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General Raheel Sharif gets promoted to COAS

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every COAS comes with their approval. this is a fact.
That is not the fact just a speculation Mr you have to deal with them and some generals do more and some less
Unfortunately , Chief of Army Staff appointments are never made on merit and are mostly based on Political considerations. Nawaz Sharif has a history of making these appointments based on Political considerations. He appointed Musharraf bypassing a brilliant General named Ali Kuli Khan just because General Ali Kuli Khan was Asghar Khan's son in law. Then he made the dumbest mistake of trying to promote a two star General from Corps of Engineers as Army Chief ( a non-combatant ) just because he was Kashmiri and a distant relative.

The Sharif Brothers sometimes remind me ofa he movie " Dumb and Dumber ".

Yes that is what I have been trying to tell, that it was his choice to pick up any, but he killed merit by ignoring two seniors, we need to know why he went off merit !

That is not the fact just a speculation Mr you have to deal with them and some generals do more and some less

dil kay behlanay ko ghalib yeh khiyal acha hai... waise approval from Amrriika doesnot mean that a selected general would be a amreeki taut, they only approve those who would work with them in smooth setting, try to filter out types of Hamid gul and alike !!
Yes that is what I have been trying to tell, that it was his choice to pick up any, but he killed merit by ignoring two seniors, we need to know why he went off merit !

dil kay behlanay ko ghalib yeh khiyal acha hai... waise approval from Amrriika doesnot mean that a selected general would be a amreeki taut, they only approve those who would work with them in smooth setting, try to filter out types of Hamid gul and alike !!
Sir he didn't killed merit that would be have been the case if he would have been sent three names when ever PM has to select next Army chief he has to select among top three so what he thought is the best he selected because of your bias with nawaz don't always talk against him

Yes that is what I have been trying to tell, that it was his choice to pick up any, but he killed merit by ignoring two seniors, we need to know why he went off merit !

dil kay behlanay ko ghalib yeh khiyal acha hai... waise approval from Amrriika doesnot mean that a selected general would be a amreeki taut, they only approve those who would work with them in smooth setting, try to filter out types of Hamid gul and alike !!
Sir that doesn't happen Sir that has never happened some old dummy conspiracy theories Sir and pathetically laughable


Sir he didn't killed merit that would be have been the case if he would have been sent three names when ever PM has to select next Army chief he has to select among top three so what he thought is the best he selected because of your bias with nawaz don't always talk against him

merit was killed when the senior most was ignored, and institutional recommendation was rejected.. he needs to justify his selection, not that he did something illegal, but this off merit selection is the reason he messed up last time, musharraf also didnt have any safarish like this chap as claimed by NS.
merit was killed when the senior most was ignored, and institutional recommendation was rejected.. he needs to justify his selection, not that he did something illegal, but this off merit selection is the reason he messed up last time, musharraf also didnt have any safarish like this chap as claimed by NS.
Sir all on are on merit Sir that is why three senior most names are sent to PM who ever that would be Sir because the merit you are talking is age factor Sir because of age Haroon came in Army first and Raheel later that is that merit which every one is talking about @Aeronaut @Oscar
Sir all on are on merit Sir that is why three senior most names are sent to PM who ever that would be Sir because the merit you are talking is age factor Sir because of age Haroon came in Army first and Raheel later that is that merit which every one is talking about @Aeronaut @Oscar

you dont even understand what is merit, chalo thek hai merit per hi howa hai sab kuch, :lol:
you dont even understand what is merit, chalo thek hai merit per hi howa hai sab kuch, :lol:
I know what is merit Mr you are not understanding functioning of Army Sir first you go and check that out than come and talk if senior most would have been of Engineer core he also wouldn't have become chief please check how Army works than come and talk

میجر شبیر شریف شہید نشان حیدر فوج کے قبرستان میں دفن نہیں ہیں. جانتے ہیں کیوں ؟
کیونکہ انکے دوست نے خود کشی کر لی تھی اور میجر شبیر شریف کو اپنے دوست کی مغفرت کی فکر رہتی تھی. ایک مولوی صاحب نے فتوی دیا کہ انکی بخشش صرف اسی صورت میں ہو سکتی ہے اگر اسکے ساتھ کسی شہید کی قبر ہو.
میجر صاحب نے اپنی والدہ کو قبر کی جگہ دکھا کر کہا کہ انہیں شہادت کے بعد یہاں دفن کیا جائے.
اسی وجہ سےانتہائی بہادری سے لڑ کر اسلام کو مٹانے کے لئے آنے والے ہندو بنئے کی تکہ بوٹی کرکے نشان حیدر پانے کے باوجود وہ آج بھی اپنے دوست کے پہلو میں دفن ہیں. دوست ہو تو ایسا.

اب نئے چیف آف آرمی سٹاف جنرل راحیل شریف میجر شبیر شریف کے چھوٹے بھائی اور میجر راجا عزیز بھٹی شہید نشان حیدر کے بھانجے ہیں. ہماری دعا ہے کہ اللہ انہیں اپنے خاندان کی اور اپنے بھائی کی شہادت کی لاج رکھنے کی توفیق عطا فرمائے. آمین.

نہـــــــاب الرحمن

^^ Zarvan thats an unofficial page
Well in my opinion, Gen Haroon Alsam is a general that leads troops from the front while on the other hand Gen Raheel is more of leader leading from the back. Gen Raheel no doubt is is a professional that's how he made it to the General position but chief of army staff position definitely suited Haroon aslaml.



General Haroon ignores PM’s dinner, will resign today - thenews.com.pk
Some of General Haroon past haunted him in this and also Nawaz didn't had good experience with both past SSG Army Chiefs Musharraf and Mirza Aslam Baig and
Some of General Haroon past haunted him in this and also Nawaz didn't had good experience with both past SSG Army Chiefs Musharraf and Mirza Aslam Baig and
Pakistan is going through a rough patch at the moment and personal favorites or past bad experience gonna make it worse.

AFP/Inter Services Public Relations

This undated handout photograph shows a portrait of newly-appointed Pakistani army chief General Raheel Sharif

Islamabad: In the most crucial appointment of his new term, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Wednesday chose a relative outsider, Lt. Gen. Raheel Sharif, to lead Pakistan's powerful army.

With the choice, the prime minister seemed to be skirting the line of confrontation with a military establishment that ousted him in 1999 but did not overtly cross it.

Raheel Sharif, who is not related to the prime minister, was the third in line for the post by seniority and comes from a noted military family, keeping with Nawaz Sharif's promise to take experience and tradition into account for the appointment. But in other ways the prime minister seemed to be flexing his independence from a military command that until recent years had run roughshod over civilian governments.

Notably, Raheel Sharif was not the favored candidate of his predecessor, Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, a power player who is resigning this week after a tumultuous six-year stint at the top of the military. Raheel Sharif had not held any clear first-tier commands, nor had he served in the influential Military Operations Directorate or come up through an intelligence background - all points on Kayani's resume.

Instead, Nawaz Sharif shunted Kayani's favorite, Lt. Gen. Rashad Mahmood, into the position of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - a nominally more powerful job that in reality is subordinate to the army chief.

"No doubt the Sharifs think he is more pliable than Rashad and not as close to Kayani," said a senior U.S. defense official, referring to Rashad Sharif, and speaking on the condition of anonymity.

Like the prime minister, Raheel Sharif comes from the eastern city of Lahore, the heartland of military influence in Pakistan. He comes from a family that is "more interested in the profession and less in politics," said Talat Masood, a retired lieutenant general and a respected defense analyst. "Sharif is soldierly and professionally very sound. And, because of his background, the prime minister seemed to have greater confidence in him."

Accordingly, some Pakistani analysts saw the choice as evidence that Nawaz Sharif was looking for someone slightly more biddable. But that kind of gamesmanship has come back to bite him before. During Nawaz Sharif's previous stint in power in the late 1990s, he passed over more senior generals to choose Gen. Pervez Musharraf as army chief - the man who would later depose and replace him in the 1999 coup.

In an institution where legacy and heritage are prized, Raheel Sharif, a 57-year-old infantry officer, does hold many credentials looked for in the army commander post.

His brother, Shabbir Sharif, is a decorated war hero who died in Pakistan's 1971 war against India - a connection that many Pakistani news outlets prominently noted in their profiles of Raheel Sharif.

Until now, he was in charge of the army's training program, implementing changes ordered by Kayani to improve the army's counterinsurgency capabilities as it faces a growing threat from Islamist insurgents based in the tribal belt, particularly the Pakistani Taliban.

Raheel Sharif inherits an army that, though it is still Pakistan's most powerful institution, has seen its once-unassailable authority somewhat eroded in recent years.

The continuing onslaught of attacks from the Pakistani Taliban in recent years has become such a clear challenge that the country's leaders, including Kayani, have recently sought to open peace talks with the group rather than calling for a new military offensive. And a series of diplomatic and intelligence crises involving the United States, as well as changes in society like a more assertive media and judiciary, have brought questions about the military's role that would have been unthinkable a generation ago.

The army is still revered by most Pakistanis, however. And under Kayani, the military gained a new point of respect: Despite years of turmoil and conflict with the civilian government led by President Asif Ali Zardari, the generals chose to bide their time and allow a fully democratic transition rather than taking control themselves.

The question now is whether Kayani's changes to the military culture that have rendered the prospect of a military coup a secondary risk will continue under Raheel Sharif. Given the prime minister's seeming comfort with the choice, and the opinion of senior military analysts, most saw continued restraint to be the most likely result.

Other challenges remain.

The U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan next door, as well as the continued and deeply unpopular CIA drone strike campaign within Pakistani territory, have kept apprehensions high among Pakistani officials. Despite often-strained relations, the Obama administration has continued to seek Pakistani military and intelligence cooperation on those issues, presenting a difficult balancing act for the country's military leadership.
© 2013, The New York Times News Service
Flexing autonomy, Pakistani leader picks outsider to lead army | NDTV.com
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