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Ghaher 313 fighter

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What is very important to note as well is when I was on another forum, Iranian though they will see another F-5 upgraded. They were very shocked to see this. The point of this is, whatever happens to this project whether it ends up being successful or not (god forbid) then Iran will from now on have the motivation and will to make designs like this. Thing will only get better for Iran now. Iranian officials have been given an order from the supreme leader of Iran to not to reverse engineer any fighter jets and they must make their own designs.

I got to say though, I find this design very sexy :)


Before you edited you comment I read and I hope you don't mind me replying to it.

I don't follow your logic, You do realise Iran has 4th gen fighter jets right? what do you think Mig-29 is?
Again, we know nothing about Iran airforce or their radars and so on. so how do you sit back and just assume Iranian X is 3.5 gen and their Y is 4th gen?
For example, look at these pics of F-105 fighter:



The air intakes in this jet are also small, but can we say : 'Look, it can not even take off, let alone maneuvering!' ?

First of all as I said before the main problem in his intakes is lack of a diverterer and top location. As u can see F-105 has diverteres and its not top.

As for a size, F-104 has pretty low thrust-weight ratio, its a bomber rather than fighter.
here is ghaghar 313

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As far as i am concerned the WS-13A [100KN] will NOT be ready before 2017-2018 and would only be seen in the JF-17 Block III and the J-31. Then we would start to mass produce it, lets imagine that China transfers TOPT for that engine to Pakistan for JFT production, it will take us around 5-10 years to produce enough engines to power our own fleet of JFTs and J-31s. Exports won't be likely before 2020-2022.

GAIC is our weakest aircraft manufacturer, the rest of our aircraft manufacturers are busy making the engines for J-20/Y-20/Stealth Bomber.

The project of WS-13 started less than a decade ago, it will definitely take them more time to bring it on the table.

But i've heard the rumor that WS-13A/B will run on J-31 and JF-17 by the end of this year. And hopefully we can make it as soon as possible. :coffee:
RCS reduction features, stealthy fighter , stealth fighter, 5th gen fighter, internal weapons bay --- the last 3 terms have not been initially posted by pakistani members rather have been by other members-- or the actual meaning has been lost in translation? The first 2 terms might be used with a lot of 4.5 gen fighters

Is this a technology demonstrator , r&d platform , prototype's mockup? We dont know

Is it easy to re-design the cockpit , cone of the fighter without effecting other dimensions / flight characteristics of the fighter? I dont know

Does the fighter support a modular design to support several engine types?

Over the years ive been on many irani forums and they have really made fun of jf-17 and coined it as a glorified f-5 -- even though a lot of data to negate this perception is available on line --- so it confuses me when those same members can term this concept fighter with so many hi-tech terms that I dont want to post here

Members here might know how much pakistani members were happy when jxx was released and I even made several videos back then --- now when the same pakistani members want to know something of this fighter, why do Irani members feel so insecure that they have to lash out on every one as haters etc? All of the world does not hate you -- rest assured
The point of this is, whatever happens to this project whether it ends up being successful or not (god forbid)
Well if you consider this project as troll - its a huge success.

If you consider this project as propaganda for internal consumption - thats also a big success. Look at Iranians on forum. 90% of them cheer. And this is educated part with access to internet. What about majority who know nothing?

Anything else this project is NOT.
Well if you consider this project as troll - its a huge success.

If you consider this project as propaganda for internal consumption - thats also a big success. Look at Iranians on forum. 90% of them cheer. And this is educated part with access to internet. What about majority who know nothing?

Anything else this project is NOT.
and you have not yet proved yourselves yet.
lol to that TurAr thank.

You obviously don't know what you're talking about.
I am on few Iranians forums and they were finding faults with it straightaway, a Mod on Iranian forum called it mock-up straightaway and the members were happy because this project exists not that though it it was a 5th gen fighter, they did not expect to see a stealth fighter project before 2018 at least.
Regrading "Internal consumption", from experience, majority on Iranian military forums are actually Iranians from outside Iran and I doubt common man or women in Iran given a toss about military achievements lol

No real experts will call this plane a "Troll" or propaganda" for the reasons your putting up. You obviously have no Idea what you're talking about when it comes to aerospace and lack simple reasoning. Iranian have already stated the real one will still undergo testing and so on. This is just a mock-up, you seem to bash every Iranian achievement as troll or propaganda. We know why of course, Iran is your enemy and it seems Iranian people are turning into n enemy for your country, your psychological warfare against Iranians is a waste of time because your fantasy does not create fact, and fact is, Iran has created a decent design in which in due time will be mature and ready.

Here is a comment from an Iranian MOD from Iranian forum.

I am finally compelled to write a few words on this project for whatever it is worth. For all practical purposes it is best to think that Qaher-313 does not exist in a prototype form. In fact for what know so far it is at the same stage as when Shafagh project was abandoned. Further example would be to assume Q-313 is also at the same stage as as Iranian BAVAR-373 project. Anything else, in the absence of proof, is simply one's imaginations and desires not reality.

Ahmadinejad's reference to the test pilot I read differently than ,most people here interpreted. He said that the pilot with thousands of flight time admits to the capabilities of Q-313 not that there has been 1000 hours of flight test time on the Q-313.

Further, the quotation above reference to tests are ones imagination. It could be simulation tests, system or sub-system tests or it could mean component tests.

Why this project was revealed at this juncture is still a mystery to me. It is not feasible to think that this bird has been going through flight tests w/o anyone spotting it, it just not possible in Iran. Iran is a big country but there is not enough restricted area to test flying objects out of public eyes. Even in the US with area 15 this has not been possible. So this theory is dead too.

What remains is that there is a project under way by modification of an aircraft in IRIAF inventory, designed in virtual world and tested with an unknown engine (may be revealed during these 10 day celebrations) and with an incomplete mock-up.

So all other discussions going on here are simple people's imagination and desires that might lead to disappointment as it did for me with Shafagh project. We saw exactly the same bells and whistles in that project too!

There MAY be a prototype being worked on pending its completion but sure enough when that prototype is ready for flight we will all know a few days after. The first few flights will not be reported due to chances of accidents and the destruction of the aircraft as happened to Indian and other countries indigenous projects. So, if ministry of defence is prudent, then they will make three prototypes for tests. So, by the time that comes up we have possibly a year at the least and mass production time in five to six years all depending on a thousands other variables.

My two cents!
It is very important for member to put politics aside and talk like professionals, this is a defence forum not politics forum.
Don't straightaway call something from a country fake just because that country is your enemy. If you carry on trolling then this place will be a magnet for trolls and more trolls.

As Iranian mods in other forum stated, this plane was JUST a mockup and not ready yet.

You obviously don't know what you're talking about.
I am on few Iranians forums and they were finding faults with it straightaway, a Mod on Iranian forum called it mock-up straightaway and the members were happy because this project exists not that though it it was a 5th gen fighter, they did not expect to see a stealth fighter project before 2018 at least.
I can tell one thing for sure. If Iran ever makes a stealth fighter, it will be nothing like this thing. It is nether a mock up nor a prototype. Just a joke that does not make any sense.
It does not make any sense to you, but yet experts see nothing wrong it in order for it to be a propaganda. I think you are just too jealous to want to admit. I think Iranian drones were also called "jokes" and yet they got into Israel and stayed there for long enough. In the end you could not detect them using radar so you you got lucky and it was detected by optical system. God knows how many others were not detected.

I am not going to carry on wasting time with someone like you, If you want to challenge the authenticity of this project at least talk with some proficiency rather than " It's joke", "It makes no sense".
Everyone seems to be agreeing this is a mock-up and real thing will have changed, but to go as far as call it a joke shows your a joke really.
Check this gap:



This mock-up is the worst mock-up I've ever seen.
RCS reduction features, stealthy fighter , stealth fighter, 5th gen fighter, internal weapons bay --- the last 3 terms have not been initially posted by pakistani members rather have been by other members-- or the actual meaning has been lost in translation? The first 2 terms might be used with a lot of 4.5 gen fighters

Is this a technology demonstrator , r&d platform , prototype's mockup? We dont know

Is it easy to re-design the cockpit , cone of the fighter without effecting other dimensions / flight characteristics of the fighter? I dont know

Does the fighter support a modular design to support several engine types?

Over the years ive been on many irani forums and they have really made fun of jf-17 and coined it as a glorified f-5 -- even though a lot of data to negate this perception is available on line --- so it confuses me when those same members can term this concept fighter with so many hi-tech terms that I dont want to post here

Members here might know how much pakistani members were happy when jxx was released and I even made several videos back then --- now when the same pakistani members want to know something of this fighter, why do Irani members feel so insecure that they have to lash out on every one as haters etc? All of the world does not hate you -- rest assured

Bro,, you hit the spot with bull's eye accuracy
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