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Ghaher 313 fighter

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You can't even make sure that civilian airlines aren't falling out of the sky, and you want to talk about progress now? Go fish.
and now lots of regional flights are getting done by Iran-140 air craft.and we have built Farsco repairing Facility that repairs even b-747.in 2014 they will deliver Iran-158 with 100 seat and by 2018 they will deliver the natioanl aircraft with 150 seat.
they are doing great in aviation.

Internal consumption. That was the whole reason behind it. Nobody in Iran is buying this joke.

why do you just repeating the old words?you can not even speak Persian but still talking about Iranian people?in all forums People are admiring them.
why Turks here are that much stupids?the government itself said that the fighter in introduction was a mock-up.they themselves said the flying one was a RC.still these turks are getting emotional.

The only stupid here is likes of you. Your stupidity is encouraging your regime to come up with such jokes on a monthly basis. Not only Turks but the whole world is making fun with this thing, you are the one who is getting emotional.

however a real one is getting test already.

Real one? Is that the one which supposedly had more than several thousand flight hour, according to Ahmedinejad? But, i don't think there is a "real one".
RD-33, it has been stated before.


You must be joking RD-33 is way to big for this junk , even if Iran managed to stick RD-33 into this thing, as soon they turn on the engine the whole plane would melt:lol:
My point that only plane in the world with Klingon wings was very slow flying unmaneuverable Boeing Bird of Prey. And after testing it Boeing ditched that design for normal wing. So its absolutely useless.

Top intakes on the other hand have some sense: they improve stealth. But again they are used only on subsonic unmaneuverable planes, like F-117, B-2, stealth UAVs... They dont fit to fighters.

But lets took at positive side. F-313 is a first fighter in the world with built in cassette player!



first of all BIG CONGRATS TO IRAN...second..guys this is a tech demonstrator plane a concept in the making i dont think a future production design is suppose to lack a HUD...remember the super 7 compare it to the JF17 to day ...there is a hell of a lot of difference...i think iran is testing it design and material capability with this bird.
rite now i dont think any one has the rite to criticize this project for except USA RUSSIA and China no one has a proper stealth program of our own...and if u look at US program there were many designed that came before F 22 and 35 that were not "OPTIMUM" but they lead to these marvelous birds...

@ 500 dont u want to drop bombs and listen to Beethoven simultaneously ..it is quite surreal.
Every closed regime need the propaganda machine to keep the masses folded within the structure. All there defense programmes kept secret for the purpose of hype and most of the time do not mach with contemporary technology of other Nations. It helps the regime in a way that opponents keep guessing the real might of all these weapons and masses keep praising the local developments with out the proven quality and comparison.
The only stupid here is likes of you. Your stupidity is encouraging your regime to come up with such jokes on a monthly basis. Not only Turks but the whole world is making fun with this thing, you are the one who is getting emotional.

Real one? Is that the one which supposedly had more than several thousand flight hour, according to Ahmedinejad? But, i don't think there is a "real one".
joke is exactly you who know nothing about military.get out of it.again i dont care if the world is laughing at us.the important part is our safety is getting prepared.thats all.
give me a link ahmadinejad saying the real one has experienced thousands of flight?come on you joke...

guys,IRIAF will be the second air force getting operatioanl 5th gen fighter after USAF.
Fifth-generation jet fighter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iran using HUD for tufan 2 attack heli

the operational fighter will have different cockpit.

You must be joking RD-33 is way to big for this junk , even if Iran managed to stick RD-33 into this thing, as soon they turn on the engine the whole plane would melt:lol:
F-313 wont use that "junk" engine as far as the engine make much smoke and cant be used for a 5th gen fighter.
it will use Iranian made engine.
Nothing makes any sense. Why show a mock-up model, with wrong instruments? Thats just illogic.
Nothing makes any sense. Why show a mock-up model, with wrong instruments? Thats just illogic.
they wont show any high-resolution vid or pic from the fighter in near future at all.and it makes sense.real cockpit photo would just show the fighter weakness or positive points.
50 Important points, the equipment and the design of F313 fighter + photos

Due to the size of the plane with a length of less than 16 m is estimated, the container carrying weapons that could be at least two bombs, two thousand pounds or more bombs, small spot she guided, or at least six missiles, air-to-air category of R-73 or PL-12 is in its place.
According to the Department of Defense and Security East, although the plan earlier in Iran fighter plane normal process in the development of this product showed the unveiling of the prototype aircraft Iran's new name "violent 313" on 14 February genuinely shocked strange ago Current Status of fighter design created.

Features of secrecy (Radargryzy)

1 - in the plane of the flat surface and slightly curved surfaces in the body of the stealthy aircraft is based on design principles. For example, the nose and the corners sideways body is designed according to the principles of choice and stealth radar can be said of the fifth-generation combat aircraft, 313 violent (with the usual definitions) is.

2 - a broken wing, and the strangest thing that's interesting is the apparent violent 313 radar and thermal effects will help to reduce its main mission, though, is something else.

3 - Most likely the most violent weapon is carried in the chamber between the main landing gear to reduce radar reflection from weapons mounted under the wings and body of the method is safe

4 - The engine air intake is located on the hull reduces radar reflection radar at the bottom of the plane will look.

6 - wedges around the engine output to reduce the effects of thermal and radar installation, vector output variable to be useful in the future.

7 - Use Frarhay same angle of attack and most of the lines on the edge of the valve body and the landing gear is necessary to cover one of which is seen in 313 violent.

8 - V-shaped vertical rudder to help cover an aircraft that have been used in aircraft.

9 - must see to reduce radar reflection of his helmet and the pilot and co-pilot seat with big canopy (talc cab) what measures have been devised.

10 - Hot exhaust gases from the engine before leaving the plane with the body of cold air through two channels are out of the plane combined with low temperature to minimize thermal effects.

Finally, and engine output of 313

11 - The use of radar-absorbent material to absorb energy in the body and reduce radar reflection of radar waves from the violent methods used to increase the secrecy.

Flight Characteristics

12 - focus on violent crime fighters axis 313 is increased flexibility exercises.

13 - Because of a plane with a length of less than 16 m is estimated, the container carrying weapons that could be at least two bombs, two thousand pounds or more bombs, small spot she guided, or at least six air missile Air in the category of R-73 or PL-12 is in its place.

14 - There Pyshbal (Canard) for increased maneuverability, producing positive for the presence of control surfaces on the wings with a big mouth declined Pyshbal taking advantage of it.

15 - the wings and fuselage violent show about design patterns "combining wings and body" that has aerodynamic benefits too, especially in reducing unfavorable interactions of the wings and fuselage.

18 - the main landing gear forward accumulate in the body causing the body to be more useful space.

19 - large vertical tail surfaces and moving parts that make sustainability good position (in) great maneuvering characteristics make a good side. Due to rudder, vertical height of 4 meters is estimated to be less violent.

20 - Wing thick (the thickness of the top) is very suitable for the production of this type of violent 313 wings to optimal speeds are not very high. The wing span of the aircraft is less than 8 meters.

21 - the shape and location of the air inlet flow separation at high angles of attack is the ability to fly at angles of attack of 20 degrees to the violent way the problem is solved.

22 - in front of the engine air intake is rooted LERX high aerodynamic advantage.

Notice in this picture the 313 canopy

28 - The landing gear of the aircraft is not copied from any of the current Iranian fighters like the new design and outline Su -25 aircraft's landing gear.

313 violent landing gear

29 - A single-engine plane to reduce overall fuel consumption and ease of maintenance, that is light weight aircraft.

30 - Single-cycle landing gear or other evidence of light weight aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight of about 12 to 14 and probably weighs less than 20 tons.


31 - Due to the low latitude and 313 violent nose looks of the radar equipment is housed under the cockpit seating.

34 - use 8 analog display screens in the cabin next to the MFD technology represents the ultimate failure of the 313 architects are violent.

Cabin was unveiled samples of 313

35 - Telecommunication equipment and control systems along side the traditional design of the pilot took place. However, the gas engine under the cab is not seen in the pictures released.

36 - the fighter making the local radio frequency electronics mod-resistant mutants with impaired functionality and automation of the coding algorithms have been developed.

37 - like an ejection seat aircraft were available to local specimens is probably not that long ago that the test aircraft test-bed "Armita" successfully Done.

38 - the lever to steer the ordinary type of control system of removable wings and wing and rudder and vertical flight Omnipotent 313 type hydraulic Nine Systems Flight Electronic Control (FBW) because of the existing system in the world. "Lever steering side "uses.

39 - In the current example, violent, head-up display (HUD) is simple and obviously can not be seen and flight helmet HUD would control the production instance.

40 - According to some evidence, visual display of scale models of real or "Muck Up" is one of the most important steps before making a fighter pilot samples.

Other Considerations

41 - 313 violent images releases of software design and development process for calculating the radar cross section can be seen that the development of defense products is very important for improving the country.

Calculation of radar cross section and aerodynamic analysis of 313

42 - Modeling violent 313's advanced software design, computer (CAD), such as CATIA, which can connect to computers and machines, advanced production works construction, the analysis of aerodynamic and numerical methods (cfd) by using software to generate grid numerical flow analysis software GAMBIT and FLUENT, design calculations performed with the software that the entire scientific career in the field of aircraft design is indigenous.

43 - the beginning of the current sample design to manufacturing, lasts 2.5 to 3 years, a sign of strong management and a serious commitment to modernize and increase the production capacity of the country air.

44 - Flight Test Pilot prevalence of small-scale with violent conduct by the conventional method to extract the flight characteristics of the aircraft being designed with the cost and time will be smaller.

45 - Wind tunnel tests violent instances to achieve optimal aerodynamic form is done. Below is an example of such parts Pyshbal, vertical rudder and engine output differences with the unveiling of seen.

Wind tunnel testing is an example of 313

46 - 313 of violent engine and not likely to speak an indigenous turbofan engine that is used to cover the needs of the day and the heat and the massive body of the match.

47 - the violent current of infrared tracking systems, balls and some accessories, such as antennas, transmitting and receiving systems are not up to it because it is Mack.

48 - wind tunnel tests, and flight software works on a small scale model to achieve better and more reliable ways of making the flight model that has a higher cost of these tests. The result can be expected operational prototype was unveiled produce violent changes are less than exemplary.

49 - Launch of the 313 violent single airline has announced that due to the characteristics of the multi-role air-to-air and air-to-surface operations will be.

Given the assumptions above, the later development of violent 313 to reach a specimen of operations include the manufacture samples for testing static (static) land, construction of the flight samples for testing systems, radar and weapons on the fly, prototypes and production samples The main line of domestic and international experts willing to support and integrate with the authorities in the next few years and the end result will be mass produced.


pictures in the link


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