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Ghaher 313 fighter

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ٌwell....when the level of mod of forums is this...we can't expectation from fanboys!!!! No disrespect;)

do you actually think that iran while still not mass producing 3rd gen f-5 fighters , will be in a position to make 5th gen fighters in a single stride in the presence of embargoes? Now if this actually is a 5th gen fighter program and if all the money/expertise goes to this program, what will iraf fly for the next decade in the 4rth gen category to keep operational numbers high?
I say it could be sth that could pose a decent level of threat to the US fleet there even if A) very cheap to produce in mass and B)flies low and slow, as its design seems to suggest IMHO, carrying only 1 or 2 max. standard lenghth/weight anti-ship missile... needs much more polish, though.

Personally i see Iran could probably in better shape if it designs and self-produces a plane similar to JF-17 instead of this one for the moment.

The innovation feel of this design could be 8 out of 10, with self-sufficiency determination of iranian people being 9 put of 10. These are all worth being applauded and encouraged since it showcases fantastic national spirit and pride, particularly considering it has been under serious int'l embargo for so long (a bit like China)... :tup:

In this sense this plane developed and made by Iran is leagues ahead of LCA of India which enjoys all the tech helps one can get from both the West and the East.

That being said, let's be more practical as many many aspects of this design in particular (mockup or real thing) have seriously big question marks on top. Perhaps i am a bit too conservative here but is iran trying to punch way too much above its current weight? Or it just serves a temperal tactical mock against USAF?
now this is an over exaggeration from your part..THE LCA is already completed aircraft and it uses only an american engine and a radar which is "co-developed" with the help of israel.All the other avionics,mission computers,navigation systems,EW suites etc are developed indegenously by DRDO ( infact the air-to-air missile to arm the aircraft would be indian and it is at the lat stages of developmental testings).YOU can keep the bias to yourself.Anyways,my apologies to other memebers for this off-topic rant for my answer to a worthless person
I invite all Iranians who express their disconformation regarding some Turk members' criticizms, to spend their times more in Turkish defence related threads. With this way, We can talk How a defence program which aims to meet the requirements of pure Turkish Armed Forces and World markets with all technological clarity, starts from feasibility/design to development/prototype production, How SSM rules the governmental funds, How the roadways planned in accordance with schedules.

We expect TAI to reveal Early stage concept design of TF-X fighter jet in May 2013.
We expect TAI to reveal Early stage concept design of TF-X fighter jet in May 2013.

well , I really want to see what your concept look ....

well , IMO your designers won't risk and use a design like current 5th gen fighter ... it has some good benefit for turkey ....
Iran unveils new indigenous stealth fighter “Qaher 313″. And here’s a detailed analysis. February 2, 2013
Posted by David Cenciotti in : Iran, Military Aviation , trackback
On Feb. 1, 2013, Iran unveiled its indigenous fighter jet named “Qaher 313″.

The prototype of the Q-313 (or F-313 according to the stencils applied to the aircraft), was presented to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and publicly displayed as part of the Ten-Day Dawn ceremonies held in Iran to celebrate the 1979′s victory of the Islamic Revolution.

In the previous days, the Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi had said, “The aircraft will be different from the other fighter jets Iran has already made.”

Indeed, based on the first photographs released by the FARS News Agency, the new stealthy jet has a really peculiar design. It features hard edges and those distinctive edges and angle of the U.S. F-22 and the twin tail shape much similar to that of the F-35 Lightning II.

The Q-313 has large, seemingly fixed canards, and little wings whose external section is canted downward.

The canopy material is at least odd (based on its transparency, it looks like plexiglass or something like that).

The cockpit seems to be basic (a bit too much for a modern plane – note the lack of wirings behind the front panel and the presence of few instruments, some of those similar to those equipping small private planes…).

The nose section is so small almost no radar could fit in it.

The air intakes are extremely small (they remind those of current drones/unmanned combat aerial vehicles) whereas the engine section lacks any kind of nozzle: engine afterburners could melt the entire jet.

And, above all, the aircraft is way to small.

Look at the following image showing an Iranian officer sitting on the ejection seat in the cockpit.

It looks like this pilot is in a miniature plane.

Image credit: FARS, Mashreghnews

Summing up: the shape is interesting with some innovative features but the Q-313 displayed on Feb. 1, 2013, seems to be nothing more than a large mock up model (not properly sized to accomodate a real pilot….).


There is a video allegedly showing the Q-313 in the air. Here it is.

Even if it is not the first flight of the aircraft as some of The Aviationist readers say, the way the depicted plane flies is suspect. It seems a radio-controlled scale model more than a modern fighter jet.

Furthermore, as someone pointed out: if the Qaher 313 actually flew, most probably Tehran would release footage of its takeoff and landing.
The Aviationist » Iran unveils new indigenous stealth fighter “Qaher 313″. And here’s a detailed analysis.

Quote from: Eagle2009

I have read a translated version of the article you posted and I have question: In English, the article uses the word "estimation" a lot and gives me the impression that it's a speculative piece, not an article with official figures. Am I incorrect in this summation of the article?

Assuming the figures given are correct, here's what the articles gives as basic specifics:

Length- <16 meters
Takeoff Weight- 12,000-14,000kg
Maximum Takeoff Weight- < 20,000kg
Armament- up to 6 AAMs or 2,000lb of bombs (lbs is specifically used in the article) in an internal bay(s)
Misc- Landing is either similar or based on that of the Su-25. The flight control system is suggested to be FBW.

If these bits of information are close to the truth, then I do see one rather big problem with the F-313: powerplant. Those dimensions make the F-313 slightly larger than a F-16C/D (Block 30), so even if you don't want a similar top speed to a F-16 (Mach 2+), you still need a fairly powerful engine. I would guess you need a heavy-class engine (see F100, WS10, AL-31). Given the apparent size of that engine nozzle however that seems unlikely. So either that engine nozzle is too small on the mockup or the dimensions are incorrect. If you tried powering an aircraft this size with something as small as a RD-33, F404 class engine it would be rather sluggish (speed, climb rate, take off run etc).
joke is exactly you who know nothing about military.get out of it.again i dont care if the world is laughing at us.the important part is our safety is getting prepared.thats all.
give me a link ahmadinejad saying the real one has experienced thousands of flight?come on you joke...

guys,IRIAF will be the second air force getting operatioanl 5th gen fighter after USAF.
Fifth-generation jet fighter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iran using HUD for tufan 2 attack heli

the operational fighter will have different cockpit.

WOW :rofl:
Why are people so jealous ? geez... let Iran create whatever it wants, what does it even matter ? hundreds of institutes worldwide make and design planes, IRIAF insitutes are just one of them. It shows the amount of mass burnings Iranian scientists/engineers created on the *** of enemies hahahahahhha looool
Soheil bro, can you create a CGI of this one?!
I love how some mods and other members here are dying of jealousy.... :yahoo:

exactly what is happening here on this stupid "on and on" amateurish discussion of something they don't have a clue of namely avionics , new algorithmic shaping, and stealth technology.
I don't understand why some Iranians and sane users use their time for this mindless discussion, it will get us no where, many of haters "no matters what you say or present" they will find something to provoke you and criticize you, IRan actions speak for itself, our technology kicked Israhellis out of Lebanon, while all you whiners sat on your bottom and watched how Palestinians women and children got killed by Zionists. Viva Iran

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do you actually think that iran while still not mass producing 3rd gen f-5 fighters , will be in a position to make 5th gen fighters in a single stride in the presence of embargoes? Now if this actually is a 5th gen fighter program and if all the money/expertise goes to this program, what will iraf fly for the next decade in the 4rth gen category to keep operational numbers high?

Actually 8 builted and 24 on planned of saeghe...
you know they say the F-5 3rd gen...i really doubt about that...it's somthing like 3.5...and we produce that...and you say Qaher like a 2nd gen!!!! really?!!! it's really ignorance... if you have problem with model well you say that...in a pro way....
and about 4rth gen..you right..but consider that..are first enemy is USA...if we built every thing like 4gen..it's fail...ofcourse it's ambitious project...but a proveb say : If we had 100..99 in our hand
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