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General Kayani says militants’ back broken


Apr 1, 2007
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ref:General Kayani says militants


General Kayani says militants’ back brokenReuters
(51 minutes ago) Today

The Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Kayani made the speech while visiting army cadets at the Kakul Military Academy. –ISPR Photo

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s military has broken the back of militants linked to al Qaeda and Taliban, the country’s powerful head of the army said in a speech on Saturday that followed criticism from the United States that it wasn’t doing enough to fight militancy.

Washington, struggling to put down a 10-year insurgency in Afghanistan, said this month that Pakistan lacked a robust plan to defeat militants, and its intelligence agents were maintaining links with Afghan Taliban militants.

Without making any reference to Washington’s concerns, Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Kayani said Pakistan army was fully aware of the internal and external threats faced by the country.

“In the war against terrorism, our officers and soldiers have made great sacrifices and have achieved tremendous success,” he said in a speech to army cadets at Kakul military academy, north of Islamabad, broadcast by state television.

“The terrorists’ backbone has been broken and Inshallah we will soon prevail.”

Pakistan is crucial for US efforts to stabilise Afghanistan but relations between the two allies have been strained since the fatal shooting of two Pakistanis by Raymond Davis, a CIA contractor, in the city of Lahore in January.

Pakistani and US officials have traded barbs publicly, reflecting deepening mistrust between the two countries.

Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the US military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Pakistani media during a visit this week that continuing ties between agents of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency and the Haqqani faction, one of the most brutal Afghan Taliban groups, was “at the core” of problems between the two countries.

Hours after Mullen’s criticism, Pakistan army rejected suggestion that it was not doing enough to combat militants as “negative propaganda”.

However, despite the rising level of rhetoric, both sides have sought to mend their ties because both need each other for their own reasons.


Pakistan army boss Kayani says militants' back broken
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan's military has broken the back of militants linked to al Qaeda and Taliban, the country's powerful head of the army said in a speech on Saturday that followed criticism from the United States that it wasn't doing enough to fight militancy.

Washington, struggling to put down a 10-year insurgency in Afghanistan, said this month that Pakistan lacked a robust plan to defeat militants, and its intelligence agents were maintaining links with Afghan Taliban militants.

Without making any reference to Washington's concerns, army General Ashfaq chief Kayani said Pakistan army was fully aware of the internal and external threats faced by the country.

"In the war against terrorism, our officers and soldiers have made great sacrifices and have achieved tremendous success," he said in a speech to army cadets at Kakul military academy, north of Islamabad, broadcast by state television.

"The terrorists' backbone has been broken and Inshallah (God willing) we will soon prevail."

Pakistan is crucial for U.S. efforts to stabilise Afghanistan but relations between the two allies have been strained since the fatal shooting of two Pakistanis by Raymond Davis, a CIA contractor, in the city of Lahore in January.

Pakistani and U.S. officials have traded barbs publicly, reflecting deepening mistrust between the two countries.

Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. military's Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Pakistani media during a visit this week that continuing ties between agents of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency and the Haqqani faction, one of the most brutal Afghan Taliban groups, was "at the core" of problems between the two countries.

Hours after Mullen's criticism, Pakistan army rejected suggestion that it was not doing enough to combat militants as "negative propaganda".

However, despite the rising level of rhetoric, both sides have sought to mend their ties because both need each other for their own reasons.

(Reporting by Zeeshan Haider; Editing by Sanjeev Miglani)
Heh.. Not by a long shot in my opinion.. The real threat is sitting in NW where Pak army has not yet ventured into
I think the real threat will subside alot once NATO/US forces leave the region. I think the real threat is the US itself, the neo-cons and the zionist lobbies are causing havoc. they are only succeeding because of the corrupt stooges that are in the Muslim world (and also in most developing countries) - Divide and conquer!

The Us attempt is to divide this country and then cause a potential civil war - once they are weakened, then go for the kill (Libya is one example). it sounds crazy, but western imperialism has no shortage of arrogance and greed at the moment - loot, plundered, rape the masses in the pretext of Democracy and WOT...WE COME IN PEACE - SHOOT TO KILL.

Do not be surprised that if they fail in this and are not able to reign in pakistan - then they will uses india to escalate tensions on some future pretext. They will not be concerned if all out hostilities lead to a nuclear exchange - hence brown boys fighting each other in effect will be like killing two birds with one stone!!!
Heh.. Not by a long shot in my opinion.. The real threat is sitting in NW where Pak army has not yet ventured into

They are a threat for some other country not for Pakistan. No one from NW has ever hurt Pakistan, Pakistani people, or Pakistan's interests.

Do you think Pakistan army will sacrafice the peace we see these days in Lahore, Rawalpindi, Peshawar for some other country's interests.

Do I need to remind you the revenge militants took on our beautiful cities of Lahore and Peshawar when Pakistan army started operations in Swat and South Waziristan a few years ago.

We want no more bloodshed.
They are a threat for some other country not for Pakistan. No one from NW has ever hurt Pakistan, Pakistani people, or Pakistan's interests.

Do you think Pakistan army will sacrafice the peace we see these days in Lahore, Rawalpindi, Peshawar for some other country's interests.

Do I need to remind you the revenge militants took on our beautiful cities of Lahore and Peshawar when Pakistan army started operations in Swat and South Waziristan a few years ago.

We want no more bloodshed.

Agree.....thats why I hope the Pakistan army never ventures into this potential fiasco, no matter how much pressure the US puts. the repurcussions would be too much for pakistan. The real issue of instability is the FAILED Bullshit policies of US and its B**ch NATO in this region!!!
I think the real threat will subside alot once NATO/US forces leave the region. I think the real threat is the US itself, the neo-cons and the zionist lobbies are causing havoc. they are only succeeding because of the corrupt stooges that are in the Muslim world (and also in most developing countries) - Divide and conquer!

The Us attempt is to divide this country and then cause a potential civil war - once they are weakened, then go for the kill (Libya is one example). it sounds crazy, but western imperialism has no shortage of arrogance and greed at the moment - loot, plundered, rape the masses in the pretext of Democracy and WOT...WE COME IN PEACE - SHOOT TO KILL.

Do not be surprised that if they fail in this and are not able to reign in pakistan - then they will uses india to escalate tensions on some future pretext. They will not be concerned if all out hostilities lead to a nuclear exchange - hence brown boys fighting each other in effect will be like killing two birds with one stone!!!

Plz. hold ur horses and don't drag India into this thread we are not used by anyone and never will. Its all the pakistan's internal issues and they (Pak+USA+KSA) responsible for it.

And the dream of that ummah is illusion can't be realize.

Pak army can't ignore the grave threat to pakistan posed by the terrorist/extremists.

1.) If they ignore/irritate Iran and build gwadar then Iran will do whatever it can but if they go by Iran then Saudi Arabia will not be pleased and Gwadar port is a threat to UAE's interest also as they are loosing oil and port is their only hope.

2.) If they continue to niddle India as soon as manmohan singh retires as PM India will do whatever it can.

3.) Then there are plenty of other players.

The only solution is that pakistan makes peace with its neighbors and destroy every terrorist setup no matter its punjabi taliban or pakistani taliban or afgan taliban there is no such thing like good taliban.
Plz. hold ur horses and don't drag India into this thread we are not used by anyone and never will. Its all the pakistan's internal issues and they (Pak+USA+KSA) responsible for it.

And the dream of that ummah is illusion can't be realize.

Pak army can't ignore the grave threat to pakistan posed by the terrorist/extremists.

1.) If they ignore/irritate Iran and build gwadar then Iran will do whatever it can but if they go by Iran then Saudi Arabia will not be pleased and Gwadar port is a threat to UAE's interest also as they are loosing oil and port is their only hope.

2.) If they continue to niddle India as soon as manmohan singh retires as PM India will do whatever it can.

3.) Then there are plenty of other players.

The only solution is that pakistan makes peace with its neighbors and destroy every terrorist setup no matter its punjabi taliban or pakistani taliban or afgan taliban there is no such thing like good taliban.


Pakistan has never listened to any of India's demands and we are not about to start now.

As for Gwadar, it is part of Pakistan and every country on earth accepts the fact that Gwadar is Pakistan's and what we do with Gwadar is not of anybody's business but our own.

The people of Iran and UAE are not obsessed about Pakistan like you bharatis are. How many Indians in this forum? More than Pakistanis. How many Iranians in this forum? 5. max. How many UAE people here in this forum? 0. How many Saudis in this forum? 1 or 2.

Pakistan only has disputes with India. No other country except India and its not Gwadar that is a disputed territory its KASHMIR that is a disputed territory.

By the way, Gwadar Port has already been built with the help of our friend China and as we speak we are building the entire town of Gwadar, again with the help of our friend China :china: :pakistan:

So burn indians! burn!
Heh.. Not by a long shot in my opinion.. The real threat is sitting in NW where Pak army has not yet ventured into

the U.S has tried to venture there through drone attacks. . . what good has it done except killing innocent people and increasing the number of terrorists. . .

Pakistan has never listened to any of India's demands and we are not about to start now.

As for Gwadar, it is part of Pakistan and every country on earth accepts the fact that Gwadar is Pakistan's and what we do with Gwadar is not of anybody's business but our own.

The people of Iran and UAE are not obsessed about Pakistan like you bharatis are. How many Indians in this forum? More than Pakistanis. How many Iranians in this forum? 5. max. How many UAE people here in this forum? 0. How many Saudis in this forum? 1 or 2.

Pakistan only has disputes with India. No other country except India.

I have rational answer for all of the above.

But, I think we should stop our debate here only because its the thread about pakistan being a Indian i can easily targeted as a troll even when its the American guy who have brought India into this thread.

So enjoy its ur thread.
Plz. hold ur horses and don't drag India into this thread we are not used by anyone and never will. Its all the pakistan's internal issues and they (Pak+USA+KSA) responsible for it.

And the dream of that ummah is illusion can't be realize.

Pak army can't ignore the grave threat to pakistan posed by the terrorist/extremists.

1.) If they ignore/irritate Iran and build gwadar then Iran will do whatever it can but if they go by Iran then Saudi Arabia will not be pleased and Gwadar port is a threat to UAE's interest also as they are loosing oil and port is their only hope.

2.) If they continue to niddle India as soon as manmohan singh retires as PM India will do whatever it can.

3.) Then there are plenty of other players.

The only solution is that pakistan makes peace with its neighbors and destroy every terrorist setup no matter its punjabi taliban or pakistani taliban or afgan taliban there is no such thing like good taliban.

I'm not trying to bring India into it - India is already involved in this area (hence the growing development and military ties and presence of its forces in Afghanistan). until pakistan and India resolve the Kashmir dispute (which was deliberately left by a former western power to keep the two countries apart and at each others throat). I firmly believe that if the US/neo cons/western imperialist fail in their objectives, do not be surprised if they ENGINEER a conflict between to former adversaries - reiterate Killing two birds with one stone ( I say this because of the rampant racism of westerners to the rest of the world).

(1) Pakistan & India will need to have confidence building measures between each other. difference need to resolved peacefully. WMDs need to be reduced (when these countries reach MAD doctrine, then they will follow agreements in the line of START treat - Strategic Arms reduction treaty). Nuclear weapons - this will be the logic outcome eventually)

(2) Terrorism will be drastically cut once US/NATO forces leave the region and drone attacks stops...remember

(3) Note unless Pakistan & India do not find the resolve and courage to sort out their issues....then unfortunately proxi-conflicts/low level insurgencies will continue.

(4) Islamic Unity will be established once the tyrant phase is removed - which currently under progress! i know its hard to believe at this moment,watch and see Inshallah!
Plz. hold ur horses and don't drag India into this thread we are not used by anyone and never will. Its all the pakistan's internal issues and they (Pak+USA+KSA) responsible for it.

And the dream of that ummah is illusion can't be realize.

Pak army can't ignore the grave threat to pakistan posed by the terrorist/extremists.

1.) If they ignore/irritate Iran and build gwadar then Iran will do whatever it can but if they go by Iran then Saudi Arabia will not be pleased and Gwadar port is a threat to UAE's interest also as they are loosing oil and port is their only hope.

2.) If they continue to niddle India as soon as manmohan singh retires as PM India will do whatever it can.

3.) Then there are plenty of other players.

The only solution is that pakistan makes peace with its neighbors and destroy every terrorist setup no matter its punjabi taliban or pakistani taliban or afgan taliban there is no such thing like good taliban.

this isnt indias world that it can wage a war against pakistan...india simply cannot afford to wage a war in the next ten years....get realistic.....and no body has any sort of dispute with pakistan over gwadar...we bought it from oman adn thats it....we payed damn money to get it....and iran has nada problem with it....seems like the indians have a bigger agitation......

and kayani is damn right....now you dont see any taliban in swat dir or malakand.....and the taliban in NW have done absolutely no damage to pakistan.....now lahore rawalpindi islamabad are all safe and bomb blasts are not killing people....the insurgents in NW are going to afghanistan adn killing US soldiers...then go to hell...why should we destroy our country for somebody from across the pacific???
The terrorists’ backbone has been broken and Inshallah we will

I think we've all heard this tune before -- lets face it, this war will end when all sides have milked the opportunity this war represents for them.
They are a threat for some other country not for Pakistan. No one from NW has ever hurt Pakistan, Pakistani people, or Pakistan's interests.

Do you think Pakistan army will sacrafice the peace we see these days in Lahore, Rawalpindi, Peshawar for some other country's interests.

Do I need to remind you the revenge militants took on our beautiful cities of Lahore and Peshawar when Pakistan army started operations in Swat and South Waziristan a few years ago.

We want no more bloodshed.

same think Pakistan said about Taliban or TTP before they start bomb blast in Pakistan .

They are snake, they never be any ones friend

The day you understand that half the problem for your country automatically end
same think Pakistan said about Taliban or TTP before they start bomb blast in Pakistan .

They are snake, they never be any ones friend

The day you understand that half the problem for your country automatically end

the TTp people are majority of the people from afghanistan adn central asian states....and also arabs....the pakistanis are only the leadership adn others who are sucide bombers and recce people....you are right that they are not our friends and we cannot be friends with them.....but the taliban were created by the US fir afghan insurgency against russia adn then the NW problem is not....and people in NW are troubling the US more than it is troubling us....while the taliban are troubling pakistan more than the US.....thats the point i am trying to make
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