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Ghaher 313 fighter

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A pic from active cockpit:

^ Maximum speed looks to be "500"..? can anyone read it?

A question for all those who have doubts for this jet:

If a video footage showing this jet (real size, not RC), taking off, maneuvering and landing, also weapons it can carry, will you get satisfied?

Weapons are supposed to be in the wings since it is stealth
A question for all those who have doubts for this jet:

If a video footage showing this jet (real size, not RC), taking off, maneuvering and landing, also weapons it can carry, will you get satisfied?

Do you mean that you have such a video?
A question for all those who have doubts for this jet:
If a video footage showing this jet (real size, not RC), taking off, maneuvering and landing, also weapons it can carry, will you get satisfied?
Nope. Didn't you see the doubts regarding Monkey launch and Iran's space program.

There are only few who will debate in constructive way.
No, why should I have it?:P

What I meant is that everyone's problems is that this bird can not fly or maneuver in a real size model. So if such video is published, will they get convinced?

No , they will come and say :
" Iran empolyeed Hollywood movie maker and make this video , it is not real ...


This is flying mock up ..... "
Nobody is attacking Iran. And what does 'Iran' mean? Iran is much larger than a bunch of illiterate Pasdars unveiling what seems to be a cheap school-project. Iran has enough capable men and women who could, if they had the opportunity, make something much better than what they are showing now. If you announce you are going to unveil a 'ultra-advanced stealth fighter' than you should expect that everybody is putting it under a microscope. If you can stand the heat, get out of the chicken.

Nobody is criticizing Iran. We are criticizing the men who are behind this project and try to fool the world, while the capabilities to produce something advanced is in the country, if they only would stop behaving like a bunch of primitive dictators. We have the largest brain drain in the world.
Something bother man with your country achievement if so so shame or trying to dwarfs your achievement so weird, I swear I"m not Iranian and I swear if any country make any technological achievement I will appreciate it since we human respect hard working people.
Something bother man with your country achievement if so so shame or trying to dwarfs your achievement so weird, I swear I"m not Iranian and I swear if any country make any technological achievement I will appreciate it since we human respect hard working people.

who said Surenas is an Iranian !?
Bunch of children acting like morons.

No real experts has so far called this a fake and yet bunch of fanboys are calling it fake and even Moderators in this forum say "It's made up of cardboards". It's pathetic, grow up.
At least put up some proper debate instead of childish excuses like "intakes are too small".
You don't know anything about aerospace.

They only thing wrong, with this design from the mockup is of course the cockpit. the cockpit seems too simple for a stealth fighter. of course even Iranian F-14 have advancer looking cockpit.

There are many hints it is a mock-up, number one you can see there is a electric cable connected to the plane, this is to light up the cockpit so it's cleary just a mock-up for show. Also, there is no evidence of an engine or internal bays as of yet.

There needs to be changed to this design and then it will be a decent fighter plane. If only they made it bigger so it could carry better radars because from the nose you can see it will not be able to carry any big radar, Unless, the radar is placed somewhere else.

I say, congratulations to my Iranian friends and stay strong. My own country was once placed under so much pressure and from that came some amazing breakthroughs that I am sure you aware aware of :P
Don't let these Turks and Jews bring you down, just work hard and you will achieve even better.


I have been on other forums and they posted few links (in farsi) and they said this is not the real cockpit.
They are working on a glass cockpit for this fighter plane.
Do Iranians present this as a mockup or as prototype?
My friend told me that , there was a program on BBC Persian analyzing the Qaher 313 last night . The expert who had been invited confirmed that the plane was real and every part of it was designed by using both Russian and American models however the main design was confirmed to be Iranian .

According to him ( the expert ), Iran designed it small in order to be Stealth , He also added that Iran didn't have the technology of producing stealth body and that was the main reason the size was that small .

I haven't seen the program myself , Has any other Iranian watched it ?

This is just a mockup and shows a general design. It is not complete yet, as you can see, some obvious things are missing as of now, such the engine. I got this from another forum:

Brigadier General Shahrokh Shahram live Alalam TV moments ago

After being asked about mass production of Qahar-313, he said that Iranian scientists are doing tests after the design phase and mass production will follow.
A question for all those who have doubts for this jet:

If a video footage showing this jet (real size, not RC), taking off, maneuvering and landing, also weapons it can carry, will you get satisfied?

In fact, that's the reason of the most of arguments. If the title was "Iran shew the initial concept of a new fighter" now we are discussing to how extend the concept is mature, or not.

If others say "as an initial concept this is not perfect!" Ok, the answer is simple. This is an initial concept which is going to be more mature.

But when commanders call it as a 5th generation fighter which is ready to produce, even have been tested then they show a mockup with a RC 1/10 scale model we just welcome every body to make a joke of us.

I do not deny, there are some who have hostile attitude regards to Iran. But there are professional members here with serious questions. Do you see professional members criticizing the ballistic missile technology of Iran? No, because every body knows the steps we have had within 25 years to reach the current state.

Russia has a plan of 5th generation fighter from 1990, result is T-50 (from Sukhoi with comprehensive experience in aviation industry) and under testing yet. China's J20 is a program of more than 15 years! and suddenly a 5th generation fighter from Iran!

None of professional members says Iran can not develop a modern fighter, but with rational steps, planned program, more mature concepts, reasonable timing.

So if this jet (real size, not RC), taking off, maneuvering and landing, still that is only a vehicle that could fly in my eyes. Not an acceptable fighter technology of 21th century. Make a mature copy of mig-29 then see how I back that project.

Iranian universities are working on a stealth coating materiel for fighters. I have not see this BBC interview but again as I said, there is nothing that wrong with this project in order for it to be called "fake", only bunch of fanboy mods here who think with jealousy rather than rational reasoning.

We have s saying in German, It does not sound as good when said in English but here it goes anyway.

"Those who want to find fault in something will go through the most ridiculous lengths to do so, even if it makes them look like fools"

In other worlds, these people will try and fault Iran achievement regardless so why do you guys want to prove something to these people when they pretend to be sleep?
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