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Geelani’s health deteriorates again, to be flown to New Delhi

He has already experienced those benefits of being India, before. When American and British doctors refused to treat him because of his putrid views, it was doctors in Mumbai and Delhi who saved his sorry life. That didn't make him stop espousing sseperatism, because he is a duplicitous hypocrite. So don't expect this episode to change him.

Of course we do not expect a religious retard, extremist, terrorist sympathiser, osama loving senile traitor to change. Its just that we are hoping that scum does not change US.

I don't want to become mirror image of terrorists just because I'm determined like hell to fight them, thats all.
He has already experienced those benefits of being India, before. When American and British doctors refused to treat him because of his putrid views, it was doctors in Mumbai and Delhi who saved his sorry life. That didn't make him stop espousing sseperatism, because he is a duplicitous hypocrite. So don't expect this episode to change him.

The original Anjem Choudary, spitting upon the very hands that sustain him and his ilk. I wonder if he has the pride to vehemently refuse any care at the hands of the fascist Indians, although even if he did we'd have to treat him forcefully given that the law prohibits us from letting a citizen willfully act in aid of his/her own demise.
Was i expecting too much from a miser lemur ? o_O

Standards, its all about the high standards. Sarthak has been a star pupil as far as cultivating his mind in the direction of the finer aspects of cruelty and baniyagiri is concerned. He shall go far. But a positive rating can only be given for that extra special and insightful post, albeit this one ALMOST met the mark.
I want him to live his last days in peace. In an Indian hospital, treated by Indian doctors, in an Indian bed and surrounded by Indian nurses. All his life the man who had no qualms in sending boys as young as 12 to die in front of Indian bullets will again be nursed by the same Indians. At the fag end of his wretched hate filled life, he will be away from Kashmir and mainland Indians will be his only solace. Serves him right. In his death, an Indian doctor will sign his certificate, and imprinted on the 'Nationality' field will be boldly printed - "Indian" :)

His legacy will be - hundreds of dead/disabled misguided kids who could not afford to even visit New Delhi.

Hurriyat(G) will come to an end. He is the last effective separatist from within the Valley. :angel:

But there is a difference between us and him. And I want that difference to remain. So RIP. :agree:
what is this.....
he will now start naming his kid....
indian -1
indian - 2....and so on....:D:D
He has already experienced those benefits of being India, before. When American and British doctors refused to treat him because of his putrid views, it was doctors in Mumbai and Delhi who saved his sorry life. That didn't make him stop espousing sseperatism, because he is a duplicitous hypocrite. So don't expect this episode to change him.

I'm aware in 2007 he was denied US Visa and. Dog's tail can never straight, neither I expect him to change. :)
Of course we do not expect a religious retard, extremist, terrorist sympathiser, osama loving senile traitor to change. Its just that we are hoping that scum does not change US.

I don't want to become mirror image of terrorists just because I'm determined like hell to fight them, thats all.
it's like saanp ko doodh pilana
By the way shouldn't we invite some esteemed Pakistani members here, and hear their views about the great grandaddy of Kashmiri separatism rushing to New Delhi to save his own ***? On that thread about Kashmiri students getting expelled for unwisely cheering for the Pak team, they were all over the place, proclaiming the inevitability of India losing Kashmir. Curiously, on the thread about a separatist leader himself is making full use of his Indianness, none have ventured a comment. (Except one ignorant comment about India invading Kashmir, forgetting that it's Pak that invaded first.) They are conspicous by their absence, their silence is deafening.

@Dillinger @notsuperstitious : Please invite some of the outspoken supporters of Kashmiri separatism.

The "anthem" of hizb ul mujahideen terrorists lauds this fellow as their hero.

''Hizb-ul-mujahideen ke jawan hai hum,
''syed ali gilani ka ailan hai hum.''

I wonder what the terrorist cadres feel like, to see their revered ideologue being saved by the nation they want to destroy.
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