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Gen Zia - Man behind Defeat of USSR in Afghanistan

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There is no concept of new levels in Suicide Bombings- All you have to do is press the trigger near the target-and it was a tamil woman who stared all this-

Again Suicide bombings as a concept started with the Kamikaze attacks of the Japanese. It was adopted by the Middle Easterners, then the Tigers later on and from them by the Jihadists.

Sana'a Mehaidli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
this is the first women suicide bomber in history

Darn ! Thanks man.
These cases are like a walk in a park compared to what is happening in Pakistan under Zardari's rule 20 years after General Zia Ul Haq's death.

When did Pakistan not experience violence in its 63 year old history?

Suicide bombings, target killings, separatist movements, and all the crap thats happening today in Pakistan was not heard of back in Zia-ul-Haq's time.

It all started in Zias time, car bombings which killed thousands in Pakistan, the BLA become stronger, sectarianism reached new heights with killings of Shias, Ahmadis and others.

Target killings started with the likes of MQM and JI's students wing, citizens were killed by lies of hathora group who were terrorizing the cities.

Soviets used to bomb our territory and refugee camps, the afghans had many altercations with the locals etc.
It's not a myth because many empires have died in Afghanistan, the reason being that Afghanistan is the playground and the area now called Pakistan is the headquarters. So the empires keep fighting in the valley of death and the odds are against them as they cannot engage the main leadership
Regarding Ojhri, yes that is the incident.

Means nothing. There is always a first time. Actually a second time - Chingis Khan had pretty much massacred the whole lot the first time. History can never be selectively read, if you do that, all you see is what you want to see.

As for the headquarters, we will have to wait & see, will we not?
2. If USSR wasn't made to retreat , there would have been a communist government in Afghanistan minding their own business and there would nt have been any trouble like the ones Pakistan facing right now, right or wrong?

Its always feasible to listen to other side of the argument as well-

Thinking of Russia staying in Afghanistan on west- and India on east- Its hard to believe that there would have been any Pakistan left today-
The situation we are facing today- we would have faced then- The only Difference would have been the USSR 's objective were southern ports of Pakistan not peace in Afghanistan as American claim today.

All those Pakistanis who oppose that theory- i find them really stupid or naive- to think USSR in Afghanistan would have meant Peace in Pakistan- or what left of it-
Tamils aren't only Hindus, many of the LTTE were christians. In any case their cause was "Tamil" not Hinduism. That's why they are called Tamil terrorists & not Hindu terrorists.

Dude he is a BIG ignorant and has no idea whatsover about what he is talking about, most of the times.

If we check the leaders of the LTTE , they are infact mostly chritians.

Prabhakaran aka Pirapaharan (Christian convert, a lapsed Methodist)
S.P. Tamil Selvam - Christian
Balraj (Balasegaram Kandiah) - Christian
Pottu Amman (Christian)
Prabhakaran’s son Charles Anthony - Christian
Anton Balasingham - Christian
Soosai (Thillaiyampalam Sivanesan) - Christian
Thenmozhi Rajaratnam (nickname Dhanu), Rajiv Gandhi's suicide bomber assassin - Christian
Tamils aren't only Hindus, many of the LTTE were christians. In any case their cause was "Tamil" not Hinduism. That's why they are called Tamil terrorists & not Hindu terrorists.

I request you to use the terminology LTTE terrorists instead of the terminology Tamil Terrorists.
Who can counter these facts- instead of verbal refutal?-

The argument of current state of Pakistan is because of his policies is just a blame- If that was true then we would have seen decline in economy during or just shortly after his era-

Why the responsibility current situation of Pakistan is put on a dead man after so many years- Being So Destructive- The Pro Islamic policies which Zia made could have been easily rectified by any loop of democratic government that came into power after him- What they did- Nothing- Yet it is Gen Zia who is made an escape goat-

Pakistan was following a pro Islamic system and it was thriving- the facts are there for you all to see- Now we continue to try to impose the failed Secular system again and again which failed- and is still fauiling- Yet we like to put the blame of the failure to a decade old dead man-

What an uninformed opinion, Pakistan economy took a nosedive soon after the death of Zia as foreign funding dried up and Pakistan got something called the Poverty Bomb whereby large numbers of our population become poor because of the effects of our economic policy under zia.

Before 1981, Pakistani could proudly claim that no one in Pakistan slept hungry or without a shelter but Zia changed all that.

Similarly, Zias Islamic laws stayed intact and were made more harsher by Sharif, so of wasn't 'secular' laws but the same laws Zia had which destroyed the economy.
Zia was a slave of America. He damaged his own countries society by taking orders from America.
Sana'a Mehaidli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
this is the first women suicide bomber in history

and we all know child suicide bomber now we know who take it to new level

And I think you forget about ban on burka in France

We are talking about the region- This region!!!!

If you need more wider and broader examples- We can even go back to Japan's Kamikaze attacks- and start a new debate about who created the concept of suicide attacks-

Once the bullet is out of the chamber- it will kill-
it doesn't matter a grown up man- a woman- or a child pulled the trigger-
What matters is the Gun- in this case Suicide Attack Terminology-
We are talking about the region- This region!!!!

If you need more wider and broader examples- We can even go back to Japan's Kamikaze attacks- and start a new debate about who created the concept of suicide attacks-

Once the bullet is out of the chamber- it will kill-
it doesn't matter a grown up man- a woman- or a child pulled the trigger-
What matters is the Gun- in this case Suicide Attack Terminology-

I think you should read post #111 this is from your premium member
BLA become stronger, sects
arianism reached new heights with killings of Shias, Ahmadis and others..

BLA became active in 2000. General Zia died in 1988. I dont know much about killings of Shias and Ahmadis but from what I heard that became common in the 1990's. 1980's during General Zia's rule was a safer era than the 1990's and the past/current decade.

Target killings started with the likes of MQM and JI's students wing, pros were killed by hathora group terrorizibg the cities.

MQM and JI were not affliated with General Zia-ul-Haq. The crisis in Karachi is much more dangerous today than it was in the 80's. I know Karachi always had violence. Even the mother of the nation, Fatima Jinnah, was stabbed in Karachi, but the violence today is so much that it cant be compared to the 1980's.

Soviets used to bomb our territory and refugee camps, the afghans had many altercations with the locals etc.

Yes the Soviets were the enemy of Pakistan. And thanks to General Zia Ul Haq they dont exist anymore.

During the rule of General Zia-ul-Haq Pakistan was a much safer time and you cant blame a man dead for 20+ years for today's problems. All his friends, all the people who personally met him and talked to him, are all very very old today.
BLA became active in 2000. General Zia died in 1988. I dont know much about killings of Shias and Ahmadis but from what I heard that became common in the 1990's. 1980's during General Zia's rule was a safer era than the 1990's and the past/current decade.

MQM and JI were not affliated with General Zia-ul-Haq. The crisis in Karachi is much more dangerous today than it was in the 80's. I know Karachi always had violence. Even the mother of the nation, Fatima Jinnah, was stabbed in Karachi, but the violence today is so much that it cant be compared to the 1980's.

Yes the Soviets were the enemy of Pakistan. And thanks to General Zia Ul Haq they dont exist anymore.

During the rule of General Zia-ul-Haq Pakistan was a much safer time and you cant blame a man dead for 20+ years for today's problems. All his friends, all the people who personally met him and talked to him, are all very very old today.

Friend the poison was injected into the society in Zia's time. The poison shows its effect when the next generation grows up in the affected society. What you are seeing now is because Zia poisoned the mind of the entire generation by introducing concepts of militant jihad , sectarianism killing bomb blasts etc. And he did it taking orders from USA. Just to create fighters to win America's war in AF and then make America the sole superpower of the world.
Friend the poison was injected into the society in Zia's time. The poison shows its effect when the next generation grows up in the affected society. What you are seeing now is because Zia poisoned the mind of the entire generation by introducing concepts of militant jihad , sectarianism killing bomb blasts etc. And he did it taking orders from USA. Just to create fighters to win America's war in AF and then make America the sole superpower of the world.

Absolutely true, the real game ruler was america....thtz no hidden truth they pumped money and weapons to taliban....
I request you to use the terminology LTTE terrorists instead of the terminology Tamil Terrorists.

Point taken but we are discussing the motives of terrorism. IRA were Irish terrorists, Fatah was known as Palestinian group(not Islamic) JKLF is known as a Kashmiri separatist group (again not as Islamic) while the term Islamic terrorists holds true for Hamas,LeT,JuD,JeM, Al-Queda etc.
This is something that is missed by many who ask why LTTE is not called Hindu terrorist group or why IRA is not called Christian ( Catholic) group. They are known by the cause they are fighting for.
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