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Gen. Kayani May Declare Emergency

maybe you are thinking of section-144/188

those are very temporary and are way different from declaring Emergency/Martial Law. All these media speculations from 3rd rate publications are a waste of time, and make better toilet paper.

No not under section 144/188 as these have very limited powers. Under I think article 245 the main difference is that local administration answers to the military and no action taken by military can be challenged in courts. Provincial governments also can not interfere.
You folks are mixing up emergency and coup. The President has the authority to do it and Kayani has said time and again that he is not interested in a coup.

Also please note this is a blog entry from a member of the Zaid Hamid club.
You know, if Kayani did this he probably would earn the unending hostility of the Obama Administration and Congress, whose foreign policy is as anti-Pakistani as it is pro-Muslim and pro-democracy. I see U.S. aid to Pakistan vanishing almost instantly, along with IMF loans, World Bank projects, etc. The Chinese, while they don't have a meddlesome Congress, have their own strings in private which are quite as tangling as the American ones.

Kayani can see that too. Any corrupt public official knows you can't suck blood from a corpse, which is all that will be left of the body of foreign aid after a coup. So he isn't going to do it.
You know, if Kayani did this he probably would earn the unending hostility of the Obama Administration and Congress, whose foreign policy is as anti-Pakistani as it is pro-Muslim and pro-democracy. I see U.S. aid to Pakistan vanishing almost instantly, along with IMF loans, World Bank projects, etc. The Chinese, while they don't have a meddlesome Congress, have their own strings in private which are quite as tangling as the American ones.

Kayani can see that too. Any corrupt public official knows you can't suck blood from a corpse, which is all that will be left of the body of foreign aid after a coup. So he isn't going to do it.

I for sure don't know enough - but I definitely wouldn't be so sure about it as you seem to be. I think it depends on the reason for which the "emergency" - if it should come to that - is declared. When the choice is between Marshal Law and Civil War/anarchy, what do you think the people of Pakistan's choice will be?

And certain considerations may yet again align the Pakistani people's interest with the plutocracy's core interest - whatever the latter may be.

To me - Karzai has to be taken seriously precisely because the Afghan National Army is a "joke" - so far. But in Pakistan, some might say it's the other way around. The days Yankees backing a "joke" to "look good" and score neo-con/neo-liberal points may be getting shorter.

One can never rule out a consensus-based "emergency" so Pak will reap certain benefit while Amrika saves face and continues the beneficial relationship.

Isn't that what "Democracy" in Afghanistan is all about as the learned teaches us today?

Going along a tangent - Israel is IMO a prime candidate down the road for some sort of "emergency" - whether some like it or not. It could very well be declared by someone donning suits - but in reality initiated and enforced by those in uniforms.

That's a whole separate discussion, of course.

But do open your eyes, Solomon. The US has shaped the world. But the time may have come that the world will shape the US - I am not saying this as something desirable to you or to the world.

Simply, just stating what I see coming your way, and my way for that matter - everything is a two-way street.

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