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Gen.Kayani To Visit Russia This Month

MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n;3369140 said:
in fact we don't even have to do this :lol: mullah umar is doing the job just fine ... :azn:

And if they are not leaving are being killed with every passing day..

How will Gwadar help Russians.

Dont ask but google it Gawader, Central Asia trade strategic imp. Etc kid.
MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n;3369140 said:
in fact we don't even have to do this :lol: mullah umar is doing the job just fine ... :azn:

Americans are staying till 2024 putting dent over all of your plans. :enjoy:
paper bag on the face

What kinda of fetish is this? :fie:

Just repeating what i said in another thread.

Buy I have to admit sino-pakistan relation is nothing compared to India-Russia relations. below proofs it.

Certainly isn't

"During 1972 the KGB counted that it had planted 3,789 articles in Indian newspapers. In 1975 the number had increased to 5510. The KGB found that there was no shortage of Indian journalists and politicians willing to take money."

source: India

Indian keep asking what can Pakistan offer anyone, in fact let me ask you what can India offer anyone anything?
India's foreign policy is solely based on import of military hardware.

Irrespective of "India's foreign policy is solely based on import of military hardware" Soviets, did come to India's assistance in 1971 war, when threatened by an American carrier, while Chinese were nowhere to be seen despite assurances given Pakistan :lol:

China and Russia are strategic partners

Strategic partners indeed, with tactical nukes aimed at China :lol:

A Preview Of Russia's New Military Doctrine

Zolotarev argued that, while the chances of a
large-scale war breaking out are remote, China would most
likely be the target of any preemptive nuclear strike.
serious military planners dismissed any threat from NATO long
ago, he posited. China still has a mass mobilization army,
he said, and the Russian Far East is thinly populated, has
little infrastructure, and a small Russian military

1, SCO, security in Central Asia
2, Russian far-east development. economy
3, may be in the future, we will also see more and more cooperation in the pacific, together counter US dominance.
4, We both have a vote on UN security council, we takes turns to vote down USA.
4, you think a large part of Russia economy is depend on defense related export? Check oil.
If you think India-Russia trade is a lot, look at China-Russia trade numbers.

ask yourself this
what if you stopped buying Russian arms.

Why will India stop buying Russian arms?

what if China decides to buy more Russian arms,(since our defense budget trebles yours)

Who is stopping, as a matter of fact in the past when Chinese imports of Russian hardware surpassed that of India, Chinese often complained that India received TOT which were restricted to China.

what if Russia desires to cooperate with China on new defense joint ventures, (sure we have some trust issue on copyright, but we have way more advanced military technology than India)

Last i checked, Russia didn't have a collaboration with China on 5th generation fighter program, despite China having way more advanced military technology than India

shall I quote Vladimir Putin,
China is Russia’s “strategic partner in the full sense of this word.”
“We have always supported China on the most sensitive issues, including the Taiwan problem.”

BBC News - China and Russia launch naval exercises in Yellow Sea


I guess Tibet was kinda excluded on purpose. ;)
Pakistanis like to be emotional and start romancing so quickly..china was there,an Russia bhi:devil:
What kinda of fetish is this? :fie:

Just repeating what i said in another thread.

Certainly isn't

Irrespective of "India's foreign policy is solely based on import of military hardware" Soviets, did come to India's assistance in 1971 war, when threatened by an American carrier, while Chinese were nowhere to be seen despite assurances given Pakistan :lol:

Strategic partners indeed, with tactical nukes aimed at China :lol:

A Preview Of Russia's New Military Doctrine

Why will India stop buying Russian arms?

Who is stopping, as a matter of fact in the past when Chinese imports of Russian hardware surpassed that of India, Chinese often complained that India received TOT which were restricted to China.

Last i checked, Russia didn't have a collaboration with China on 5th generation fighter program, despite China having way more advanced military technology than India


I guess Tibet was kinda excluded on purpose. ;)

Is this best you can come up with?

Soviet supported India. during the cold war, they supported every country in Warsaw pact +Vietnam, after sino-soviet split. Last time I checked USSR doesn't exist anymore.

Why would you stop buying arms from Russia? Don't!, keep buying, it's good for Russian economy and industry. It's not like you can build it yourselves anyways.

And for the 5th Gen aircraft, did China ever approach Russia with the same project? We have our own 5th Gen project. I also honest wish you best of luck and get it before your carrier and few billion more USD. :yahoo:

For Tibet, you obviously don't know what it means when a politician says "working on it", it means it will never happen. what is he working on lol? what's stopping him? must be the travel arrangements? Let me know when they actually DO MEET.
This visit is going to be good one for Pakistan, I think Pakistan Army is going to buy lots of Military hardware from Russia since US & Europe are not going to sell anything to Pakistan so they are looking at the available option. What I believe the Military deal is going to be Helicopters & advance Air defence plus there is a chance that they will talk about gawadar port.

I also believe they will also talk about situation in Syria, Intelligence sharing etc.

China is already on its way into Balochistan Province to work on Gawadar.

The problem with india now is that it cannot stop buying russian arms just like that. It cuts both ways---it is a double edged sword---. You can't threaten russia that I won't buy any of your equipment any more and they can slow down the supply of the needed parts for regular up keep.

For those who don't understand the significance of the changes in the middle east in relation to russia and the importance of russian access to gwadar---no big deal---it counts for those who understand---.

As for the americans being in afg and no access to russians---it does not work that way---. Russia has the right of way thru afg any time that it wants---. Afg also knows well that russia is next door---.

With iran in turmoil---and israel ready to pounce on it---the position of iraninan port for usage is in jeopardy and cannot be depended upon. Any dealing with iran at this stage is a big risk in foreign policy.

It is upto russia to decide where it wants to be in the coming decades---. If they make a decision to partner up with pakistan---there is nothing holding them back---regardless.
What can Pakistan offer to Russia ?? Seriously :hitwall:

A trade passage to India . A warm water port to Russia to trade with Far East and alot. New renovation project of multibillion dollar steel mill. And alot.
It is better Pakistan have better relations with US, Russia & Great Britain. China is like a brother country.
If a general's trip is an indicator of a historic shift then Chinese General is in India :woot: :D :wave:
Looks like the USA is getting skrewedup big time in Asia by Russia......:smokin:
If a general's trip is an indicator of a historic shift then Chinese General is in India :woot: :D :wave:

They have alot of reasons for it like,

China is next door neighbour of india.
China has trade relations with india.
etc etc

Pakistan & Russia are not neighbours not have any trade relations such big. They don't even have any border disputes.

Advice for you, leave the thread instead of burning you blood if other countries grow their relations. lol:lol::rofl:
someone is brain washed :what:

"During 1972 the KGB counted that it had planted 3,789 articles in Indian newspapers. In 1975 the number had increased to 5510. The KGB found that there was no shortage of Indian journalists and politicians willing to take money."

source: India

Indian keep asking what can Pakistan offer anyone, in fact let me ask you what can India offer anyone anything?
India's foreign policy is solely based on import of military hardware.

China and Russia are strategic partners
1, SCO, security in Central Asia
2, Russian far-east development. economy
3, may be in the future, we will also see more and more cooperation in the pacific, together counter US dominance.
4, We both have a vote on UN security council, we takes turns to vote down USA.
4, you think a large part of Russia economy is depend on defense related export? Check oil.
If you think India-Russia trade is a lot, look at China-Russia trade numbers.

ask yourself this
what if you stopped buying Russian arms.
what if China decides to buy more Russian arms,(since our defense budget trebles yours)
what if Russia desires to cooperate with China on new defense joint ventures, (sure we have some trust issue on copyright, but we have way more advanced military technology than India)

shall I quote Vladimir Putin,
China is Russia’s “strategic partner in the full sense of this word.”
“We have always supported China on the most sensitive issues, including the Taiwan problem.”

BBC News - China and Russia launch naval exercises in Yellow Sea

Obviously KGB Still have their stooges in parliament

See,i will keep this post away from paksitan and focus on indo -china only...

1)SCO is just like saarc which is just tea-biscuit organization till now..and its is initial level so dont expect much from it...
Members can go away from it too and A-stan under U.S leadership have applied for it membership :lol:
and until U.S in in A-stan,Ur CAR security is zero...

2)Russia deals with U.S alone and they dont need you...Did they ask u while providing bases for nato for A-stan? ...
Only u need them more...China is away for atleast 15 yrs from present russian dominance all over world...economy is not every thing...and how much russian economy is strong? but many countries bow in front of russia...

3) Russia alone can veto any resolution..so again dont try to get points by gathering veto with russia..
Soviets did use their veto for india too...when no body was with us..

4)yes,They have huge oil resources and no doubt it can be their major export and they are trying to transport oil to europe in whole...

5)I dint say russia-india trade a lot...even our trade with U.S is nothing compared to china-U.S but still U.S is pitting us against you...so think about reality..

6)It will simply ruin their defense industry upto most...as i said that our funding in 5th gen fighter is more than 35 billion and leave the weapons etc..so this project will alone go above 50 billions.. :wave: and even mig-29 n other fighters like mig -35 are produced just for india...how many countries uses mig-29? and their advanced versions? ...

7)China cant and Russia wont give you...you already stabbed dem in back by making fake copies and hiring their engineers during soviet fall and just tell me why russia will let china to be stronger than it? ...
Will U.S let israel stronger than it? ..no...even they exchange every thing. :lol: ...and u have eaten their market to much extent...so ask this to u :wave:

8)I m writing again that russia dont need u much but reverse is not true...u r taking baby steps in having influence over the world...

and lemme tell you...

russia too wants same thing from india which U.S expects?? wat?... using india against china... :wave:

Why russia will let u to be more stronger economically n militarily? answer me..

why u shud not be their stooge? ..and who is the counter force here? ..i.e india...

and whne paksitan comes in equation,every thing goes in gutter then wrt russia coz U.S have a lot to offer to russia then pakistan can even imagine in next 100 yrs...
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