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German Shepherd K-9 Puppy Arrives in France, From Russia, With Love

5 acre is huge man, certainly you need space to raise G.S in Pakistan we do have big houses but 5 acre is too big more like Farm houses in our country sides. Snakes poisonous ones ? You better get some mongoose they are the best known snake slayers on this planet. Our neighbors had a pet mongoose but it always use to be in the cage. :P

Australia is full of poisonous snakes but they generally leave people alone. Its impossible to get a mongoose, here in Australia even getting a ferret is difficult.
@jamahir It's India's problem to deal with stray dogs and protect the citizens if they are dangerous.
In France there are strict laws concerning stray dogs or street dogs.
The stray dogs aren't a threat here. (Since you see none,if you want to know,i've never seen one,only dogs with their masters).
If stray dogs are signaled,the city they are in is forced to take them,the authorities will search by any means their masters and if none are found,they are put in refuge in associations that protect animals til someone adopts one of them...
@waz @Slav Defence @Icarus

The member @jamahir is implying that all dog are bad/dangerous because of the actions of some,because of what's happening in his country or because he had bad experiences with them.

He has his opinion about them,i have mine.
Australia is full of poisonous snakes but they generally leave people alone. Its impossible to get a mongoose, here in Australia even getting a ferret is difficult.

Why is it difficult ? you can't export one ? Since I have a pet shop next to our home in Pakistan lol many times mongoose would sneak into our house (they don't bite people or do anything) if they see a human the best the will do is run away so they are pretty harmless to humans. If I will live in a place where snakes can be found I'd go for a mongoose or Peacock.
@jamahir It's India's problem to deal with stray dogs and protect the citizens if they are dangerous.
In France there are strict laws concerning stray dogs or street dogs.
The stray dogs aren't a threat here. (Since you see none,if you want to know,i've never seen one,only dogs with their masters).
If stray dogs are signaled,the city they are in is forced to take them,the authorities will search by any means their masters and if none are found,they are put in refuge in associations that protect animals til someone adopts one of them...

france doesn't have a dog problem ( yet ) because sensible people have created rules for there ( the minimal sensibility in anti-socialism french establishment )... remove those rules and then see what happens. :)

sadly, india has too many non-sensible people... how can a dog be left alive in a area when one day ago it had attacked a three-year-old girl brutally?? that is india for you and it is so because of the rubbish political system.

@waz @Slav Defence @Icarus

The member @jamahir is implying that all dog are bad/dangerous because of the actions of some,because of what's happening in his country or because he had bad experiences with them.

He has his opinion about them,i have mine.

sir, opinions can be about the color of a house wall or which melodious music one likes... however, there cannot be two opinions where human life is concerned, yes?? :)
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france doesn't have a dog problem ( yet ) because sensible people have created rules for there... sadly, india has too many non-sensible people... how can a dog be left alive in a area when one day ago it had attacked a three-year-old girl brutally?? that is india for you and it is so because of the rubbish political system. :)

sir, opinions can be about the color of a house wall or which melodious music one likes... however, there cannot be two opinions where human life is concerned, yes?? :)

The problem is with strays. If a dog is stray for too long it becomes feral and can be violent.

Feral dogs are a real problem in that they can be vicious yet lack the proper instincts of wild dogs and wolves. They do not kill clean like wolves who goes for the throat. They bite and bite and bite all over the prey making the kill a nasty business.

Its unfortunate but strays have to be put down. This also applies to cats. Kill them all before they cause misery.
like i said before, cats in india are almost extinct, mainly because of dogs... where is your empathy for cats??

at some point the filth will attack the cat, how much ever you "train and socialize".

dogs must be eradicated... simple... and i, a socialist/communist and admirer of prophet muhammad ( a admirer of cats himself ), will do everything in my humble capacity to bring about that change in india and in time, the world.

you also like mullah rule, yes?? :)

I had drafted a long post to explain "why dogs are not filth, but Man's best friend, especially for me" than I read this. This sums up everything for me. Hence, I capitulate - no reasoning will work. ;)

Poka! :wave:
I had drafted a long post to explain "why dogs are not filth, but Man's best friend, especially for me" than I read this. This sums up everything for me. Hence, I capitulate - no reasoning will work. ;)

Poka! :wave:

you have said one sensible thing in another thread - calling for india and pakistan to unite, so i requested then the mods and tta's to give you at least one positive rating... you got that and many thanks too.

but since then, you did not maintain that sensibility... first you thanked ranjeet's deliberate posting of a gaddafi face-palm meme and now this op and your further postings here.

despite your patronizing tone ( why, because you are female?? ) about "no reasoning will work", when i have posted so many quotes and pictures on how dogs are being dangerous to indian society, you simply refuse to let go of your dog-loving skills.... which sensible person will see sense in your posts here??

poka !! :wave:
A German Shepherd puppy named Dobrynya, who was recently handed over by members of the Russian Interior Ministry to their French counterparts, has reportedly arrived at a Paris airport.


K-9 Sentinel: Russia Hands Over Dobrynya the Puppy to French Police (VIDEO)
Dobrynya, a German Shepherd puppy who was presented by staffers from the Russian Interior Ministry to their French counterpart ministry, has arrived at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, media reports said. As in France, Russia's Interior Ministry is responsible for policing, emergency management and national security.

The puppy is expected to take the place of a 7-year-old police dog named Diesel, who was killed by terrorists during a French police raid in Saint-Nazaire on November 18.

"Dobrynya's quarantine period wrapped up and all the vaccinations have been made. Although the puppy has yet to undergo in-service training, Dobrynya – a police dog by birth – has every chance of becoming a worthy substitute for Diesel," the Russian Interior Ministry said on its Facebook page.

This tweet said that "German Shepherd puppy Dobrynya, presented by the Russian Interior Ministry to French policemen, finally reached France."

Dobrynya was handed over to the French Interior Ministry during a ceremony that was took place at the French embassy in Moscow in early December.


German Shepherd K-9 Puppy Arrives in France, From Russia, With Love

I hope Russia and France can keep their differences aside and fight together against our common enemy Daesh & send them to hell.

@Vauban Avec l'amour de la Russie! :cheers:

Doggy is cute by the what which other breeds are considered best for police work ?
Doggy is cute by the what which other breeds are considered best for police work ?

no surprise in a mullah and burqa promoter liking dogs. :)


this idiotic thread must be locked.
Dobrynya, a German shepherd pup is Russia's gift to France, after Diesel the police dog was killed during a raid linked to the Paris attacks last month.

To show solidarity with France & victims of Terrorism; Russia gifted Dobrynya.
:angel: However, a member in this thread saw this from the lenses of Religion and made this thread....:tsk:

Ya ya, dogs are THE FILTH & should be Eradicated. Further, this Idiotic thread MUST be locked. #Mullahlogic:closed:
a few years ago, such a "cute animal" ( though another breed ) was once jumping one feet in front of me, waiting for me to turn my head so that it could tear my neck.

besides, you live in india yet you do not acknowledge the thousands of dog attacks every year here and the so many brutal killings of people, young and old, by these filth??


@WAJsal @waz @WebMaster @Irfan Baloch

the french tta, @Vauban , is misusing his tta powers by giving positive rating to a silly and harmful op of this thread, especially after i had made a few posts giving the reality.

i have asked him the reason but he did not respond... why the arrogance??
You may have had a bad experience with dogs in the past but they in general are the best friends of Human beings and that has been proven in the last thousands of years.
The problem of stray dogs in India is very old and the proactive methods were not taken back when the population of stray dogs was not as big as it is today.
However, a member in this thread saw this from the lenses of Religion and made this thread....:tsk:

please don't lie.

didn't i post pictures and articles about dog attack victims who were not muslim??

however, the anti-islam bigotry is in your mind. :)

Ya ya, dogs are THE FILTH & should be Eradicated. Further, this Idiotic thread MUST be locked. #Mullahlogic:closed:

mullah logic??

@Zibago , she calls me a mullah !! :rofl:
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