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GDP per capita, HDI, military spending etc. in the GCC (statistics and maps)


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia









We can't compare countries under car bombs attacks of terrorists from the GCC or countries under embargo with countries who are never forbidden to do anything they want
We can't compare countries under car bombs attacks of terrorists from the GCC or countries under embargo with countries who are never forbidden to do anything they want

@Aeronaut please deal with this troll and delete any off-topic posts in this thread.

Thank you.
Elis, I beg you this time to spare this thread from your troll. You are my favourite member, if pdf conduct a poll to chose the most favourite member, my vote will go to you only and only you.

Back to topic, it is interesting to see that uae owns other gcc member in economic diversity. Other gcc countries still heavily depending on oil and gas sectors. Hope the other gcc countries can follow. When i was in sharjah, i frequently seen banners saying "less oil, more courage"
Elis, I beg you this time to spare this thread from your troll. You are my favourite member, if pdf conduct a poll to chose the most favourite member, my vote will go to you only and only you.

Back to topic, it is interesting to see that uae owns other gcc member in economic diversity. Other gcc countries still heavily depending on oil and gas sectors. Hope the other gcc countries can follow. When i was in sharjah, i frequently seen banners saying "less oil, more courage"

Many people in GCC has much money like in Saudi, UEA, Qatar.........Money = Demand = Business Opportunity. Just by capitalizing this domestic market....many industry can be made.

But, actually many Moslem entrepreneurs (the pious one) has some lesson from Their religion not to be greedy....just like my family member who has property business in Bogor...He never borrows money (not like many Chinese property businessmen)...grow the business step by step and get capital from previous profit....and then go Umrah almost every year......Fell satisfied already. So..in an Islamic Society.......Big Businesses should be created by Government.

But if an Islamic entrepreneur has already had a reformed heart.....(very good maqam).....and do business for Jihad reason (improving Islam Economy)....it can be a very different things.......this person can be quite agressive....And Its OK for Me....Anythings will be valued from The Intention.

Talking about the opinion that Oil country makes their people less creative...and become a curse...is actually wrong...It can be capitalized if we want it...insyaALLAH... dont forget....USA and Kanada (combined) have more oil than entire OPEC members (please correct me if I am wrong).
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as the thread has pics about iran too :

iran non-oil exports (including petrochemicals) : ABOVE 50 $BL !

iran non-oil exports (without petrochemicals ) : above 35 $BL !

SOURCE : iran-beyond-oil

saudi non-oil exports (including petrochemicals) : 4.6 $bl :rofl:

saudi non-oil exports (without petrochemicals ) : probably around zero :lol:


Saudi Arabia's non-oil exports fell in MarchSaudi Arabia - Zawya

Saturday, May 11, 2013

RIYADH (Zawya Dow Jones)--Saudi Arabia's non-oil exports fell 5.9% to 17 billion Saudi riyals ($4.6 billion) in March, pushed down by a drop in petrochemicals exports, the government said Saturday.

The report, by Saudi Arabia's Central Department of Statistics and Information, showed that petrochemicals, plastics and rubber were the top export categories, representing 64% of total exports, according to a statement carried by the kingdom's Saudi Press Agency.

Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil exporter, has been building up its petrochemicals industry using its natural gas reserves as feedstock. In March, petrochemicals exports fell 8.3% to SAR5.5 billion.

The United Arab Emirates was the top recipient of Saudi non-oil exports in March, taking 14% of the total. China came in second, at 10.8%, and Singapore third at 6.3%.

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This is the export of the fourth quarter of the year - which include Oct, Nov, and Dec, in case you don't know the months we're referring to.

And I quote

Saudi nonoil exports rose by 12.6 percent in October 2013 to reach SR17.97 billion compared to the figures of the same period last year, according to a report released by the Central Department of Statistics and Information (CDSI).

saudi non-oil exports (without petrochemicals ) : probably around zero

:lol: Miserable, starving Safavids are so desperate. :lol: :D :rofl: :omghaha:

Nice try ...

Next ...

iran non-oil exports (including petrochemicals) : ABOVE 50 $BL !

iran non-oil exports (without petrochemicals ) : above 35 $BL !

SOURCE : iran-beyond-oil

saudi non-oil exports (including petrochemicals) : 4.6 $bl :rofl:

saudi non-oil exports (without petrochemicals ) : probably around zero :lol:


Saudi Arabia's non-oil exports fell in MarchSaudi Arabia - Zawya

Saturday, May 11, 2013

RIYADH (Zawya Dow Jones)--Saudi Arabia's non-oil exports fell 5.9% to 17 billion Saudi riyals ($4.6 billion) in March, pushed down by a drop in petrochemicals exports, the government said Saturday.

The report, by Saudi Arabia's Central Department of Statistics and Information, showed that petrochemicals, plastics and rubber were the top export categories, representing 64% of total exports, according to a statement carried by the kingdom's Saudi Press Agency.

Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil exporter, has been building up its petrochemicals industry using its natural gas reserves as feedstock. In March, petrochemicals exports fell 8.3% to SAR5.5 billion.

The United Arab Emirates was the top recipient of Saudi non-oil exports in March, taking 14% of the total. China came in second, at 10.8%, and Singapore third at 6.3%.


This is the export of the fourth quarter of the year - which include Oct, Nov, and Dec, in case you don't know the months we're referring to.

you are right dear ottoman !!

ooops :

May 19 (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia's non-oil exports rose 31 percent in 2011 to 176.6 billion riyals ($47.1 billion) compared to 2010, Arab News reported on Saturday citing the Central Department of Statistics.

Petrochemicals and plastics combined accounted for 114.9 billion riyals, Arab News reported, reflecting last year's surging commodities prices which helped state-run producer Saudi Basic Industries Corp (SABIC) achieve record profits.

By volume, 2011 exports rose by 5 percent on the year.

The largest export markets for Saudi goods were China, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore and India.


176 - 114 = 64 billion rials = 20 billion $ of non oil (without pertochemicals)

again, bye :wave: :rofl: go sell your plastic !!

Can the rafidah and Kazakh nomad dog get silenced in the same way that 15 of his terrorists dogs got silenced yesterday? Nobody cares about his poor, sanctioned, ugly and deprived Mullahistan.

Get lost A-zeri.

Look at the statistics. You are no opponent for KSA. Go back to your poor third world country. You are a conquered people by us Arabs in every way. Know your place.
What a contradiction.

you are right dear ottoman !!

ooops :

May 19 (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia's non-oil exports rose 31 percent in 2011 to 176.6 billion riyals ($47.1 billion) compared to 2010, Arab News reported on Saturday citing the Central Department of Statistics.

Petrochemicals and plastics combined accounted for 114.9 billion riyals, Arab News reported, reflecting last year's surging commodities prices which helped state-run producer Saudi Basic Industries Corp (SABIC) achieve record profits.

By volume, 2011 exports rose by 5 percent on the year.

The largest export markets for Saudi goods were China, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore and India.


176 - 114 = 54 billion rials = 14 billion $ of non oil (without pertochemicals)

again, bye :wave: :rofl:


Please re-evaluate the source. The statistics I provided are official.

Saudi nonoil exports rose by 12.6 percent in October 2013 to reach SR17.97 billion compared to the figures of the same period last year, according to a report released by the Central Department of Statistics and Information (CDSI).

Good bye to you too kiddo.
Can the rafidah and Kazakh nomad dog get silenced in the same way 15 of his terrorists got silenced yesterday? Nobody cares about his poor, sanctioned, ugly and deprived Mullahistan.
Get lost A-zeri.

@Jungibaaz : now brother i want to know what does this pathetic creature must do or say to get banned ?

this a-rab creature calls another member "dog" which only fits his masters , and also sarcastically points out to the iranian workers who got martyred in iraq as terrorists . which btw terrorist is the head of his retarded regime .

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@Jungibaaz : now brother i want to know what does this pathetic creature must do or say to get banned ?

this a-rab creature calls another member "dog" which only fits his masters , and also sarcastically points out to the iranian workers who got martyred in iraq as terrorists . which btw terrorist is the head of his retarded regime .

Get lost conquered Kazakh nomad. Know your place beggar and go back to your Mullahistan section.

This thread has nothing to do with your poor and sanctioned country. Understand?

Take your dumb posts full of grammatical mistakes and lies (as usual) out of this thread where they do not belong.

Do you see the title of the thread, troll?
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Please re-evaluate the source. The statistics I provided are official.

Good bye to you too kiddo.

what statistics are u talking abt wahabi ? its abt a month , i'm talking abt a year !!

so silly !!

Get lost conquered Kazakh nomad. Know your place beggar and go back to your Mullahistan section.
This thread has nothing to do with your poor and sanctioned country. Understand?

oh excuse me nomad ottoman wahhabi ......

didnt know i should have your blessing to post here .....

go away ottoman
what statistics are u talking abt wahabi ? its abt a month , i'm talking abt a year !!

so silly !!

oh excuse me nomad ottoman wahhabi ......

didnt know i should have your blessing to post here .....

go away ottoman

Get lost conquered Kazakh nomad. Know your place beggar and go back to your Mullahistan section.

This thread has nothing to do with your poor and sanctioned country. Understand?

Take your dumb posts full of grammatical mistakes and lies (as usual) out of this thread where they do not belong, rafidah.

Do you see the title of the thread, troll?

Ottomans controlled 10% of KSA while it was ruled by LOCAL rulers such as my family the Sharifs of Makkah. Notice also who destroyed the Ottoman Empire. Not your failed country.

KSA, unlike your failed country, has never been conquered by outsiders fully. Never. Unlike your country that has a world record in being conquered.

Now get lost.
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