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General Faisal Naseer is a dirty harry , He has Lisence to Kill : Imran khan

That amount is with your supreme court, just like that affadivit SS submitted.

Any reference to that? Caz I don't think it is
IK should know that Dirty Harry is the hero who takes out evil people to save the world.

Says an Indian who doesn't know anything about Pakistani politics.

These Generals have caused so much damage it's beyond repair, any one who thinks PDM and thier ilk will lead Pakistan to prosperity needs to get thier heads for a medical check up.
Any reference to that? Caz I don't think it is

Along with IK bashing, also stay involved enough to know things. Many members of IK's cabinet, opposition (now government) members and their lawyers have stated this as a fact multiple times.

In fact, the main argument against IK is that he submitted the 190 million pound to supreme court on Malik Riaz behalf in term of payments received from Malik Riaz as penality (the 460 billion Malik Riaz is supposed to submit in supreme court account as penality in Karachi bahria town case).
Along with IK bashing, also stay involved enough to know things. Many members of IK's cabinet, opposition (now government) members and their lawyers have stated this as a fact multiple times.

In fact, the main argument against IK is that he submitted the 190 million pound to supreme court on Malik Riaz behalf in term of payments received from Malik Riaz as penality (the 460 billion Malik Riaz is supposed to submit in supreme court account as penality in Karachi bahria town case).

So basically illegal money confiscated from Malik riyaz was paid to supreme court on behalf of Malik riyaz (as has legal fine) and decision was taken on a sealed envelope that no one in cabinet was allowed to see

Totally legit
This man wants to get in power at any cost, otherwise he will provoke people for a civil war.
Yup!! But fear not, no civil war in Pakistan. PTI is not TLP or like the Imported Canadian Mullah Tahir ul Qadri and thank God for that!
This is how nations fight back. When turk defeated the enemy . We Pakistanis are headless nation
So what are you doing in Spain? Go to Pakistan. As I keep saying, expat-Pakistanis are often the worst: Wishing from a comfortable, safe distance destruction of Pakistan--just like Imran does hiding in his house, sending others' kids to violence while his own sons are safe and comfy in the UK.
So basically illegal money confiscated from Malik riyaz was paid to supreme court on behalf of Malik riyaz (as has legal fine) and decision was taken on a sealed envelope that no one in cabinet was allowed to see

Totally legit
Trump is reported to have boasted that even if he shot at someone in Manhattan, he'd be still supported by his fanbois. PTI is the same. No logic applies to these cult followers.

I looked at another harangue vlog by Imran Khan for a few minutes in the OP video. Immediately saw his lies that Supreme Court considered his ouster 'illegal'. What a lie! The Supreme Court of Pakistan was opened late night to ensure the Vote on the No Confidence Motion was carried out or Imran would be in a prison! There was even a prisoners van nearby the Parliament House. Imran and his fanbois even criticized the Supreme Court for that! What a liar!!
Establishment bought Imran khan in the power and now he has been kicked out becuase he crossed all the limits. Khan is also aware of the reality that he can’t be prime minister again. He wants to have a dialougue but for now establishment has shut the doors and teaching him a lesson.
Establishment bought Imran khan in the power and now he has been kicked out becuase he crossed all the limits. Khan is also aware of the reality that he can’t be prime minister again. He wants to have a dialougue but for now establishment has shut the doors and teaching him a lesson.

Who'd want a dialog with a person who, if rumors are to be true, about to be separated from this 3rd wife! So odd for a Pakistani. Who'd want dialog with a person who hadn't seen his sons for 3.5 years?

Maybe Imran is competing against Elizabeth Taylor for the number of marriages?? ;)
Establishment bought Imran khan in the power and now he has been kicked out becuase he crossed all the limits
Military officers take oaths that is not indulge in politics - Breaking that Oath is Punishable by Law

So who asked military to indulge in political affairs and break their own oath ?

Who'd want dialog with a person who hadn't seen his sons for 3.5 years?
What crediblity does the military have that breaks their own oath that is not indulge in politics? what does it tell about their character and mindset? one who breaks his own word

He wants to have a dialougue but for now establishment has shut the doors and teaching him a lesson
Dialogue with who? A department of the federal Government that fall under Ministry of defense and armed forces of Pakistan - which has again 3 departments Airforce, army, and Navy and then the so-called head of Army ( which is supposed to be joint Chief of staff ) will speak to politicians under what capacity?
Why there can't be peaceful protests at Cantonments, BTW cantonments are a British Raj legacy, a kind of divide between slaves(awam) and masters, rulers and people ruled. Pakistan should do away with cantonment areas just as India is doing.

Saw a plan for a huge cantonment area at Gwadar, adjacent to the airport.

India got true independence.
Establishment bought Imran khan in the power and now he has been kicked out becuase he crossed all the limits. Khan is also aware of the reality that he can’t be prime minister again. He wants to have a dialougue but for now establishment has shut the doors and teaching him a lesson.
Establishment brought imran khan , establishment helped imran to gather huge crowd at minar e pakistan jalsa in 2013, establishment brought people to vote Ik in 2018 elections ,bla bla bla
ab unhi ko bolo bhar k dikhain jhangeer tarin k jalsa minar e pakistan lahore , hum PTI Chor dain gay , IK KICKED these bastards on the assss when he defeated bajwa and his PDM DOGS on 35 out of 39 seats in last year after he was ousted through US conspiracy.
So what are you doing in Spain? Go to Pakistan. As I keep saying, expat-Pakistanis are often the worst: Wishing from a comfortable, safe distance destruction of Pakistan--just like Imran does hiding in his house, sending others' kids to violence while his own sons are safe and comfy in the UK.
I have done so much for country you can not even dream of it. I was in Pakistan 2 months ago. Where I run charity schools and other stuff.Tell me your accomplishments for pakistan.
I looked at another harangue vlog by Imran Khan for a few minutes in the OP video. Immediately saw his lies that Supreme Court considered his ouster 'illegal'. What a lie! The Supreme Court of Pakistan was opened late night to ensure the Vote on the No Confidence Motion was carried out or Imran would be in a prison! There was even a prisoners van nearby the Parliament House. Imran and his fanbois even criticized the Supreme Court for that! What a liar!!
HE was talking about his abduction carried out by hafiz pigs from Islamabad high court premises, which later supreme court declared illegal , awain ee to nhi tum logon ko hum khota patwari kehty , pata wata hota L ka nhi aa jaty ho bongiaan marany
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Military officers take oaths that is not indulge in politics - Breaking that Oath is Punishable by Law

So who asked military to indulge in political affairs and break their own oath ?

What crediblity does the military have that breaks their own oath that is not indulge in politics? what does it tell about their character and mindset? one who breaks his own word

Dialogue with who? A department of the federal Government that fall under Ministry of defense and armed forces of Pakistan - which has again 3 departments Airforce, army, and Navy and then the so-called head of Army ( which is supposed to be joint Chief of staff ) will speak to politicians under what capacity?
Forget about oath, do you know why Imran Khan never refused the establishment‘s support?
Because of his greed to become prime minister, he was going nowhere with his political career. He was the biggest supporter of top military leadership becuase he got the support and if establishment supports him again he will be biggest supporter again.
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