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General Soleimani Awarded Iran’s Highest Military Order

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Oh,yeah thats right you guys managed to shoot down a single old indian mig21,didnt you?,I`d completely forgotten..but then the iaf did still bomb your pet terrorists on your territory,sooo....I think I`d probably call it a draw if I was you,but then I guess pak has to take its [propaganda] "victories" where ever it can get them,right?[lol!]

As for Solemani,when one considers both his reputation in the region and all of the things that he has achieved militarily in syria and iraq,well he doesnt really strike me as a fellow whos given to acts of nationalist bluster or false bravado,in fact I think he was sending a very clear message,or if you would prefer a very clear warning,to the pak government that both the iranian political and military establishments are of one mind about this,and that it would be very much in paks own best interests to move very quickly and clear out these terrorists operating on its territory that are threatening the peace between pakistan and iran.
Anyway you have a nice day,ok?:azn:
Would you mind awfully not cluttering up the threads in the iran section with your hateful :ph34r:saudi inspired/sunni wahabist:ph34r: sectarian bullsh!t:crazy: or your equally nauseous :pakistan:pakistani :guns:strokian:guns: nationalism:pakistan:,because honestly they`re both really :bad:vile:bad:,thanks.

Look a Bharti Rat, trying to disguise but his stupidity shined through.

After cleaning our overseas Western area now we have to clean Eastern area inshallah immediately.

Keep on dreaming. You couldnt even catch the last Balouch terrorist if it wasnt for Pakistan, but you conveniently forgot that one.

Iranian yahudi are Iranian citizens. They have the same rights as everyone else. Unless they are guilty of a crime, nobody can touch them.

And btw, there are only a few thousand yahudi left in Iran, not millions. We respect and protect our minorities. And that includes Sunni's too.

Forgive my countrymen, at times they are utter morons. To them Jews all over the world are a singular entity. I might not agree with what Iranian Leadership does or how it behaves but Iranian attitudes towards Iranian Jews is commendable.
ولشون کنید بابا اینا کسخلن سر قضیه حمله به مرزبانا یجوری رفتار می کردند که انگار ما باید عذرخواهی می کردیم که کمتر کشته دادیم. همشون هم از دم طرفدار طالبان و امثالهم هسند.
Pathetic display from the Pakistans on this forum consistently harassing Iranian members, Iranian military and the Iranian nation. You guys need a life, Pakistan poses no real threat to Iran whatsoever. You idiots still have India knocking on your door and speak as if Iran will be some walk in the park. Got to the love the hollow jingoism though, it's impressive at times lol. Keep it going though, it's fun to see.

I hope Iran dramatically increases bilateral cooperation with India just to spite you some of you ignorant Pakistanis.

Man this forum sucks sometimes I swear. Don't know how some of you Iranians deal with it.
Are they really?
apparently whole existence of khomini regime stand againt zionists .

Iranian yahudi are Iranian citizens. They have the same rights as everyone else. Unless they are guilty of a crime, nobody can touch them.

And btw, there are only a few thousand yahudi left in Iran, not millions. We respect and protect our minorities. And that includes Sunni's too.
you have better relations with yahud and hanoud but Muslims . says a lot about iranian revolution .
After Feb 27th this General wore a "Soleimani Topi" and disappeared (along with his empty threats) :wave:

You people and your deluded fantasies. What happened after 27th? Dude your nation basically got humiliated on world stage by India and all you could do is come up with fake claims like shooting down an Su-30 etc :rofl:

This is a serious question, do you genuinely believe anyone outside this forum takes you people seriously?
Mate, do you think Iranians even take these pak!s seriously? An average Iranian sees these people as bunch of beggars etc.

Given pakistan is basically overun with terrorists, don't talk about "if it wasn't for pakistan". You jokers should first learn to be a functioning state.

You jokers will end up becoming another proxy state for Iran. Don't talk big kid, even afghans are more than a match for you :rofl:

This forum is openly hostile (at least seemingly) to everything/anything Iranian. I've been here around 4 years to see this behavior toward the Iranians and it just sucks. You'll get entire threads hijacked by idiots who insert their unwanted, unneeded patriotism backed up by shallow jingoistic overtures which ultimately derails the thread and the topic that was supposed to be discussed. To be fair there are Iranians who act like complete dolts but Iranians are most definitely the minority here and get treated like shit.

Here we have a perfect example of an exceptional Iranian general getting awarded for his exemplarily military service, but lo and behold we get more idiots coming throwing shade where there doesn't need to be any.

If one didn't know better you'd be forgiven for thinking Iranians and Pakistanis have a bitter blood rivalry between one another lol.
This forum is openly hostile (at least seemingly) to everything/anything Iranian. I've been here around 4 years to see this behavior toward the Iranians and it just sucks. You'll get entire threads hijacked by idiots who insert their unwanted, unneeded patriotism backed up by shallow jingoistic overtures which ultimately derails the thread and the topic that was supposed to be discussed. To be fair there are Iranians who act like complete dolts but Iranians are most definitely the minority here and get treated like shit.

Here we have a perfect example of an exceptional Iranian general getting awarded for his exemplarily military service, but lo and behold we get more idiots coming throwing shade where there doesn't need to be any.

If one didn't know better you'd be forgiven for thinking Iranians and Pakistanis have a bitter blood rivalry between on another lol.

This is the nature of these people. They basically become whores for anyone that throws some bread their way. For example, saudis give them some funding and they are willing to die like peasants for them. If tomorrow Iran gives them some help, you'll see their attitude change.

They are obsessed with Iran due to Iran's increasing relation with India. I am sure you've noticed but they have an eternal obsession with India. Probably due to the fact they're just a bastardised nation carved out of India. Anyone that develops any form of relation with India and these people like toddlers start throwing hissy fit.

As for rivalry, like I told you, an average Iranian sees these people as very low. I think even afghan immigrants in Iran have a more positive image for an average Iranian. And I am not even exaggerating, I am being serious.
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