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Genocide of Indigenous People in Bangladesh by Muslims

Yes i guess, as BD army was almost successful in breaking the backbone of Shanti Bahini ( i guess that was the reason of peace treaty) back in 90s!

Is Shanti Bahni Mukti's younger sister, reminds me of a bad past
It was a blunder of partition to have CHT be handed overto the fundamentalists.

Even Khulna was a Hindu majority district, now Hindu are reduced to 16%, whereas in Murshidabad Muslims are still in majority.
Actually the % of Hindus falling is as per your official census. As to Chakmas, congratulations on having a Chakma fitness trainer. But I was referring to the article that quotes the Chakma leader.

First off, there is no "genocide" as many of the unemployed communal nutjobs here claim. There is no communal politics in Bangladesh whatsoever. Please, don't mix them up.

Hindus are generally more educated and wealthier compared to their Muslim counterparts in Bangladesh. Differences in birth rates and immigration to abroad are what contributes to the percentage estimates. Their numbers are more or less the same nonetheless.

Bangladeshi law ensures that everyone regardless of religion, and ethnicity get equal opportunities. This is in our constitution.

That Chakma leader you are quoting used to be a guerrilla leader who was responsible for much of the violence decades ago. And threatening to do so again.

And I really wonder where he got that "90 percent are landless" from. And no, their poverty rate is lower than that of the national average. We'll never see Chakmas working as maids or servants or something.

And besides, many of our army generals are Chakmas.
Envoy to Myanmar called back
Board of Directors | Trust Bank Limited

One serves as one of the directors of Trust Bank.

Second from right is Brig. Gen. Tushar Kanti Chakma.

And they do get educational quotas among others.

I am originally from Chittagong, so I know what I'm talking about.

Ethnic cleansing of CHT is complete and these tribes are now a minority in their own home in a theocratic country.

It was a blunder of partition to have CHT be handed overto the fundamentalists.

Yeah, save it for your riots pal :lol:
Hindus are generally more educated and wealthier compared to their Muslim counterparts in Bangladesh. Differences in birth rates and immigration to abroad are what contributes to the percentage estimates. Their numbers are more or less the same nonetheless.

Source pls.

And no, Chakma poverty rate is lower than that of the national average.

Source pls.

Also, are the Chakmas not a minority in their own land and this was systematically done by the state? Are they not living as refugees in India?

Lip service is fine, but its important to highlight REAL FACTS. While BD posters keep posting inanities on all India threads worrying about minorities, reality is their % in India are growing and they are not living as refugees in neighboring countries. Whereas real fact is Minority % in your country has been falling sharply, they have run away as refugees and illegal immigarnts to neighboring countries and where they were a majority, the govt has made sure they are a minority now.

The test of the pudding is in eating it.
fyi. Many Chakma - Hajong migrated to NE India for safe shelter which created many problem for us but now problem is solved.

AAPSU offers olive branch to Chakma-Hajong refugees | The Shillong Times

1. This thread is total bakwas. And this above regarding South Tibet (called Arunachal by India) is totally bogus. These Chakmas left the then East Pakistan on their own to settle down across the border in the Chakma distt when a large area came under the Kaptai Lake for hydel project in 1950s. The Chakmas who shifted hardly had any notion of international border or nationality at that period in time when most Chakama women would be found roaming around topless with a brief cloth covering the middle. However, GOI played a dirty trick. They took them to S Tibet, which at best is a disputed land, and settled them there to create problems to the Chinese when they eventually retrieve what is theirs.

2. There has never been any instance of genocide in BD. Yes, some Chakmas under this Bodi Pryo and his late brother Manobendra, did create some violence under RAW patronage. That ended when RAW had Manobendra killed because he was selling his his socialistic ideas not only to the Chakmas of BD but all tribesmen in NE India also.

3. In fact in BD it is the Hindus who are becoming extinct. That is because of their food habit, life style, practice of total or partial abstinence and reluctance of copulation in Hindu males.
Even Khulna was a Hindu majority district, now Hindu are reduced to 16%, whereas in Murshidabad Muslims are till in majority.

ever heard of us Noakhaillas?? We are bad to the bones. There were lots of hindus in the district!! Now muslims are 97%! A good read for you Noakhali genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

we muslims are suprdiaemacist and we are gonna win the world! you indians are too weak!! Deal with it!! India is going to be Islamic republic of India soon!! all signs are present!! Whoever wrote this article http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/19762-pakistan-bangladesh-plan-mughalistan-split-india.html is a genius and must be promoted as head of RAW!
ever heard of us Noakhaillas?? We are bad to the bones. There were lots of hindus in the district!! Now muslims are 97%! A good read for you Noakhali genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

we muslims are suprdiaemacist and we are gonna win the world! you indians are too weak!! Deal with it!! India is going to be Islamic republic of India soon!! all signs are present!! Whoever wrote this article http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/19762-pakistan-bangladesh-plan-mughalistan-split-india.html is a genius and must be promoted as head of RAW!

You lot are just convert weaklings.

Nothing more, nothing less. You have only one lot and one destination.

Back to the desert, if you can make it in time. I personally doubt all of you (or even majority of you) will be able to make it in time. ;)
Source pls.

No official sources. Simply observation. And besides, the only ones complaining here are the Indians, not Bangladeshis.

Last time I checked, India and Bangladesh are two sovereign nations.

Source pls.

Again, observation.

Also, are the Chakmas not a minority in their own land and this was systematically done by the state? Are they not living as refugees in India?

What?! :woot:

I'll tell you what mainly caused the Chakmas in the CHT region to rebel. During the Pakistan-era in the 60s, a dam was built that led to the creation of the artificial lake known as the Kaptai Lake.
Kaptai Lake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That project lead to the loss of their lands, along with their cultural heritage. They were promised compensation by the then GoP. It never happened.

And no, we won't find this information on the Internet.

Is violence in a young and volatile nation like Bangladesh going to solve anything? :no: That's the point. And it appears many of the Internet-Hindu chaps here are advocating for that :D

And frankly, I do want that age old issue to be settled so that they can live proud. But I doubt if it'd happen anytime soon with all these incompetent people in power.

Lip service is fine, but its important to highlight REAL FACTS. While BD posters keep posting inanities on all India threads worrying about minorities, reality is their % in India are growing and they are not living as refugees in neighboring countries. Whereas real fact is Minority % in your country has been falling sharply, they have run away as refugees and illegal immigarnts to neighboring countries and where they were a majority, the govt has made sure they are a minority now.

The test of the pudding is in eating it.

Percentage of Parsis are falling in India. But that ain't our problem :lol:

The State of Bangladesh does not violently persecute minorities like what some communal nutjobs here are propagating.
Abey Naokhali was replied to, in kind, in Bihar and United Provinces.

It was so good, the primitive Suwahardy (who was a major organizer of Calcutta killings) came running at the feet of the Mahatma to save their sorry arse. ;)

I have an article which is even better than yours

Greater Bangladesh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Greater Bangladesh (translated variously as Bengali : বৃহত্তর বাংলাদেশ , Brihat Bangladesh ; [ 1 ] Bengali : বৃহৎ বাংলাদেশ Brihad Bangladesh ; [ 2 ] Bengali : মহাবাংলাদেশ , Maha Bangladesh ; [ 3 ] and Bengali : বিশাল বাংলা , Bishal Bangla [ 4 ] ) is a political theory circulated by a number of Indian politicians and writers that People's Republic of Bangladesh is trying for the territorial expansion to include the Indian states of West Bengal , Assam and others in northeastern India. [ 5 ] The theory is principally based on fact that a large number of Bangladeshi illegal immigrants reside in Indian territory.
A number of Indian politicians and journalistsalleged that advocates of a Greater Bangladesh seek the expansion of Bangladeshi hegemony in Northeastern India , including the states of Assam, West Bengal, Meghalaya and Tripura , as well as the Arakan province of Burma (Myanmar), where there is a considerable population of Bengali Muslims. [ 1 ] [ 6 ] It was also alleged that United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) conspired with state of Bangladesh to secede four to five Muslim majority districts of Assam to form a Greater Bangladesh, though Bangladesh in the contrary arrested a number of ULFA leaders, [ 12 ] including RanjuChowdhury, Arabinda Rajkhowa and Anup Chetia , to support Indian action against militancy. [ 13 ]
In 2002, nine Islamic groups including Indianmilitant organizations Muslim United Liberation Tigers of Assam (MULTA), Muslim United Liberation Front of Assam (MULFA) and Muslim Volunteer Force (MVF), Pakistani militant organization Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (HUM), Myanmar groups Rohingya Solidarity Organization (RSO) and Arakan Ronhingya Islamic Front of Mynamar (ARIFM), and Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami , a pan-South Asian militant organization outlawed in Bangladesh with leaders sentenced to death, [ 14 ] formed a coalition that declared the formation Greater Bangladesh as one of their aims. [ 1 ] [ 15 ] Historically India has been accusing Bangladesh of supporting extremist organizations like ULFA and National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN), while Bangladeshaccused India of supporting similar organizations like Swadhin Bangabhumi Andolan and United People's Democratic Front (UPDF). [ 16

At the turn of the 21st century, Indian political circles started to take a serious look at Bangladeshi illegal immigrants infiltrating into India. [ 5 ] Bangladesh is under pressure from India as a source of rebellion in Indian North-East for this Indian perception. [ 17 ] It is also hard pressed to convince India that encouraging migration is not a state policy ofBangladesh. [ 17 ] The state of Bangladesh denied the existence of these immigrants while stripping them of their Bangladeshi citizenship. [ 5 ] According to Jyoti M. Pathaniaof South Asia Analysis Group the reasons for Bangladeshi immigration to India are: basic need theory i.e. food, shelter and clothing, economic dictates i.e. employment opportunity, better wages and comparatively better living conditions, demographic disproportion especially for minorities (Hindus) in this densely populated country having roughly a density of 780 per km 2 as against half that number on Indian side of the border, and being cheap labor the Bangladeshis find easy acceptance as ¡°domestic helps¡± in Indian homes, which keeps proliferating by ever increasing demand for domestic helps. [ 18 ] The Centre for Women and Children Studies estimated in 1998 that 27,000 Bangladeshis have been forced into prostitution in India.

Achieving a "Greater Bangladesh" as Lebensraum (additional living space) is alleged to be the reason for large-scale illegal immigration from Bangladesh into India's northeastern states. [ 6 ] Similarly it is alleged that illegal immigration is actively encouragedby some political groups in Bangladesh as well as the state of Bangladesh to convert large parts of India's northeastern states andWest Bengal into Muslim-majority areas that would subsequently seek to separate from India and join Muslim-majority Bangladesh. [ 6 ] One Indian proposition is that the state of Bangladesh is pursuing a territorial design seeking a Lebensraum for its teeming population and trying to establish a Greater Bangladesh. [ 5 ] Another proposition called for capturing one or t
It was so good, the primitive Suwahardy (who was a major organizer of Calcutta killings) came running at the feet of the Mahatma to save their sorry arse. ;)

Have you finished chest thumping? Hindus are only 2% now from 25%! What about UP??? You just cant compete with muslims. Accept the fact!
ever heard of us Noakhaillas?? We are bad to the bones. There were lots of hindus in the district!! Now muslims are 97%! A good read for you Noakhali genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

we muslims are suprdiaemacist and we are gonna win the world! you indians are too weak!! Deal with it!! India is going to be Islamic republic of India soon!! all signs are present!! Whoever wrote this article http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/19762-pakistan-bangladesh-plan-mughalistan-split-india.html is a genius and must be promoted as head of RAW!

The famous Niazi corridor. :rofl::rofl:
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