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Genocide of Indigenous People in Bangladesh by Muslims

It was a blunder of Partition to have Assam and the Norhteast handed over to Hindu terrorists. That land is Bengali land and now the Hindus have been carrying out mass Genocide against Bengali Muslims there.

1.The new country that was created to designate Muslim majority areas was/is called Pakistan. This project was successful largely because of Bengali Muslims who had been suffering under the serfdom of British and their Hindu agents since 1773, Permanent Settlement Act. That Act had transformed the affluent Bengali Muslims into slaves of newly appointed Hindu zamindars. At partition transfer of population was not in the cards. More Muslims left the Hindu part than the other war round. Yes Hindu feudal were dethroned by new laws. Hindu money-lender banyas were uprooted again by law.
2. Of course, E Pak/BD is a nation of Bengali Muslims. However, here the minority enjoy privileges far beyond their due. And we feel this is an example Hindu India should follow rather than decimating the minorities.

Oh please, the partition of India and partition of Bengal and Punjab happened over religious divide and not on class divide. All those millions of Hindu Bengalis (and Punjabis) who were evicted from Bangladesh and Pakistan were not zamindars, we never had crores of zamindars. Please stop your attempt to whitewash it as some glorified class war or revolution. It was a simple case of extreme bigotry and religious intollerence of highest order.

And since Bangladesh (and Pakistan) was created on the basis of "Muslim land", and not "Bengali land", your compatriot @imzy90 cannot claim so in his post quoted above.

Besides, we in India do not have any vanishing minority, unlike Bangladesh. That shows how you treat your minorities.
Oh please, the partition of India and partition of Bengal and Punjab happened over religious divide and not on class divide. All those millions of Hindu Bengalis (and Punjabis) who were evicted from Bangladesh and Pakistan were not zamindars, we never had crores of zamindars. Please stop your attempt to whitewash it as some glorified class war or revolution. It was a simple case of extreme bigotry and religious intollerence of highest order.

And since Bangladesh (and Pakistan) was created on the basis of "Muslim land", and not "Bengali land", your compatriot @imzy90 cannot claim so in his post quoted above.

Besides, we in India do not have any vanishing minority, unlike Bangladesh. That shows how you treat your minorities.

Well this talk of religious bigotry and intolerance is hilarious coming from a nation born out of exactly those ingredients. Why don't you read Jaswant Singh's Jinnah? We Muslims tried our best to keep Hindustan, the land which flourished and became civilized under our Muslim forefathers, intact.
Well this talk of religious bigotry and intolerance is hilarious coming from a nation born out of exactly those ingredients. Why don't you read Jaswant Singh's Jinnah? We Muslims tried our best to keep Hindustan, the land which flourished and became civilized under our Muslim forefathers, intact.

Why do you keep feeding the troll??? He's just making circular arguments to keep this years old troll thread running....
Well this talk of religious bigotry and intolerance is hilarious coming from a nation born out of exactly those ingredients. Why don't you read Jaswant Singh's Jinnah? We Muslims tried our best to keep Hindustan, the land which flourished and became civilized under our Muslim forefathers, intact.

It was Pakistan and Bangladesh/EP that were born out of religious intollerence and bigotry, these are the two countries who proudly call themselves Muslim countries, unlike India which is a secular state without any "State religion" and home to Indians of all faith. What Jinnah wanted was unrealistic, a separate electorate for Muslims within a country is like having a country within a country.
It was Pakistan and Bangladesh/EP that were born out of religious intollerence and bigotry, these are the two countries who proudly call themselves Muslim countries, unlike India which is a secular state without any "State religion" and home to Indians of all faith. What Jinnah wanted was unrealistic, a separate electorate for Muslims within a country is like having a country within a country.

Ever heard of VHP/RSS/Hindu Mahasabha/BJP? And Modi. Duval or Amit Shah? And the Thakreys and Nathuram Godse? India is the most communal land in the globe. We did not civilize you enough.
Ever heard of VHP/RSS/Hindu Mahasabha/BJP? And Modi. Duval or Amit Shah? And the Thakreys and Nathuram Godse? India is the most communal land in the globe. We did not civilize you enough.

Yet, none of our Muslim population is seeking shelter in Bangladesh, unlike the minorities of Bangladesh. Minorities used to be 1/3rd of Bangladeshi (that land area) population before the partition, now you guys have managed to reduce it to single digit, and still you are talking about minority rights.
Yet, none of our Muslim population is seeking shelter in Bangladesh, unlike the minorities of Bangladesh. Minorities used to be 1/3rd of Bangladeshi (that land area) population before the partition, now you guys have managed to reduce it to single digit, and still you are talking about minority rights.

How about the one million legal and another million Indians working and sweating in our factories/offices/mills?
How about the one million legal and another million Indians working and sweating in our factories/offices/mills?

Blame poor quality of education in Bangladesh, your country can't produce enough quality professionals and they need foreign professionals, mostly Indians to set up and run their companies and businesses. Indians go there in professional capacity to earn, not to seek shelter.
They're not Indian areas either.

Bangladesh is the land of Bengalis. That whole region along with West Bengal is majority Bengali and we have had relations with Tibeto-Burman tribals for centuries. The Indians are just random foreigners who have come in.

And you are also a non indigenous one sitting in England. Go back to Bangladesh.

This is according to your argument. Not mine.
Blame poor quality of education in Bangladesh, your country can't produce enough quality professionals and they need foreign professionals, mostly Indians to set up and run their companies and businesses. Indians go there in professional capacity to earn, not to seek shelter.

Ei kothata thik hoinay. Gayer jhal mitsey - kintu kotha shotto na.

I don't think you can call Garment workers of whatever rank - quality professionals. And you're saying Bangladesh education system is bad? Last I looked - Bangladesh' literacy rate was basically at par with India. For women - much higher than India.

We could have banned Indian workers (and CEO's) altogether. But we don't have this North Indian hateful mentality - and we are pragmatic. Talent is talent - no matter where it comes from.

Vivek Sood, Grameenphone CEO


Yet, none of our Muslim population is seeking shelter in Bangladesh, unlike the minorities of Bangladesh. Minorities used to be 1/3rd of Bangladeshi (that land area) population before the partition, now you guys have managed to reduce it to single digit, and still you are talking about minority rights.

Orey ghorer chheley - rag korishna- ghorey firey ai...
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Ei kothata thik hoinay. Gayer jhal mitsey - kintu kotha shotto na.

I don't think you can call Garment workers of whatever rank - quality professionals. And you're saying Bangladesh education system is bad? Last I looked - Bangladesh' literacy rate was basically at par with India. For women - much higher than India.

We could have banned Indian workers (and CEO's) altogether. But we don't have this North Indian hateful mentality - and we are pragmatic. Talent is talent - no matter where it comes from.

Good quality higher education institutes...that is lacking. Besides, Bangladeshi students and professionals get lesser exposure to heavy engineering/manufacturing companies and large corporate due to scarcity of them there.

Orey ghorer chheley - rag korishna- ghorey firey ai...

Kothay jamu? Luffy500'r dah er tolay gola barate? :(

Chere asa purbopurusher bhitemati dekhte jabo bhebechilam....kintu ki labh...kichui to ar nei....emonki sei manushjon o to ar nei. Orokom onekei "ekbar ghure asar" kotha bhabe, kintu seshporjyonto keu ar jayna......ki hobe giye? :) Amader generation tobu mone rekheche, amader chelemeyera to care e korbe na. The partition will only go deeper with time.
Good quality higher education institutes...that is lacking. Besides, Bangladeshi students and professionals get lesser exposure to heavy engineering/manufacturing companies and large corporate due to scarcity of them there.

You do have a point there. Our dependence on imported products is higher due to small market size, however things are constantly changing. There used to be no need to have heavy engg, capabilities locally but lately all factories like fertlizer, land-based powerplants as well as barge mounted powerplants are being fabricated locally. These are all connected with shipbuilding and heavy structural industries which are of course not in the scale of industries in India. But all in good time.

Kothay jamu? Luffy500'r dah er tolay gola barate? :(

Ha ha - Tupi porey ashish, taholei hobey. But Jokes aside - things on the ground really aren't that bad...and if you like, do a large group tour. The hotel facilities in Dhaka are world-class at all price levels. Take a look at my restaurants thread.

Restaurants in Dhaka | Page 14

Chere asa purbopurusher bhitemati dekhte jabo bhebechilam....kintu ki labh...kichui to ar nei....emonki sei manushjon o to ar nei. Orokom onekei "ekbar ghure asar" kotha bhabe, kintu seshporjyonto keu ar jayna......ki hobe giye? :) Amader generation tobu mone rekheche, amader chelemeyera to care e korbe na. The partition will only go deeper with time.

Time heals all wounds. The world our children will inherit will hopefully be more harmonious and peaceful because of open communication (Facetime/Instagram/Twitter). Bhitemati (ancestral land) has changed for everyone, even for those who live here. All single family housing has changed in Dhaka to multi-family housing. No space left for a evening badminton game in wintertime.

I still remember the sweet enthralling scent of thousands of Gardenia and Jasmine blooms in the spring evenings on my second story rooftop in Segun bagicha. That memory will stay with me forever. That house - surrounded with 'Aparajita' and 'Madhabi lata' vines is no more - replaced by a fifteen story Glass tower. Things change. Accepting change is a good thing.

Midrise Architecture in Dhaka Bangladesh | Page 20
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Blame poor quality of education in Bangladesh, your country can't produce enough quality professionals and they need foreign professionals, mostly Indians to set up and run their companies and businesses. Indians go there in professional capacity to earn, not to seek shelter.
Another post based on preconceived wrong notions. Our professionals are working all over the world. In many places they have booted out complicated/garrulous Indians. For instance Singapore where the merchant marine community used to be totally dominated by Indians. Now the Singapore companies don't like to hire them. Instead today there is a 600 strong community of BD merchant marine officers who have received resident permit to work in Singapore. In BD our doors have always been open to foreigners to work here. It is healthy and good for productivity. A good number of Indians employed are Muslims escaping discrimination in the Hindu country. But the bulk are workers and labor earning low pay. Still better than unemployment and starvation in Bharat.
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