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Gen (R) Tariq Khan's analysis on the TTP and national government + security!


Dec 21, 2021
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Very interesting video, if you have the time do watch, an intelligent pragmatic thinker who has on ground experience and led the battle against the TTP himself. He hails from the tribal district of Tank, KP.

I will write a summary of his points below as it's a long video!

One of his main quotes in the video which was interesting: - “It is not that Pakistan is suffering from militancy, insurgency, violence or extremism alone – it is suffering from everything, it is suffering from energy shortage, it is suffering from a collapsing economy, it is suffering because it has no government! There is simply no government, nobody is sitting down a deciding a clear-cut policy, and those who try to, don’t learn from the past(have a poor understanding)!”

It is clear the leadership is clearly inept and incompetent! Previous areas that were stabilised and being controlled, were again reversed into high risk zones simply due to horrible policy by the government. People who have no understanding of their field are being made to create policy of things they have no knowledge on, creating a recurring crisis in every domain!

The main points to take from the video:

- The resurgence of the TTP was not expected, it could have been averted – it was a product of bad understanding, poor planning, and poor policies! (He later indirectly hints the blame at Bajwa and the top leadership IK included!)

- Strictly against “forgiveness”, “peace” or “settlements” with the TTP – He says we are in a position of strength after defeating them, and as the state we should accept nothing less than an explicit surrender!

- TTP was supported by NDS, CIA and RAW – there is evidence of many equipment captured that was Indian manufactured. India has supported numerous terrorist activities in Pakistan, but we failed to build a strong case or narrative around it, unlike how the Indians.

- The difference between the TTP and Afg Taliban – the TTP is a criminal organisation that generated revenue by controlling spaces in the tribal areas and extracting funds/extortions! The Afghan Taliban is a political organisation, their main drive was against American intervention in Afghanistan. They originally started as students in Saudi funded madrassas.

(However they were closely affiliated, even if not in agreement at times, due to both sides being Pashtoons with interconnected families and political marriages! These affiliations are from the time of the Soviet Union jihad, many families had marriages and became connected further when Pashtuns from Afghanistan settled in Pakistan!)

-The Afg Taliban should not be allowed to support the TTP.

-Afghanistan had imprisoned TTP members and wanted to help Pakistan negotiate a settlement with TTP, Gen Tariq was against this as “Afghanistan is nothing to negotiate a settlement” and these groups are criminals who have done a lot of damage. So they should be handed over unconditionally.

(There were somewhere around 40 thousand total including their family members.)

- Extremely critical of Gen Bajwa – calls his actions as unnecessary self-inflicted wounds, with how he dealt with the Afghan Taliban ‘blackmail’ using TTP.

-Supports Imran Khan and would give his vote but is very critical of his security policy and foreign policy. Claims that Imran Khan was trying to indirectly support the TTP in a very skewed understand of the real situation!

- His solution to the problem was holding a Jirga with all 7 tribal agencies – the TTP members from Afghanistan appear unarmed before the Jirga leaders.

Any they must accept 4 conditions:

- You listen to the leaders of the Jirga and what they say.
- You accept the constitution of Pakistan.
- Agree to live as law abiding citizens.
- This is an explicit surrender, not a settlement.

This is what Gen (R) Tariq Khan believes was the solution that Faiz Hameed, Bajwa and Imran Khan should have went for!

- He is very critical of General Faiz Hammed, “wrong choice for DG ISI and corps commander” and “didn’t know what he was dealing with”, and a “very very average person”

- LOL, they allowed TTP militants to come back into the tribal areas WITH their weapons, and the TTP’s excuse was “we killed a lot of people and family in the tribal areas so we need our weapons for protection” lmfao, this has to be a joke.

(General’s words, whoever gave the instructions at the border to allow them back in from Bajaur and adjacent areas, into Swat “is a criminal”!)

-The TTP’s demands can never be accepted.

- The government made statements of striking inside Afghanistan territory to safeguard national security but then backtracked and said they didn’t say anything a few days later! Gen Tariq Khan argues if you are going to make such statements you should do it, using intelligence assets and drones!

- America was never defeated in Afghanistan. They won every single tactical battle, the withdrawal was a political withdrawal. It was a political defeat.

@FuturePAF @Goenitz @Menace2Society @villageidiot @PanzerKiel @Great Janjua @AlKardai @Sifar zero @Mirzali Khan
Well agree with 100% if only Generals like him where in charge instead of going overseas to serve others COUGH COUGH*** RAHEEL SHARIFF

IK was not always right BUT ATLEAST HE WAS 80% RIGHT AND 20% WRONG

Very interesting video, if you have the time do watch, an intelligent pragmatic thinker who has on ground experience and led the battle against the TTP himself. He hails from the tribal district of Tank, KP.

I will write a summary of his points below as it's a long video!

One of his main quotes in the video which was interesting: - “It is not that Pakistan is suffering from militancy, insurgency, violence or extremism alone – it is suffering from everything, it is suffering from energy shortage, it is suffering from a collapsing economy, it is suffering because it has no government! There is simply no government, nobody is sitting down a deciding a clear-cut policy, and those who try to, don’t learn from the past(have a poor understanding)!”

It is clear the leadership is clearly inept and incompetent! Previous areas that were stabilised and being controlled, were again reversed into high risk zones simply due to horrible policy by the government. People who have no understanding of their field are being made to create policy of things they have no knowledge on, creating a recurring crisis in every domain!

The main points to take from the video:

- The resurgence of the TTP was not expected, it could have been averted – it was a product of bad understanding, poor planning, and poor policies! (He later indirectly hints the blame at Bajwa and the top leadership IK included!)

- Strictly against “forgiveness”, “peace” or “settlements” with the TTP – He says we are in a position of strength after defeating them, and as the state we should accept nothing less than an explicit surrender!

- TTP was supported by NDS, CIA and RAW – there is evidence of many equipment captured that was Indian manufactured. India has supported numerous terrorist activities in Pakistan, but we failed to build a strong case or narrative around it, unlike how the Indians.

- The difference between the TTP and Afg Taliban – the TTP is a criminal organisation that generated revenue by controlling spaces in the tribal areas and extracting funds/extortions! The Afghan Taliban is a political organisation, their main drive was against American intervention in Afghanistan. They originally started as students in Saudi funded madrassas.

(However they were closely affiliated, even if not in agreement at times, due to both sides being Pashtoons with interconnected families and political marriages! These affiliations are from the time of the Soviet Union jihad, many families had marriages and became connected further when Pashtuns from Afghanistan settled in Pakistan!)

-The Afg Taliban should not be allowed to support the TTP.

-Afghanistan had imprisoned TTP members and wanted to help Pakistan negotiate a settlement with TTP, Gen Tariq was against this as “Afghanistan is nothing to negotiate a settlement” and these groups are criminals who have done a lot of damage. So they should be handed over unconditionally.

(There were somewhere around 40 thousand total including their family members.)

- Extremely critical of Gen Bajwa – calls his actions as unnecessary self-inflicted wounds, with how he dealt with the Afghan Taliban ‘blackmail’ using TTP.

-Supports Imran Khan and would give his vote but is very critical of his security policy and foreign policy. Claims that Imran Khan was trying to indirectly support the TTP in a very skewed understand of the real situation!

- His solution to the problem was holding a Jirga with all 7 tribal agencies – the TTP members from Afghanistan appear unarmed before the Jirga leaders.

Any they must accept 4 conditions:

- You listen to the leaders of the Jirga and what they say.
- You accept the constitution of Pakistan.
- Agree to live as law abiding citizens.
- This is an explicit surrender, not a settlement.

This is what Gen (R) Tariq Khan believes was the solution that Faiz Hameed, Bajwa and Imran Khan should have went for!

- He is very critical of General Faiz Hammed, “wrong choice for DG ISI and corps commander” and “didn’t know what he was dealing with”, and a “very very average person”

- LOL, they allowed TTP militants to come back into the tribal areas WITH their weapons, and the TTP’s excuse was “we killed a lot of people and family in the tribal areas so we need our weapons for protection” lmfao, this has to be a joke.

(General’s words, whoever gave the instructions at the border to allow them back in from Bajaur and adjacent areas, into Swat “is a criminal”!)

-The TTP’s demands can never be accepted.

- The government made statements of striking inside Afghanistan territory to safeguard national security but then backtracked and said they didn’t say anything a few days later! Gen Tariq Khan argues if you are going to make such statements you should do it, using intelligence assets and drones!

- America was never defeated in Afghanistan. They won every single tactical battle, the withdrawal was a political withdrawal. It was a political defeat.

@FuturePAF @Goenitz @Menace2Society @villageidiot @PanzerKiel @Great Janjua @AlKardai @Sifar zero @Mirzali Khan

Watched the whole thing, he is a respected military officer, including in the US.

Considering his knowledge of Tribal society, his solution seems the most logical and best suited for lasting stability, but does require support from a stable national government.

I hope someone gets his views on foreign policy; how to mend fences with the west, considering his experience working with US officials and military officers.
This man deserves to be the head of a national security council or something

kick those other retards out - he speaks sense, with logic and knowledge, and with real on ground combat experience

and he's not a blind immy or GHQ worshipper either, he criticises IK while still supporting him, Immy worshippers would support him even if he said they should kill themselves. GHQ worshippers are just the opposite end of the stick. One group are extremely woke kind (Youthiyas), the others a yes men regardless of what happens (Patwaris). We need balance, independent critical thinking of each policy
Well agree with 100% if only Generals like him where in charge instead of going overseas to serve others COUGH COUGH*** RAHEEL SHARIFF

IK was not always right BUT ATLEAST HE WAS 80% RIGHT AND 20% WRONG

That is more than 20% though, that's like 50%

TTP is a massive security risk for us if you haven't forgotten the past, foreign policy and balancing US/China relations is another very serious thing
Old soldiers never die, they just fade away. Gen Tariq's views are limited to military tactics. He does not have the whole political and economic picture in mind. He thinks that he can just ride a white horse and the Tribals will bow before him and lay down their arms.
Well any common people who criticise IK policies here are instantly labelled patwaris….by the pti fanboys.

Did the General mention or talk about imran’s financial policies? The guy has no team, has to call up ex-ppp shaukat tarin, shabbar zaidi, hafeez pasha types to run finance. Lol. His so called guru asad umar discarded within weeks as finance minister.

But if anyone criticise imran they’re labelled patwari/pdm supporter, wonder why pti fans didnt label him patwari yet like they do to us.
Whatever the general said is common-sense, which most Pakistanis already think should be state policy.
Old soldiers never die, they just fade away. Gen Tariq's views are limited to military tactics. He does not have the whole political and economic picture in mind. He thinks that he can just ride a white horse and the Tribals will bow before him and lay down their arms.
Did you even listen to what he said?

Because he literally said the opposite 🤡

The amount of clownery on this site is astonishing. Read before posting rubbish.

Well any common people who criticise IK policies here are instantly labelled patwaris….by the pti fanboys.

Did the General mention or talk about imran’s financial policies? The guy has no team, has to call up ex-ppp shaukat tarin, shabbar zaidi, hafeez pasha types to run finance. Lol. His so called guru asad umar discarded within weeks as finance minister.

But if anyone criticise imran they’re labelled patwari/pdm supporter, wonder why pti fans didnt label him patwari yet like they do to us.
Whatever the general said is common-sense, which most Pakistanis already think should be state policy.
It has become cult personality worshipping, they worship the man and everything he says.

While others are just lowkey TTP supporters like the person above but blending in
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That is more than 20% though, that's like 50%

TTP is a massive security risk for us if you haven't forgotten the past, foreign policy and balancing US/China relations is another very serious thing

Agreed... security is the bedrock of everything else.

Think about it without security/law & order you cant have successful business because your american/chinese/european investors are being slaughtered, you cant have justice because honor killings by terrorist are rampant, you cant have healthcare because everone's dying, you cant have electricity because your powerstations are being blown up, you cant have religion because your masjids/churches/temples are being blown apart by bombs, you cant have defence because your army/air/naval bases are being bombed...

welcome to Pakistan today
With due respect to General sb, he has achieved great things in the past but at present he is completely out of touch. He says Sirajuddin Haqqani is Defence Minister or Frontier Regions Minister of Afghanistan while Sirajuddin is actually the Interior Minister.

Secondly, he does not have even a basic understanding of Guerrilla Warfare. Says America did not lose in Afghanistan, it was simply a political decision to withdraw. Says they never lost in a single place militarily. However, the basic strategy of guerrilla warfare is to harrass the enemy and make sleep impossible for him. Sooner or later the enemy loses the resolve and will to fight and is defeated economically or politically with mounting losses and fires all over the place. The Afghans did not defeat the Soviets in a similar fashion in a single battle but they still won the war.

General sb. wishes to ride the white horse again and be in the limelight as America's offensive player in the game while America is not even interested in financing such a war.
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With due respect to General sb, he has achieved great things in the past but at present he is completely out of touch. He says Sirajuddin Haqqani is Defence Minsister of Frontier Regions Minister of Afghanistan while Sirajuddin is actually the Interior Minister.
Again you're commenting without actually reading or listening to anything about what's being discussed

He clearly says defence OR interior minister, he clarifies one or the other because he wasn't certain.

Secondly your assessment of America's war in Afghanistan is armchair general level unlike him, who has actually served on the field

YOU, saying General Tariq Khan has no basic understanding of guerilla warfare is hilarious. Armchair general is calling out the actual general. 🤣

You're just clogging this thread.
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Very interesting video, if you have the time do watch, an intelligent pragmatic thinker who has on ground experience and led the battle against the TTP himself. He hails from the tribal district of Tank, KP.

I will write a summary of his points below as it's a long video!

One of his main quotes in the video which was interesting: - “It is not that Pakistan is suffering from militancy, insurgency, violence or extremism alone – it is suffering from everything, it is suffering from energy shortage, it is suffering from a collapsing economy, it is suffering because it has no government! There is simply no government, nobody is sitting down a deciding a clear-cut policy, and those who try to, don’t learn from the past(have a poor understanding)!”

It is clear the leadership is clearly inept and incompetent! Previous areas that were stabilised and being controlled, were again reversed into high risk zones simply due to horrible policy by the government. People who have no understanding of their field are being made to create policy of things they have no knowledge on, creating a recurring crisis in every domain!

The main points to take from the video:

- The resurgence of the TTP was not expected, it could have been averted – it was a product of bad understanding, poor planning, and poor policies! (He later indirectly hints the blame at Bajwa and the top leadership IK included!)

- Strictly against “forgiveness”, “peace” or “settlements” with the TTP – He says we are in a position of strength after defeating them, and as the state we should accept nothing less than an explicit surrender!

- TTP was supported by NDS, CIA and RAW – there is evidence of many equipment captured that was Indian manufactured. India has supported numerous terrorist activities in Pakistan, but we failed to build a strong case or narrative around it, unlike how the Indians.

- The difference between the TTP and Afg Taliban – the TTP is a criminal organisation that generated revenue by controlling spaces in the tribal areas and extracting funds/extortions! The Afghan Taliban is a political organisation, their main drive was against American intervention in Afghanistan. They originally started as students in Saudi funded madrassas.

(However they were closely affiliated, even if not in agreement at times, due to both sides being Pashtoons with interconnected families and political marriages! These affiliations are from the time of the Soviet Union jihad, many families had marriages and became connected further when Pashtuns from Afghanistan settled in Pakistan!)

-The Afg Taliban should not be allowed to support the TTP.

-Afghanistan had imprisoned TTP members and wanted to help Pakistan negotiate a settlement with TTP, Gen Tariq was against this as “Afghanistan is nothing to negotiate a settlement” and these groups are criminals who have done a lot of damage. So they should be handed over unconditionally.

(There were somewhere around 40 thousand total including their family members.)

- Extremely critical of Gen Bajwa – calls his actions as unnecessary self-inflicted wounds, with how he dealt with the Afghan Taliban ‘blackmail’ using TTP.

-Supports Imran Khan and would give his vote but is very critical of his security policy and foreign policy. Claims that Imran Khan was trying to indirectly support the TTP in a very skewed understand of the real situation!

- His solution to the problem was holding a Jirga with all 7 tribal agencies – the TTP members from Afghanistan appear unarmed before the Jirga leaders.

Any they must accept 4 conditions:

- You listen to the leaders of the Jirga and what they say.
- You accept the constitution of Pakistan.
- Agree to live as law abiding citizens.
- This is an explicit surrender, not a settlement.

This is what Gen (R) Tariq Khan believes was the solution that Faiz Hameed, Bajwa and Imran Khan should have went for!

- He is very critical of General Faiz Hammed, “wrong choice for DG ISI and corps commander” and “didn’t know what he was dealing with”, and a “very very average person”

- LOL, they allowed TTP militants to come back into the tribal areas WITH their weapons, and the TTP’s excuse was “we killed a lot of people and family in the tribal areas so we need our weapons for protection” lmfao, this has to be a joke.

(General’s words, whoever gave the instructions at the border to allow them back in from Bajaur and adjacent areas, into Swat “is a criminal”!)

-The TTP’s demands can never be accepted.

- The government made statements of striking inside Afghanistan territory to safeguard national security but then backtracked and said they didn’t say anything a few days later! Gen Tariq Khan argues if you are going to make such statements you should do it, using intelligence assets and drones!

- America was never defeated in Afghanistan. They won every single tactical battle, the withdrawal was a political withdrawal. It was a political defeat.

@FuturePAF @Goenitz @Menace2Society @villageidiot @PanzerKiel @Great Janjua @AlKardai @Sifar zero @Mirzali Khan
Thank you for the paraphrase. I have a basic question still left unanswered: Why did the Afghan Taliban, after essentially drinking Pakistan's breastmilk for 30 years, suddenly decide to become unfriendly if not adversarial with Pakistan? For a nation of 40 million, broken as rubble, to talk down a nation of 220 million which sacrificed itself (by developing ill will with the West) for Taliban's cause is downright ungrateful. Why did it come to this?
Thank you for the paraphrase. I have a basic question still left unanswered: Why did the Afghan Taliban, after essentially drinking Pakistan's breastmilk for 30 years, suddenly decide to become unfriendly if not adversarial with Pakistan? For a nation of 40 million, broken as rubble, to talk down a nation of 220 million which sacrificed itself (by developing ill will with the West) for Taliban's cause is downright ungrateful. Why did it come to this?
You're thinking through the thought process of civilised folk using logic

These are extremely tribal people willing to die on their egotistical hill and take their people with them. It's as simple as that. Also the TTP can be seen like their cousins, even if they disagree with their actions, they cannot strongly clamp down on them aggressively. They have intermarriages and family connections, tribal connections which they don't want to violate.
Again you're commenting without actually reading or listening to anything about what's being discussed

He clearly says defence OR interior minister, he clarifies one or the other because he wasn't certain.

Secondly your assessment of America's war in Afghanistan is armchair general level unlike him, who has actually served on the field

YOU, saying General Tariq Khan has no basic understanding of guerilla warfare is hilarious. Armchair general is calling out the actual general. 🤣

You're just clogging this thread.
Plz listen to him again and he definitely said Defence or Frontier regions minister.
Secondly, he does not have even a basic understanding of Guerrilla Warfare. Says America did not lose in Afghanistan, it was simply a political decision to withdraw. Says they never lost in a single place militarily. However, the basic strategy of guerrilla warfare is to harrass the enemy and make sleep impossible for him. Sooner or later the enemy loses the resolve and will to fight and is defeated economically or politically with mounting losses and fires all over the place. The Afghans did not defeat the Soviets in a similar fashion in a single battle but they still won the war.
Layout your credentials against his and we will see who opinion should be given more weightage. He has multiple decades of active military service and a formal military education to make this conclusion whereas your qualification to criticise his is taking 5 mins to make a pdf account.
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