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General Bakshi reveals Kargil humiliation

Here is full version on youtube....

In the end of video there is also some twist for indians to live furthermore....:lol:

What does he say about Mahar regiment? It seems only Punjabis are gutsy. Rest of India is pussy who can only rape and commit acid-attacks on helpless women.
Why not we let the man speak for himself?

I know logic makes little sense to you Indians especially when you are bombarded with a daily dose of Pakistani Military Adventures etc. but be advised that the Army was still working under the mandate of the Political Government and hence the Army Chief obeyed the command of the competent authority and withdrew his forces.

It looks like after kargil the Army has stopped working under the mandate of the Political Government and hence the Army Chief didn't obeyed the command of the competent authority
It looks like after kargil the Army has stopped working under the mandate of the Political Government and hence the Army Chief didn't obeyed the command of the competent authority

Think about it, the Political Government (political dictatorship actually) turned a military victory into diplomatic defeat because Nawaz Sharif desired US patronage more than he desired respect for his country's military achievement. How is the Military supposed to digest that? How is the Army Chief supposed to digest that? Yet the Army Chief acceded to the political will of the civilian Government......that is until Nawaz Sharif was overcome with his own insecurities and decided to replace the Army Chief in the worst possible manner.
Think about it, the Political Government (political dictatorship actually) turned a military victory into diplomatic defeat because Nawaz Sharif desired US patronage more than he desired respect for his country's military achievement. How is the Military supposed to digest that? How is the Army Chief supposed to digest that? Yet the Army Chief acceded to the political will of the civilian Government......that is until Nawaz Sharif was overcome with his own insecurities and decided to replace the Army Chief in the worst possible manner.

How kargil was military victory ?
bhai, video is not about kargil war. Btw, Did your army tell you about the bombing happened to them on peaks in kargil war ?. Your whole ammunition depot was destroyed and this incident alone caused you more than 100 soldiers.

Above pic shows before strike and after strike situation of your ammunition depot. You can see, every thing was smoked after strike by Mirages.

i know it bro but the truth is only some of our men was present during bombing.rest of them already withdrawn.
Didn't know I had poked a retard, but that is the risk we take when we engage with any indian, who have nothing better to do than infest Pakistani forums to spread your filth.

Regarding the highlighted, neither is he a Muslim nor a Pakistani, he is an indian like you and you know that is not a compliment either. Now you **** off you smelly bharti scum.

Right, I am an idiot of the highest order, AND an average ignorant Indian.

He was not the commander of the Indian contingent, he was battalion commander of one battalion among very many. You seem to have rape on your mind; you don't seem to have much vocabulary beyond that one word. As far as Kargil was concerned, and making a triumphant Pakistani event of it is concerned, that ship has sailed. Too many people have made too many admissions on the Pakistani side for you to continue your pathetic efforts at representing it as anything but the debacle for Pakistan that it was.

I still don't want to know about G. D. Bakshi, but for what it's worth, we are the same age, there are a number of my batchmates that served with him, and he has his own bizarre world-view, a totalitarian one, with which I have nothing in common. If he had been Muslim and born on the other side of the border (in 1950), he would have been a Pakistani of your type. That is not a compliment.

Now f*** off.

Please look up the records for that date and make an effort to be accurate. Don't write rubbish when commenting on this event.

Talking of economic disparities, you really need to do your homework. The PAF was not warned, and midway through, when the IAF was called into action, realised that they had insufficient spares to fight an air war. Read Kaisar Tufail for more information.
Think about it, the Political Government (political dictatorship actually) turned a military victory into diplomatic defeat because Nawaz Sharif desired US patronage more than he desired respect for his country's military achievement. How is the Military supposed to digest that? How is the Army Chief supposed to digest that? Yet the Army Chief acceded to the political will of the civilian Government......that is until Nawaz Sharif was overcome with his own insecurities and decided to replace the Army Chief in the worst possible manner.

This interpretation is an attempt at turning things inside out. At the time that Nawaz Sharif rushed to Washington, the situation had already turned adverse for the Pakistan Army. Several points had been recaptured, the others were under heavy pressure. PA personnel manning those points could not replenish their ammunition or get food, because the supply routes were disrupted. The PAF was absent and could offer no opposition to the IAF. Where the question of US patronage and the respect for his country's military achievement comes in, considering that the achievement in question was unwinding rapidly, it is a point to unravel why he should have respected this achievement that turned into a defeat. The military, or rather the Army, that never took the other services into confidence or sought to coordinate their activities together with the Army's desperate plan, acceded not to the political will of the civilian government, but to the imperatives of their increasingly hopeless situation.

How kargil was military victory ?

"Let me count the ways..."
  1. Because the military didn't have to tell their nation that they had suffered yet another defeat;
  2. because the military obtained plausible deniability by persuading the civilian head to go to a superpower to plead on their behalf;
  3. because they were not in the Kargil posts, which were seized by mujahedin, and hence, not being there, couldn't possibly be defeated;
  4. because they did not have to claim their dead, and denied that those were indeed their dead.
How many more reasons do you want?

Didn't know I had poked a retard, but that is the risk we take when we engage with any indian, who have nothing better to do than infest Pakistani forums to spread your filth.

Regarding the highlighted, neither is he a Muslim nor a Pakistani, he is an indian like you and you know that is not a compliment either. Now you **** off you smelly bharti scum.

Of course, conveniently, the rest of the post, which cannot be answered without additional admissions, is ignored.

So subtle.
How kargil was military victory ?

35k strong Indian Military and 10 Squadrons of IAF were unable to retake all the posts from some irregulars and volunteers of the Pak Army without any logistical support and backup.....what do you call that?

This interpretation is an attempt at turning things inside out. At the time that Nawaz Sharif rushed to Washington, the situation had already turned adverse for the Pakistan Army. Several points had been recaptured, the others were under heavy pressure. PA personnel manning those points could not replenish their ammunition or get food, because the supply routes were disrupted. The PAF was absent and could offer no opposition to the IAF. Where the question of US patronage and the respect for his country's military achievement comes in, considering that the achievement in question was unwinding rapidly, it is a point to unravel why he should have respected this achievement that turned into a defeat. The military, or rather the Army, that never took the other services into confidence or sought to coordinate their activities together with the Army's desperate plan, acceded not to the political will of the civilian government, but to the imperatives of their increasingly hopeless situation.

Unless you are incapable of logical reasoning, and since you would like to believe only those points of view that suit your ego, think about it for a minute. There were like 5k irregulars and volunteers of Pak Army who were occupying those posts and 35k strong Indian Military with the backing of 10 Squadrons of IAF was unable to retake all of those positions. And since Pakistan wasn't officially involved, there was no logistical support to those 5k fighters and yet IAF could not retake all the positions despite all their efforts. The next thing to ponder is what is the worst that could have happened for Pakistan? The worst that could happen was for all 5k fighters to be martyred, there was nothing more adverse possible! PAF was absent because Pakistan was officially not involved, had Pakistan become involved officially, PAF would have reminded IAF of 1965! I recall that 2 of your fighters did cross the LOC by mistake.........never to return.

And to give India a real thrashing, all Pakistan had to do was to provide support to those fighters. If 5k fighters could do what they did, imagine what 10-15k fighters would have done. It was an absoute Military victory over India to the point where India was unable to find enough coffins for its KIA, where its KIA were being transported in Garbage trucks. On the other hand, most of the casualties on our side were suffered during retreat.

"Let me count the ways..."
  1. Because the military didn't have to tell their nation that they had suffered yet another defeat;
  2. because the military obtained plausible deniability by persuading the civilian head to go to a superpower to plead on their behalf;
  3. because they were not in the Kargil posts, which were seized by mujahedin, and hence, not being there, couldn't possibly be defeated;
  4. because they did not have to claim their dead, and denied that those were indeed their dead.
How many more reasons do you want?

Now let us get back to reality and count facts:

1. That the Military won a resounding victory to the point where some of the peaks are still held by Pakistan!
2. That the Pakistani Military victory was overshadowed by Indian Diplomatic victory as our PM proved to be the weak link.
3. That is partially correct, Regular Army was never deployed there, it was non-regulars who were later inducted into regular Army because frankly their dedication and fighting skills were so phenomenal that Pak Army was left impressed.
4. It was the Indians who were caught dramatizing the dead, their own dead, for the sake of benefit. Height of this was when an Indian soldier was awareded Dharam Veer Chakker who was actually still alive and in a hospital.
35k strong Indian Military and 10 Squadrons of IAF were unable to retake all the posts from some irregulars and volunteers of the Pak Army without any logistical support and backup.....what do you call that?

Bhai, sitting on peaks is different than sitting on plain ground. Why you cud not take siachin from us ? bcos we are sitting at top.

2) India dint have satellite tech to spot pakistani positions. Even our pliots flew sorties to record pakistani positions on peaks by using handy cams. So the operation took time more than required.

3) Who says you dint have support ? if you dint have support then how you manage to occupy for 2 months ?
IAF bombed those supply lines and then you ran out of supplies and had to leave.

If u saw the video on first page, the Gen mentions about PA AD gun range more than IA AD gun. The video shows wrong guns( artillery).

Any idea which PA AD Gun has more range than IA AD Gun deployed in Kashmir region?

35mm or 40mm. There was also a Chinese 37mm.

In any case it brings the WW2 German 88mm to mind, lol.
35k strong Indian Military and 10 Squadrons of IAF were unable to retake all the posts from some irregulars and volunteers of the Pak Army without any logistical support and backup.....what do you call that?

Mis-stated premises: the senior staff of the Pakistan Army (or the Pak Army, if you prefer) spent months plotting and planning this adventure. Thereafter, there were these efforts at convincing the outside world, even of the sister services, that these were merely irregulars and volunteers of the Pak Army, as if we had not been hardened by the Pakistani interpretation of 'volunteering' in 1948, in 1965 and in Afghanistan.

As for logistical support and backup, if we are being told that these 'volunteers' and 'irregulars' marched up to these posts, poured in liquid cement and made them bunkers, and then, in the dead of winter, ploughed the stone summits, grew crops, harvested them and converted them into nutritious food sufficient to hold out for weeks, then the miracle of the loaves and fishes seems to have happened again on the peaks of Kargil.

Might I ask, hesitantly...what do you call that?

Unless you are incapable of logical reasoning, and since you would like to believe only those points of view that suit your ego, think about it for a minute.

It reads as if you are losing your temper, or have lost your temper.

That is a distinct possibility, an incapacity for logical reasoning on my part, and has been very helpfully pointed out by Pakistanis and Indians alike, with greater or lesser urgency. I acknowledge the possibility and hope to live until brain and reasoning transplants are possible. At the moment, this looks bleak, and it is unfortunately the case that what you see is what you'll get.

Sorry. I do wish I had more intelligent parents, and next time around, will try to choose better.

There were like 5k irregulars and volunteers of Pak Army who were occupying those posts and 35k strong Indian Military with the backing of 10 Squadrons of IAF was unable to retake all of those positions.

I believe that all positions have been recovered except three. Does that change the situation to a near-victory, or even a complete victory, for Pakistan and the, err, Pak Army?

And since Pakistan wasn't officially involved, there was no logistical support to those 5k fighters

Must we continue with this fairy tale that even Pakistani school-children would laugh at? This was a full-scope military adventure in the grand tradition by the Pak (sic) Army.

and yet IAF could not retake all the positions despite all their efforts.

I believe that these failures have been taken into account in training, and pilots are now being taught to land supersonic jet fighters on mountain peaks. The next time around, we are thinking of trying the Navy as well. It is time that they understood what the poor foot-soldier has to go through, while they go skylarking around from foreign port to port.

The next thing to ponder is what is the worst that could have happened for Pakistan?

Let me guess: it could become Afghanistan?

The worst that could happen was for all 5k fighters to be martyred, there was nothing more adverse possible!

Drat. Wrong guess.

I suppose since they weren't regulars, such a fate need have bothered no one. 5,000 here, 10,000 there; what's a couple of thousand soldiers between friends? Easy-peasy.

No wonder you win all your wars.

PAF was absent because Pakistan was officially not involved, had Pakistan become involved officially, PAF would have reminded IAF of 1965!

I ALWAYS suspected that Kaisar Tufail was actually a false-flagging Bhutanese! Thanks for confirming that his account was fake, and what you have narrated is the correct story. Just imagine, having to cook up a story to account for the singular absence of the PAF, and all he could come up with was ..... spares! Send him back to Bhutan by the next fast frigate!

I recall that 2 of your fighters did cross the LOC by mistake.........never to return.

One down due to engine failure, one down due to MANPAD fire. We are now counting engine failure as military victory? One lives and learns....Oh, wait! we already finished discussing an incapacity for logical reasoning!

And to give India a real thrashing, all Pakistan had to do was to provide support to those fighters. If 5k fighters could do what they did, imagine what 10-15k fighters would have done. It was an absoute Military victory over India to the point where India was unable to find enough coffins for its KIA, where its KIA were being transported in Garbage trucks.

Not to mention pigs. All they have to do is grow wings and they can fly. How about the Spartans and Philip II? Remind me to tell you the story some time (I have told it already, but it never lessens in impact on re-telling.

Naturally, your five-man bunkers in cramped spaces were all built to replace bunk beds with double storied bunks.

On the other hand, most of the casualties on our side were suffered during retreat.

This is perhaps the most significant military aspect of your analysis. It takes us back to the glorious French victory over the Russians; most of the Grand Army died during retreat. Or the French again, exiting Spain and the Peninsular War. Most of the Imperial Army was lost in retreat.

My fingers tremble with excitement as I turn to the pages of history. Elphinstone's glorious and victorious campaign in the First Afghan War; most of the casualties suffered in retreat. Further back, we have Artaxerxes' grand triumph over Alexander III of Macedon; most of Artaxerxes' army, in his two confrontations with Alexander, suffered their casualties in retreat. The Mahdi's army defending Khartoum; most of the casualties suffered in retreat.

We have re-discovered military history.

Now let us get back to reality and count facts:

1. That the Military won a resounding victory to the point where some of the peaks are still held by Pakistan!

No, she doesn't.

2. That the Pakistani Military victory was overshadowed by Indian Diplomatic victory as our PM proved to be the weak link.

We saw a while earlier what this famous victory was about. The whole world knows what happened, and who rescued whom.

3. That is partially correct, Regular Army was never deployed there, it was non-regulars who were later inducted into regular Army because frankly their dedication and fighting skills were so phenomenal that Pak Army was left impressed.

Is that what serendipity is all about?

4. It was the Indians who were caught dramatizing the dead, their own dead, for the sake of benefit. Height of this was when an Indian soldier was awareded Dharam Veer Chakker who was actually still alive and in a hospital.

What is a Dharam Veer Chakker and who was this person? Is it going to join PA legend?
Didn't know I had poked a retard, but that is the risk we take when we engage with any indian, who have nothing better to do than infest Pakistani forums to spread your filth.

Regarding the highlighted, neither is he a Muslim nor a Pakistani, he is an indian like you and you know that is not a compliment either. Now you **** off you smelly bharti scum.
Will you shut your mouth scumy Pakistani.
What does he say about Mahar regiment? It seems only Punjabis are gutsy. Rest of India is pussy who can only rape and commit acid-attacks on helpless women.
Oi idiot we are not discussing here rape or about women and these sort of crimes can happen anywhere in the world, Now use your retarded brain and stick to the topic.
Truth always prevails...
If someone deletes it, then what do you do?

Truth is great and will prevail if left to herself, that she is the proper and sufficient antagonist to error, and has nothing to fear from the conflict, unless by human interposition disarmed of her natural weapons, free argument and debate; errors ceasing to be dangerous when it is permitted freely to contradict them.

Thomas Jefferson

If u saw the video on first page, the Gen mentions about PA AD gun range more than IA AD gun. The video shows wrong guns( artillery).

Any idea which PA AD Gun has more range than IA AD Gun deployed in Kashmir region?

35mm or 40mm. There was also a Chinese 37mm.

In any case it brings the WW2 German 88mm to mind, lol.

Notice the long gun barrel in the background, that is 57mm Anti-aircraft gun.
Chinese Version of the S-60 57 mm Anti-Aircraft Gun near Rawalpindi, this gun was shown also in KARACHI this year on 23.03.2014 defense-show in Army cant and also in Lahore. It is stationed all over Pakistan, what means we must have very high numbers of this gun in service. By the way, P.O.F is still producing the rounds for this heavy long range AA Gun.

A clear picture of the 57 mm AA gun, its the gun in the backround with the singel barrel.




If u saw the video on first page, the Gen mentions about PA AD gun range more than IA AD gun. The video shows wrong guns( artillery).

Any idea which PA AD Gun has more range than IA AD Gun deployed in Kashmir region?

35mm or 40mm. There was also a Chinese 37mm.

In any case it brings the WW2 German 88mm to mind, lol.

We have masses of this 57mm Guns from Karachi till Siachen!

Chinese copy (the Type 59) S-60 Effective firing range 6,000 m (20,000 ft) (radar guided)
4,000 m (13,000 ft) (optically guided)

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Notice the long gun barrel in the background, that is 57mm Anti-aircraft gun.
Chinese Version of the S-60 57 mm Anti-Aircraft Gun near Rawalpindi, this gun was shown also in KARACHI this year on 23.03.2014 defense-show in Army cant and also in Lahore. It is stationed all over Pakistan, what means we must have very high numbers of this gun in service. By the way, P.O.F is still producing the rounds for this heavy long range AA Gun.
View attachment 429180

A clear picture of the 57 mm AA gun, its the gun in the backround with the singel barrel.
View attachment 429182

View attachment 429181
View attachment 429183

We have masses of this 57mm Guns from Karachi till Siachen!

Chinese copy (the Type 59) S-60 Effective firing range 6,000 m (20,000 ft) (radar guided)
4,000 m (13,000 ft) (optically guided)

It could have been a duel between 57mm and 25mm gun because the 40mm has a good range too.
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