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Ghar Wapsi unconstitutional, Conversion constitutional right:Christians

Well Hindus are new at this they will need time of learn the ropes of the game, They will bring back those who strayed away from the Dharmic path
Most of these Missionaries receive funds from North-America,Europe and Australia. Their combined GDP is huge. Do you think Hindus can match them? Are you sure?

This sounds like a one-sided battle. You convert a few everyone cries a foul. They have converted crores of people no one cared.
:woot::woot::woot::woot: Double-standards too strong!!
These guy seems to be forgetting most of the tribals were converted in north-east India were/are converted at gun-point by Church sponsored Christian crusaders.

Third rate false flagging clown like you is gonna teach me about history? Why are you ashamed of showing your true flags? Too low for your prestige?
Laghta hai dukhti rath per hath rakh diya.
What dukti rag you mean like shias, ahemadiyas are not muslim for sunnis :p:p:p:p:p atleast dalit are not slaughtered like pigs in so called Islamic state like shias & other muslim groups:D:D:D:D
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There is no persecution of Christians.

Missionaries converted Rahul Kashyap to Rahul John.

Now VHP converts Rahul John back to Rahul Kashyap.

How is this persecution?

Who the hell are these Missionaries, working on foreign funds and trying to destabilize India. Infact I am glad that VHP is opposing the activities of these Missionaries.

I hope no Indian (Christian or Hindu or anyone) should have any doubt about the intentions of these Missionaries. These are anti national organisations on foreign payrolls to stop progress of India. I hope Indian Christians and All Indians together oppose and throw them out of India.
I know it's their in the constitution, but how Hindus propagating their religion is not a "right"? Money and threats are just accusation. One is not Guilty until it's proven beyond doubts.

Of course you can propogate. hare rama movement is definitely doing it the right way, I might even argue that baba Ramdev is doing the right way. But Praveen Togadia and Ashok Singhal not using force, gimme a break. They want to do conversions and suddenly 1000 turn up because they were convinced by the words of Bajrang Bal--- hell they don't even know anything about Hinduism.

If Christians can make up fairy-tales about their persecution in India. Why can't I have a discussion on a genuine issue?

I can understand why you won't show your true flags, who'd wanna own up to a dump like that? Unthinkable for me, but understandable for you. But if you wanted to spread hatred you should have abandoned your religion and chosen a different name, why not? If you can dump your country, you can do that too.
There is no persecution of Christians.

Missionaries converted Rahul Kashyap to Rahul John.

Now VHP converts Rahul John back to Rahul Kashyap.

How is this persecution?
problem is not that friends.real problem is how Hindus dared to reconverte they are mend to be converted they heathens who pray satanic idols how is that possible that Hindus after centuries of persecution grow balls to do this that's what sickular thinking.
I can understand why you won't show your true flags, who'd wanna own up to a dump like that? Unthinkable for me, but understandable for you. But if you wanted to spread hatred you should have abandoned your religion and chosen a different name, why not? If you can dump your country, you can do that too.
Moderators have already said I from India you dum-dum. How did I dump my country? Did your pastor go a bit rough with your behind tonight? You are too emotional like those other two foreign funded missionaries like @seiko and @danger007
Of course you can propogate. hare rama movement is definitely doing it the right way, I might even argue that baba Ramdev is doing the right way. But Praveen Togadia and Ashok Singhal not using force, gimme a break. They want to do conversions and suddenly 1000 turn up because they were convinced by the words of Bajrang Bal--- hell they don't even know anything about Hinduism.

Bro some Missionaries converted these same 1000 from Hindu to Christians first of all.

In the first instance, these missionaries converted these poor people by giving Money/Free Medical/School Admissions/Propaganda against Hinduism. They are doing same everywhere in India

I dont know why you say they know nothing about Hinduism? Infact what they know about Christianity? that the Missionaries gave them maybe 10000-20000 rupees to convert?

So my first point is these people were Hindus and know Hinduism more then Christianity anyways.
Secondly they were converted by anti national Missionaries by fraudulent means.
Thirdly the VHP is only bringing these people back to Hinduism, which is not wrong. Opposing these Missionaries and undoing their acts is the need of the hour.
Moderators have already said I from India you dum-dum. How did I dump my country? Did your pastor go a bit rough with your behind tonight? You are too emotional like those other two foreign funded missionaries like @seiko and @danger007

There is no greater shame than abandoning your country.
Of course you can propogate. hare rama movement is definitely doing it the right way, I might even argue that baba Ramdev is doing the right way. But Praveen Togadia and Ashok Singhal not using force, gimme a break. They want to do conversions and suddenly 1000 turn up because they were convinced by the words of Bajrang Bal--- hell they don't even know anything about Hinduism.

I can understand why you won't show your true flags, who'd wanna own up to a dump like that? Unthinkable for me, but understandable for you. But if you wanted to spread hatred you should have abandoned your religion and chosen a different name, why not? If you can dump your country, you can do that too.
Hinduism is soul of this nation it's originated here flourished here Christianity & islam which alien religion to our cultural values which forced upon us by invaders originated some other part of the world.

Big Shoo too Italian bootlicker of Maa-Beta party !!!!
Of course you can propogate. hare rama movement is definitely doing it the right way, I might even argue that baba Ramdev is doing the right way. But Praveen Togadia and Ashok Singhal not using force, gimme a break. They want to do conversions and suddenly 1000 turn up because they were convinced by the words of Bajrang Bal--- hell they don't even know anything about Hinduism.
They been doing this for years now, didn't started after Modi came to power. Such news were left for the middle pages of local language newspaper. Opposition wanted a reason to stall the parliament session and they needed something to whine about, and they went for this.
I ask everyone on this forum all Indians.

Please do not vote if you don't like any party. But NEVER NEVER vote for CONGRESS and the Italian spy.
They been doing this for years now, didn't started after Modi came to power. Such news were left for the middle pages of local language newspaper. Opposition wanted a reason to stall the parliament session and they needed something to whine about, and they went for this.
He Is fan of Maa-Beta party for him all of us are Fascist like Hitler because we support Modi this guy can't take critism only inforce his way Thinking.
They been doing this for years now, didn't started after Modi came to power. Such news were left for the middle pages of local language newspaper. Opposition wanted a reason to stall the parliament session and they needed something to whine about, and they went for this.

Beause the activities of a minority really are never that impactful. They've been propogating for years, kya ukhada? Pop % is still at 2%. I think some of the more irritating aspects (like calling Hindu gods false gods, any use of money etc.) needs to be clamped down, but even then the situation really is not so serious that it should become the centerpiece of debate. The BJP wants to make it centre piece because of political reasons. They want to bring anti- conversion llaw which will give them more political power. The price ?Natural attrition and gain buts unbearable strain on social strcture while securing them the power base.

And mind you, the Christian conversion issue really is the minor issue for them- their prime target has been muslims where, in reality, conversions have not been a problem despite them trying to project Love Jihad as a big phenomenon. Mujahid guy will bring Christian issue at centerpiece coz he's basically a moron.
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