helped us in the past. They currently fund our nuclear programs, they gave us free oil to Pakistan in all major wars against India - Indonesia, Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia gave us 6 naval vessels, guns and ammunition and significant financial support during 1965 war ALONE. Jordan and Saudi Arabia reinforced main Pakistan with F-102s and F-86s during 1971 war - these are just some examples of their help.


So much of our missiles program was being done in emirates---@Khafee can explain some of ti----.

But regardless---bottomline---they are our brothers---even though from a different mother---they asked our help----and we slapped them in the face----.

People don't understand---when you have 150 K strike force sitting in their countries---you can also control how they are going to react tpo our Shia brothers and other ethnic groups----. From close and in position of power---I have control----from a distance I cannot influence much.

You need to learn and understand that 1971---whatever happened was right----one brother did not want to live with the other brother---they were 1000 miles apart.

The reason they had joined hands was achieved---so staying together did not make any sense----. The primary goal was already achieved---so what was the big deal.

When you have 150 K troops deployed in the region----change in your influence also has a multiplier effect.

You stay in one place---you will become stagnant----so---you have to expand----. The saudis and the emiratis and qataris gave your their dominions to provide security----so if you had read some works of history----you would not be asking me what happens after 10---15---20 years of your military providing security.

Plus---you have a large number of men who are un-employed----what were you planning to do with them.

The british---the french--the dutch the spaniards---the portugese all sent their men out to find new places for trade and resource----. It brought in money at first---a lots of money---and then the conquests came in afterwards---but the primary goal was never conquest----it was just to have sources of income for the men coming out of the 100 years war and prior.
even Saudis cant explain better than this. well done and well explained

this is by far the most pragmatic and mater of fact explanation and justification for joining this allaince
Pakistan has its own serious problems and we need each and every soldier in Pakistan. We should not take part in any armed conflict in Middle East. Pakistan can only send peace keeping troops only and only if all the countries in the conflict Syria, Iraq, Iran, Saudia Arabia and UAE request them.


So---basically----you can ony go to the store to get medicine for your mother---but you cannot go and help you aunt who lives a little distance away and is in bad shape----.

You need to open your mind and listen and learn how to play this game----.

You kids are just like TAPE RECORDERS---repeating---we have our own serious problems----. No you don't have serious problems---these are only minor problems---you have yet to see serious problems----and you will see them if you don't go our and help in the middle east.
India has a very large no of muslim population than other muslim nations after indonesia.. would the kingdom approve the India's entry into these league??:p:D
although you are being a little bit naughty here but question is logical and I think only Saudis have the right to respond to this.
provided that your government actually approaches them and offers its men for their war.
again will it consist of Indian Muslim soldiers only or a mix of others as well?

Your thought is good---but in practice---an anti coalition force of muslim nations is not going to be successful.

Pakistan should have taken advantage of the situation earlier and taken it upon itself to take charge of the situation---.

In a coalition---someone has to lead---and someone has to follow---and that is where the problem would start for the muslim nations---.

Pakistan should have done it with emritaes---saudi---qatar---turkey---egypt----. The lesser the number of nations are the beter cpontrol you have and there more focus on direction.

Turkey---Egypt----Pakistan---each of the three would have their designated zones of influence to operate in.

The funding would have provided pakistan with a force of at east 10oK---150K troops base in GCC----with 5 to 8 armor divisions as part a a quick strike force----about a 150 strike aircraft----5---8 sqdrn's of gunship helicopters----a navy consisting of F22 type and 054 type frigates---basically a total battle group----a complete strike force----stationed in the arena for quick deployment----.

I have followed your posts from some time back. You have many pragmatic thoughts. I think the Saudi strategy is to not give too much importance to 1, 2 or 3 nations, rather make it more of a Sunni OIC thing, hence the large number of nations. Also they have the funds to afford such an initiative and the people with the money usually call the shots.

Some idiots here in this thread are accusing me of being a Wahhabi and Shia killer etc. etc., I think these people have very limited understanding of my point of view, which I explained in great detail in the GFC thread.
How to stop Islamic extremism: Global Fiqh Council (GFC)

Although I am against these new offshoots of Islam that go against the established Sunni Madhabs, I am not against supporting constructing initiative, if I see people moving in the right direction.

The skeptics are of course not convinced and there is good reasons for their scepticism:
The problem at the heart of Saudi Arabia's Muslim anti-ISIS coalition - Vox
Saudi Arabia Forms Muslim Antiterror Coalition - WSJ

My optimism comes from the fact that at least the Saudi establishment has recognized that they cannot solve this problem on their own or just by Arabs themselves, and hopefully together with the entire Sunni Muslim world we will be able to solve this problem of terrorism.
although you are being a little bit naughty here but question is logical and I think only Saudis have the right to respond to this.
provided that your government actually approaches them and offers its men for their war.
again will it consist of Indian Muslim soldiers only or a mix of others as well?
why the arab kingdom wants other muslim nation soldiers to be part of their war?? what is your personal stand to deploy your army for kingdom??
I have followed your posts from some time back. You have many pragmatic thoughts. I think the Saudi strategy is to not give too much importance to 1, 2 or 3 nations, rather make it more of a Sunni OIC thing, hence the large number of nations. Also they have the funds to afford such an initiative and the people with the money usually call the shots.

Some idiots here in this thread are accusing me of being a Wahhabi and Shia killer etc. etc., I think these people have very limited understanding of my point of view, which I explained in great detail in the GFC thread.
How to stop Islamic extremism: Global Fiqh Council (GFC)

Although I am against these new offshoots of Islam that go against the established Sunni Madhabs, I am not against supporting constructing initiative, if I see people moving in the right direction.

The skeptics are of course not convinced and there is good reasons for their scepticism:
The problem at the heart of Saudi Arabia's Muslim anti-ISIS coalition - Vox
Saudi Arabia Forms Muslim Antiterror Coalition - WSJ

My optimism comes from the fact that at least the Saudi establishment has recognized that they cannot solve this problem on their own or just by Arabs themselves, and hopefully together with the entire Sunni Muslim world we will be able to solve this problem of terrorism.


Thank you----you made the right call when you did----but pakistan should have understood it better and taken the initiative----there was no reason to have more than 3 major partners----Turkey---Egypt---Pakistan and each assigned a region of influence---and if one needed help---others would be available.

Saudis already knew that from day one---that is why them and the emiratis literally " begged " pakistan for help---.

I wrote right to the top----they smacked me down---I pushed and pushed harder and they got madder and madder at me--- .

Basically---Pakistan military generals as usual failed to understand the gravity of the situation----and act accordingly ahead to time to take charge---right from the front---.

But as usual---the pakistani military regime drags its feet----and ends up with dirt on its face---nothing changes----.
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