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Gen.Kayani To Visit Russia This Month

:pakistan: :D

There wont be any defense deal,may be some energy cooperation or installing some steel factories...
Russia is not mad that they will sign defense pacts on first visit with a country who provided bases to U.S against them and a country who receives chinese copies ....

so wait n watch,let the paksitanis jump..They will silent after visit :lol:

What do you know about how many discussions in backdoor btw Russia and Pakistan ??? LOL @ you ...

From Missiles to every arm deal with any other country, Pakistan never ever expose anything. Even never mention what we have, what we bought from China/Russia/US etc. Pakistan Military far far pros as compare to Indian Military. Never saw such idiotic statements from high official of any military that we are ready for Two Front War and after few days "Our tanks are not capable in night".

Pakistan never expose nor show anything. What you know about how many discussions/dialog between Russian and Pakistan Military. Everything is not money...

If US is selling you weapons they have their own objectives because of that reasons US is selling you . So similarly if Russia having Pakistan they will have much more strong influence in ASIA and neigbours also having strategical advtanges which they don't have yet (because from India, Russian just getting $$ nothing else more). If Russia will have Pakistan then they will have much bigger advantages GEO-Politically and also act like a super power especially against - NATO/US to stop their interference in ASIA.

So you are actually just "MONEY BAG" for Russian nothing else more. For Power Projection/Strategical Russia need PAKISTAN not India.
The most Intersting and amusing is the indian insecurity that despite their confident claims that Pakistan cant offer anything to Russia as compared to India but still they freak franaticaly over only a visit
yar whats the problem with indians???

every where they bring Russia India ties??? you have your ties but it not galy mohala relation ship
this depends alot on there and our survival they will also benefit from this deal. and yet there is nothing conformed and you people started crying stay a bit cool.
But where are the money ???

What do you think we are saving it for? Rather than decreasing, the military budget has in fact been increased.... It has been years and we have not purchased anything new. Attack helicopters seems like a big priority. PA have been mentioning its importance alot....
Does Russian wants India to be stronger than themselves? Please tell me they do.

1)No,Its not possible even in near future or i mean next 20 yrs...India dont have resources which makes it powerful than russia.
But if you look at present,china is threat not india and in next 20 yrs,may be india replaces china as threat.so they will take care of present rather than future.There are other factors too which binds interest.India have underdeveloped infrastructure,under developed industrial base,defense industry which china already have so russians have enough reason to invest n to get money back..like americans,french are doing now....but none of these countries close to markets like nuclear,defense when it comes to russia...so why russia will loose these points? ...It helps to increase the indian dependency on them which ensures that russia will remain as client state for india and be stronger than india and russsia have influence over other countries but india dont have....

China will be stronger than Russia, and Russians know it. There aren't alot they can do to stop it, thus they don't have to let it, and they go the other way by cooperating with China. Does Israel have an economy 4 times the US economy? let me check. Economy isn't everything, right. by all means, the way India is going, it sure looks that way.

2)If china will be stronger than russia then after 20-30 years,india will be stronger than china :wave: ...then why not bet on controlling china now and befriend with their enemy which is going to take over china in next 20-30 yrs
it will give only benefits..china will remain under control and russia will get enough stakes in indian market...
I m again telling you keep economy in side....economy is one of the factor which makes country powerful but not every thing.

ussian arms TOT to India is so great, China can not even come close, thus they gave you a FREE carrier, delivered in such a SHORT period, can't even imagine Russian give us such a deal.

Russian is so mighty strong, countries bow down to her all the time. you know, country like India for example.

3)You dont need to be close coz u coped them and hired theri engineers :lol: ....but we never copied them and took the hardware directly so dont compare the original and fake copies .. :wave:

it was not free carrier ...we gave money for it and completely changed the infrastructure of that carrier.there is difference b/w an ordinary car and mercedes :lol: and it really costs money.

Transport oil to Europe? lol, please do some map checking, they have no closer oil supply right? yet they are not even that big of a consumer for oil compared to China.

There are few of the issues where U.S have influence like russian entry in WTO and providing leverage over europe which is under U.S cover now...Rest of the cards depends on what russia offers to nato or europe in A

If India wants to be a major player. It has to think like a major player. not some scared kid wants to buy guns because hes getting picked on all the time.

4)We are major player already but conditions are not cleared for ex--WEst wants india-china as enemy so that both countries finishes each other n let the west to rule but china even have not opened their cards so its not possible to go in direct confrontation when you have 2.8 billion population and when intentions of enemy are not known completely.

There are other issues too like we are not is position coz of not much stronger military reach and economy too..let india grow till more 8-10 yrs then we will see ..

Pakistani politicians are way smarter, they know their cards. they don't pay billions instead they get paid billions. it is unique in the way that it is also the leader the of Muslim world. they have loyalty, they think independently. India better learn fast

5)Who told you that pakistan is leader of muslim world :lol:...you have killed your every post by saying dat :wave: ...
even paksitan doesnt come close to UAE and every politician to general of paksitan is sold out to U.S from birth.....
and independently? ...i dont have time to explain but i can shift your this point to stupid n funny section :lol:

your purpose is india bashing ,this is wat i got from u till now...

OK, I just want to sum up what I want to say in short.
1, If Pakistani don't think independently, why the visit to Russia? I am sure US didn't tell them to.
2, I agree with you that West wants India to be an enemy to China, but
India is hardly using that to their advantage, besides arms import of course. and that brings up to the next concern.
3, Russia screwed India on the carrier deal, stop lying to yourselves. No one will stand up for you if you don't stand up for yourself. Sure the refit is expansive, but how expensive? I am sure if you had UK / French build a new one it'd still be cheaper, and with on-time delivery.
4, Again, economy is not everything, sure, but it is definitely the first thing. does India face an imminent threat of invasion that you need to get into an arms race right away?
5, Pakistan is the only Muslim country that has nuclear power, only 2 things are holding it back, internal security and a better economy, (after all, they are not an oil rich country)
Pakistan is sitting in US lap and as things stand today it ain't easy to get down from there without playing havoc with your economy, your borders, your internal security and anything and everything in between; you surely don't want to be in the bad books of a country like US more so when they have the bogie of threat of Islamic terrorism etc at hand
They have alot of reasons for it like,

China is next door neighbour of india.
China has trade relations with india.
etc etc

Pakistan & Russia are not neighbours not have any trade relations such big. They don't even have any border disputes.

Advice for you, leave the thread instead of burning you blood if other countries grow their relations. lol:lol::rofl:

If trade relation is the case, then commerce minister or finance minister should have visited. In this case it is Defence Minister.
Excellent news.

This is what we need:

- Ka-52 or MI-28 or MI-31 attack helicopters
- More MI-17 transport helicopters....
- S-400 SAMs
Can you think of nothing else but weapons of mass destruction? How about Russian assistance in health, education, poverty alleviation, infrastructure etc?

Pakistan Needs:
Financing for Gas Pipelines, this will fuel 1000+ industrial companies in Pakistan billion dollar return
Financing for Water Dams , again billions could be earned if dams are constructed
Financing for Thar Coal Project
Financing for Steele Mills and Other corporations
Pakistan has a need for Helicopters, SAM , Sukhoi Jets

Russia Need:
High quality food resources
Russia needs sports goods
Good established nations to be friend in region to build economic security and stability
Dependable Allies on world political discussions
Avenue into Indian Oceans for trade
Russia needs to sell Helicopters and Sukhoi Jets

The same old thinking prevails.

Pakistan needs "money, money, and more money - and military hardware", while offering "high quality food resources", "sports goods", "good will" and "strategic access".

Yeah, right, this "shift" in policy is no "shift" at all.
do you guys think that Russia would give all that to us considering that they are the biggest allies of india? india wouldn't want that

First, Soviet Union "was" the big ally of India. India seems to have partnered itself with USA to get itself involved in Afghanistan. The players in the game have switched sides.

You want to keep the talent in the country, not send it abroad.

Soviet Union caused much problems in Pakistan back in the day.
well consider it an historic event.As gen. kiyani is visiting russia n gonna to meet his counterpart n president, there must be strategic alligences.but on the other side, i do think so that russian authorities have cleared it to the indian authorities that this alligenece is not going to harm india(in backstage).one cant ignore the american factor in this alligence but the main issue is american presence in the region.as much i have read the history of pakistan n russia,the alligence will not only be strategic but also structural,economical,educational n power sector will also be discussed.the agenda of the visit of russian president included the talks about the laters but gen. kiyanis visit included the strategic point as well.
Why do you guys need to be always dependent on somebody or the other. First it was America, then China, then America again, and now Russia!!

Why are you guys always demeaning in posts to others? You country's entire economic structure is based on donated jobs that my countrymen lost in the United States. If we kick out all H1's and move companies around, you'll go back to the shi* hole you were in.
Show some respect to others and you won't see me responding like this. It is silly of you to get pissed off and emotional and be disrespectful to others. Look at where you were 15 years ago. Half the people don't have proper bedding to sleep on in India. I'll stop at that. Next time, if you don't have anything positive to say, at least don't say negative crap!

Can you think of nothing else but weapons of mass destruction? How about Russian assistance in health, education, poverty alleviation, infrastructure etc?

Can you guys think of providing relief to half a billion of your people? Where women get forced for prostitution for less than a DOLLAR? I think all that money flowing through your economy through donated American jobs, should be used to help better people's lives. Not on purchasing stealth jets and aircraft carriers when half the people sleep without proper bedding in your country!!
It's so stupid for you guys to act like you are superior than others when the money that you are making is through the US donated jobs to India. I know India's internal situation 15 years ago and what Indian people were worried about. Had there not been an IT boom and the United States need to consume people.....you'll be working as a mailman with an MBA, instead of writing these arrogant posts. Please show some mutual respect and discuss things nicely. Always the negativity from the Indian community!
Can you think of nothing else but weapons of mass destruction? How about Russian assistance in health, education, poverty alleviation, infrastructure etc?

Look who is talking. May i speak the truth about india? Oh you remember.
Why are you guys always demeaning in posts to others? You country's entire economic structure is based on donated jobs that my countrymen lost in the United States. If we kick out all H1's and move companies around, you'll go back to the shi* hole you were in.
Show some respect to others and you won't see me responding like this. It is silly of you to get pissed off and emotional and be disrespectful to others. Look at where you were 15 years ago. Half the people don't have proper bedding to sleep on in India. I'll stop at that. Next time, if you don't have anything positive to say, at least don't say negative crap!

Can you guys think of providing relief to half a billion of your people? Where women get forced for prostitution for less than a DOLLAR? I think all that money flowing through your economy through donated American jobs, should be used to help better people's lives. Not on purchasing stealth jets and aircraft carriers when half the people sleep without proper bedding in your country!!
It's so stupid for you guys to act like you are superior than others when the money that you are making is through the US donated jobs to India. I know India's internal situation 15 years ago and what Indian people were worried about. Had there not been an IT boom and the United States need to consume people.....you'll be working as a mailman with an MBA, instead of writing these arrogant posts. Please show some mutual respect and discuss things nicely. Always the negativity from the Indian community!

Oh really american (sorry Pakistani) why are becoming emotional when he asked a genuine question about pakistan dependency on other nation Show me one country in the world which will talk some crap like Attack on China is attack on Pakistan
and what not u guys love china more than ur country and u guys will always be proud what china achieve
taking this on context he wrote the point why u guys always need others achievements to be proud of
he never talked about poverty,prostiutes in pakistan so y did u bring that topic now which is y i confirmed that u are a pakistani

And Cant the same logic u applied for india regarding IT be applied to china in the manufacturing sector as most of the export is to america .So before talking about others u better mind ur words

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