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Genocide of Indigenous People in Bangladesh by Muslims

The area that is Bangladesh was part of the Delhi sultanate. That is the first time that it became part of a muslim sovereign entity. In subsequent periods the sultans of Bengal declared independence from Delhi. They fought the moghuls and subsequently became part of the moghul empire. The centre if power in Bengal shifted between different cities. Dhaka few years ago celebrated 400 years of being granted city status by the moghul empire. What is now Bengal was sparsely populated and over the years people moved in. However it is wrong to say WB in some fashion ruled the areas that is now Bangladesh. There would have been no such concept.

When the British developed the fishing village of kalikat which subsequently became Culcutta and the capital of British raj the significance of Murshidabad and Dhaka declined.

To claim some kind of superiority of WB over EB is downright silly. Viewing hundreds of years history through the prism of partition is inappropriate. If anyone is interested there is a seminal book on the history of Dhaka through the years of the British Raj that people should check out . Dhaka - A Study in urban History and Development 1840-1921 by Sharif Uddin Ahmed.
Superiority cant be claimed by either of the Bengals. To each one has some kind of superiority.
But you cant deny that even before the Mughals,West Bengal had been the core of power. From here only the Palas spread their wings. Gaud,Murshidabad and much later Calcutta always has been the more developed areas of Bengal. And they all lie in West Bengal.
Murshidabad is in West Bengal as far as i am concerned. Thats a fact. No one gave Murshidabad to West Bengal. Murshidabad has been where it is. Bangladesh was nothing but a landmass of ruled upons by elites from West Bengal,be it Muslims or Hindu. Never has the opposite happened. That shows what Bangladeshis really are or have been. lol

Murshidabad was given to you so that you can go to Coochbihar unless you will only have Calcutta to live with.

Apart from that, Bengal was ruled from Wari Bawteshar in prehistoric time. Dhaka was capital under Moghul. Other than that Pala empire belong to the people and I guess you have nothing to do with it. Do you really?

Murshidabad is in West Bengal as far as i am concerned. Thats a fact. No one gave Murshidabad to West Bengal. Murshidabad has been where it is. Bangladesh was nothing but a landmass of ruled upons by elites from West Bengal,be it Muslims or Hindu. Never has the opposite happened. That shows what Bangladeshis really are or have been. lol

Murshidabad was given to you so that you can go to Coochbihar unless you will only have Calcutta to live with.

Apart from that, Bengal was ruled from Wari Bawteshar in prehistoric time. Dhaka was capital under Moghul. Other than that Pala empire belong to the people and I guess you have nothing to do with it. Do you really?
Nope bro, I was not talking about ASAM ruler...There was surely some of independent state whose ruler was muslim, but was occupied by India then...What I had said that Jinnah expected the ASAM to join with Pakistan (BD)...I don't have links recently, but it was all from my memory, but I'm 90% sure , what I said and learnt from my book...It was not only ASAM, but there were three such states ...I seem to remember one of them Joona Garh (forgive my spell, as I read in urdu then)...

Yes brother said rightly, it was Hyderabad...

I do remember the remarks of Jinnah over this unfair partition, he said 'if principaly I would not have accepted the partition earlier, then I deny this unfair partition'....He means unfair about ASAM, jona garh (probaly one other)...he even did not wanted to part the Punjab (I guess not sure on this last point about Punjab)...

I can't understand why Pakistan was interested in non-Muslim majority areas when it was created for Muslims. You already got 1/3 Area of British India and 1/3 of subcontinent Muslims chose India. Was that for Labensraum as it was done in Khulna and CHT.
Murshidabad was given to you so that you can go to Coochbihar unless you will only have Calcutta to live with.

Apart from that, Bengal was ruled from Wari Bawteshar in prehistoric time. Dhaka was capital under Moghul. Other than that Pala empire belong to the people and I guess you have nothing to do with it. Do you really?

Murshidabad was given to you so that you can go to Coochbihar unless you will only have Calcutta to live with.

Apart from that, Bengal was ruled from Wari Bawteshar in prehistoric time. Dhaka was capital under Moghul. Other than that Pala empire belong to the people and I guess you have nothing to do with it. Do you really?
Why not? Dhaka is like an abandoned child when compared to the likes of Gaud & Murshidabad. lol. And what Bawteshwar? Sounds like a huge banyan tree.
Superiority cant be claimed by either of the Bengals. To each one has some kind of superiority.
But you cant deny that even before the Mughals,West Bengal had been the core of power. From here only the Palas spread their wings. Gaud,Murshidabad and much later Calcutta always has been the more developed areas of Bengal. And they all lie in West Bengal.

Instead of seeing the pick of any empire you should seek the downfall of the empire to find where its core strength lied. Just see the area ruled by last Pala empire Mahipal which should give you clear idea where Palas belonged. I already gave you credit for Nawbodip which you should rightfully claim for yourself. Even Khilji belongs to you not us.

Why not? Dhaka is like an abandoned child when compared to the likes of Gaud & Murshidabad. lol. And what Bawteshwar? Sounds like a huge banyan tree.

You know little about Bengal history or the history of the land .. lets just not go any further.
Instead of seeing the pick of any empire you should seek the downfall of the empire to find where its core strength lied. Just see the area ruled by last Pala empire Mahipal which should give you clear idea where Palas belonged. I already gave you credit for Nawbodip which you should rightfully claim for yourself. Even Khilji belongs to you not us.

You know little about Bengal history or the history of the land .. lets just not go any further.
Well to you yours,and to me mine.
Just struck me,we are talking bout a time when there was no west bengal or bangladesh. It was only bangla. Lets just leave it there. I will settle for my chingri you be for your ilish.
I thought only Hindu % was officially falling in BD. Very informative indeed. Helps to bring out facts out of all the attempted propaganda by the peaceful apologists.

You say it and we believe it. Wow. I can argue that you get paid by ISI for all you care!

Idiot intentional ignorant Indian trolls like the quoted 2 above should know that these Shuntu Larma is a terrorist guirella leader that went against the state under backing of witch Indira and RAW and this has been documented by Indians themselves and a open secret.

Bangladeshi Insurgents Say India Is Supporting Them - NYTimes.com

India backed Shanti Bahini, Burmese rebels: book | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com

SO show your ignorance somewhere else ignorant indians.:wave:

You lot are just convert weaklings.

Nothing more, nothing less. You have only one lot and one destination.

Back to the desert, if you can make it in time. I personally doubt all of you (or even majority of you) will be able to make it in time. ;)

SO the mods turned you back to green from pink eh?:lol: Seems like you only like the color of pink for some reason. Don't worry keep on posting $hits like these :enjoy: & the mods will get you your favorite color again. :D

Any way the Bolded part needs some correction. We are born muslims (by the grace of Allah). But our ancestors were reverts not converts :D They reverted back to the religion they were (every human being) born in i.e ISLAM. SO calling them convert is a misnomer ignorant indian. :)
Murshidabad is in West Bengal as far as i am concerned. Thats a fact. No one gave Murshidabad to West Bengal. Murshidabad has been where it is. Bangladesh was nothing but a landmass of ruled upons by elites from West Bengal,be it Muslims or Hindu. Never has the opposite happened. That shows what Bangladeshis really are or have been. lol

Use your head EB and WB are british creation. The elites were first in Delhi, then there were 13 independent sultanates but the centre of power was sonargaon under Isa Khan which is in the centre of Bangladesh. In the periods of the moguls Dhaka became centre, during the disintegration of the empire Murshidabad became centre. In the British era Culcutta was the centre.

If it makes you feel better to think somehow WB ruled EB as if the two thing meant anything to anyone then fine, but history do not support your stand.
I can't understand why Pakistan was interested in non-Muslim majority areas when it was created for Muslims. You already got 1/3 Area of British India and 1/3 of subcontinent Muslims chose India. Was that for Labensraum as it was done in Khulna and CHT.

Actually Pakistan had around 1/4 of British India.

And, 1/3 of subcontinent Muslims did not choose Hindu-India, they were unfortunate to have been living in Hindu-majority areas.
Actually Pakistan had around 1/4 of British India.

So, it was a fair partition based on population vs area.

And, 1/3 of subcontinent Muslims did not choose Hindu-India, they were unfortunate to have been living in Hindu-majority areas.

Because a nation can't be created merely on religion discarding ethnic identity. Those who migrated to Pakistan aren't fortunate either. But many Muslim groups intentionally chose India.
Superiority cant be claimed by either of the Bengals. To each one has some kind of superiority.
But you cant deny that even before the Mughals,West Bengal had been the core of power. From here only the Palas spread their wings. Gaud,Murshidabad and much later Calcutta always has been the more developed areas of Bengal. And they all lie in West Bengal.

With respect I can not agree with you bisecting Bengal between WB and EB doing a comparison. It can not be done. Every example you give I can give you another example. You forgot the deva dynasty.... Their capital was sonargoan that's just outside dhaka.

People moved with the centre of power. Moghul centre was delhi so I suppose WB was closer thus. administrative centre was there. subsequently Culcutta was centre under british raj.

But what I would agree with u is that EB population was always less than WB. It is a recent phenomena that Bangladesh has such a high polulation. In the last 200 years the centre has been in what is west Bengal. I would say the centre of bengal is now in the east. Bangladesh is the only one of the pre moghul nations of the subcontinent that stands on its own. In terms of culture of Bengal it is guaranteed here in Bangladesh as an unchallenged sovereign majority identity. In WB you are one of many and from my understanding of Culcutta Bengali for example does not necessarily reign supreme as a language. But that is going off topic..... Apologies.

I will agree WB was more developed but comparing WB and EB is like arguing relative merits of two sides of a coin. It was one country one people one history that has only diverged since 1947.
SO the mods turned you back to green from pink eh?:lol: Seems like you only like the color of pink for some reason. Don't worry keep on posting $hits like these :enjoy: & the mods will get you your favorite color again. :D

Apne kaam se kaam rakh!

Any way the Bolded part needs some correction. We are born muslims (by the grace of Allah). But our ancestors were reverts not converts :D They reverted back to the religion they were (every human being) born in i.e ISLAM. SO calling them convert is a misnomer ignorant indian. :)

So 80% of human beings reject Islam after being born Muslims? ;)

There must be a very good reason I guess.
Poor Chakmas :cry: I guess these jamatis have no right to protest when Burmese kill illegal Bangladeshis in Rakhine state. Karma is a bi.tch.
West part of Bengal has always been more urban and industrial while East part because of it's remote location and too many rivers blocking navigation has been in Shurawardy's parlance - An overpopulated rural slum. :)

Murshidabad was given to you so that you can go to Coochbihar unless you will only have Calcutta to live with.

Apart from that, Bengal was ruled from Wari Bawteshar in prehistoric time. Dhaka was capital under Moghul. Other than that Pala empire belong to the people and I guess you have nothing to do with it. Do you really?

Murshidabad was given to you so that you can go to Coochbihar unless you will only have Calcutta to live with.

Apart from that, Bengal was ruled from Wari Bawteshar in prehistoric time. Dhaka was capital under Moghul. Other than that Pala empire belong to the people and I guess you have nothing to do with it. Do you really?

Murshidabad was exchanged with Khulna and Murshidabad is in West Bengal. Dhaka was more like an outpost for Mughals to curb the Mog and Portuguese pirates, it was hardly a capital.

Wari Bawteshar is figment of imagination of Bangladeshis.
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