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Gen Karimi, the Afghan chief of army staff: Maulana Fazlullah. "He doesn't live in Afghanistan"


Jan 20, 2013
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Article on Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty here, excerpts below:

The Afghan general, however, rejected media reports that Sharif had demanded the handover of Pakistani Taliban leader Maulana Fazlullah, who is believed to be hiding in eastern Afghanistan.

"They didn't mention Maulana Fazlullah. He doesn't live in Afghanistan, and we are not sheltering him," he said. "We have a long and porous border, so it is possible he might be operating from both sides of the border like other terrorists. But he is always on the run. We have never sheltered terrorists and will never do so."
Article on Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty here, excerpts below:

The Afghan general, however, rejected media reports that Sharif had demanded the handover of Pakistani Taliban leader Maulana Fazlullah, who is believed to be hiding in eastern Afghanistan.

"They didn't mention Maulana Fazlullah. He doesn't live in Afghanistan, and we are not sheltering him," he said. "We have a long and porous border, so it is possible he might be operating from both sides of the border like other terrorists. But he is always on the run. We have never sheltered terrorists and will never do so."
Well than they are about to face massive bombing
Didn't India deny training and equipping the Mukti Bahini? Maybe they did and India on Pakistan -- that doesn't sound too good -- don't you agree?
You are comparing apples and oranges......

And yeah......that guy was right when he said Pakistan is getting a taste of its own medicine

U guys still deny the presence of the likes of dawood .....don't you

But unlike you guys.....I want Pakistan to find that fazlullah from wherever he is hiding and kill that bastard
You are comparing apples and oranges......

And yeah......that guy was right when he said Pakistan is getting a taste of its own medicine

U guys still deny the presence of the likes of dawood .....don't you

But unlike you guys.....I want Pakistan to find that fazlullah from wherever he is hiding and kill that bastard

So Mukti Bahini was not trained by India -- and they ... did not boil civilians alive?

We're just debating if the accurate label should be that Karmi did an India on Pakistan ?

I guess Apples and Oranges because you said so?
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Didn't India deny training and equipping the Mukti Bahini? Maybe they did and India on Pakistan -- that doesn't sound too good -- don't you agree?

no india openly helped bangladesh by sending in its army and liberating bangladesh

what they are doing is

World : Laden is in pakistan
Pakistan : no is not in pakistan

Found : 5 Kms from PA training academy

and such in many cases

so now when everybody knows where is fazlullah they simply did a pakistan on pakistan
No need to ask for him.
No need to announce anything.

Just do what's necessary and let the world find out after the fact.
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