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GHQ Check-Post Attackers Killed - Hostages Rescued!

I request all Muslims to please pray for all our army men who got Shaheed.

Please recite Surah Fatiha 1 time and Surah Ikhlas 3 times.


The captured militant is the right hand man of Ilyas Kashmiri, who was reported to be recently killed in a drone strike.

He was involved in the attack on the Sri Lankan team, suicide attack & killing of Lt General Mushtaq, Faisalabad 15 attack, the 2 suicide bombings on Musharaf, suicide attack on Shaukat Aziz & the list goes on. Hope so he recovers as he is a big fish with very useful information & importance. But he is in a critical condition. He is described as a Baitullah Mehsud of the Punjabi Taliban section.

my point exactly - they have all become part of the same cesspool - TTP, Punjabi Taliban, JM, LeJ....!
"And also Devise a way to deal with the Yankees ."

Oh please do.

We've a few ways to deal with you should that eventuality arise. Count your lucky stars that we're on your side...

...for now.

That might need changing judging by the terror population right here.


Overall, at least 19 people died — six soldiers, two commandos, eight militant attackers and three captives — and several were wounded. The final hostage-taker was caught as he wounded himself by setting off explosives he was carrying, Abbas said.

Abbas identified the captured man as Aqeel, alias "Dr. Usman," and described him as "the leader of all this group." The name matched that of a militant suspected of orchestrating an attack in Lahore earlier this year on Sri Lanka's visiting cricket team.

Saturday's siege followed a car bombing that killed 53 on Friday in the northwestern city of Peshawar and the bombing of a U.N. aid agency Monday that killed five in Islamabad. The string of attacks destroyed any remaining hope that the militants had been debilitated by the death of Pakistani Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud in a U.S. missile strike in August.

A police intelligence report obtained by The Associated Press on Saturday had warned in July that members of the Taliban along with Jaish-e-Mohammed, a militant group based in the country's Punjab province, were planning to attack army headquarters after disguising themselves as soldiers. The report was given to the AP by an official in the home affairs ministry in Punjab's home department.
The Most important thing at this point is to make a decisive move and along with the elimination of these so called Talibans, all the Afghans should be pushed out of Pakistan.

May Allah Bless the martyrs with Jannat ul firdous.
News Jang Group

RAWALPINDI: Muhammad Aqeel alias Dr. Usman, heading the gang of terrorists attacking GHQ, is also involved in several heinous incidents, who is now finally caught in the clutches of the heavy hands of law.

Coming from Tehsil Kahota of Rawalpindi, Muhammad Aqeel alias Dr. Usman is the former sepoy of Army Medical Store. He was the mastermind and leader of the gang of terrorists, who had attacked the Sri Lankan cricket team and, thereafter, Aqeel alias Usman along with the accomplices avoiding arrest had fled to Waziristan. Aqeel accused of planning attack on the former President Pervez Musharraf was also wanted in the case.

Lahore police said that Aqeel alias Dr. Usman belonged to Punjabi Tahrik-e-Taliban, which was set up three/four years ago and it had close ties with Baitullah Mehsud. The police had arrested a member of Punjabi Tahrik-e-Taliban, Zubair alias Nek Muhammad involved in June 18 attack on Sri Lankan cricket team, who had made starling disclosures about Aqeel alias Dr. Usman.
you forget to include CIA MI6 mossad raw.they all have equal share in destabilizing Pakistan and taking Pakistan nukes.

Yea its very sad to see that people are only expressing their hate towards groups such as TTP etc etc , but not the masterminds behind these groups such as CIA, M16 , Mossad and RAW.

No doubt TTP are the scumbags of the society, but they are just PAID assasins , paid for by someone far more disgusting than the TTP.

I just want to congratulate everyone who participated in this thread and shared their concerns and knowledge with us. I was on moderating duty the entire time and there wasn't a SINGLE reported post from this thread. It truly shows how mature our membership is when we all are united.

I hope we maintain this attitude in every single thread. A Job well done, fellow members! :tup:
Yea its very sad to see that people are only expressing their hate towards groups such as TTP etc etc , but not the masterminds behind these groups such as CIA, M16 , Mossad and RAW.

No doubt TTP are the scumbags of the society, but they are just PAID assasins , paid for by someone far more disgusting than the TTP.
And how do you know who the mastermind is? Proof would be a nice start.
i was just thinking about the situation, where you are all geared up for an assault, waiting orders, knowing that it could be you who saw/talk with his family the last time that evening!

You know that when the dawn breaks you may not be alive, you know that when this would end you may not last to take the credit, you know when it ends you may not be there to cherish it, you know that when the hostages are rescued you would not be one of them whom they would thank!


then you shed off the stupid thoughts and clean your weapon and smile and feel proud that Allah has chosen you for the sacrifice, you know that you are the chosen one, you know it is because of you that others would sleep tight tomorrow, you know that it is you that the captured would cherish life again...

Oh what is this feeling, not everybody can enjoy it!!

Salute to those who have fallen and prays for them who await to be honored!!

Long live SSG

Long live Pak Army

Long live Pakistan!
And how do you know who the mastermind is? Proof would be a nice start.

what kind of proof you need more .
Indian is Afghanistan but before 9/11 they were against Afghanistan and its government.

US already made statement that before swat operation Pakistan nukes and Islamabad are not save.

then Pakistan army clear swat and said Pakistan nukes are save with army.

now this attacking the army headquarters make their point that army can defend its self how come Pakistan nukes are save .
already BBC started this propaganda.
"And also Devise a way to deal with the Yankees ."

Oh please do.

We've a few ways to deal with you should that eventuality arise. Count your lucky stars that we're on your side...

...for now.

That might need changing judging by the terror population right here.


:undecided: why you come to this board when you call us the members here as terror population and on the other hand yeh you side with us just like you sided with Iraqi people.

you should count your stars that you did not land your yankee soldiers here . Try it and you will count stars in day time too
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