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Glad to see Saudi govt. has finally taken my advice

This force is not going syria as far as press release is concern, if they start working today ... It will take minimum 2,3 years to merge a force.
Most probably force will go Yemen, because Yemen is beyond Saudi control. GCC joint force failed to perform. This operation suppose to be ended in few weeks , but......it is slowly dissolving GCC asset.
Wahhabies do come in the discussion, just as Salafi's, Radical Islamists, Moderate Islamists etc. I never said they are not Sunni's or they are khawarij, so please do not make false statements. I did mention some articles from writers who hold these kind of opinions.

If you take the time to read the articles from the links I mentioned in my previous post, you will get a detailed explanation about Islamism. Also google can be your friend.

I've read the article and found nothing about ''Islamism''. You are the one who's posting the article and gave your comment on ''Islamism'', so it's correct for me to ask you to explain yourself. Why do I need to google something when I know it is a term that is used for anti-Muslim propaganda.

Now you can't answer the first question, and now you're introducing new terms; what is an ''Islamist''?

At no point did i say you said they are khawrij. It's clear from your answer, you don't know about the topic and the roots of khawarij. There are some who will ask questions.
Sir Ji, Pakistani army has very limited resources. They are using best use of limited resources. Pak get subsidized weapon from US being Non Nato Ally . Otherwise, every six month State wait for next installation of IMF. Pak army get majority of fun from US Govt allocated fund based on performance of PA.


What dark hole you young kids live in----pakistan army could have had between 5 billion to 20 billion dollars hard cash in the very first year if they had taken up the offer---and then roughly 5 billion dollars a year after that to maintain and manage the force---.

The reason pak military gets money that way from the U S is because they fckd up when they made the deal----. They are soldiers---they should have never made a deal on their own----they should have found an american car sales man to work out the numbers for them.

Brilliance in making a deal is not one of their FORTE---they have failed at every step that they had to make a deal---. Instead of grabbing the bull by the horns----they always get trampled over and get dragged all the way holding onto the tail.

They should have asked the americans for at least 5 billions dollars upfron as good will---2-3 sqdrn;s of F16 up front and around 2 billion dollars every year up in advance---with a penalty of 100% if not delivered by the due date.

It is you who left the funding at the mercy of the american accounting and congress---. Don't blame the americans for that.
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All you kids from good and rich families will be recruited as grunts----basic soldiers---. Whip their arse and get them in line----and they will say----Pakistaan Zindaabaad------Pakistaan Zindaabaad---Pakistaan Zindaabaad-----We will then make a man out of you---all of you young ones-----just wait and see.

Do you still forcibly want us to swear on the flag? What about if we refuse?
Do you still forcibly want us to swear on the flag? What about if we refuse?


If you don't swear on the flag---then you would be sent to a boot camp to be re-programmed---and if you don't---then you would be a permanent part of the labor team building the gwadar hwy----.

We would need some Bsc and Msc graduates for the labor force---.
@Falcon29 please take note that Islamism is not Islam, if you are wrong from the get-go, you will always fail. Islamists have breathing space because of the mistakes of the Arab and Muslim regimes in power. If these regimes follow the right strategies, they have the potential to win and bring evolutionary changes that will cause less chaos and disruption. But if they fail, like you said in many of your posts, the Islamists may win this round at the expense of these regimes, as people do not see a better alternative, but people I believe will grow out of Islamism as well over time, as it is not "Islam" followed by the majority according to the original Madhabs.

I'm so confused, why am I being tagged brother? Islam is Islam. 'Islamism' is a term used nowadays that refers to political activists who want to implement Islam into the society and join Church and State. I refer to the Middle East, I am an 'Islamist' in regards to the ME. As far as the West, I don't want to implement anything here, this a society for secular people and will remain way. But for the ME, 'Islamism' is what looks to be the only possible political alternative which people will long for in the long run.

If these nations will work to meet peoples demands then I'm all for it. But I am familiar with the societies and governments at least in the Arab world. They don't implement Islam into the society, and their political approach is a greedy one which only suits their personal interests. I already know what this coalition will do. It will attack MB in Libya, Syria, Egypt, Palestine, etc....It has nothing to do with ISIS. It's about eliminating the effective 'Islamists' who have genuine alternative to the society. Neither is this about Iran. So it's bound to fail, it's just attempted rebranding of their already existent policy but trying to add religious legitimacy to it.

What dark hole you young kids live in----pakistan army could have had between 5 billion to 20 billion dollars hard cash in the very first year if they had taken up the offer---and then roughly 5 billion dollars a year after that to maintain and manage the force---.
on the basis of this.. the Afghans from Northern Alliance by far have been the most successful in dealing with the Americans... they got nothing to show from their part. squandered billions of dollars of American dollars right in front of their faces and then showed the audacity to criticize the apologetic Americans as well as if they did some favor to Americans by accepting their money.

now I don't advocate deceit and free loading but in a way I wonder if it serves Americans best they love their partners who screw them. Pakistanis on the other side before and after Afghan war and WoT have been worse off, lost part of the country, lost tens of thousands of lives, suffered billions of losses and also got humiliated, insulted, dismissed and mocked by the Yanks and we (mostly) got our own leadership to blame.

It is going to be as incompetent as ever. :cheesy:
And much to the chagrin of some of our "there is no such thing as islamism" members, this army will dare not attack Israel. :chilli:
your trolling is a failure.
why you think this alliance is against Israel? the clear stated goals are an alliance against the global terrorism and protection of the sovereignty of member states, its not talking about some anti Semitic conquest
Back in 2013 March and July I posted these 2 threads with a similar idea:
OIC Peace-keeping Force (OICPF) deployment in Syria
OIC Peace Keeping Force for maintaining peace in majority Muslim countries

It seems that KSA leadership have finally decided upon a similar strategy that I suggested. It has been 2 and a half years, more than 300,000 people have died in Syria and Iraq in the mean time, but better later than never:
Saudi Arabia announces formation of Islamic military coalition of 34 States.

I wholeheartedly support this strategy. But I must add a word of caution. This strategy of military coalition must be complemented with a strategy of unifying the ideology (creed/Aqeedah and jurisprudence/Fiqh) of the Sunni Muslim world by firmly going back to the original Madhabs of Sunni Islam and getting rid of some of the deviations that has taken place in the last several centuries causing much fitna, division and chaos within the Muslim world. I discuss the strategy for achieving ideological unity for Sunni Muslims here:
How to stop Islamic extremism: Global Fiqh Council (GFC)

Saudi Royal family, His Excellency King Salman and esteemed advisers now have a chance to make the right moves. Hope they use their wisdom and foresight to make it happen for the sake of themselves and for the greater good of the 1.4 billion Sunni Muslims of the world which is projected to grow to 3 - 3.6 billion by the year 2100, Insha-Allah:
Global Muslim population will exceed 3 billion out of 10 billion by 2100 AD

@Falcon29 please take note that Islamism is not Islam, if you are wrong from the get-go, you will always fail. Islamists have breathing space because of the mistakes of the Arab and Muslim regimes in power. If these regimes follow the right strategies, they have the potential to win and bring evolutionary changes that will cause less chaos and disruption. But if they fail, like you said in many of your posts, the Islamists may win this round at the expense of these regimes, as people do not see a better alternative, but people I believe will grow out of Islamism as well over time, as it is not "Islam" followed by the majority according to the original Madhabs.
And what you think Islamism is ? As for topic every Muslim countries should increase size of their Armed Forces and dedicate some of them solely for this
on the basis of this.. the Afghans from Northern Alliance by far have been the most successful in dealing with the Americans... they got nothing to show from their part. squandered billions of dollars of American dollars right in front of their faces and then showed the audacity to criticize the apologetic Americans as well as if they did some favor to Americans by accepting their money.

now I don't advocate deceit and free loading but in a way I wonder if it serves Americans best they love their partners who screw them. Pakistanis on the other side before and after Afghan war and WoT have been worse off, lost part of the country, lost tens of thousands of lives, suffered billions of losses and also got humiliated, insulted, dismissed and mocked by the Yanks and we (mostly) got our own leadership to blame.


You hit the nail on the head---. The northern alliance reamed the americans---and did not even allow them to scream-----.

The northen alliance took the americans to the cleaners and cleaned them out for every penny they had. This is a master piece of deceit and deception---by someone---who could have offered its service for free if threatened with an air assault.

The americans wanted to believe that they could buy the services of the NA---the NA agreed to it and just raised the bar higher and higher and higher.
I'm so confused, why am I being tagged brother? Islam is Islam. 'Islamism' is a term used nowadays that refers to political activists who want to implement Islam into the society and join Church and State. I refer to the Middle East, I am an 'Islamist' in regards to the ME. As far as the West, I don't want to implement anything here, this a society for secular people and will remain way. But for the ME, 'Islamism' is what looks to be the only possible political alternative which people will long for in the long run.

If these nations will work to meet peoples demands then I'm all for it. But I am familiar with the societies and governments at least in the Arab world. They don't implement Islam into the society, and their political approach is a greedy one which only suits their personal interests. I already know what this coalition will do. It will attack MB in Libya, Syria, Egypt, Palestine, etc....It has nothing to do with ISIS. It's about eliminating the effective 'Islamists' who have genuine alternative to the society. Neither is this about Iran. So it's bound to fail, it's just attempted rebranding of their already existent policy but trying to add religious legitimacy to it.
Well Islam is never separated from the state those who say it can happen either are ignorants or they are blatantly lying. Islam is a seen complete systems with orders and guidelines for everything and it's state responsibility to enforce them and implement them

So much of our missiles program was being done in emirates---@Khafee can explain some of ti----.

But regardless---bottomline---they are our brothers---even though from a different mother---they asked our help----and we slapped them in the face----.

People don't understand---when you have 150 K strike force sitting in their countries---you can also control how they are going to react tpo our Shia brothers and other ethnic groups----. From close and in position of power---I have control----from a distance I cannot influence much.

Sir, I would rather not respond to this thread, otherwise it will turn into an Arab bashing thread.

The best person to respond to this thread is @Indus Falcon

Best Regards
Pakistanis on the other side before and after Afghan war and WoT have been worse off, lost part of the country, lost tens of thousands of lives, suffered billions of losses and also got humiliated, insulted, dismissed and mocked by the Yanks and we (mostly) got our own leadership to blame

Exactly ! Afghanistan was a disaster, Yemen would have been another and now we must avoid upcoming disaster in Syria. In First World War the British thought that the war will be over in few weeks but it dragged on for years and killed hundreds of thousands of British soldiers. War is dirty business especially other people's wars and it is best to be neutral.
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