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GHQ Check-Post Attackers Killed - Hostages Rescued!

The two Brave soldiers got martyrd in the operation for freeing hostages are

1. Sep Rab Nawaz shaheed (Zarrar Co) from village Baharo Tehsil Haripur, NWFP

2. Havaldar Zarak from 10 Punjab Reg, from Village Sabirabad, Teh and district Karak, NWFP.

Their funeral will be held today at 2pm new time.


The North West Frontier Province of Pakistan have always have big share in protecting the country.

We are not terrorists.
:undecided: why you come to this board when you call us the members here as terror population and on the other hand yeh you side with us just like you sided with Iraqi people.

you should count your stars that you did not landed your yankee soldiers here . Try it and you will count starts in day time too

wait till you watch this
US army in Afghanistan calling in loud speakers "Taliban are slaves of Pakistani and Punjabi army.

they also burnt two Taliban in this video.
GHQ Check Post Attackers Killed ???:undecided:

I'm sure those attackers never intented to limit themselves to that check post only.

The mastermind arrested but he is injured critically as he set on fire all the ammunition he was having just to himself.

He is also part of the attack on Sri Lankan cricket team and attack on President Musharraf.

Here is ISPR press release having pics of some killed terrorists as well as funeral of Brig shaheed anwar

:: ISPR :: Inter Services Public Relations - PAKISTAN
"And also Devise a way to deal with the Yankees ."

Oh please do.

We've a few ways to deal with you should that eventuality arise. Count your lucky stars that we're on your side...

...for now.

That might need changing judging by the terror population right here.


Im sure we have plans to deal with you also should the need arise.
"And also Devise a way to deal with the Yankees ."

Oh please do.

We've a few ways to deal with you should that eventuality arise. Count your lucky stars that we're on your side...

...for now.

That might need changing judging by the terror population right here.


The way your 18000 Kabul-based invader GI Joes are getting their read-ends whopped by Sandal wearing Talibaan, I would sure like to know what 'few ways' do you have to 'deal' with us! Pray tell oh Master Yoda! :rofl:

Last time I checked, more that 4 superpowers of the world have been brutally raped in Afghanistan while we sit here and watch the show!! Seems like that is an inevitability for your hicks down there too! You just do not know it yet because you do not know how to read.....History that is!
Ticker on GEO.
the same show u were watching when the towers came down the mighty pentagon collapsed by what i call bunch of sand monkeys
"...we sit here and watch the show!!"

Sidelines, eh?

What show were you watching today in Rawalpindi, sir?

It is after effects of your stones landing in FATA , you could also have to see this show in US again, if US continue injust support of Israeli aggression in Palestine.

Injustice is source of terrorism.
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not on topic but i am so ashamed at out hypocritical population ...which will burn there own markets buses and banks when something happens in a middle eastern country who don't regard us even as human but will not even say a word or a small protest to better equip our troop (armoured vehicles thermal visions and rest) please i would like to all of us to start petition to provide our troop with armour plated truck and vehicles for better protection x
The way your 18000 Kabul-based invader GI Joes are getting their read-ends whopped by Sandal wearing Talibaan, I would sure like to know what 'few ways' do you have to 'deal' with us! Pray tell oh Master Yoda! :rofl:

Last time I checked, more that 4 superpowers of the world have been brutally raped in Afghanistan while we sit here and watch the show!! Seems like that is an inevitability for your hicks down there too! You just do not know it yet because you do not know how to read.....History that is!

No offense but considering the condition of Afghanistan today, I'd not like to place any bets on who got 'raped'.
No offense but considering the condition of Afghanistan today, I'd not like to place any bets on who got 'raped'.

You are comparing the world super powers' army rather most advanced countries arround the world with most advanced weapons and training with sandal wearing Taliban fighters in Afghanistan.

Keeping in view the difference of advancment , still its US who is being raped there.
Just for the record, I have no desire to see Pakistan collapse at the hands of these perverters of Islam. Whether it shall do so at some point or not, frankly, remains to be seen regardless of brave talk.

I'm immensely pleased that your special operations forces RESCUED the survivors of the today's attack. They did well in very trying circumstances and nobody can pass judgement on their performance nor even should.

It doesn't change my overarching concerns, though. Nor should, if properly aligned, change any of those belonging to citizens of Pakistan.

The sad fact of the matter, however, is this and many other attacks receive the active assistance of your own citizens. Whether you can make a case that even more assistance to such attacks come from others-whether Israeli/Indian/Afghan or even America, first and foremost it is the longstanding assistance received from your own homegrown irhabists.

Now it is my personal opinion that my gov't, stupid though it may be, would NOT submit the considerable measurable, tangible, real aid that we render-both military and civil, if it was our intent to collapse your state.

Regardless of sentiment of Pakistan Zindabad, etc., we can do so directly and quickly or indirectly and just as quickly. We don't.

America wishes to see you strong and as a capable and trusted ally.

You're none of that at this point-neither strong, capable nor trusted. If you were, there'd be no need of external assistance. You have longstanding issues of social fairness that have transformed FATAville into a breeding ground of terror. This has morphed into such over many decades. By itself, it may have still lay dormant.

When you threw open the gates for the defeated afghan taliban gov't and its minions-A.Q., they radicalized your tribal lands and it's now "game on".

We've our own considerable problems in Afghanistan. I advocate withdrawal there now. I do so in the hopes that by retreating, we can CLARIFY our enemies while licking our wounds and devise a strategy more suitable to our means.

Karzai is, indeed, corrupt. His gov't has no legitimacy with its afghan citizens nor with its western patrons and THEIR citizens. My American peers want no part of a relationship with this criminal and his coterie of hoodlums.

I reject out-of-hand most S. Vietnam analogies but any related to the Thieu/Ky regime there is perfectly appropriate on the corrosive effect such has had on both Afghan and Canadian, Euro, U.S. Aussie/N.Z. peoples.

That said, we hold your leaders no higher so it's a massive uphill climb faced by all.

There will certainly be more attacks. They aren't engineered nor facilitated in ANY WAY by Blackwater, et al but that's for you to believe or not. Doesn't work that way in our calculus.

India? Doubt it HIGHLY and I've stated my reasons in the past for those interested. Would the GoA attempt such assistance to the TTP?

I think so but can't prove it from Oregon. We've enough forthright American and others in Afghanistan that were it so, though, I'd rather think somebody would know by now.

Then again, maybe not. They may have the means to do business in a manner that would be unseen to most. I guarantee, though, there are no training camps set up to facilitate specifically such. Given the fact that the ANA/ANP is problematic as to whose side they may be fighting for on any given day, anything is possible.

Hope that helps and, again, congratulations on defending yourselves today.

^Haha, that's really funny. Because these Afghans are running around in sandals while their country is bombed to bits, its strangely the USA which is getting raped!

I don't know what your definition of "raped" is, but clearly, hiding in caves and dying like rodents completely fits my definition.
Yea its very sad to see that people are only expressing their hate towards groups such as TTP etc etc , but not the masterminds behind these groups such as CIA, M16 , Mossad and RAW.

No doubt TTP are the scumbags of the society, but they are just PAID assasins , paid for by someone far more disgusting than the TTP.

When Taliban or TTP were few hundred miles from Islamabad and some Indian politicians and media said that they are threat (their reason was as they were getting close to Indian border) , people from across the border laughed at them. It was labeled as HOAX and GOP got into sm deal with Taliban. Even some politicians openly supported TTP (Imran Khan). Still some cried this is not gonna work but we know what happened.

In fact it took U.S pressure to start action against them , now same people blame U.S. and India for supporting these scumbags TTP. Isnt it ironic ?

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