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Geelani’s health deteriorates again, to be flown to New Delhi

Poor chap struggled all his life for politicians & now being cursed for his deeds...
Back to Indian Occupied Kashmir.
He is free to travel to any spot in India he wants to, like any other Indian citizen. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari.

Personally I am looking forward to him returning to his supporters and asking them to boycott India, after saving his own *** in the Indian capital. Or better yet, give a sermon from his hospital bed why Kashmir should secede from India, while enjoying the benefits that being part of India gives him.
What are the chances of him ' accidentally ' being given a shot that was AIDS infected ?
Child, you are finally learning.

What a fate that shall be, but don't count upon his psyche being unaffected enough by hypocrisy to see the irony of the situation.
After all, he could have flown to any of his more preferred destinations for medical care specially since we even allowed others of his ilk to hop the fence so that they could freely rub the itch of their fetid souls and agitate against their own nation.
Occasional outbursts of humanity coupled with some subconscious birathery with Kashmiris :p: :yay: :taz:
Haha, good one! :omghaha::omghaha: Pakistan has enough problems dealing with its territory as is, you don't want to ADD to your burden. The Indian Kashmiris till now have been largely spared the sectarian violence that plagues Pakistani society, god only knows what will happen if Indian Kashmir ever became a part of Pakistan- it would bloody and damaging is all we can say for sure.
Bhalai ka zamana hi nai!

Oh you dont need to worry about what will happen once it joins us....Coz then its none of your business :enjoy:

Nope, of course not, just those who have called for Indian territory to secede to another nation or have called for violence against the Indian Nation and her people. One thing Pakistan should learn from India is that, there is no such thing as a "good" or "bad" militant/terrorist- they are all the same, whilst in Pakistan a man like this would have apologists and be given a platform on the political stage, in India it is clear cut to 99% of Indians.
Clear cut for Indians? Like abusing Kashmiri people online based on sports? Righttt..... :whistle:
I wish him a long, long life as long as his oxygen mask, catheter tube and his napkin have leaks in them.
The DC Srinagar and Budgam while inquiring about the health of Geelani offered him State Chopper for New Delhi.

"Geelani sahib rejected their offer and said that the move cannot be justified at a time when he along with millions of Kashmiri people is up in arms against India and its mainstream politicians who leave no stone unturned to make the Indian rule strong here," the Hurriyat spokesman said.

They are all same. From Libya to Pakistan to Indonesia. They poison their own people, minus their kith and kins, against the very same state that they practically live off.

End result - they enjoy best of both the worlds, while the followers die to make them more famous.

I suppose both the groups deserve each other equally.
Honestly I think this is the biggest PR coup the GoI could pull. As much as he'd deny it, this fool is being treated on the treasure of India and has this right because HE IS AN INDIAN CITZEN. This level of hypocrisy won't be ignored by all his "followers" and it certainly undermines his position..

We really need the media to publicize this
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