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Gen. Kayani May Declare Emergency

There IS a big difference this time around ..... in that the US is firmly entrenched in Pakistan like never before and simply will not allow the PA to take over, when its a whole lot easier controlling the present leadership of the country. When the country has already gone to war on its own people, its not a very far jump before foreign boots walk across the western border and widen the theater of operations to include what was always World's Target No.1 in the GWOT ..... PAKISTAN. It will not happen overnight, but insidiously, smoothly. And the same hackles which are raised today at the very mention of such "blasphemy" will be the ones crying out for such intervention before long. The process of softening up the country has already started ...... and make no mistake ...... that's exactly what these incidents of "Taliban atrocities" in cities across pakistan really are. Next step foreign boots and tracks on the ground. And after that bye bye Islamic Bomb.

Cheers, Doc Hamid
Stealth;527941]Are you live in fantasy ??? this is pakistan and since last 60 years miltiary take all decision Mr. What is wrong or right this is different story, If this right/wrong implement in Pakistan we are not standing today in such situation. Musharaf never kick** judiciary. Zia and other generals never take such MARSHAL LAW or EMERGENCY decisions in the history of pakistan

yeh let me help you out with right and wrong here "its wrong sir military is to do with defence they should stick to that ,state afairs must be run and managed by civilians ,read for your self what you are saying "Musharaf / Zia and other generals" what a mess have they left how much more destruction are you fantasising about ???? may be you live in a safer land ask those who are now IDP's or have lost loved ones in in-discriminate firing and blasts .... Military interests and the interests of Pakistani civilians are not common.

Now if you talking about Right/Wrong thing just answer me in 1 Question
AMERICA is our Friend or Enemy ??
Yes or No ?

I dont know nor i gave r*ts a** what i care and more woried about is Pakistan and Pakistanis !

Forget about this Right/Wrong issue this is Pakistan. You guys are talk like u never kn anything about Pakistan or history of Pakistan.

your last para says a lot about you i dont need to say no more here!
If emergency is need then it shall be done as the prob is getting out of hand in several palces around the country including big cities.
Oh for christ guys check the source.Its a random blog and you guys are wasting your time on it.Pure bs.

It looks faked. The sourced posted is a blog, but I still did a search and couldn't find the original article. Besides that it has too many "sources".

This topic shouldn't even merit a discussion unless someone can find a trusted source.
The emergency under discussion is different from the one imposed by Musharaf some time back. President as supereme commander of the armed forces and the prime minister as head of te government has the powers to impose emergency in any part of the country or whole of the country.

This then gives special powers to the military to carry out certain tasks associated to them without the fear of being answerable to someone except offcourse to the supereme commander. I think it is done under article 245 of the constitution.

The source is also not very authentic.
maybe you are thinking of section-144/188

those are very temporary and are way different from declaring Emergency/Martial Law. All these media speculations from 3rd rate publications are a waste of time, and make better toilet paper.
There IS a big difference this time around ..... in that the US is firmly entrenched in Pakistan like never before and simply will not allow the PA to take over, when its a whole lot easier controlling the present leadership of the country. When the country has already gone to war on its own people, its not a very far jump before foreign boots walk across the western border and widen the theater of operations to include what was always World's Target No.1 in the GWOT ..... PAKISTAN. It will not happen overnight, but insidiously, smoothly. And the same hackles which are raised today at the very mention of such "blasphemy" will be the ones crying out for such intervention before long. The process of softening up the country has already started ...... and make no mistake ...... that's exactly what these incidents of "Taliban atrocities" in cities across pakistan really are. Next step foreign boots and tracks on the ground. And after that bye bye Islamic Bomb.

Cheers, Doc Hamid

Thanks for the words of caution...and that is why we shall never go to war with our people...

We are fighting only those elements who are openly fighting against Pakistan and its interests and are guilty of perpetrating terrorist attacks
...by this very definition they are not our own people...
Thanks for the words of caution...and that is why we shall never go to war with our people...

We are fighting only those elements who are openly fighting against Pakistan and its interests and are guilty of perpetrating terrorist attacks
...by this very definition they are not our own people...

All-Green, from what we read and see, you guys (Pakistanis) on defense.pk seem to be a small minority. The majority of your compatriots and media seem to be against this "proxy war at gora's behest" being waged by your armed forces against what your majority see as Pakistani brothers and sisters who are doing or have done no wrong in resisting the hated west and its decadence and crusade against the Islamic world. What is this doing for the morale of your soldiers ...... what or who do they believe they are fighting this war for? The American GIs returning from Vietnam felt the same alienation on returning to American shores ..... but at least the VC were not American citizens.

This truly is a sordid mess ...... a "dirty" war with no glory. And once this is over, I seriously doubt there will be a day of reckoning for Pakistan as it counts its dead and asks itself WHO was responsible for all this in the first place.

Will the guilty EVER be brought before the innocent masses to face justice? Or will it be business as usual as the country limps back to "normalcy"?

Cheers, Doc
If it happens, no one is going to blame military and whole nation would support it. Trust me.

All-Green, from what we read and see, you guys (Pakistanis) on defense.pk seem to be a small minority.

your flags say you are indian......have you been to Pakistan? What do you know about popular sentiment on the street and in the drawing rooms?

The majority of your compatriots and media seem to be against this
"proxy war at gora's behest"

media and opposition are partly busy with other events, like NRO and and Zardari's presidential powers.

Many people are against support of countries intruding in Afghanistan --since that is what is helping to destabilize FATA/NWFP and beyond.

No. We are more united against ttp and bla -- which are being helped by indians. Rest assured, we will cut both hands of each and every one of our enemies. And we will keep those hands as treasure; drown the corpses on bottom of indian ocean (where they can meet the LTTE bastards who are already de-composing there)

being waged by your armed forces against what your majority see as Pakistani brothers and sisters who are doing or have done no wrong in resisting the hated west and its decadence and crusade against the Islamic world.

ttp is not fighting on behalf, or for Islam/Pakistan

that has already been established.
What is this doing for the morale of your soldiers ...... what or who do they believe they are fighting this war for?

I used to be in the Army. I have countless friends who were engaged in Swat, and I have friends in FC who are among many fighting in Hangu.

Morale of our soldiers is at all-time high. They know that they are heros in the minds of 165 million Pakistanis. And they wont dis-engage until all the enemies of Pakistan are uprooted.

The American GIs returning from Vietnam felt the same alienation on returning to American shores ..... but at least the VC were not American citizens.

What is the relevance? Vietnam war took place during the hippie-movement for God's sakes. A lot has changed since late 1960s.

Totally different war. Totally different environment. ZERO relevance.

This truly is a sordid mess ...... a "dirty" war with no glory. And once this is over, I seriously doubt there will be a day of reckoning for Pakistan as it counts its dead and asks itself WHO was responsible for all this in the first place.

we've been counting dead almost every day.....but we are undeterred.

The terrorists are just demons. This is a war of good vs. evil.

Sikhs were massacred like cows in 1984 in india. 25 years later, i have heard of no action being taken. :)

Will the guilty EVER be brought before the innocent masses to face justice? Or will it be business as usual as the country limps back to "normalcy"?

the guilty are pumped with lead, unless they surrender. Those that surrender would be interrogated and tried.

We don't "limp" back to normalcy. A bomb blast went off in Peshawar 25 min away from my home, and I went out 15 minutes later to the park with my nephews to play football.

Cheers, Doc

the Sikh khatris khalestanys are in Pakistan now, visiting Lahore which is holy to them.

they say 'cheers' back
The sad part of reading this whole thread is that all the posts & opinions are being done based on the story posted on a website which has no authenticity for its news items. No such news is anywhere else to be seen either in print media or electronic media & you guys start your assumptions based on a unauthentic news item. Feel sorry.

It would have been better if such news is seen in electronic media or some known reliable & authentic newspaper website other then on a website which is very well known for its unauthentic news items & articles.

Hope the energy being used to discuss something non existent on this thread is channeled to something more useful.

I second that. I haven't read any such news any where on the whole web. PKKH is sometimes spreading newses strange to me. It'd be good if they include a reference at the bottom, of course a complete reference with the link.

If there was any such news, ISPR would have proclaimed it, or at least have implied about it in its recent Press Briefing.
your flags say you are indian......have you been to Pakistan? What do you know about popular sentiment on the street and in the drawing rooms?

I distinctly remember saying "from what we read and see" ..... short of visiting your country, on which most of us would politely take a raincheck at the present time, YOU are our eyes and ears into Pakistan, YOU are the street kattas/tapris and drawing rooms of Pakistan for us, YOU ARE PAKISTAN for us.

media and opposition are partly busy with other events, like NRO and and Zardari's presidential powers.

Are the media and opposition from a foreign country, supplanted on your soil?

Many people are against support of countries intruding in Afghanistan --since that is what is helping to destabilize FATA/NWFP and beyond.

The support of such countries is by the Pakistan govt., who last heard were elected to power by the same people who were tired and disillusioned and disenchanted by your then military regime. Your govt., your people, your country, your support, against a rabid section of your people, nurtured and empowered by you (as an ex-service man) not too very long ago. So what are you complaining about?

Forget Afghanistan, concentrate on Pakistan.

Rest assured, we will cut both hands of each and every one of our enemies. And we will keep those hands as treasure; drown the corpses on bottom of indian ocean (where they can meet the dravidian-tamil bastards who are already de-composing there)

Tut tut ..... language sir ..... ex-service man? What's all this talk of cutting and chopping? Aren't you given guns in your army? Or are you getting confused with your TTP regiment?

ttp is not fighting on behalf, or for Islam/Pakistan

that has already been established.

Been established graphically to the whole wide world NOW. Was not so clear just some time ago my friend, especially with sound bites from your Army, your ISI, and your TTP about joint-Jihad at the borders with "Dravidian-Tamil bastards" once your own land was cleansed and made "pak" for sharia islamiyat.

Morale of our soldiers is at all-time high. They know that they are heros in the minds of 165 million Pakistanis. And they wont dis-engage until all the enemies of Pakistan are uprooted.

We believe you ..... if you say so.

Aapne kaha, humne suna.

What is the relevance? Vietnam war took place during the hippie-movement for God's sakes. A lot has changed since late 1960s.
Totally different war. Totally different environment. ZERO relevance.

There is a LOT of relevance.

The pan-nation social churn and turmoil for one (or do you want Pakistani's to don fluroscent shirts, grow their hai, wear pink lensed goggles, smoke pot, and indulge in 3 day free sex rock and roll orgies - in Karachi maybe? - before you see the relevance?).

Labelling of soldiers as "killers and stooges" by their own countrymen for another.

How about the pervasive sentiment of fighting someone else's war amongst the civilian population?

I could go on if you want, but I think you get my drift ......

We've been counting dead almost every day.....but we are undeterred.

My genuine sympathy. No ifs or buts attached.

The terrorists are just demons. This is a war of good vs. evil.

YOUR demons sir. Selective good vs selective evil sir ...... read good Taliban, bad Taliban. Well within your rights as a nation and a people to define what's good or bad FOR YOU ..... but please do not pontificate to others who see things VERY differently.

the guilty are pumped with lead, unless they surrender. Those that surrender would be interrogated and tried.

What a face-wash simplistic solution! Iterrogating and trying and pumping full of lead the pawns in the chess game!!!!!!!!!!! OH PLEASE army brave! How about doing the same and holding accountable those that empowered, nurtured, and unleashed this monster on Pakistan in the first place??????????? Koi shaq?!!!!

We don't "limp" back to normalcy. A bomb blast went off in Peshawar 25 min away from my home, and I went out 15 minutes later to the park with my nephews to play football.

I have written about this in the past on another thread. Its only human. Life must go on, one cannot live in fear. Happens here too ..... regularly. But good for you all the same.

Sikhs were massacred like cows in 1984 in india. 25 years later, i have heard of no action being taken. :)

the Sikh khatris khalestanys are in Pakistan now, visiting Lahore which is holy to them.

they say 'cheers' back

We don't massacre cows sir ...... you are confusing you with us.

And what does Lahore being holy for Sikhs have to do with anything?

Parsis have many Holy places in Iran which we visit annually. Does that make us any less Indian?

Your muslims go to Mecca every year as pilgrimage ..... does that make them salafi takfiri wahabi whatevers?

And oh btw, we have many Balochis doing well here in India too (nothing Holy ..... just having a good time in a free and prosperous country ..... oh and some of them are going steady with Dravidian-Tamil bastard girls and boys here too jfyi) ..... one of them happens to be a close friend of mine.

He sends his "cheers" to you and your army in return sir.

His message - "Inshallah fir milenge!"

Cheers, Doc
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