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Gen Bajwa rubbishes Indian army chief's claim of 'so-called surgical strikes' on Pakistan

You do know there is this thing called the quote button ... and regurgitating the same old tactics of "description of a video link + fail" isn't an argument. Your claim is

" A surgical strike happened, which involved your forces crossing in to our side of the LOC and targeting specific targets causing massive damages to some jihadi establishments / camps"

Do you have a single ounce of proof to back that entire claim up ? The answer is NO as you have already admitted in one of your posts before. What I do find quite amusing is how you completely denounce the reporting by CNN yet one media source is acceptable for you i.e. BBC which you literally quoted as "Proof" ... Yet when CNN reports and completely blows the cover on your "surgical strike" .. your like ... "well you see .. the reporter was taken to the Leepa Valley which has an area of such and such KM so she's in no position to report XYZ" ...

So the question now becomes ... Your BBC article also reported of an engagement at Leepa valley ... So how is that claim acceptable? After all, as per yourself, Leepa Valley has an area of 120 Km right, yet the BBC article for you is entirely correct ? Even though concluding the author goes and practically says that the Indian version is not reliable as well. Interestingly, for the BBC article, we don't even know who went to the site, who extrapolated the information, what were the sources etc.

For CNN you had a reporter on the ground, who looked Pakistani, representing an international organization, who reported on what the locals said .. What the mood was ... no mourning etc. However for some reason, in your POV the report by CNN is less reliable ?
The CNN anchor was part of ISPR guided tour so she could not do anything on her own.
Whereas the BBC journo could do a little independent enquiry
Below comment comes to you before I get banned for absolutely no reason by the mods here, the moment I make any comment. First time in 8 months I have been allowed to express my views without an instant ban. Oddly, they give no reason or even cite any post they felt deserved a ban. My honesty is a bit of a thorn to the propagandist here :lol:

Kargil. Mumbai attacks, grooming terror organizations to attack US and Indian interests in Afghanistan, having good terrorist, bad terrorist policy. All of these were denied by the Pakistani military. The credibility comes in question.
The CNN anchor was part of ISPR guided tour so she could not do anything on her own.
Whereas the BBC journo could do a little independent enquiry

So let me get this straight ... your saying that inviting international media across LOC giving them full access, having them talk to the locals etc. is not giving them enough access to information or somehow international media was manipulated in to thinking the Pakistani point of view by the ISPR ...Secondly your own BBC link casted doubt on your story as well and let's not forget your media's contradictions which amount to not one or two but a staggering SIXTEEN CONTRADICTIONS ...

Basically what we have is one side giving access to information to the media organization, public and other groups while representatives of the other side make boasting claims about carrying out Surgical strikes but when questioned about it .. talk about releasing video evidence ...
Yet to this day .. NADA, NOTHING, ZERO has been released by the Indian side ... So your not exactly in the position of proving anything because when push came to shove and after all the tall claims of how video evidence was to be released ... Here is the bottom line.... India chickened out ... I wonder why

So the next time you come up with a response ... bring some conclusive evidence as to your claim of "surgical strike" instead of speculations backed up with half cooked reasoning that actually proves our points instead of serving yours ...
So let me get this straight ... your saying that inviting international media across LOC giving them full access, having them talk to the locals etc. is not giving them enough access to information or somehow international media was manipulated in to thinking the Pakistani point of view by the ISPR ...Secondly your own BBC link casted doubt on your story as well and let's not forget your media's contradictions which amount to not one or two but a staggering SIXTEEN CONTRADICTIONS ...

Basically what we have is one side giving access to information to media, public and other groups while representatives of the other side made tall claims about releasing video evidence ... yet to this day .. NADA, NOTHING, ZERO has been released by the Indian side ... So your not exactly in the position of proving anything because when push came to shove and after all the tall claims of how video evidence was to be released ... Here is the bottom line.... India chickened out ... I wonder why :D

So the next time you come up with a response ... bring some conclusive evidence as to your claim of "surgical strike" instead of speculations backed up with half cooked reasoning that actually proves our points instead of serving yours ...
You do know that you are breaking your head on a brick wall i.e. arguing with a troll. Sooner or later he will slip, and that will be that.
Below comment comes to you before I get banned for absolutely no reason by the mods here, the moment I make any comment. First time in 8 months I have been allowed to express my views without an instant ban. Oddly, they give no reason or even cite any post they felt deserved a ban. My honesty is a bit of a thorn to the propagandist here :lol:

Kargil. Mumbai attacks, grooming terror organizations to attack US and Indian interests in Afghanistan, having good terrorist, bad terrorist policy. All of these were denied by the Pakistani military. The credibility comes in question.
There is proxy war in Afghanistan, if haqanis are good Taliban for pakistan , then mullah radio and TTP are good Taliban for Afghanistan and USA , as they are sheltering them in Afghanistan, if they have so much problems with haqanis so does we have the problems with TTPs,
BBC. confirmed we crossed the border by over akm and took positions inside Pakistani territory and fired on Pakistani positions for over two hours .
did they?
show the link, i thought they took international media over to the site of the surgical strike. they found no evidence of a strike
here you go shit dwellers
EXCLUSIVE PIC of surgical strike in Pakistan 2016



doctors went on strike :rofl::rofl:

you brainwashed baboons :D:D
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There is proxy war in Afghanistan, if haqanis are good Taliban for pakistan , then mullah radio and TTP are good Taliban for Afghanistan and USA , as they are sheltering them in Afghanistan, if they have so much problems with haqanis so does we have the problems with TTPs,
Below comment comes to you before I get banned for absolutely no reason by the mods here, the moment I make any comment. First time in 8 months I have been allowed to express my views without an instant ban. Oddly, they give no reason or even cite any post they felt deserved a ban. My honesty is a bit of a thorn to the propagandist here :lol:

We are not sheltering TTP, nor have we ever said so. Alternatively, your government representatives and military generals have openly confessed to helping those terror groups. Your accusation of us regarding TTP is to give cover for the self-confessed support of terror groups.
So let me get this straight ... your saying that inviting international media across LOC giving them full access, having them talk to the locals etc. is not giving them enough access to information or somehow international media was manipulated in to thinking the Pakistani point of view by the ISPR ...Secondly your own BBC link casted doubt on your story as well and let's not forget your media's contradictions which amount to not one or two but a staggering SIXTEEN CONTRADICTIONS ...

Basically what we have is one side giving access to information to the media organization, public and other groups while representatives of the other side make boasting claims about carrying out Surgical strikes but when questioned about it .. talk about releasing video evidence ...
Yet to this day .. NADA, NOTHING, ZERO has been released by the Indian side ... So your not exactly in the position of proving anything because when push came to shove and after all the tall claims of how video evidence was to be released ... Here is the bottom line.... India chickened out ... I wonder why

So the next time you come up with a response ... bring some conclusive evidence as to your claim of "surgical strike" instead of speculations backed up with half cooked reasoning that actually proves our points instead of serving yours ...
No full access was given in this ISPR guided tour.
This was no different from a tour in North Korea.
BBC casted doubt on both ISPR and Indian media version and said truth is somewhere in middle.
They did not even let journalists visit Dudhnial and Athmuqam.
I always said In this operation 15 terrorist were killed along wirh at least 2 Pakistani soldiers.

did they?
show the link, i thought they took international media over to the site of the surgical strike. they found no evidence of a strike
ISPR guided tours inc never took them to the places like Dudhnial, khairati bagh, chalhana where the action happened.
Below comment comes to you before I get banned for absolutely no reason by the mods here, the moment I make any comment. First time in 8 months I have been allowed to express my views without an instant ban. Oddly, they give no reason or even cite any post they felt deserved a ban. My honesty is a bit of a thorn to the propagandist here :lol:

Kargil. Mumbai attacks, grooming terror organizations to attack US and Indian interests in Afghanistan, having good terrorist, bad terrorist policy. All of these were denied by the Pakistani military. The credibility comes in question.

Taliban are not terrorist, according to U.S., so they must be good terrorist. Good guys, I mean. :partay: :partay:
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No full access was given in this ISPR guided tour.
This was no different from a tour in North Korea.
BBC casted doubt on both ISPR and Indian media version and said truth is somewhere in middle.
They did not even let journalists visit Dudhnial and Athmuqam.
I always said In this operation 15 terrorist were killed along wirh at least 2 Pakistani soldiers.

ISPR guided tours inc never took them to the places like Dudhnial, khairati bagh, chalhana where the action happened.

Yet you can never ever back up any of your fantasies and propaganda with reliable and honest sources.......lol.....:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
No full access was given in this ISPR guided tour.
This was no different from a tour in North Korea.
BBC casted doubt on both ISPR and Indian media version and said truth is somewhere in middle.
They did not even let journalists visit Dudhnial and Athmuqam.
I always said In this operation 15 terrorist were killed along wirh at least 2 Pakistani soldiers.

ISPR guided tours inc never took them to the places like Dudhnial, khairati bagh, chalhana where the action happened.

40 journalist from across the world had full access and now no one believes India. Tragedy of Modi and his Bhakts. :rofl:
Pakistan gave full access to 40 journalist from respectable media houses from across the world the globe. And now no one believes India. The tragedy of Modi and his Bhakts. :rofl::rofl:
Pakistani did not allow a single journalists in the area where the action took place.
ISPR guided tours is no different from North korean Koryo tours.
India's surgical strike which was actually a poorly planned and even more poorly executed cross border raid resulted in death of two Pakistani soldiers and injury to 8 Pakistanis:



After Sep 29 Pakistan did similar "surgical strikes" or in reality cross border raids and killed 4 bharatis.


Sepoy Mandeep Singh


Sepoy Mandeep Singh and RFN Prabhu Singh bodies were also mutilated by Pakistanis as per Indian army.

Clearly it is time Indians should stop wasting time of Pakistanis in proving surgical strike to Pakistanis and accept the fact that their much celebrated surgical strike was nothing but a poorly implemented face saver and a cross border raid which both sides have done many times in past many years.
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