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Gen (R) Tariq Khan's analysis on the TTP and national government + security!

Typical, who allowed it? The great Taliban Khan allowed it himself as admitted in recent interview. Tariq is another retarded general..

Unfortunately, The Great Taliban Khan had no power to command or dictate the military in doing so. He only described the advice which military presented him. Its just a formal role to let PM know of what military is about to do.

Gen Bajwa who kept on visiting heads of states everywhere in the world, keep making his own foriegn policy. Made totally 180 degree opposite policy on Russia publicly to appease US. Was all the time playing his own game with his own rules.

So just for the sake of argument even if I believe in this ridiculous joke that IK ordered Bajwa on TTP. So, what really was stopping the lame military establishment and Bajwa to do their own thing in this highly sensitive matter?.. This matter which they should have understood most? Why they became so obedient in the security matter all of a sudden ? Why not so obedient in other matters?

btw! Why TTP came inside during PDM's rule? So was PTI holding them back ? Not at all.. whether its PDM or its PTI, both are irrelevant in this. TTP is allowed not by the PDM but by Pakistan's military. Its our establishment which makes security policy not the other way around. Its high time we learn this fact now.
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@Goenitz @FuturePAF

Interesting that Gen Tariq Khan favours a technocratic set up

The decision was by Faiz Hameed, Bajwa and IK.

IK was very strongly for it - there is no other way to put it. He has always cheer leaded for Taliban groups in the past and today.

Gen Tariq Khan criticises all three of them very clearly.

Upto 40,000 TTP militants including their family strolled back in after a deal was made - Gen Tariq Khan was strictly against such deal and had a different more ideal solution in mind.
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The decision was by Faiz Hameed, Bajwa and IK.

IK was very strongly for it - there is no other way to put it. He has always cheer leaded for Taliban groups in the past and today.

Gen Tariq Khan criticises all three of them very clearly.

Upto 40,000 TTP militants including their family strolled back in after a deal was made - Gen Tariq Khan was strictly against such deal and had a different more idea solution in mind.

Nope, this gives a wrong perception. Lets put it that way. Who really had the power between IK & Bajwa? Especially who really had the power on military ? Who really had the power on security policy ?

You can't put an equal blame on IK at all on that. BTW, when Bajwa was doing everything by its own design, Why on earth he couldn't do it on his main role (on security) ?

Military won't be able to throw this on IK. There is ZERO logic in it.

and importantly, why on earth the TTP was allowed to enter AFTER PTI was removed ? Who was forcing Bajwa to keep following supposedly IK's orders ? Why was Bajwa so lame that he could not stop TTP, so now he was following Shehbaz sharif orders ?
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Nope, this gives a wrong perception. Lets put it that way. Who really had the power between IK & Bajwa? Especially who really had the power on military ? Who really had the power on security policy ?

You can't put an equal blame on IK at all on that. BTW, when Bajwa was doing everything by its own design, Why on earth he couldn't do it on his main role (on security) ?

Military won't be able to throw this on IK. There is ZERO logic in it.
Why does it matter if IK is cheer leading harmful decisions that Bajwa is making?

He's supposed to present himself as the saviour with the answers instead he has a history of subtle encouragement to the Taliban.

I'm not saying Bajwa is not responsible, but IKs stance is problematic.
Those days are over when military could hide behind civil govt for its wrong decisions. Pakistan is a country where even your foreign policy is derived by GHQ. Its unthinkable to suggest that civil govt can dictate GHQ on security policy or any matter but especially on security no one can order COAS. It was 100% military decision (GHQ decision) to allow TTP. There's no concept in GHQ for listening to civil govt in security matters.

It's hilarious to even think that IK could order Gen Bajwa and he would follow through to the ladder. Don't you think its ridiculous to even think like that. Now, its found out that he wasn't listening to IK on anything, whether its NAB or corruptions of oppn parties or anything.... But he was taking dictation on security policy from IK lol ??? If that's the case, then COAS should be given civil govt and PM should head the Army from now onwards. As its completely opposite happening in the country. COAS doing everything which he should not do. and he is not doing the only thing which he should do.

Its a globally accepted fact now that Pakistan military controls everything and do what it likes. Its more then evident now with recent events from last year.
You cannot continue giving a pass to IK on all things.

This is not about whether he can "order" the military. Even in the US, it is the military that "advises" the government on what its recommendations are and then the exec makes a call. In most cases, the exec goes along with the military's recommendation since they are the experts on national security. Pakistan is a basket case but not at a level that you all try to present it as. There are regular meetings with the PM and then the NSC etc. where all these things are deliberated. Countless examples exist where the entire military leadership has gone in and briefed the government behind closed doors and put the decision on the table for the government. So contrary to what you try to convey as part of your PTI narrative, the reality isn't exactly that.

Simply put, even If the military is to make the call on its own and go in with guns blazing, it still needs budgetary support and political cover. Do you think the military does this all on its own? 2 months ago, PAF's Chief was running pillar to post trying to get a letter of credit approved by the GoP. So military is not omni-potent and in control of everything even if it is often made out to be here.

Nope, this gives a wrong perception. Lets put it that way. Who really had the power between IK & Bajwa? Especially who really had the power on military ? Who really had the power on security policy ?

You can't put an equal blame on IK at all on that. BTW, when Bajwa was doing everything by its own design, Why on earth he couldn't do it on his main role (on security) ?

Military won't be able to throw this on IK. There is ZERO logic in it.
Do you think Bajwa told IK to shut his trap when this topic came up and IK, after crying hoarse for years about how he would change this policy, meekly surrendered and told Bajwa to run it? Fat chance! IK trusted FH and relied on him. Whether that reliance was a mistake or not, you have to gauge it yourself but Gen TK is clear that FH was not the right man for it. Yet IK went along with his recommendations. Not once has it come up that it was the TTP policy over which IK had a disagreement with his CoAS.
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There are two parallel threads running on the same video...

Merge them or something
You cannot continue giving a pass to IK on all things.

This is not about whether he can "order" the military. Even in the US, it is the military that "advises" the government on what its recommendations are and then the exec makes a call. In most cases, the exec goes along with the military's recommendation since they are the experts on national security. Pakistan is a basket case but not at a level that you all try to present it as. There are regular meetings with the PM and then the NSC etc. where all these things are deliberated. Countless examples exist where the entire military leadership has gone in and briefed the government behind closed doors and put the decision on the table for the government. So contrary to what you try to convey as part of your PTI narrative, the reality isn't exactly that.

Simply put, even If the military is to make the call on its own and go in with guns blazing, it still needs budgetary support and political cover. Do you think the military does this all on its own? 2 months ago, PAF's Chief was running pillar to post trying to get a letter of credit approved by the GoP. So military is not omni-potent and in control of everything even if it is often made out to be here.

Do you think Bajwa told IK to shut his trap when this topic came up and IK, after crying hoarse for years about how he would change this policy, meekly surrendered and told Bajwa to run it? Fat chance! IK trusted FH and relied on him. Whether that reliance was a mistake or not, you have to gauge it yourself but Gen TK is clear that FH was not the right man for it. Yet IK went along with his recommendations. Not once has it come up that it was the TTP policy over which IK had a disagreement with his CoAS.

Dear, For very important reasons this is not making sense. Its time we put our internal likes / dislikes aside . I am just leaving few questions for the readers. Answers to these questions will lead to very simple conclusion.

Q: Who really has the power between PM & COAS ? Especially who really has the power on military ? Who really has the power on security policy ?

Q: Who is the most powerful role in Pakistan - Overall ?

Q: Which institution is tasked to protect borders of Pakistan ?

Q: How much say of GHQ is in security policy of Pakistan ?

Q: Is it possible that COAS do everything that he is not supposed to do (like Foriegn policy , removing govts, etc) and Not do the only thing he is supposed to do ?

Q: Who was responsible for all the terrorsim that happened in the country when IK was not made PM (before 2018) ?

Q: TTP were seen in Swat in July 2022. Imran khan was removed by then. Then who allowed TTP inside ? Was it PDM or Pakistan establishment ?

Q: What forced establishment to keep negotiating with TTP long after PTI was gone ?

Q: What is stopping Establishment now ?
None of your questions remove the responsibility from either the military OR the sitting government of the day. TTP is an external affairs issue for Pakistan. It is next to impossible that the military would go alone on this without having the government of the day onboard or have its say.

I will only address one question above as the rest are clearly designed to generalize this specific situation.

"Q: TTP were seen in Swat in July 2022. Imran khan was removed by then. Then who allowed TTP inside ? Was it PDM or Pakistan establishment ?"

My assertion is that TTP did not relocate in 2, 3, 5 or 6 months. As Gen TK observed, they were moving their "families and assets" which does not happen in weeks and months but over a long time. The guns went silent in FATA at the tail-end of the PML-N tenure (circa 2017 if I am not mistaken). PTI took over and there was quiet and no military pressure on TTP in the FATA. Even the military checkpoints were removed to a great extent thanks to PTM protests over which many had an inkling that this was going to come back to haunt us. This was a multi-year timeframe in which TTP cadres moved around, relocated, carried out reconnaissance, set up infrastructure etc. So this is not a march till autumn of 2022 only phenomena.

IK has been clear that it was his government's policy to bring back TTP and resettle them. I am not saying the military did not agree with it. They should not have, the military were at fault but why did IK go along with it?
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I'll watch this when I get home.
So, what's happening, operation aganist the ttp, IBOs or just blame talk, what i see is they are getting stronger with each passing day and we are doing nothing
why not put Gen Tariq in a role to support the security situation. Why waste his talent and abilities?
why not put Gen Tariq in a role to support the security situation. Why waste his talent and abilities?
PTI should try to add him to some sort of security policy think tank or something

Would help them greatly gain trust from basically everyone including even the establishment
I am all for a technocratic meritocratic form of govt in Pakistan. But to be clear, the establishment has to be kept far from it. They have revealed themselves in the last 9 months to be corrupt and incompetent.

And frankly this whole TTP episode shows that they are also not that good at their jobs either. The whole institution needs reforms which ever way you look at it.

On IK being wrong about TTP, probably. I’m not sure what info was provided to him and how though. Clearly he was misled by Bajwa on a lot of decisions that only served to undercut himself- like who to appoint in ECP, etc.
He wed his daughter to a U.S Army soldier. No thanks, we don’t need an input of a secular and imported person
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