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German Shepherd K-9 Puppy Arrives in France, From Russia, With Love


Adorable !!
waz bhai, please read my posts from page 1 onwards... i think you will change your opinion. :)

Nah my elder bro not a chance. Dog culture is firmly engrained in Pakistani culture. Why do you think it is that Pakistan is one of the few countries in the world that have a national dog i.e. the Bully Kutta?



My grandfather has two, a male and female pair who used to charge down the mountains to greet me, even though they hadn't seen me in years. As a child when I visited by family in Pakistan Kashmir, they used to take me on excursions with them. These times are amongst my most treasured memories. I can recall now running with them across the green rolling hills with the wind in my hair. When it started to rain they would rest by my side, watching over me as if I meant the world to them. They are truly are man's best friend.
I'm in the process of talking my wife around to the idea of converting my back garden to buy my own two puppies, a male and female, who will grow up with my two little girls.
They are truly are man's best friend.

i disagree... they are truly the enemy of man and harmful to social harmony ( as i have shown in many posts including on this thread ), which is one of the reasons why prophet muhammad admired the cat and so did the great lenin and muammar gaddafi. :)
i disagree... they are truly the enemy of man and harmful to social harmony ( as i have shown in many posts including on this thread ), which is one of the reasons why prophet muhammad admired the cat and so did the great lenin and muammar gaddafi. :)
They admired the cat because it required zero maintenance, and im sure they admired the dog aswell. I have a big Spanish mastiff that will protect my house and family, I get exercise by having to walk him everyday, I play with him, he makes me laugh because hes a big dopey dog and is always doing something funny and you can tell he cars about his "pack". A cat just sits there, occasionally scratches people and then runs off for the day to bring a dead mouse back.
dog is dog, the wolf too is dog ( a jungle or mountain dog )... "domestication" is not the right word... how much ever you "domesticate" the dog it can kill you ( the owner ) or your neighbor.

Whether you want to believe or not is entirely upto you, but that doesnt change facts. A Dog is a "domesticated" animal and is considered a household member in many countries.
here's a recent case[1] from india...


clear pictures in this[2] article.

yeah, it did protect so clearly above. :rolleyes:
I see no point in repeating myself over and over again. A dog will do what its trained to do.

Its the owners fault and not the dogs fault. Otherwise all the dogs and all the pitbulls of the world will be killing humans and children.

This is why it is stressed to keep a breed that suits your needs and lifestyle.

Rottweiler, pit bulls, Bull terriers, Dogo Argentino etc are not for everyone.

here's[3] one instance of how cat ( in this case, a her ) protected those she lived with ( vid present in the source )...
here is how a dog saved owner's kids from a Big cat, A mountain Lion.

do a experiment... when you see a dog gang, throw a stone on the one in the middle... when the dog squeals, see how the rest of the dogs attack it.
Let me explain why does that happen.

You throw a dog out or dont control breeding on the streets. a puppy is born and it grows up. From day one, it sees and experiences its parents, siblings and itself being treated like Crap from humans. Its hurled with stones by humans and kids, its shouted at by humans, beaten with sticks by humans, if one of its pack is injured it sees it die of further tortured by humans on the streets, people throw it food and then when it comes near to eat it they make gestures to hit it and sometimes actually hit it for fun.

So what did the dog learn from day 1? Fear !
Now its response to every action in the pack and in the streets is defending itself built out of fear. whatever is happening around it, like you hit the dog, it will bark in fear, you hit its pack, it will bark or attack its pack member out of fear, you make a threatening gesture to the dog it will tuck its tail between and maybe show you its teeth and thats out of fear too.

If you even touch this dog in a loving way, it will exhibit fear because thats the only response it has learnt.

Now watch these two pictures for the same breed, a german shepherd.

In the first pic the dog is acting out of fear, its not confident, check its body language, see the position of its tail, its lower than the back, see ears laid back, the dog is bending from front and back is raised.
This dog is feeling threatened and its already frightened. Its standing its ground in a weak defensive posture and knows it can lose the ground. It will bite out of fear and maybe run away after first bite Its an untrained dog.

dog defending territory.jpg

Now look at the dog below,
Ears forward,
tail in excited mode carried above back height,
Body lunging forward confidently to attack.
The dog is raising its body from front and back is lowered.
If you are threatening the owner, this dog will bite your arm off and probably keep biting and restrain you.
This dog is a trained to protect.

DOG attacking.jpg

i don't use this word too often, but now i will - bullshit !!
Using this word million times wont change facts, Indians should not keep a dog if they cant handle it.

so the 35+ million dogs in india are thrown out from houses??
Mate. I have explained unrestricted street breeding, havent i?

have you not seen my earlier posts where i speak of idiotic software engineer and mba middle-class jobniks and their mothers who feed street dogs despite those dogs having at some point attacked a person??
Again an Indian problem. Should have put dogs in pounds instead of streets.

you don't know this... in 1998, the bjp government at the center had the insane ( much of the bjp is ) maneka gandhi as "environment minister"... she passed a order prohibiting the killing of street dogs and dangerous house dogs by city and town administrations... so in 2016, india has 35+ million dogs.
Infact India doesnt know how to handle dogs. are there any pounds or rescue shelters for dogs? The problem of stray dogs wasnt taken seriously and now it has become serious.

waah ji waah !! 70+ million indians don't have homes and those who have live oppressed lives in which a house is used by parents to constantly threaten children to toe the familial reactionary line, and you want houses for dogs??
Mate, in all your posts you are exposing :
Indian weaknesses
Indian incapacity to solve problems
Indian domestic problems
Indian general psyche

I know how messed up India is already :D but you can keep going :D

like i said before, cats in india are almost extinct, mainly because of dogs... where is your empathy for cats??at some point the filth will attack the cat, how much ever you "train and socialize".
Jokingly, Cats can climb trees, dogs cant :)

Seriously, there are socializing parks for dogs in every developed country of the world. There are many parks in every city. Here the pups and young dogs are socialized with other dogs, other animals, children and adult humans.

so a four-year-old girl and a four-year-old boy in bangalore some years ago were evil creatures who wanted to harm the world and because of which about eight dogs attacked those children and dragged the girl away to another street to maul her to death??
you let the dogs loose on the streets when you shouldnt have, they should have gone in pounds and rescue shelters instead of streets. Now they are un-manageable and everywhere.

Its a human fault, not the dog's fault.
dogs must be eradicated... simple... and i, a socialist/communist and admirer of prophet muhammad ( a admirer of cats himself ), will do everything in my humble capacity to bring about that change in india and in time, the world.
Dont bring religion into this. Under some conditions, dogs are allowed in Islam but leave religion aside.

Dog Helps Owner Fight off Attempted Robber

Hero dog comforted by owner’s mom after saving her from stabbing attack

Man’s best friend saves the day: Thor, a pit-bull mix attacks a gunman and saves his owner

Service Dog Saves Blind Owner's Life at New York Intersection

Doggy is cute by the what which other breeds are considered best for police work ?

General Police work:
Belgian Shepherd ( Malinois, Tervuren)
Dutch Shepherd

Some specialized Roles like detection in airports:


Can also use:
Golden Retriever
Basset Hound
Cocker Spaniel
Nah my elder bro not a chance. Dog culture is firmly engrained in Pakistani culture. Why do you think it is that Pakistan is one of the few countries in the world that have a national dog i.e. the Bully Kutta?



My grandfather has two, a male and female pair who used to charge down the mountains to greet me, even though they hadn't seen me in years. As a child when I visited by family in Pakistan Kashmir, they used to take me on excursions with them. These times are amongst my most treasured memories. I can recall now running with them across the green rolling hills with the wind in my hair. When it started to rain they would rest by my side, watching over me as if I meant the world to them. They are truly are man's best friend.
I'm in the process of talking my wife around to the idea of converting my back garden to buy my own two puppies, a male and female, who will grow up with my two little girls.
My uncle has a bully dog but his dog is afraid of his seel kukars :D
Its so funny seeing a dog being chased by rooster
1. I've never ever mentioned in any of my posts that India-Pakistan should unite. :lol: My stand has been clear and consistent i.e. both countries should be content with whatever land they have - convert LOC into International Border, end the madness and give a chance to PEACE. The post which you are referring to was about "Continuing Talks even after the Terrorist Attack", not Akhand Bharat. :cuckoo:

Did I ask you to Cheerlead & Tag TTA's or Moderator to award Rating or Thanks to it as you find it sensible? If any of my posts deserves + or - Rating or Thanks, like other members get it, I'll to get it. Further, I give hoot to Ratings & Thanks to on this forum. Feel free to tag them again and ask them to reverse + Ratings or Thanks.

2. To me your posts are filled with Bigotory, filth & stupidity for ex: the one in these threads - I ignore most of them and usually refrain myself from replying to them. I did so in this thread. If you found my posts, thread started by me - Use Report Functionality and let moderators deal with it.

To show Solidarity to the Victim of Paris Terrorist Attack Russia gifted Dobrynya to France after Diesel the police dog was killed during a raid linked to the Paris attacks last month.

Above was the reason, I started this thread. However, to vent out your Hatered towards Dogs, you turned this thread into " Stray Dog:blah:" in this thread which has nothing to do with the subject of the thread.

3. You had bought Islamic references in this thread and calling them Filth. Your religious preferences wouldn't let you see how Dogs have saved lives of US & given there life to save us. Other members have tried to drill sense in you, but will go down in vain. :sick:

The Diesel - also gave his life for Human Beings & died due to Terrorism.

You've been saying they should be Eradicated because they've attacked US, so have other Pet Animals - Human Beings been killing each other since Centuries - If one apply same logic - all human beings should also be Eradicated Or, France should kill all the members of certain community because people from it killed other French Citizens. Do you now see how failed your Analogy is?

Yes Stray dogs are problem which should be dealt with, but eradicating them is the solution? Are they subject to this thread? :cuckoo:

you have said one sensible thing in another thread - calling for india and pakistan to unite, so i requested then the mods and tta's to give you at least one positive rating... you got that and many thanks too.

but since then, you did not maintain that sensibility... first you thanked ranjeet's deliberate posting of a gaddafi face-palm meme and now this op and your further postings here.

despite your patronizing tone ( why, because you are female?? ) about "no reasoning will work", when i have posted so many quotes and pictures on how dogs are being dangerous to indian society, you simply refuse to let go of your dog-loving skills.... which sensible person will see sense in your posts here??

poka !! :wave:

I leave my Religion & Religious Preferences at Home when I login at Defence.pk

It's you gave religious color to Thread by bringing Islamic references, not me. Just turn few pages & you'll see your Bigotory. :agree:

please don't lie.

didn't i post pictures and articles about dog attack victims who were not muslim??

however, the anti-islam bigotry is in your mind. :)

mullah logic??

@Zibago , she calls me a mullah !! :rofl:

He asked about K-9 dogs which is subject of this thread. Hence, I replied. :coffee:

yeah, those thekedaars of islam would be most surprised. :D

funny thing is @Zarvan is happily chatting away with @Parul in the previous page yet parul calls me a mullah. :lol:

i disagree... they are truly the enemy of man and harmful to social harmony ( as i have shown in many posts including on this thread ), which is one of the reasons why prophet muhammad admired the cat and so did the great lenin and muammar gaddafi. :)

Another Post - Zarvan post didn't had such references. :lol:
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Nice gesture from the Russians, they truly are admirable.
@jamahir take a chill pill, it's an adorable puppy, and look at the fabulous dog in my picture, "such dog, much fabulous, very glamorous, wow".
On topic, I'm a simple hooman, I see puppies, I press like.
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