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Give Pervez Musharraf Support

Here is the clip of APML jalsa in Toronto:

YouTube - Mr.Gen (r) Pervez Musharraf in Toronto,Canada.mpg

Over 1100 people attended and according to local Pakistanis media, it was the most well organized Pakistani political jalsa in Toronto :tup:

There were few PTI workers (around 20) who were busy in cursing guests in the name of 'peacefuel protest'. :no:
I wish there were was a mid term election. Musharraf would make a better leader now opposed to 2013 when he's going to be 70 years old.
Pakistan's Musharraf says ready for early polls

DUBAI | Mon Jan 3, 2011 10:53am EST

Reuters) - Exiled former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf said his newly formed party was prepared for possible early elections as the government in Islamabad scrambles to save its ruling coalition.

Musharraf, who launched the All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) in October, said he will return to Pakistan "before the next election."

"We are ready to contest elections," Musharraf told reporters at his apartment in Dubai.

"A little more time would be useful, as we are a new party. However, we will definitely try if the elections come early."

Pakistan's Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani's government lost its parliamentary majority Sunday when the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) announced it would go into opposition over fuel price policies.

The opposition has not yet sought a no-confidence vote against Gilani in parliament but analysts say that is the biggest worry for the government.

The next election is not due until 2013.

"For the government to survive, the PML-N or the PML-Q (parties outside the coalition) have to support them. Such support will have a lot of consequences," Musharraf said.

The former military chief, who came to power in a bloodless coup in 1999, has lived in self-imposed exile since he stepped down under threat of impeachment in 2008. He spends most of his time in London and Dubai.

Musharraf said: "I must return (to Pakistan) well before the next elections, whenever that may be. I strongly believe the real momentum for my party will start once I reach Pakistan. So we are trying to create an environment for me to reach there."

Musharraf said he did not rule out alliances with other political parties in the future.

"Many parties want to be with us. But I want my party to get a simple majority in the next elections so that we do not have to rely on others."

He said he had made "mistakes," including actions against the judiciary and imposing a state of emergency, but dismissed the possibility of another military takeover, saying he wanted to come to power with "the mandate of the public."

The United States has increased pressure on Pakistan to go after Islamist militant groups to help it turn around the war in Afghanistan.

Gilani said earlier the former president had agreed for the United States to conduct drone flights in Pakistan's tribal areas, seen as one of the main reasons for the increasing influence of militant groups.

Musharraf rejected claims he had succumbed to pressure from the United States and said there were few drone attacks during his tenure.

"Between 2003 and 2007 there were just nine drone attacks," he said, saying there were more than 100 in 2010.

Pakistan's Musharraf says ready for early polls | Reuters
ISLAMABAD: In a recent meeting with his close aides in Dubai, former president General (R) Pervez Musharraf has hinted at returning to Pakistan by the mid of the current year at all costs, it was learnt here on Wednesday.
“Chaudhry Shahbaz, a central leader of Musharraf-led All Pakistan Muslim League (APML), has reached Pakistan and has started organising the party in view of the return of the former president to the country,” said a source in the party while talking to The News. “Workers convention will be held at the ward level next month [February] for organisation of the APML at the grassroots level so that awareness could be created among masses about the party’s programme,” he added. The source said that Chaudhry Shahbaz and Barrister Muhammad Ali Saif have also been assigned the task of establishing student wings of the APML in all major educational institutions throughout the country. He said the nominations for formal establishment of the APML student wrings would be announced towards the end of the current month.
“Chaudhry Fawad, legal adviser to General (R) Musharraf, has been assigned the task to garner support of the lawyer community for the party,” said the source. “The APML will also release a comparative review report on price-hike, unrest and other important national issues under the previous regime and the sitting government. It will be vastly publicised,” he disclosed.
The source said that after consultation with Chaudhry Shahbaz, Dr Sher Afgan Niazi, Maj Gen (retd) Rashid Qureshi, Barrister Muhammad Ali Saif, Dr Amjad and Chaudhry Fawad in Dubai, the former president decided to return to Pakistan in April or September this year. He said that contacts have also been established with former colleagues of General (retd) Musharraf in military, who have now retired from service, and they have formally been invited to join the APML. When contacted by The News, Chaudhry Fawad said that the former president is seriously concerned over the situation prevailing in the country, particularly the growing lawlessness, price-hike and unemployment. He said that Musharraf would soon unveil a comprehensive plan to promptly and effectively overcome these problems. “His [Musharraf’s] plan will, however, be aimed at mitigating the suffering of the masses only and not a ladder to climb the pedestal of power,” Chaudhry Fawad said. “The former president will unveil his plan in the larger interest of masses and if the incumbent rulers will be serious in mitigating the sufferings of people, they can accept it,” he commented.
Chaudhry Fawad said that Musharraf has a mature political approach and he sees better future of the country in the hands of its youth. He said this is the reason that they are avoiding traditional politics and trying to bring in the party fold educated young people with important responsibilities. “We have succeeded in this effort beyond our expectations and the number of APML members is growing fast.
Musharraf says he will return in a few months
Cheeta hai Musharraf, I hope he gets back soon and i hope people make wise choice so he can take us out from these crisis just as he did in 1999! I have no faith in anyone but him who actually doesn't cry instead he work and prove it, We need less talk and more work and he is the perfect guy for that! Inshah Allah he will be in soon
Cheeta hai Musharraf, I hope he gets back soon and i hope people make wise choice so he can take us out from these crisis just as he did in 1999! I have no faith in anyone but him who actually doesn't cry instead he work and prove it, We need less talk and more work and he is the perfect guy for that! Inshah Allah he will be in soon

Nicely said I’m with you on this. We need him. INSHAALLAH we will see him as the next president of Pakistan INSHAALLAH:pakistan:
Musharraf back again as a freemason. Once again ready to dance on the tones of his masters.
Is it true? can he be back soon?

i guess the current political govt is intact fully and wont let Musharraf come. lets see
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