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germany breaks export record...100 billion € in one month

How? Almost every other industrialized nation nation relied more and more on services sector as wages rose, Germany is still titan of manufacturing. It doesn't make sense :crazy:
How? Almost every other industrialized nation nation relied more and more on services sector as wages rose, Germany is still titan of manufacturing. It doesn't make sense :crazy:

Its quality and innovation and a powerful middle sector. Germany does have many strong medium sized corporations. Many in the hands of private family. They are the base of a powerful export driven economy which is unique in the industrialized world.
How? Almost every other industrialized nation nation relied more and more on services sector as wages rose, Germany is still titan of manufacturing. It doesn't make sense :crazy:

Because their economy is based on solid foundations. Their whole culture of innovation and technical skills makes them a nation apart. Britain is now just a shadow of what it was just like Germany is today. Germany got bombed to shyt in wwII, yet they rebuilt.
Its quality and innovation and a powerful middle sector. Germany does have many strong medium sized corporations. Many in the hands of private family. They are the base of a powerful export driven economy which is unique in the industrialized world.

yet we have still lower gdp per capita than America? Fair world? nope.

Germany is maybe a net exporter of manufacturing but too many monopolies which germans are using are in the hands of America. Germany is also in fact a net importer of services and other 21 century goods that become more and more important and are controlled by the US. America is printing money to buy our goods so we give them our products for free like slaves while Russia and China give us real earned money from Resources and Manufacturing for our products.
Because their economy is based on solid foundations. Their whole culture of innovation and technical skills makes them a nation apart. Britain is now just a shadow of what it was just like Germany is today. Germany got bombed to shyt in wwII, yet they rebuilt.

Is Britain, the 6th largest economy in the world, somehow poor compared to Germany?
Hitler couldn't conquer entire Europe but modern Germany did
Its quality and innovation and a powerful middle sector. Germany does have many strong medium sized corporations. Many in the hands of private family. They are the base of a powerful export driven economy which is unique in the industrialized world.
Yup i saw this news report where they showed these medium sized corporations usually owned by families and during the crisis they did not lay-off there workers but instead managed the crisis by spreading the work hours because they didn't want to lose skilled manpower....also because of family ownership there is this commitment to keep the company alive by focusing on innovation...small things but end up making a huge difference
Its quality and innovation and a powerful middle sector. Germany does have many strong medium sized corporations. Many in the hands of private family. They are the base of a powerful export driven economy which is unique in the industrialized world.

Exactly Markus.
Germany does have many strong small and medium sized companies in the hands of private family and now they use circumstance to build factories in other countries where taxes are cheaper so they make extra profit.
Other countries in Europe have different perception for business because on head of states are bunch of corrupted morons, so they destroyed small and medium factories but corporations work without problems .
Hitler couldn't conquer entire Europe but modern Germany did
german products and services didnt just conquer europe it conquered entire world....most of developing nations like india and china rely very much on german innovation and technology....

i really admire the way germans have advanced in terms of technology and innovation.....have to say they are the best in the world interms to skill

India, Germany to cooperate in skill development, waste management, river cleaning
Because their economy is based on solid foundations. Their whole culture of innovation and technical skills makes them a nation apart. Britain is now just a shadow of what it was just like Germany is today. Germany got bombed to shyt in wwII, yet they rebuilt.

Area: 357,168 km2 (63rd) / 137,847 sq mi
Water (%) 2.416

2014 estimate 80,716,000 (16th)
Density 226/km2 (58th) / 583/sq mi

Area: 796,095 km2 (36th) / 307,374 sq mi
Water (%) 3.1

2014 estimate 196,174,380 [8] (6th)
Density 234.4/km2 (55th) / 607.4/sq mi

Smart leadership + development of human capital + natural resources = developed country
Smart leadership + development of human capital + no natural resources = developed country

And our decision makers are doing all the best they can to change what Pakistan is now towards a better and a developed country.
Because their economy is based on solid foundations. Their whole culture of innovation and technical skills makes them a nation apart. Britain is now just a shadow of what it was just like Germany is today. Germany got bombed to shyt in wwII, yet they rebuilt.

There is always room for improvement

Lessons to learn from Germany for our decision makers on developing human capital

Lessons to learn from Netherlands for our decision makers on developing agriculture

But our decision makers don't know how to learn and analyze the positive points of other countries and therefore don't implement them on their own people.

From wikipedia: The Netherlands' name literally means "Low Country", inspired by its low and flat geography, with only about 50% of its land exceeding one metre above sea level. Most of the areas below sea level are man-made. Since the late 16th century, large areas (polders) have been reclaimed from the sea and from lakes, amounting to nearly 17% of the country's current land mass.

With a population density of 406 people per km² – 497 if water is excluded – the Netherlands is a very densely populated country for its size. Only Bangladesh, South Korea and Taiwan have both a larger population and a higher population density. Nevertheless, the Netherlands is the world's second largest exporter of food and agriculture products, after the United States.

Area Total 41,543 km2 (134th) / 16,039 sq mi

Water (%) 18.41

Area: Total 796,095 km2 (36th) / 307,374 sq mi

Water (%) 3.1


In 2013 the total value of agricultural exports from the Netherlands grew to a record level of 79 billion Euros, up five per cent compared to 2012. Dutch Minister for Agriculture Dijksma announced these new figures from the Dutch Agricultural Economics Research Institute during the International Green Week in Berlin.

'These figures underline the importance of the agricultural sector in the recovery of the Dutch economy,” the Minister said. “The Netherlands is a world leader in agriculture and, after the United States, the largest exporter of agricultural products in the world. That’s something we must cherish.'

Agricultural exports reach record levels | News item | Government.nl


Holland is world-leading exporter of agri-food products
The Netherlands is the world's second largest exporter of agricultural products, after the USA. Together with the USA and France, the Netherlands is one of the world's three leading producers of vegetables and fruit. It supplies a quarter of the vegetables that are exported from Europe. The agri-business is one of the driving forces behind the Dutch economy. At the same time, it poses challenges to the environment. In recent decades, farms became larger in scale and production became more intensive. As a result, fertilizers and manure made more impact on the countryside. Farming had to become more sustainable, the Dutch government said. Today, the Dutch agricultural sector is strongly focused on sustainability: it is a source of healthy, safe food that is produced with respect for the landscape and the environment.
The Dutch agricultural sector is diverse; it covers a wide range of livestock and plant-cultivation sectors that include, for example, arable and dairy farming, cultivation under glass, tree-growing and pig farming. |

Key aspects and strengths

  • The Dutch agricultural sector benefits from Holland's mild climate, flat and fertile soil and favourable geographical location at the heart of Europe.
  • Expertise, infrastructure, the food processing industry, commerce and logistics are all on an extremely high level in the Netherlands.
  • For decades, Dutch agriculture has succeeded in maintaining its lead over international competitors by continually investing in the renewal of agricultural production chains.
  • Farmers and growers are full partners in the agricultural production chain. Their primary task is to produce food, flowers and plants with an optimum price/quality radio using innovative, socially responsible and sustainable methods.
  • Despite tight profit margins, agricultural businesses have invested substantially in environmental protection and implemented improvements in animal welfare
Facts & figures

  • Holland is the world’s 2nd largest exporter of agricultural products, after the USA. Together with the USA and France, Holland is one of the top 3 exporters of vegetables and fruit.
  • The total value of Dutch agricultural exports was 75.4 billion euros in 2012.
  • The Dutch agri-food industry contributes 52.5 billion euros of added value to Dutch GDP, and accounting for some 20% of Holland's total export value.
  • The Netherlands is responsible for 22% of the world’s potato exports.
  • The Netherlands has the second highest private R&D investment rate (as % of GDP) in agri-food in Europe.
  • Four of the world’s top 25 food and beverage companies are Dutch and 12 have a major production site or R&D facilities in the Netherlands.
  • Two Dutch universities are in the European top 10 with regard to the number of publications on agri-food subjects.
  • The Food Valley region, centred at Wageningen University and Research Center, is one of the most authoritative agri-food and nutrition research centres in Europe.
  • NIZO food research owns the largest food testing pilot plant in Europe and is open to the entire food and ingredient industry.
  • Holland is a global market leader in machinery for, for example, poultry and red meat processing, bakery and cheese production.
  • Dutch agricultural entrepreneurs use efficient and sustainable production systems and processes, resulting in a productivity that is five times higher than the European average.
  • There are some 50,000 farmers, or agricultural entrepreneurs, in the Netherlands, distributed over various crop and animal sectors such as arable (crop) farming, dairy farming and pig farming.
  • The agricultural sector makes up approximately 10 percent of the Dutch economy and provides work and income for more than 660,000 people.
  • More than half of the Netherlands' total land surface of 4.15 million hectares is used as farmland. 56 percent if used for arable and horticultural crops, 42 percent is permanent grassland and 2 percent is used for permanent crops.
  • In 2010, there were more than 10,000 hectares of greenhouses in the Netherlands. Half of this, 5,000 hectares, was used for growing vegetables.
  • Tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers are the biggest greenhouse crops.
  • The most common arable crops are: potatoes (seed, starch and edible), winter corn, summer barley, sugar beets and onions.
  • Of the one hundred most competitive products produced in the Netherlands, about half derive from the agriculture and food sector.
Argiculture & Food | www.hollandtrade.com
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Is Britain, the 6th largest economy in the world, somehow poor compared to Germany?

Not poor, but not a sound economy. They are dependent heavily on financial and related services. If that gets affected, like in 2008, then they will automatically suffer more. Britain's industry is all but gone.
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