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Ghar Wapsi unconstitutional, Conversion constitutional right:Christians

I am talking about the growing general sentiments here.. Do you really think we christians born and bought up here think that Italy is our mother country and they will welcome us with open hand? Anyway, I guess danger007 is correct..its time to bid farewell to this forum..let the hatred flourish and turn this country into what they wanted..

Italy ? Vatican tou samajh mein lagtiii thiii but how does Italy figure in ? :unsure:

Humenin chooor kar na jaooo ! :cry:
Italy ? Vatican tou samajh mein lagtiii thiii but how does Italy figure in ? :unsure:
Sonia gandhi is Italian. She let the missionaries have a free-run during their 10 years of rule. Her Chela YS reddy of Andhra Pradesh converted to Christianity and pressurised his fellow caste members to convert.
not funny

It's true. Right to propogate is a part of the constitution.

If the Conversion is a Constitutional right then Ghar Wapsi is also right.After all that is also a Conversion.If you dont want ACL .Hindu groups will also exercise their Article 25 rights.

I think,except some few cases .Muslims groups dont have any interest in Conversion .Chrisitian evangelists are the most aggressive one.

Conversion shouldnot use inspiration,encouraging tactics like money and God given gifts.
Otherwise if someone come for conversion voluntarily ,with out any influence then he has every right to exercise his freedom.

Ghar Wapsi is not your 'right'. Yoou are using money and threats for it.
Ghar Wapsi is not your 'right'. Yoou are using money and threats for it.
:woot::woot::woot::woot: Double-standards too strong!!
These guy seems to be forgetting most of the tribals were converted in north-east India were/are converted at gun-point by Church sponsored Christian crusaders.
Criticising the crusade, Father Dominic told Zee News that the VHP is forcefully converting people.

“I don't accept that anyone who has been a Christian will convert to other religion by personal choice. VHP is forcing people and luring them to convert their religion. I've got information that in Bihar people were threatened with dire consequences if they do not convert. These people were told that they will be ostracized if they would refuse to accept Hinduism,” he said

So they think Hinduism is an inferior religion to Christianity. And if a Christian converts to Hinduism, it probably must be a forced conversion.

Yet Christians are the ideal community. While Muslims are not worthy to be trusted.

Hinduwadis you always harass innocent Muslims. Can you grow a pair and confront the crusaders?

Ask this traitor Dominic, how much money he gets per month from British/US Missionaries??
It's true. Right to propogate is a part of the constitution.

Ghar Wapsi is not your 'right'. Yoou are using money and threats for it.
what Christian missionaries are using.... direct hotline to god...
It's true. Right to propogate is a part of the constitution.
Ghar Wapsi is not your 'right'. Yoou are using money and threats for it.
I know it's their in the constitution, but how Hindus propagating their religion is not a "right"? Money and threats are just accusation. One is not Guilty until it's proven beyond doubts.
Ask this traitor, how much money he gets per month from British/US Missionaries??
In south from what I have heard they money in lakhs. This guy might be getting US dollars in millions at least.

Listen to this Gem of a sermon. If Hindus stop Muslim hatred and start focusing on the real threat then your religion might survive this century.

:woot::woot::woot::woot: Double-standards too strong!!
These guy seems to be forgetting most of the tribals were converted in north-east India were/are converted at gun-point by Church sponsored Christian crusaders.
I thought Muslims were also being converted? yogiaditya nath is notorious for that. Been doing it for a while now.
Where did i call him traitor? :what:
He seems to be out of his find for the last couple of days.A few days back we were having an argument and all of a sudden he started accusing me of abusing him in the name of Christianity although the truth is that i have got huge amount of respect for Christians and am a self proclaimed follower of the Lord Jesus Christ:D!!
The reality is that Danger007 has himself admitted that he works along side these Foreign Evangelist missionaries and hence taking this "Ghar wapsi" drama way too personally.Am i not correct Mr. @danger007 :azn:!!
I thought Muslims were also being converted? yogiaditya nath is notorious for that. Been doing it for a while now.
You need to worry about this. Post a thread on this if you can.

Women in Agra village lured into Christianity while husbands stay Hindus
The fire of religious strife ignited by the so-called 'ghar-waapsi' of some Muslim families in Agra is yet to cool down with the opposition making it a matter of prestige to pull the Prime Minister into answering their questions, when the city of Taj Mahal has again come into highlights due to an entire village being subjected to forced conversion by Christian missionaries.
Talking to India Today, residents of Garhi Sampat village of Etmadpur Tehsil in Agra said that this village has a population of about 15000 residents, most of them Hindus engaged in farming and as laborers. A lot of the families have also lost their land in the acquisition for Yamuna Expressway. They said that in the past couple of years, Christian missionaries have actively increased their activities in this village and have been luring innocent women into converting their faith to Christianity, while their husbands stay Hindus.

Citing her own case, 40 year old Ramwati, wife of Bani Singh Baghel said that about 18 months back, she was very sick and had lost hopes of recovery, when she was visited by a priest who took her to the Church and performed some ceremonies. A few days later, when she started feeling a bit better, the priest told her to begin visiting frequently and bring more women of her ilk to the church. There, they were asked to pray before the cross and read paragraphs from bible. Each of them was given a bible to read at home and told that if they converted to Christianity, their children will get subsidized education in missionary schools of Agra, Tundla and Firozabad, their husbands will get jobs worth one lakh a year, a house or money to construct one on their own. When they talked to their husbands, they declined to convert, but allowed them to read the bible. Now they were being forced to convert or return the money they had received to construct their house etc.

Virendra Singh, husband of another 'bible-reader' woman Bhoori Devi told India Today that when the Ved Nagar incident came to light, he began to suspect that his wife had been converted to Christianity through deception and complained to some Hindu outfits who immediately reached his house and took him and his wife to the Etmadpur police station to lodge a complaint against the missionaries who performed this conversion. However, while the police had not spared an instant in filing an FIR against Nand Kishore in the Ved Nagar conversion issue, it refused to file an FIR in this case claiming that a case will be registered only after due investigation.

According to sources, these conversions have a single brain behind them - that of a local villager who is employed in a Tundla church for the past several years. This man, who has been identified as Hari Shankar, was behind the conversions and was often seen preaching Christianity in the village.

Social activist Vishal Sharma told India Today that the inaction of the police in this issue shows the duplicity of the so called 'secular' approach of the Samajwadi Party government in Uttar Pradesh. When the affected party was Muslim, the action of the police was lightning fast, but now, when the affected party was Hindu, the police did not even accept the complaint. He said that the Prime Minister's mission of 'Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas' is being intentionally derailed by the opposition parties in the name of religious conversions, which have been happening in this country since ages, because the opposition actually lacked moral strength and numbers to put up some constructive criticism against a full majority government.

95 years old senior citizen Imamuddin told India Today that the conversion in Gujarat was being highlighted where Christians returned to Hindu fold, but nobody cares to even comment on so many Hindus being coerced into Christianity, which is a highly appalling state of affairs and needs to be addressed soon to maintain communal harmony in the country.

Read more at: Women in Agra village lured into Christianity while husbands stay Hindus : India, News - India Today
I thought Muslims were also being converted? yogiaditya nath is notorious for that. Been doing it for a while now.
I am happy atleast Hindus are now gathering balls to speak I know they are rants but after along time I feel that Hindus are Majority.Upa made us like we are in moniorty. Yogi is counter force against azam khan & mulayam :D:D:D:D although sometimes he goes touch high
You need to worry about this. Post a thread on this if you can.
Why should I need to worry? Ghar Wapsi is for everyone, not just one particular religion *ahem* *ahem* Christian issue is being raised here because certain vested groups will make a hue n cry about it in Western media. There's a larger game in play here than just head counts under different Gods.

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