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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Very good post. Why didn't Arab leadership see it coming? Or they don't care?
A little bit of naivete, a little bit of carelessness, but mostly CIA fuelled constant internal strife, backstabbing, corruption, blackmail. Which makes arab rulers hyper focused on internal affairs and scared for their seats if they risk anything on the international stage.

The optimist part in me hopes that the renewed talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia in the last year with the help of China will result in a paradigm shift. That's a little bit of wishful thinking, but with the help Allah nothing is impossible.
The problem is, this tilted the status quo backward, not forward, if you don't like the Status Quo before, you are NOT GOING TO like the status quo after, if there are ever going to be a status quo again to begin with, I would say before this a 2-state solution may be hard to achieve but this is doable, now? Would you think any Israeli will allow this to happen, thinking Palestinian can just vote in another Hamas government and another Oct 7 can happen? And if 2 states solution is not on the table then what left? Which mean politically, this is going to be 1 state, either it's Israeli state or Palestinian state, I seriously cannot see any other solution on the table here. The question will now be, can Palestinian remove the Israeli, or Do you think there is a chance the world will remove Israeli for the Palestinian? If not, then how does this benefit the Palestinian? The best Palestinian can hope for is UN Peacekeeper along the border of Gaza, fat Chance US is going to allow it tho.

I don't know enough of the situation in the middle east to know what a better solution is, but I do know enough this operation make any solution acceptable on both sides no longer tenable. I mean this is probably the worse outcome for the Palestinian, and the only way I can make sense of this is Hamas is doing this to try to draw every Arab nation into a war with Israeli and de-occupy Israel, that's the only reason I can make sense, and that just show how bad is the situation. Maybe you have a different take on Oct 7? I don't know, but I look at this practically and I don't see anything I think is going to benefit the Palestinian.....

Thing is, this is not going to be the same as the past 70 years. This has change the landscape forever, and unless you can somehow remove Israeli in the middle east, this is not going to be like what i was before. And probably and highly likely will never be.
Israel has started something it will regret, they will feel the reaction and impact , they have stirred the hornets nest of Muslim anger.
i may be wrong on this but isnt the occupation troop to population ratio 6:1 for successful territory control?

how many idf are in gaza and whats gaza population right now
I agree with Erdogan when he said that so-called Israel is a terrorist state. The Zionist bastards despite almost half a TRILLION dollars worth of weapons from the US and the west have proven to be the worst cowards on earth. They are only good at bombing hospitals with JDAMS and killing babies. If Turkey and Iran unite and leave all the sad political bickering aside, can destroy the Zionist child killers in less than 48 hours. The US despite all its boasts will never confront a united Turkish-Iranian front. If I were Erdogan or Raisi, I would move beyond ego and get on a plane and seriously discuss a combined military action. There is so much anger in both countries that the people would welcome it. The Zionists are running out of manpower just fighting lightly armed Palestinian FREEDOM FIGHTERS, let alone large battle tested militaries like Turkey and Iran with centuries of illustrious military history. As Sayyed Nasrallah wisely said, THE ZIONISTS ARE WEAKER THAN A SPIDERS WEB.
One word, Syria.
You know, bro, there's a lot of pressure on Sisi in Egypt as much as the people can do without getting punished including administration level personnel. It might be time that MBS & Sisi put "something" together that is strong enough without starting WW3 to force the needed aid into Ghaza. I put 'something' in quotation marks because the demonic entity is using the excuse of obstructing the entry of aid under the disguise that there would be contraband getting through and not necessarily all just needed aid. There's a strong possibility that could happen, of course, but as we saw in so many tweets that all the aid is well packaged from several great & reputable countries and inspected by the UN too, not just Egyptian border guards. So the excuse is completely bogus and the intent is crystal clear and it's really time for Sisi to push the issue in a strong manner. Use the help of MBS as he holds tremendous clout and bring in others. It's really disheartening that the demonic entity is getting its way like this.

BTW, you don't have to answer this of course, but I have been wondering for several years now if you have family there, and InshaAllah they're safe.

Yes sir. But I actually am not convinced that they're not using infantry support with their armor in any of these video clips, you know why? Because demons are invisible. They're like ghosts and don't even leave footprints lol and we know there's a body count, we have and see the evidence. :D
Expand existing tunnels, build new ones and turn eye and let the friendly countries operatives to do their job,it is not that complicated.
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