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Imran tells JIT he has no evidence against Gen Faisal Naseer (whom he calls Dirty Harry)

Reading this thread one can make out who’s an inbred Uber driver .

You do know British Pakistanis do not give these inbred donkeys the time of day , don’t you ? We disown them as soon as we jump in there cabs & they open there mouths .

Go clean your filthy smelly taxis you smelly cunts .

A blight on being associated with them due to motherland .
every single time you reply this man, malik, he will prove him self ignorant, untaught and unenlightened.

and everyone knows what is the best reply to such, although a lot of people tried to tell him sympathetically that he must grow being a gentleman.

well, people live and die with their ignorance, they must be left a lone.
Well technically this isn't a baseless accusation, he just chose to hide his sources.

Our military apparatus has a big big leak inside.

Read Murad Saeed's statement before the JIT, he recalled how Arshad Sharif was being leaked info by people within the military regarding what was going to be done against him, and then furthermore, UAE authorities also distrusted the Pakistanis (that in itself is a slap on our face but let's come to that later).

So you don't think IK would be having sources within? I've seen retired Brigadiers of 10 years know what was served in the tea break at GS branch, what to say of IK, or heck even Faiz Hameed.

The 'Big' leaker who you are referring to was Faiz Hameed, he has been under house arrest since May 9th. No clue what's up with him now. Turns out he was influencing IK on the confrontation which makes sense as a lot of the claims and actions during those days do corroborate with a high level leak i.e you would need an officer really high up in order to achieve what had to be done.
Does this JIT has any credibility i mean if he had given his source then what would have happened? Lets just assume he gives them all the proof and his source then what? Judges have the ultimate say in any lawful or even decent country but what's happening in here. One judge is sitting next to two most corrupt people in Parliament same judge who is also controversial and this man is going to be the next Chief Justice, Do you see the level of hypocrisy here.

Imran Khan should make it clear then, that he won't share proof because he believes his sources will be targeted or whatever reason he has, what if tomorrow he backtracks. He instead makes many accusations, like the 35 punctures and then backs off, accuses others of being Usa agents but PTI would do the same, accused police of rigging elections and demands army at polling stations, now army is accused of rigging. His government was removed because he lost the majority but he blames the army who bought him to power, during darnas he encouraged army to remove NS but now is blaming the same people for his condition.

He keeps saying he has been told by people in the military, what if they're lying to him to trap him, why are they not helping him, they didn't even have the power to select their own COAS or DGIsi.

Hamid Mir is correct. Imran Khan needs to listen to his advisors and senior politicians like SMQ, Sheikh Rasheed, Pervez Ellahi.
The 'Big' leaker who you are referring to was Faiz Hameed, he has been under house arrest since May 9th. No clue what's up with him now. Turns out he was influencing IK on the confrontation which makes sense as a lot of the claims and actions during those days do corroborate with a high level leak i.e you would need an officer really high up in order to achieve what had to be done.

Nah, it's not only him.

Wajahat Khan, Arshad Sharif, Adil Raja (I hate the guy but he has been right a couple of times), all have been giving info.

Listen to Asad Umar's interview on Muzammil's podcast, he also admits to the same.

It's more than Faiz.
Wajahat Khan, Arshad Sharif, Adil Raja (I hate the guy but he has been right a couple of times), all have been giving info.
If we are basing off of the reports that sensitive locations i.e supposed ISI safe houses and other ISI/Mil buildings were exposed then you would need a person who is current enough to be able to have knowledge of them as they usually rotate and change to prevent leakage of info, preserve secrecy. To add to this, such knowledge is kept within very tight circles of highly ranked officers on a need to know basis. This is the norm for intelligence agencies across the world.

Out of all those people Faiz fits the bill due to his seniority, his post as head of ISI and how recently he was in service. Maybe there were others and there most certainly were, who knows, but he's the real brains as far as I can tell in the macro strategy of all that was done till that date.

Just as I write this seems Toor has reiterated his earlier report weeks back on it.

If we are basing off of the reports that sensitive locations i.e supposed ISI safe houses and other ISI/Mil buildings were exposed then you would need a person who is current enough to be able to have knowledge of them as they usually rotate and change to prevent leakage of info, preserve secrecy.

Bakion ka to nhn pata, but the one which is 3 streets away from my home has been at the same place since 10 years.

They even got a shiny new generator a few years ago (which is placed outside the home on a footpath, but that's for another day), so don't think they plan on moving soon.
He is another 56 inch pichwada holder like your modi :lol:
Even you'll admit that stache is impressive, it just is.

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