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Gen. Kayani May Declare Emergency


Jun 6, 2009
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Okaz, JEDDAH – Pakistani military sources said Friday that the army was considering announcing a state of emergency in the country following the deterioration of the security situation as the military operation continues against the Taleban.

The sources said that a National Security Council meeting due to be held within the next 48 hours will consider Chief of the Army Staff Gen. Ashfaq Kayani assuming the role of chief executive in order to supervise security with the presidency and government institutions continuing their activities in governing the country. According to the sources, the move has received preliminary acceptance from the Pakistani presidency, although a source at the Presidency denied knowledge of any such move being tabled for discussion.

The state of emergency would continue until the end of the operation, the sources said, which the military has scheduled to last eight weeks. An official army source told Okaz, however, a state of emergency announcement was “mere speculation”, and declined to provide further details.

Meanwhile, the Kingdom’s ambassador to Islamabad is to hold an emergency meeting Sunday to consider the status of Saudi schools and the embassy’s affiliated offices in the light of the current security situation in Pakistan. Ambassador Abdul Aziz Al-Ghadeer said that a decision would be taken on the resumption of classes at Saudi schools following a one-week suspension due to security concerns. The schools are currently due to reopen Monday.

Emergency evacuation plans are also in place, he added, for the 250 to 300 Saudi nationals in Pakistan. – Okaz/SG

Gen. Kayani May Declare Emergency Pakistan Ka Khuda Hafiz
If an Emergency is to be declared, it should be done by GOP. Why Army ? Does it have the authority under the constitution to do so ?

You are on this forum with "Thanked 401 Times in 258 more thn 1000 posts and still u and mostly 80% of indians have concerned about "Why Military take Decision in Pakistan". What are you doing here? u still dont know what is establishment in Pakistan and who take most of decisions in Pakistan related secuirty and other internal issues. lol
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The only difference this time was that they found an enemy on their side of the border ..... otherwise it was so boringly predictable that frankly I cannot even muster the enthusiasm to say "I told you so."

And then Pakistanis bemoan the fact that they have shitty leaders and why democracy never seems to work for them.

This goes way beyond a vicious cycle ..... this curiously IS Pakistan ..... and this dance of "Democracy" is over, the next number is gonna play, and the army is forcibly cutting in for the next (many) dance/s.

May you guys keep manufacturing and fighting enemies on your own soil and leave us on our own to work towards bettering ourselves in peace.


Cheers, Doc
there wont be another coup

and what do you care anyways? seriously......
You are on this forum with "Thanked 401 Times in 258 more thn 1000 posts and still u and mostly 80% of indians have concerned about "Why Military take Decision in Pakistan". What are you doing here if u still dont know what is establishment in Pakistan and who take most of decisions in Pakistan related secuirty and other internal issues. lol

Millitary taking decisions thats fundamentaly wrong .. he is right and may be thats why he is thanked
You are on this forum with "Thanked 401 Times in 258 more thn 1000 posts and still u and mostly 80% of indians have concerned about "Why Military take Decision in Pakistan". What are you doing here? u still dont know what is establishment in Pakistan and who take most of decisions in Pakistan related secuirty and other internal issues. lol

Actually, there is no one who knows more than Indians as to where the decision making lies in Pak.

Yet, one keeps hoping that things might change someday & institutions may take root.

However, my doubt remains. This will I am sure be the concern for ppl world over & do the reputation of Pk no good if the PA imposes an emergency.
Millitary taking decisions thats fundamentaly wrong .. he is right and may be thats why he is thanked

Are you live in fantasy ??? this is pakistan and since last 60 years miltiary take all decision Mr. What is wrong or right this is different story, If this right/wrong implement in Pakistan we are not standing today in such situation. Musharaf never kick** judiciary. Zia and other generals never take such MARSHAL LAW or EMERGENCY decisions in the history of pakistan.

Now if you talking about Right/Wrong thing just answer me in 1 Question

AMERICA is our Friend or Enemy ??

Yes or No ?

Forget about this Right/Wrong issue this is Pakistan. You guys are talk like u never kn anything about Pakistan or history of Pakistan.
If an Emergency is to be declared, it should be done by GOP. Why Army ? Does it have the authority under the constitution to do so ?

can only be declared by the GoP! - army and para-military then would be give special authorities.
May you guys keep manufacturing and fighting enemies on your own soil and leave us on our own to work towards bettering ourselves in peace.

if you want to be left alone then really you should actually just go ahead and leave, i take it there are no pakistani's bothering you from your desk at india, so you should put up....or shut up!!
The sad part of reading this whole thread is that all the posts & opinions are being done based on the story posted on a website which has no authenticity for its news items. No such news is anywhere else to be seen either in print media or electronic media & you guys start your assumptions based on a unauthentic news item. Feel sorry.

It would have been better if such news is seen in electronic media or some known reliable & authentic newspaper website other then on a website which is very well known for its unauthentic news items & articles.

Hope the energy being used to discuss something non existent on this thread is channeled to something more useful.
The govt. should do its part also. A lot of people have expectations, especially when it deals with ensuring maximum security during these difficult times.
Actually, there is no one who knows more than Indians as to where the decision making lies in Pak.

Yet, one keeps hoping that things might change someday & institutions may take root.

However, my doubt remains. This will I am sure be the concern for ppl world over & do the reputation of Pk no good if the PA imposes an emergency.

For 60 years we have been blaming others (West, USA, Israel, British, India, Arabs states). We need to fix the problems within Pakistan.
We need a revolution to bring a change in Pakistan. Every other democratic government is puppet government.
We have some fundamental issues that we have not resolve or we didn't think it was important.

1. Islamic seminaries - Build the system like South Africa.

Develop the country so we don't have to beg West for AID. We need to build 50, 000 schools and 5,000 colleges and universities.

2. Unity, internal cohesion and political stability (“Internal cohesion and political stability are the products of a participatory political process that is broad-based, transparent and fair, offering equal opportunities to new aspirants to political power and influence.”) De-concentration of power to strengthening internal cohesion and moderating dissent.

3. Social Justice and Equal Opportunity: Reform political and social life, promoting socio-economic justice for ordinary people as well as provincial rights & Economic development policies. Freedom from sectarianism

4. Decentralization of Authority from Power to the People, Community-based Economics and Economic Justice

5. Political Education process: Educated/ internship for those recently graduated with political science degree. Educating the Politicians of tomorrow.

6. As a major political party MQM/PPP should focus on water distribution among provinces, building of new dams for water storage and electricity generation, and demand for a new and more acceptable formula for distribution of taxes between the federal government and provinces.

7. Respect for Diversity: In last 60+ years Pakistan government hasn’t solved internal incoherence, they have alienated minorities like Balochi & Sindhi and Mohajir. Political Parties should work to promote harmony between different ethnic groups in Pakistan.

8. Improvement of Financial system on City, State and Country level, reduced corruption.

9. Utilizing E-government technology, cut-overheard, developing new policies to improve over all political process. improved government office efficiency and administration.

10. No Corrupted Politician should be allowed to run for government office. MQM, PPP and PML-N need a new political leader/Party head. There should be no permanent party leader, party should selected for 2 years term and can't be selected for more then 3 terms.

Here is how you prevent Balkanization of Pakistan.

1) Remove Current corrupted puppet politician
1. Gen. Musharraf (President)
2. Gillani (PM)
3. Khurshid Qasoori (Foriegn)
4. Salman Shah (Fin.)
5. Hamid Nawaz Khan(Defence)
6. Imran Khan (Health)
7. Mustafa Kamal (Infrastructure, public works etc)

2) New political system, 4 main party System

I) United National People's Party
II)- Pakistan Socialist Democratic Party
III)- Awami National Party/National Democratic Party
IV)- Islamic democratic party (Merging Islamic Parties)

3) Change in Foreign policies.

I) Stop supporting American War.

II) Border with Afghanistan (durand line agreement was between Pashtun and British not between Pakistan. Pakistan has every right to fence the entire border with Afghnistan) Build a massive border fence (and mine) on Pakistan/Afghanistan border. Block Taliban and Drug dealer to cross into Pakistan.

Blochistan (Develop the coastal cities like Pasni, Gwader, etc. Remove all the extermist BLA from Balochistan)

III) Foreign relationship with Afghanistan should change (minimum economic support to Karzai government.)
IV) Strategic partnership with China, Russia and Iran. (Now it's the time to get closer to Russia while the west is after them. Our Presiden should visit Russia after visiting big brother China. Pakistan need to use both China and Russia to pressure India to resolve water crises and resolve 60 years old Kashmir dispute.)

V) Defense pack with China, signed formal treaties with China that China will defend Pakistan from any future attack.
VI) Resolve water crises by engaging in direct talk with India.

4) Abolish feudal system ("Feudalism has to be abolished if the country is to prosper for all, and in peace.")

5) American/British/Israel and India is trying to destabilize Pakistan to remove our Nuclear weapon and create another 1971 style civilwar situation in NWFP and Balochistan. We can't afford to lose NWFP & Balochistan. It is time to divide NWFP, Balochistan, Sindh and Punjab into smaller provinces so they can be managed easily. We need Redraw Poviciannal lines, Pakistani government rebuilding Provinces (15-35), Imran Khan also think that problem can be resolve by creating more provinces.

I) Take control of FATA, remove the tribal system. It is Pakistani land and Pakistan should control it.
1) Build more School and University in FATA area
2) Madaris in FATA should use South Africa Islamic curriculum (Islamiate, Science, math).

II) Creating 16 smaller multi-ethnic provinces removing the old provinces names

16 "Super districts"

1-Gilgat (Shia Muslim-majority, Urdu, Shina language (with several dialects), Balti dialect, a sub-dialect of Ladakhi)

2-Kashmir [Azad Kashmir , Kashmir Valley, Jammu and Aksai Chin]
(74.16% Muslim, Hindus, 23.72%, and Buddhists, 1.21%) (Urdu, Punjabi, Hindko, Mirpuri, Pahari, Gojri, Pashto and other languages)

3-Mardan (99% Muslim, Pashtu, Hindko, Pothwari, Seraiki, Punjabi (In Kohistan area - Dardic peoples including the Shina, Kohistani, Torwalis))

4-Peshawar (99% Muslim, Pashtu, Hindko, Seraiki, Urdu, Punjabi and Balochi)

5-Lahore (99% Muslim, Punjabi, Seraiki, Urdu, Pashtu)

6-Sarghda (99% muslim, Seraiki, Punjabi, Pashtu, Balochi, Urdu)

7-Fasialabad (99% Muslim, Punjabi, Seraiki, Urdu, Balochi, Pashto and Sindhi)

8-Multan (99% Muslim, Seraiki, Punjabi and Balochi)

9- Dera Gazi Khan (99% Muslim, Seraiki, Balochi, Pashto, Brahui, Punjabi, Muhajir (Urdu speaking), (1% -> Hindu, Christian and Ahmedi)

10-Sukkar - (98% Muslim, Sindhi, Seraiki, Balochi, Punjabi, Pashto, Brahui, Muhajir (Urdu speaking), (2% -> Hindu, Christian and Ahmedi)

11-Queta - ( 99% Muslim, Pashtun are in Majority, around 20% Hazaras, 25-30% Baloch and rest are Brahui, Punjabi, Muhajir (Urdu speaking), Afghan Refugees, Hindus).

12-Larkana (will have Sindhi, Balochi and some Baruhi living together)

13-Nawabshah (Sindhi, Urdu, Balochi, Punjabi, Pashto)

14-Hydrabad (Sindhi, Urdu, Punjabi, Pashto)

15-Karachi (Urdu, Sindhi, Punjabi, Pashtu, Baruhi, Balochi)

16-Gwadar (90% Balochi, Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi)

III) Another Option by dividing FATA & NWFP, NEW NWFP MAP

IV) Each Provincial government responsible for:
1- Democratic Governance
2- Poverty Reduction (Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger)
3- Crisis Prevention and Recovery
4- Energy and Environment
5- Improve Health Care system (Reduce Child Mortality /Improve Maternal Health)
6- Develop global partnership for Economy and Social development
7- Improve Educational System (No child left behind).

V) Develop Coastal area, satellite town, university towns.
VI) We need to bring those Pakistani back from Bangladesh. They should be settled in western Punjab, NWFP, Sindh area, Faisalabad, Multan, Dera Gazi Khan, Dera Ismail Khan, Mainwali, NWFP: Tanks, North/South Wazirstan, Sindh: sukkur, Nawabshah
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A Democratic Gov. with Military under it can help a lot on both sides of the Border.
The Gov's Decision is the Peoples decision, Military is NOT the representative of the people.
I really feel the common man of india and pakistan has similar concerns, needs so a True Democratic Rule will surely Help.
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