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Glad to see Saudi govt. has finally taken my advice


Jan 4, 2009
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United States
Back in 2013 March and July I posted these 2 threads with a similar idea:
OIC Peace-keeping Force (OICPF) deployment in Syria
OIC Peace Keeping Force for maintaining peace in majority Muslim countries

It seems that KSA leadership have finally decided upon a similar strategy that I suggested. It has been 2 and a half years, more than 300,000 people have died in Syria and Iraq in the mean time, but better later than never:
Saudi Arabia announces formation of Islamic military coalition of 34 States.

I wholeheartedly support this strategy. But I must add a word of caution. This strategy of military coalition must be complemented with a strategy of unifying the ideology (creed/Aqeedah and jurisprudence/Fiqh) of the Sunni Muslim world by firmly going back to the original Madhabs of Sunni Islam and getting rid of some of the deviations that has taken place in the last several centuries causing much fitna, division and chaos within the Muslim world. I discuss the strategy for achieving ideological unity for Sunni Muslims here:
How to stop Islamic extremism: Global Fiqh Council (GFC)

Saudi Royal family, His Excellency King Salman and esteemed advisers now have a chance to make the right moves. Hope they use their wisdom and foresight to make it happen for the sake of themselves and for the greater good of the 1.4 billion Sunni Muslims of the world which is projected to grow to 3 - 3.6 billion by the year 2100, Insha-Allah:
Global Muslim population will exceed 3 billion out of 10 billion by 2100 AD

@Falcon29 please take note that Islamism is not Islam, if you are wrong from the get-go, you will always fail. Islamists have breathing space because of the mistakes of the Arab and Muslim regimes in power. If these regimes follow the right strategies, they have the potential to win and bring evolutionary changes that will cause less chaos and disruption. But if they fail, like you said in many of your posts, the Islamists may win this round at the expense of these regimes, as people do not see a better alternative, but people I believe will grow out of Islamism as well over time, as it is not "Islam" followed by the majority according to the original Madhabs.
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I believe will grow out of Islamism as well over time, as it is not "Islam" followed by the majority according to the original Madhabs.

What is ''Islamism''? I don't mind you maligning Bangalis and I will not comment, but now you're associating a name of my religion in a derogatory way.

Enlighten us what did the original Madhabs followed? I am a Hanafi school follower and sufi Brelvi tareeqa and I would appreciate if you educate us what the Hanafi school is? I'm curious to know what is ''Islamism'' and how it differentiates with the Hanafi school?
What is ''Islamism''? I don't mind you maligning Bangalis and I will not comment, but now you're associating a name of my religion in a derogatory way.

Enlighten us what did the original Madhabs followed? I am a Hanafi school follower and sufi Brelvi tareeqa and I would appreciate if you educate us what the Hanafi school is? I'm curious to know what point you're trying to make.

The detailed answer to these questions are in the following thread specially in the following posts 103 and 104 in page 7 and you are welcome to discuss these questions in that thread, if you may please:
How to stop Islamic extremism: Global Fiqh Council (GFC) | Page 7
How to stop Islamic extremism: Global Fiqh Council (GFC) | Page 7

Not sure where you find that I am maligning Bengalis.
The detailed answer to these questions are in the following thread specially in the following posts 103 and 104 in page 7 and you are welcome to discuss these questions in that thread, if you may please:
How to stop Islamic extremism: Global Fiqh Council (GFC) | Page 7
How to stop Islamic extremism: Global Fiqh Council (GFC) | Page 7

Not sure where you find that I am maligning Bengalis.

Oh you're talking about wahabbies. Yes, we agree on that they're not sunnis and khawrij come from them.

So what is ''Islamism''? There is no such thing as ''Islamic'' extremism. This is completely opposite of Islam, so associate Islam and extremism?

I meant to say, 'I don't mind IF you were maligning Begalis...'.
It finally explains why Pakistan has been mass producing nukes for the past few years. Can also imagine them deployed in countries like Indonesia and Egypt like.

JF-17 Thunders could be flying in dozens of Muslim countries in the coming years.

Your thought is good---but in practice---an anti coalition force of muslim nations is not going to be successful.

Pakistan should have taken advantage of the situation earlier and taken it upon itself to take charge of the situation---.

In a coalition---someone has to lead---and someone has to follow---and that is where the problem would start for the muslim nations---.

Pakistan should have done it with emritaes---saudi---qatar---turkey---egypt----. The lesser the number of nations are the beter cpontrol you have and there more focus on direction.

Turkey---Egypt----Pakistan---each of the three would have their designated zones of influence to operate in.

The funding would have provided pakistan with a force of at east 10oK---150K troops base in GCC----with 5 to 8 armor divisions as part a a quick strike force----about a 150 strike aircraft----5---8 sqdrn's of gunship helicopters----a navy consisting of F22 type and 054 type frigates---basically a total battle group----a complete strike force----stationed in the arena for quick deployment----.
First I used to think you were half witted, today I've realized that you're a complete nut-case.

It finally explains why Pakistan has been mass producing nukes for the past few years. Can also imagine them deployed in countries like Indonesia and Egypt like.

JF-17 Thunders could be flying in dozens of Muslim countries in the coming years.

Only if you lead WoS (war on Shias) from the front.

Hell yes we will,

Kalllllu Miah seems thirsty for some Shia blood...... send him to South Waziristan, our troops take care of all Wahabo's in a special way nowadays! :D

Saudi govt. running on Kalu Miah's advice....:partay:
Turkey---Egypt----Pakistan---each of the three would have their designated zones of influence to operate in.

You have really not analyzed other scenarios. Pakistan itself faces mortal threats inside our country and on our borders. If we send out troops to this war then there will be false flag terrorist attacks on the Pakistani defense, strategic and nuclear installations which will be falsely attributed to the militant groups in Middle East. Pakistan should remain neutral.
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