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Ghaher 313 fighter

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any way .... Qaher is the only 5th gen light fighter , so don't compare it with J-10 and F35 and heavy fighter like Pakfa , F22 and J 20 ....

at least we show some movie about testing an RC model with jet engine and prove that this air frame can fly and maneuver in sky freely ...

Its great to see atleast they can design and build (Mock-up) fighter jets but lets clear this once and for all, Its true that most of the time the mock-up of an equipment differce from the real prototype but taking a rough look shows that this aircraft is nowhere near 5th gen, not to become a hater and ruin the cheerfull moment but i even doubt wether this compatible with an 4th Gen fighter class...

The F-313 cockpit

F-16 Block 52+ cockpit

JF-17 cockpit
actually Mashregh news said the real cockpit and MDF didn't prepare so they show it .... well JF 17 project begin in 2000 and Qaher begin in 2009-2011 so this is natural that it in his first stage ...

actually they design air frame and now they will go and design other things ........
I smell some Kosher , Tush burning with jelousy a plane that cannot be tracked by radar .. oh damn ..

Fluid LCD , displays in there not one but 3-4 screens god knows what secrets these LCD will unviel to pilots

Missing HUDs display .. can you imagine why .. the HUD display must be integrated in the secret Iranian Fighter Jet Helmets

A bubble canopy in a Dog fight , the Iranian fighters will see full 360 visual of the dog fight I mean not to mention carrying a Sidewinder Enhanced range weapons on board
nationalistic nonsense? dependent on this project? living in Sweden? boy do you even know wtf you are talking about? toro sannana man koja daram zendegi mikonam ya kichar mikona bache joon?hala vaghti in raft to solakh kune on jai ke bayad bere chi migi?
in harumzade farsi balad nist ke.
in harumzade farsi balad nist ke.

برادر کمی با ملایمت تر حرف بزن

رونمایی بسیار عالی هست ولی، حداقلش ما عرض داشتیم یک طرح صد در صد بومی از خودمون بسازیم و مدل کوچکش رو با موفقیت آزمایش کنیم و حالا هم بریم سراغ نمونه ی اصلی ولی دیگران چی ... همین کوریا و ژاپن و ترکیه که هنوز ادعای خالص هستند و هی یک رپورتر 22 انگولک شده رو به صورت سی جی آی نشون می دهند و می گد این جنگنده ی نسل 5 ماست
why Turks here are that much stupids?the government itself said that the fighter in introduction was a mock-up.they themselves said the flying one was a RC.still these turks are getting emotional.however a real one is getting test already.

anyway Vahidi the defence minister said its mass-production will be started in near future.so let haters hate.
why Turks here are that much stupids?the government itself said that the fighter in introduction was a mock-up.they themselves said the flying one was a RC.still these turks are getting emotional.however a real one is getting test already.

anyway Vahidi the defence minister said its mass-production will be started in near future.so let haters hate.

Just like the mass production of Zulfiqar, which we've seen more than 10 years on the back of a carrier. They have told us that they were unveiling a real fighter jet, and not a mock-up or a RC-model. Period. Nobody is believing this nonsense, only you and some other fanboys. There is not one aviation expert who thinks that this thing can actually be used in combat.
برادر کمی با ملایمت تر حرف بزن

رونمایی بسیار عالی هست ولی، حداقلش ما عرض داشتیم یک طرح صد در صد بومی از خودمون بسازیم و مدل کوچکش رو با موفقیت آزمایش کنیم و حالا هم بریم سراغ نمونه ی اصلی ولی دیگران چی ... همین کوریا و ژاپن و ترکیه که هنوز ادعای خالص هستند و هی یک رپورتر 22 انگولک شده رو به صورت سی جی آی نشون می دهند و می گد این جنگنده ی نسل 5 ماست
نميشه.نديدي مرتيكه حر..... از اسم جعلي خليج عربي استفاده كرد؟نديدي چطوري پرچم جدايي طلبا رو گذاشت تو اواتارش؟
امثال اين .....بدترين دشمناي ايران اند

Just like the mass production of Zulfiqar, which we've seen more than 10 years on the back of a carrier. They have told us that they were unveiling a real fighter jet, and not a mock-up or a RC-model. Period. Nobody is believing this nonsense, only you and some other fanboys. There is not one aviation expert who thinks that this thing can actually be used in combat.
and they never said something about zolfaghar MBT mass-production till one month ago.and now they are going to do that.plus you are not an Iranian and even you can not speak Persian.just go to Persian forums and see how popular they have became in case of military.
US never unveiled the real f-35 at the first introduction and we all know it.
give me a link any Iranian official saying the fighter was a real one?
just go to Persian forums and see how popular they have became in case of military.

You're right in this one. They have become extremely popular, but only because the whole world wants to have a good laughter. HAHA.

You should see how Russians are talking about this joke on their forums.
نميشه.نديدي مرتيكه حر..... از اسم جعلي خليج عربي استفاده كرد؟نديدي چطوري پرچم جدايي طلبا رو گذاشت تو اواتارش؟
امثال اين .....بدترين دشمناي ايران اند.

دقیقا کی رو می گی ... من چند ده نفری رو فرستادم تو لیست نادیده گرفته ها و خیلی از پست ها ی ترول ها رو نمی خونم ........
You're right in this one. They have become extremely popular, but only because the whole world wants to have a good laughter. HAHA.

You should see how Russians are talking about this joke on their forums.
yes everyone in Pesian forums are admiring them.you foreigners can laugh as much as you die.the important part in Iran's safety and capabilities.we dont care about foreigners opinions.we are progressing so fast and foreigner's laugh never do .... to our progress.

دقیقا کی رو می گی ... من چند ده نفری رو فرستادم تو لیست نادیده گرفته ها و خیلی از پست ها ی ترول ها رو نمی خونم ........
همين سورناي .....
yes everyone in Pesian forums are admiring them.you foreigners can laugh as much as you die.the important part in Iran's safety and capabilities.we dont care about foreigners opinions.we are progressing so fast and foreigner's laugh never do .... to our progress.

همين سورناي .....

این رو که من خیلی وفته فرستادم تو لیست نادیده نی ها ...

well , I become more happy that is not final stage ... we can improve it right now ...
yes everyone in Pesian forums are admiring them.you foreigners can laugh as much as you die.the important part in Iran's safety and capabilities.we dont care about foreigners opinions.we are progressing so fast and foreigner's laugh never do .... to our progress.

You can't even make sure that civilian airlines aren't falling out of the sky, and you want to talk about progress now? Go fish.
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