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Gen.Kayani To Visit Russia This Month

If trade relation is the case, then commerce minister or finance minister should have visited. In this case it is Defence Minister.

A 30 members top delegation is visiting pakistan is Sept before Putin visit.
Indians first say Russia can't offer anything to Pakistan.. and vise versa...

Then cry and whine when there is just a meeting..

Why are you scared if nothing can be offered?

Delusional kids

Pak-Russia can offer a lot to each other.. Just consider the opportunity presented.
Can you think of nothing else but weapons of mass destruction? How about Russian assistance in health, education, poverty alleviation, infrastructure etc?

He is an army chief idiot!

The things you have outlined will be covered when Russian President comes to Pakistan in October. Capish?
our interests to

a.) counter poppy production/cultivation in Afghanistan (a narco-state since time immemorial)


b.) ensure that militant movements in Central Asia (former communist satellite states) do not spill over into Russia/Caucuses, Afghanistan and inevitably Pakistan via the porous border

are merging interests.....

i personally wouldnt be averse to sending delegation from PAF and Army Air Defence to explore options in the field of medium-hi altitude air defence. Russians have a pretty good edge in this.

So all that talk (and resultant war) of Russia coveting a warm water port through Pakistan was incorrect?

the topic is Russia today...not a hostile Soviet Union of yesterday

times have changed. NATOs very existence and raison d'etre was to counter Soviet expansion during the Cold War.

today you have NATO countries (e.g. France) doing military/defence cooperation with Moscow.
the topic is Russia today...not a hostile Soviet Union of yesterday

times have changed. NATOs very existence and raison d'etre was to counter Soviet expansion during the Cold War.

today you have NATO countries (e.g. France) doing military/defence cooperation with Moscow.

Fair enough: Let's see how well this visit furthers Pakistan's national interests. I sure hope it represents more than merely looking for a new john.
Fair enough: Let's see how well this visit furthers Pakistan's national interests. I sure hope it represents more than merely looking for a new john.

yes, hopefully it will be useful and yield something good for Pakistan

at any rate, never a bad thing to "talk"
Its a good omen and dont read too much into it.

Pakistan needs Russia as it is being constantly bullied and hounded by US. So it needs powerful countries on its side. Good that better sense has prevailed in Islamabad and establishment there has decided to diversify its external relations.

For Russia, regional stability is an issue just like Pakistan. Both countries know that regional stability cant be achieved if foreign troops stay in the region. The troops will stay not for security of regional countries but for the interests of their native countries.

I m not too sure why there is so much talk about getting weapons from Russia. This talk is giving extreme burns to our Indian peers on this forum. This convergence is more for regional issues than Pakistan's wish to buy weapons.
Oh really american (sorry Pakistani) why are becoming emotional when he asked a genuine question about pakistan dependency on other nation Show me one country in the world which will talk some crap like Attack on China is attack on Pakistan
and what not u guys love china more than ur country and u guys will always be proud what china achieve
taking this on context he wrote the point why u guys always need others achievements to be proud of
he never talked about poverty,prostiutes in pakistan so y did u bring that topic now which is y i confirmed that u are a pakistani

And Cant the same logic u applied for india regarding IT be applied to china in the manufacturing sector as most of the export is to america .So before talking about others u better mind ur words

I actually appreciate a part of your post. I DO apply the same logic on China and even on Pakistan. BUT, what I don't see a lot of Chinese people or Pakistani people acting like Gods or very arrogant to say the least. But it seems as that comes from the Indian community the most. There are PAGES of worthless crap on every single topic.
Debate is to learn from each other or respectfully disagree with stuff and move on. Not get arrogant like the posts above and flat out disrespectful to folks on the other end.

Last but not least. I am not Pakistani. Just because I point out issues sometimes with the Indian community, doesn't mean by default I am a Pakistani. If you read my posts, you'll notice that I've called out folks from Pakistan, the US and others also. I don't think any Pakistani had an issue with that and they accused me of being an Indian RAW agent. Let's not take it too far fetched here. The goal was to point out that no one's cow is holier than other one's so let's just discuss things with mutual respect.
It's really a good sign. Every Pakistani would want to see good relations with Russia. Some good points have been raised by senior members, taking into consideration of Obama's bashing of Pak and Russia loosing its business in the middle east. But I still think india is very important to russia and they'll take into consideration Indian reservations in regards to Russian relations with Pak.

I'll keep my fingers acrossed. I think it's best to watch and see ow this thing plays out. Interesting times ahead.
Its a good omen and dont read too much into it.

Pakistan needs Russia as it is being constantly bullied and hounded by US. So it needs powerful countries on its side.
Good that better sense has prevailed in Islamabad and establishment there has decided to diversify its external relations.

For Russia, regional stability is an issue just like Pakistan. Both countries know that regional stability cant be achieved if foreign troops stay in the region. The troops will stay not for security of regional countries but for the interests of their native countries.

I m not too sure why there is so much talk about getting weapons from Russia. This talk is giving extreme burns to our Indian peers on this forum. This convergence is more for regional issues than Pakistan's wish to buy weapons.

My dear poster you said and I quote "Pakistan needs Russia as it is being constantly bullied and hounded by US."

This is what I say "doobtay Islamist ko Ruskie tinkay ka sahara" (Drowning Mullah is looking for a Ruskie to throw him a rope). In reality Ruskies would love to hang the Islamists by that rope instead of saving one. Same goes with Russia's opponents who conspired to kill 10s of 1000s of Russians during Afghan debacle. Islamist Pakistanis better watch out.

You Sir are surely living in the bygone era of Commie Russia when it was perceived super power a counter balance to American power.

Those days are long gone. long long long gone. Russian these days is a medium size European power who love to swagger around like a super power but in reality it is a midget compared to its peers.

So any Pakistani who wants to rely on Russians to counter the USA must do it on its own peril.

the best reliance is on oneself and on what one has at hand.....too bad we lack visionary leadership at home
My dear poster you said and I quote "Pakistan needs Russia as it is being constantly bullied and hounded by US."

This is what I say "doobtay Islamist ko Ruskie tinkay ka sahara" (Drowning Mullah is looking for a Ruskie to throw him a rope). In reality Ruskies would love to hang the Islamists by that rope instead of saving one. Same goes with Russia's opponents who conspired to kill 10s of 1000s of Russians during Afghan debacle. Islamist Pakistanis better watch out.

You Sir are surely living in the bygone era of Commie Russia when it was perceived super power a counter balance to American power.

Those days are long gone. long long long gone. Russian these days is a medium size European power who love to swagger around like a super power but in reality it is a midget compared to its peers.

So any Pakistani who wants to rely on Russians to counter the USA must do it on its own peril.


You have taken me out of context to prove your point. No country can challenge US even when it is being perceived as losing in Afghanistan. Although losing and winning is not always as black and white.

What I said is that Pakistan needs Russia as it is a strong country and has more influence than Pakistan. If you read too much into it, do it at your peril.
Can you think of nothing else but weapons of mass destruction? How about Russian assistance in health, education, poverty alleviation, infrastructure etc?

what is India doing with Russia other than buying weapons of mass destruction in hugeeeeeeeeeeeeeee quanitity teaming up with Russia for destructive plans viz a viz regional power game. Why doesnt India spend all that money for alleviation of poverty, health, education, infrastructure etc ?
what is India doing with Russia other than buying weapons of mass destruction in hugeeeeeeeeeeeeeee quanitity teaming up with Russia for destructive plans viz a viz regional power game. Why doesnt India spend all that money for alleviation of poverty, health, education, infrastructure etc ?

we are taking russian investment in telecom,assistance in space program,in development of nuclear reactors of electricity,in steel mills and even in producing heavy machinery :lol:

where i included weapons?

It's really a good sign. Every Pakistani would want to see good relations with Russia. Some good points have been raised by senior members, taking into consideration of Obama's bashing of Pak and Russia loosing its business in the middle east. But I still think india is very important to russia and they'll take into consideration Indian reservations in regards to Russian relations with Pak.

I'll keep my fingers acrossed. I think it's best to watch and see ow this thing plays out. Interesting times ahead.

Best post of the thread..let the visit take place or i will say wait for 2014 otherwise there is no point of jumping.
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