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Germany anti-Islam protests: Cologne Cathedral to switch of lights in protest against Pegida

More they fight us, the stronger we become. Islam will dominate the world. It has been predicted and you can do nothing about it.
“Verily Allah has shown me the eastern and western part of the earth, and I saw the authority of my Ummah (nation) dominate all that I saw.”
See this exactly is the type of mentality, which is why muslims all over the world are facing hostility, to dominate others , mark my words, that is why pakistan is in the mess it is in, in an ideal world, live and let others live, but no we want to dominate ,rule the world.
You go to a foreign country, have a lots of kids, increase in population, and then demand, some amount of shariah law incorporated into that country's legislature, then shariah only streets, police afraid to act on the basis of called "racist".

German population have learnt the lesson properly from the British experience.

I am sorry but Britain and France also have a good percentage of Hindus. But have seen Hindus demand, Hindu only streets or demand Hindutva law.
Both were migrants from Somalia, you ignorant Jihadi.
They were not many fighting in syria from British are also white converts and one was from somalia other was not
Basic fact is that a large part of german people supports PEGIDA. Basic fact is also that the big parties like CDu and CSU official blame PEGIDA and inofficial changed their politics now to cater PEGIDA. The CSU for example want much harsher immigration laws and make it easier to kick muslim immigrants out. It is quite funny to see how politicians on one side condemn PEGIDA and on otehr side do change politics now since they see how many people support it.
Basic fact is that a large part of german people supports PEGIDA. Basic fact is also that the big parties like CDu and CSU official blame PEGIDA and inofficial changed their politics now to cater PEGIDA. The CSU for example want much harsher immigration laws and make it easier to kick muslim immigrants out. It is quite funny to see how politicians on one side condemn PEGIDA and on otehr side do change politics now since they see how many people support it.

That's how politics work.

Anyhow, what's the main problem with Germans and PEGIDA?

Europe has much bigger problems/issues than immigration---but uncivilized Europeans just pick out a smaller group to make it scapegoat.

These days, immigrants are that group. Especially Muslims.
That's how politics work.

Anyhow, what's the main problem with Germans and PEGIDA?

Europe has much bigger problems/issues than immigration---but uncivilized Europeans just pick out a smaller group to make it scapegoat.

These days, immigrants are that group. Especially Muslims.

Muslims are a security risk. Its that simple. People are simply sick of it. In Hamburg Kurds and Turks clashed with each other. In Cologne ISIS supporters. People are sick about this and have a right to adess it. Then you see terrorist attacks like Sydney. I feel uncomfortable when a muslim enters the plane, train, restaurant where i sit in. Muslims can only blame themself. We have only 3. % muslims in germany but they cause enormous trouble. Same in other EU countries.

Im glad politics act now and i'm happy that people adress their fears and worries. In italy we had to close a supermarket in a village near my town after they opened a refugee camp nearby and they stole there so much thatbthey had to close the shop.
Muslims are a security risk. Its that simple. People are simply sick of it. In Hamburg Kurds and Turks clashed with each other. In Cologne ISIS supporters. People are sick about this and have a right to adess it. Then you see terrorist attacks like Sydney.. Muslims can only blame themself. We have only 3. % muslims in germany but they cause enormous trouble. Same in other EU countries.

Im glad politics act now and i'm happy that people adress their fears and worries. In italy we had to close a supermarket in a village near my town after they opened a refugee camp nearby and they stole there so much thatbthey had to close the shop.


So the image of Europeans being little sissy girls...especially German men..is true?

PS, just to give you a little heart-attack, around 6% of people in Germany are Muslims. And numbers are projected to rise, Inshallah.

Guess what? PEW center of U.S projects population to grow near 10%...Mashallah to that as well.


I feel uncomfortable when a muslim enters the plane, train, restaurant where i sit in

How do you tell if anyone is Muslim? :lol:

Turks, although much more manly, mix well amongst other German males.
Germans are going to burn there country, and funny part is most doing preaching in Germany are converts one of them Piere Vogel former boxer

Even if they do,they'll just rebuild it in 5 years,that's what Germans do,that's what Europeans do.Heck,even a poor European country like mine had rebuilt everything,and i mean whole cities,factories,canals,harbours,hospitals,within 15 years after WW2 left us without a pot to piss in.So,don't worry for Germany,see to your problems,seems to me you have "a few" back home.

Well Islam is a system which is completely opposite to western systems and clash are inevitable. Muslims in Germany need to focus just on preaching Islam and converting as many as possible, like this guy is doing.
View attachment 180826

LOL,And some people are wondering why the Germans are in the streets ? Against this mentality !
Well Islam is a system which is completely opposite to western systems and clash are inevitable. Muslims in Germany need to focus just on preaching Islam and converting as many as possible, like this guy is doing.
View attachment 180826
What would be your reaction if a Pakistani Christian said such a thing?
Good for us. Free advertisement.

Abanononed churches are turning into Masjid all across Europe and America. Islam knows no boundary. It's a relign of man kind irrespective of race, color or whatever. Allahu Akbar.
Some people here basically declare war on Europe and its way of life than act butthurt when,"shockingly", Europeans fight back.They're agressive because of our tolerance and retreat behind our laws when called on their bigotry.

Let's face it folks,Europeans are getting tired of these shenanigans and no church protesting,no politicians screaming "NAZIS-hurr durr!" will turn the tide of the ever more angered masses.Trying to stop this will only add to the frustration gathering inside people,it's like a volcano seemed from afar,it looks peacefull but inside,deep down ,lava is gathering,someday it will blow up.

Some of you will call me an Islamophobe but let's face the real facts.? I like my way of life,i want it preserved,i don't want it replaced by another and i'll fight for it.Simple really.You would do the same ,in fact you would be more agressive than current day Europeans.Prepare for the next 5-6 years,they'll be something ...

So the image of Europeans being little sissy girls...especially German men..is true?

PS, just to give you a little heart-attack, around 6% of people in Germany are Muslims. And numbers are projected to rise, Inshallah.

Guess what? PEW center of U.S projects population to grow near 10%...Mashallah to that as well.


How do you tell if anyone is Muslim? :lol:

Turks, although much more manly, mix well amongst other German males.

if you mean by sissy girls the fact that europeans always first tolerate something until it is seen as unacceptable and then destroy it 100% in wild rage, then yep we are sissi girls. Europe spain once had 10% jews and germany 8%... as a little reminder. :) Sorry but your time here is over. Its that simple. In germany you have PEGIDA in France Front National in UK you have UKIP. I just hope the mass deportations will be not too violent. We saw in italy how it works quick and calm. Police came, arrested all in a gypsy area, crushed their homes, putbthem in bus and out of italy.

Some people here basically declare war on Europe and its way of life than act butthurt when,"shockingly", Europeans fight back.They're agressive because of our tolerance and retreat behind our laws when called on their bigotry.

Let's face it folks,Europeans are getting tired of these shenanigans and no church protesting,no politicians screaming "NAZIS-hurr durr!" will turn the tide of the ever more angered masses.Trying to stop this will only add to the frustration gathering inside people,it's like a volcano seemed from afar,it looks peacefull but inside,deep down ,lava is gathering,someday it will blow up.

Some of you will call me an Islamophobe but let's face the real facts.? I like my way of life,i want it preserved,i don't want it replaced by another and i'll fight for it.Simple really.You would do the same ,in fact you would be more agressive than current day Europeans.Prepare for the next 5-6 years,they'll be something ...

There is one thing i never understand. They run away from their shitholes and then tr to duplicate their shithole system that makes their 3rd world hellhole countries a shithole at their new home. :D

What would be your reaction if a Pakistani Christian said such a thing?

I support this. As long they only preach islam they remain in the Hartz IV zone and cant leave their ghetto.
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